Accidental Foursome

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Accidental Foursome Page 4

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  Hearing a man say that to her as he held her in the air was curious and incredible. As a plus-sized woman Helen never dared to dream that she’d ever experience feeling downright diminutive in a man’s arms. “Hazi moo…” she repeated as she tried to remember exactly what that meant. It was getting damned hard to think clearly with her mind fogged with raging desire. “George, did you just call me my crazy girl?”

  “Uh-huh. Close enough.”

  He pushed a little deeper into her, eliciting a moan from somewhere deep in her being. At that moment she saw his eyes darken with passion. No one had ever looked at her that way before. How perfectly delicious.

  “Because you make me crazy in more ways than one,” George added.

  “I do? How?” She smoothed George’s wet hair from his eyes.

  George belted out a sigh. “Like talking too much during sex, for one thing.” The humor in his voice was apparent.

  “Oh. Sorry. George?”

  “What, chatterbox?”

  “This is all happening so fast.”

  George’s body became so rigid he looked like a statue in the rain. “Do you—are you saying you want me to stop?”

  “God, no! I’m practically dying of curiosity to feel that big cock of yours all the way inside me.” She couldn’t help but lick her lips. “It’s just that…well, before you picked me up tonight, George, I was trying to talk myself into letting you kiss me goodnight on our first date.”

  As George held her aloft his body vibrated with laughter, right down to his mighty cock. “Shame on you,” he grunted. “I’m trying to make love to you, hazi mu. This is not a good time to make me laugh.”

  Helen couldn’t keep herself from giggling a bit herself until George put an end to it by dropping her further on to his seemingly endless cock.

  “Lord, you’re so big, George. I honestly didn’t think you’d be able to fit. But I’m awfully glad you did. It feels heavenly.” She leaned her head close to his, capturing his sensuous lips in a kiss. Wiggling her hips slightly as they kissed, she delighted in the wonderfully strange feel of his thick shaft filling her. Her happy pussy began to throb, dripping with her cream. She must have been a very good girl at some point in her past to deserve something this splendid. Closing her eyes, she indulged in a dreamy sigh.

  “You’re only about a third of the way down, Helen. I’m easing you slowly to give your insides a chance to stretch enough to accept me. There might be some discomfort because of my size and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Her eyes popped open. A third of the way? She already felt fuller than she had with any other man. Oddly enough, the thought of palpable pain combined with untold pleasure appealed immensely. “Um…do you think you’ll get it all in?”

  “Baby, you’re going to take every inch, even if I have to drill it in.” George swivelled his hips and she felt his cock pulsing inside.

  There was something about the experience of making vertical love in the shower with George that seemed surreal. The intermingling of hot sex and cascading water was so intensely, sublimely erotic. She felt she was on the brink of something spectacular, something inexplicable.

  “Give it to me, George,” she whispered through a shuddering breath. “Now. All of it. All of you. Please don’t make me wait.” She shifted her hips, trying to seat herself.

  With a low, impassioned grunt, George thrust fully into her depths, wedging himself tight. Yes. There it was. The mix of pain and pleasure Helen had anticipated. Oh, but there was so much more. George’s cock reached places deep inside her that came boldly alive at his touch. Not only did she feel a thrumming sensation as his cock pressed against her clit, she could also feel a similar but even more powerful sensation deep inside. Helen’s head fell back as she engaged in a protracted moan of pleasure beyond measure.

  “I’m sorry, Helen. I didn’t mean to be so forceful. Did I hurt you?”

  With her head still back, Helen peered at the ceiling thinking that if she looked hard enough she might be able to glimpse a corner of heaven because she felt that close to it at the moment. “I’ve never felt better in my entire life.”

  When George clamped his teeth on her nipple and tugged, Helen was almost certain she caught a peek of paradise just before her eyelids fluttered shut. Letting go of one of his shoulders she skirted her hand up the nape of his neck and into his damp hair, fisting it as he played with her breast.

  He drew her nipple into his mouth, sucking hard enough to make her squirm with delight. As she babbled incoherently, George’s hands travelled from Helen’s waist to her ass and he squeezed her cheeks.

  “You have beautiful breasts, Helen. The nipples are like exquisite dew-topped berries and taste just as delicious as they look.” His tongue caught a drop of water as it trickled from one of the taut buds. “Ah, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this wealth of pleasure.” George’s voice was so husky with passion it was almost a growl. “The magnificent feeling of your slick, hot pussy clamped tight around my cock as I dug my fingers into that luscious little ass of yours. I am a happy man, Helen.”

  At the sound of his words, her juices surged, bathing his cock with almost as much force as the needles of water bathing their bodies. “I’m very glad you feel that way, even though it hasn’t been very long.” With its breathy quality, Helen almost didn’t recognize her own voice. “May I remind you that we just met this morning, Mr. Kokoris?”

  “A veritable eternity, Ms. Krasilkowski.” George punctuated his statement with a no-nonsense twist and thrust that sent Helen’s senses reeling. “So soft,” George whispered. “So sweet. So tight and so very, very sexy. I-I can’t last much longer.”

  “Me neither,” Helen managed to breathe out.

  He hammered fast inside her pussy, building the friction to an inferno until his cock convulsed and he roared out something in Greek along with Helen’s name.

  Her body engulfed in sweet convulsions, Helen was unable to translate George’s heated cry. She was lost in a sea of feelings too exquisite to describe. Just before all rational thought escaped her, she heard herself call out George’s name.

  Helen didn’t know how much time had passed. She was only aware that George had somehow managed to dry her off and carry her to her bed without her even realizing it. Once her brain cells came fully alive again she felt certain that nothing could ever top the sheer splendor of what they had shared.

  That conviction lasted only as long as their next lovemaking session when George’s mouth did magical, mystical things to her swollen pussy and clit.

  After a brief break to regenerate as they downed cups of strong Greek coffee and a few of her chocolate truffles, they were back in Helen’s bed spending blissful hours in each other’s arms. Until daybreak they explored each other, pleasured each other and talked about their interests, their hopes and dreams.

  When the first ray of sun peeked through her bedroom curtains, Helen sat up, watching the golden light bathing the rooftops in the distance. With a sharp intake of breath she found herself wondering if it had all been real…if George Kokoris would disappear like some fantasy apparition.

  Both startled and comforted by the feel of his hand on her breast, Helen turned to George. He was still there, very much flesh and blood. She’d only known him for a day—less than that, actually—and already his presence seemed so perfect and natural next to her in her bed. As if he belonged there. As if they’d known each other intimately for years. As if a piece of her would die if he left and she never saw or heard from him again.

  “Good morning, hazi mu.”

  Smiling, Helen stroked her fingers along his arm. “So is that how you’re going to remember me? Crazy girl?”

  “My crazy girl,” George corrected. “And what do you mean remember you? Are you already planning to give me the shoe?”

  Helen slanted him a curious look. “What?”

  Sitting up, George stretched and yawned. He looked just as delicious in the morning light as he had the nig
ht before. She, on the other hand, probably looked like hell with her hair sticking out and her face completely devoid of makeup. Hopefully it was one step up from looking like a raccoon-eyed clown.

  “You know, get rid of me.”

  “Oh!” Helen laughed. “You mean shoo you out or give you the boot.”

  George nodded. “Is that what you have in mind?”

  “Is, uh…is that what you want?” she asked, wondering if George was looking for an easy out. Although it would be damned hard, she’d be reasonable and mature enough to let him walk away if that’s what he wanted.

  Tugging Helen against his chest, George kissed the top of her head. “What I want, hazi mu, is to get to know you. To know everything about you.”

  Helen felt her heart skip a beat. And then she started to move off the bed. George tightened his embrace and tugged her back.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I must look a fright. I just want to freshen up a bit. Comb my hair, brush my teeth, put on some makeup…”

  “You look beautiful. Sleepy and sexy and tousled like a woman who’s been well fucked.” He laughed when her jaw dropped. “Look at those big green eyes of yours and those full sensuous lips. And that crowning halo of wild golden hair. Helen, you don’t need makeup or artificial things to enhance your beauty. You’re perfect just as you are. Now stay here next to me so we can watch our first sunrise together.”

  He was talking as if he meant to stick around long enough to be a part of her life—at least for a little while. “Are you for real, George?” Helen asked, eyeing him suspiciously. “You seem too good to be true.”

  George reached down beneath the sheet and pinched her butt.

  “Ow! What was that for?”

  “A real pinch from a real man who has found himself a real woman and doesn’t plan to let her go, that’s what.” He held Helen about a foot away from him, studying her features. “Unless, of course, you plan to shoo my boot out of your life.”

  Helen burst into laughter, partly because of what George had said and partly because her heart was spilling over with joy. She shifted her position so that she sat opposite George. “No, you big, silly, handsome Greek. I don’t plan to do anything to you involving feet. Except maybe this.” She snaked her toes up to his groin and played footsie with his cock, marveling at how it bloomed at her touch.

  George reached under the sheet, grabbed her legs and dragged Helen toward him until his cock was nestled at the vee between her thighs. “As long as you’re making contact with my cock, I don’t care what part of your body is doing it. I can attest to the fact after last night that every inch of you is deliciously appealing. Just in case I haven’t made myself perfectly clear, Helen, we are now officially having a relationship. Understand?”

  “Yes.” Helen nodded enthusiastically, determined not to spoil the moment by letting tears flow, which would leave her face blotchy and her nose and eyes red and puffy.

  “That means you and me, hazi mu. Exclusively.”

  Hell, this was almost—almost—better than the slew of fabulous orgasms that had rocked her world the night before. As Helen scrambled to sit atop him she gazed into his eyes. “George?”


  “Can you maybe call me something other than hazi mu?”

  George thought for a minute and then shook his head. “No. Sorry. I’m afraid not. You will always be my very own, very special crazy little girl. Just remember that when I call you that, Helen, I am speaking love to you. Understand?” He beamed a bright smile.

  “Hazi mu,” Helen said slowly, and then she repeated the phrase a few times. “You know, the more I hear it the more I like it. It has a rather nice ring to it.” Helen punctuated her heartfelt declaration by sliding down onto George’s shaft and taking him on an exuberant sunrise ride before breakfast.

  Chapter Four

  “I can’t believe I’m finally going to meet my future sister-in-law in a few days.” Polly Kokoris pulled her car into a parking space down the block from the Apollo Health and Fitness Club, turned off the engine, closed her eyes and relaxed against the headrest as she continued her conversation.

  “I know, Polly, me too,” Helen said. “But after several months of long distance calls I feel as though we’ve known each other for years.”

  “Nervous about the wedding?”

  “Not the ceremony as much as the whole being-accepted-into-a-Greek-family thing. They’ve all been great but I know damn well that Mr. and Mrs. Kokoris aren’t too keen about their boy George, or Yorgo as the family calls him, marrying a Polish country girl from a modest farm on the fringes of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.” Helen chuckled.

  “I must admit that I laughed when George first told me your last name was Krasilkowski. With the name of your shop being Helena’s Grecian Chocolates, I naturally assumed you were a Greek girl. At least this takes a lot of the heat off me for being the first non-Greek to marry into the Kokoris family.”

  “Yeah, I guess that makes us a couple of heathen hussies who are forcing the Kokoris twins to betray their ethnicity, huh?”

  “Something like that,” Polly said. “But seriously, Zacharoula and Stavros aren’t so bad. They’ve been very nice to me.”

  “Do you call them by their first names?”

  “Hell no.” Polly smiled when she heard Helen’s resulting laughter.

  “So what time does your flight get in?”

  “Greek time? About six in the morning.” The mere thought of jet lag after all those hours in the air had Polly yawning absently. “George, Nick and I should be in Mytilini a few hours later. George is dying to see you again. You’re all he talks about. And I can’t wait to be back in Greece. There’s nothing like spending the summer on a sun-drenched Grecian isle.” She indulged in a dreamy sigh, remembering her honeymoon there several months earlier.

  “Mmm-hmm. All the bright white houses with their pastel candy-colored rooftops,” Helen said. “Gorgeous. I feel like I’m living in inside a picture postcard.”

  “I’m not sure if I’m more excited about getting back to Greece, meeting you or finally getting to visit that chocolate shop of yours.” Polly slid an anticipatory lick across her lips as she laughed. “I’m sure George has told you that having a chocolatier in the family is akin to winning the lottery for me…maybe even better.”

  “My dear future sister-in-law, I’m making a special batch of hazelnut chocolate ganache as we speak,” Helen said. “Just for you. George told me how much you like it.”

  “Like it?” Polly barked a laugh. “Oh, Helen, that’s an understatement. Lordy, I’m never going to fit into that matron-of-honor dress. I’m already as big as a tugboat from all those Greek breads and pastries Nick keeps feeding me. Of course, he insists he likes his women well rounded.” She rolled her eyes and smiled at the thought. “Honestly, how lucky can one woman get? I’m married to a man who not only looks like Adonis, but who appreciates ample womanly curves too!”

  “Speaking of womanly curves, George brought up the subject of us doing a foursome again during our phone call last night,” Helen said with a sigh. “I told him I still haven’t made up my mind.”

  “Did you tell him we talked about it?”

  “Yup. I told him that neither of us was sure it was something we felt comfortable doing. Naturally, George was very nice. Not pushy or insistent whatsoever. He said whatever you and I wanted to do would be fine with him and Nick—even if we never wanted to do it.” Helen let out another tuneful sigh. “It’s like we’ve discussed, Polly, it’s the part about the two of us engaging in woman-to-woman stuff that makes me…well, hesitant.”

  “I know, me too. The idea of fondling another woman is odd. No offense, Helen.” She chuckled. “I know seeing two women together drives men crazy, so it would be nice if we could get past our inhibitions enough to give our guys a real thrill.” Polly massaged her forehead while she thought about it.

  “You know, missy,” Helen said, a teasing tone in he
r voice, “if it weren’t for me you wouldn’t have had that blissful one-month wedding anniversary threesome with George.”

  “Oh, I know. Believe me, Helen, I’m eternally grateful. It was the most incredible event I’ve ever experienced. It was exceedingly nice and understanding of you to let George participate.”

  “I’ll admit I was a bit taken aback when he first told me about the special anniversary present Nick had in mind for you.” Helen laughed. “It sounded pretty damn kinky to me, to tell you the truth, but at the same time I found it to be strangely intriguing. George was so sweet about it. After he explained all about the ménage and exactly what it entailed, he told me that if I objected in any way he’d tell his brother it was off.”

  “So you weren’t hurt or jealous? I’ve wondered about that.”

  “Maybe just a smidgen jealous,” Helen answered. “But I believed George when he told me that he wasn’t emotionally vested, that it was purely physical and something special that Nick wanted to do for you. Besides, he’d just told me that he was in love with me, Polly, so I was pretty much in seventh heaven.”

  “That night was the first time Nick and I heard about you,” Polly offered. “After George told us that all the delicious chocolate goodies he’d brought came from your shop, he announced he was going to ask you to marry him.”

  “He proposed the very next day,” Helen said on a dreamy sigh. “George says he thinks I’d love participating in a ménage but…”

  “I think it’ll be a lot easier for us to talk about after we’ve actually met,” Polly said, “and are sitting down together over a nice cup of coffee—and a big platter of hazelnut chocolate ganache. But positively no mutual tit touching the first time we meet, okay?” Her comment had Helen erupting with laughter and Polly joined in.

  “Deal. And definitely no pussy pawing,” Helen managed through her giggles.

  “Oh, Helen, we’re going to have great fun being sisters-in-law.” Glancing at the time on her cell phone Polly sat upright, giving herself a mirror-check. “I’ve got to go, Helen. I’m meeting Nick for lunch. Talk to you later.”


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