Accidental Foursome

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Accidental Foursome Page 6

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “Am I doing this okay?” Polly asked.

  “Perfect. Except for the part where it looks like you’re about to salivate all over your work.” Helen winked.

  “Hey, give me a break.” Polly nudged Helen with her elbow. “I’m a chocoholic, what do you expect?”

  “Okay I’ll give you some leeway seeing as how you’re a chocolate-making virgin.” Helen and Polly exchanged grins. “I had a small inheritance,” Helen continued as they worked the chocolate, “that provided enough to move here and set up a little chocolate shop of my own and, voilà! Here I am.” She beamed a bright smile. “And I don’t have a single regret.”

  “And now the little Polish girl from Milwaukee is about to become a part of the huge Greek Kokoris family. And you even get one Irish-American sister-in-law thrown in for good measure.” Polly laughed as she smacked a noisy kiss through the air in Helen’s direction.

  Arching an eyebrow, Helen gave Polly a sideways glance and smirked. “Mmm-hmm. A sister-in-law who commits me to a fantasy foursome before she even meets me.”

  “About that…” Polly wrinkled her nose and gave a sheepish grin. “I am so sorry I got you into all of this. Me and my big mouth.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Stop with the apologies already. I’m only teasing. How many times do I have to tell you it’s okay? I would have done the same thing in your situation. Well, except for the whole toilet seat thing.” She laughed. “Besides, this gave me the nudge I needed. And all the stuff you came up with makes it sound like lots of fun. And very hot.”

  “It will be. I even brought costumes, so we’re all set.”

  “Costumes?” Helen said. “Polly, how in the world did you manage that in such a short time?”

  “Jasper, one of my clients, owns a costume shop. He thrives on giving themed parties for friends and customers, and he hires me to cater them—and I rent costumes from him for the fantasy sex scenarios I create for Nick.” Polly waggled her eyebrows. “All we have to do is to pretend we’re actresses in a play, Helen. We’ll be acting a part, that’s all. It’s going to be fun and easy, you’ll see.”

  “Oh yeah, sure.” Helen looked skyward and sighed. “And now, gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure,” she said in a deep voice as she made a grand gesture, “Helen and Polly Kokoris in the role of the costumed lesbian lovers.”

  Polly cringed. “Trust me, Helen. With the script I wrote for us to follow, it will be a breeze.”

  “Uh-huh. So why do I feel like Ethel to your Lucy?” Helen said.

  Polly laughed. “Ricky and Fred never got this lucky.”

  Chapter Six

  Awed by the spectacular landscape when she and Nick stepped off the ferry in Santorini, Polly sucked in a gasp. Then she got the workout of her life as they climbed hundreds of winding steps cut into the rock. Her primary thought along the way was that she wasn’t going to have to worry about ingesting all those tasty chocolate mistakes she’d made in the kitchen of Helen’s shop. She was burning off every calorie and then some.

  As they neared George and Helen’s honeymoon villa, Polly savored the striking view. Villages with buildings boasting bright white facades and colorful rooftops were situated on cliffs, offering breathtaking panoramas over the submerged volcano. The island offered an array of impressive beaches, some with black sand, some with red and some with white. The setting was almost otherworldly in appearance.

  Already enjoying a reputation as being in the vicinity of the mythical Atlantis, Polly could see why tourists crowded the picturesque island, especially in the summertime.

  “Nikolas, Polly, kalimera!” With open arms, George greeted them using the Greek word meaning good morning as they came up the walk.

  “Yorgo!” Nick said, pulling his brother into a hug and giving him a few hearty pats on the back.

  “It’s a long climb, eh, Polly?” George said, removing the backpack from her shoulders.

  Still breathless from the hike, she opened her mouth to speak, but just nodded emphatically instead.

  “You’re here!” Helen greeted them with a gleeful shout as she ran out of the villa. “And I see you made it up here alive.” She laughed as she eyed Polly. “When George brought me up here I swear I thought he was trying to kill me before the honeymoon even started. But isn’t it gorgeous?”

  Finally managing to take a deep breath, Polly said, “It’s a killer, but dazzling.” She gave Helen and George a hug and then followed them into the house.

  “We set out some refreshments on the terrace,” Helen said. “Oh, Polly, wait until you see the view from there. And it’s fully secluded. Perfect for our, um, purposes.” She smiled and winked. Grabbing Polly by the hand she rushed through the luxurious villa across the granite floors to the wide doors leading to the partially covered terrace. “See? The deep blue Mediterranean, the dormant volcano, jagged cliffs and whitewashed buildings dotting the mountainsides. It’s like we’re all alone on top of the world and looking down on everything.”

  “It’s exquisite,” Polly said, turning to take it all in. “And you’ve even got your own swimming pool up here. Wow!”

  Nick and George strolled onto the terrace a few minutes later and they all sat down at the umbrella-topped mosaic table to partake in a platter of keftedes, the deep fried tomato balls with chick peas and mint that were an island specialty, and small glasses of raki, young and extremely potent brandy.

  They relaxed for the next hour, rehashing the wedding and making small talk about the future. Then Polly asked Helen, “Did you get a chance to look at the script?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Helen’s lips curled into a devilish smile as she nodded. “I know it almost by heart.”

  “What script?” George said.

  “Come on, Yorgo.” Nick patted his brother’s shoulder. “Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten Polly’s penchant for fantasy role-playing.”

  “Ah.” George broke into a wide grin. “So this is for our foursome, eh?”

  “Naturally.” Polly gave a coy smile. “Now that Nick and I have had a chance to rest a bit after our trek up here, I think it’s time to engage in some mythical sex.”

  “Personally,” Nick said with a twinkle in his eye, “I’d rather have real sex.”

  “I phrased that wrong.” Polly laughed. “Don’t worry, it’ll be real sex, all right. For our first little fantasy, Helen and I will be whisking you two big Greek studs back to the times of ancient Greek mythology.” Nick and George exchanged approving glances.

  “Oh, it’ll be sooo hot,” Helen cooed. “Boys, get ready to be pleasured like you’ve never been before.”

  “Eh…just one thing before we do this,” George said.

  “What’s that?” Helen asked.

  “The six-to-twelve-inch rule. Nick and I just want to make sure you girls understand it.”

  “Rule?” Helen said to Polly. “Do you know anything about this?”

  Polly nodded. “Yup. They don’t want us to do anything that would entail bringing their cocks any closer than within twelve-inches of each other. And if either cock encroaches within the six-inches, alarm bells go off and their cocks shrivel to the size of an itsy-bitsy little Greek olive.” She held her thumb and forefinger an inch apart and giggled.

  “Oh.” Helen nodded with an understanding smile. “I see.”

  “Don’t exaggerate. Our dicks never get that small,” Nick challenged. He glanced at his brother. “Well, at least mine doesn’t.”

  “Very funny. We’re identical, remember, Nikolas? Anyway, girls, it would just be too weird and…and…”

  “Icky?” Helen offered.

  “Exactly,” the brothers chorused.

  “Don’t worry.” Polly waved a dismissive hand. “We won’t do anything to compromise your manly or brotherly reputations. I packed the costumes for you and George in your backpack, Nick. Were you able to get an air mattress, Helen?”

  “A king-sized one. It arrived yesterday.” Helen nodded. “It’s in a tote bag in the clos
et. It has a self-pump so all you have to do is pull the cord to inflate it. And there’s an extra comforter on the closet shelf to throw on top.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Polly said and then she addressed the brothers. “In the bag marked myth you’ll find your outfits. Put them on then return here with the mattress and set it up. We’d better keep it under the covered area so we’re not all baking out there in the sun. As soon as Helen and I have changed we’ll be back.”

  As Nick and George walked into the house, Polly heard George say, “She thinks of everything, doesn’t she?” She and Helen giggled at that and then headed off to Helen’s room to change.


  Once Polly and Helen were attired in white silk mini-togas, complete with gold braid trim crisscrossing their breasts and banding their waists, Polly took Helen’s hands and squeezed. “It’s showtime. Are you ready?”

  Helen took a deep breath and smiled. She was half filled with excitement and half with trepidation. But whenever unease started setting in all she had to do was remind herself about the Sabatini sisters offering themselves up to George and Nick. “Yup, I’m ready,” she answered. “And you know, I never would have believed it but you were right about the outfits. They really are flattering on us.”

  “That’s why I adore Jasper so much. He always knows what will look best on a,” she cleared her throat for effect, “full, womanly figure. Don’t forget your basket,” Polly added, looping the handle of hers over her arm before leaving the room.

  At their first glimpse of the muscular twins dressed in their short togas, Helen and Polly indulged in dreamy sighs. With their bronzed skin, espresso-brown eyes and shoulder-length black locks, the duo was entirely convincing as a couple of hunky Greek gods. While they drooled, the brothers hungrily eyed their zaftig, scantily clad women.

  “You two look delicious,” George said.

  “And we’re starving.” Nick winked.

  “George, darling,” Helen said, “since you’re the bridegroom you’ll have the starring role of Eros, god of erotic love and son of Ares and Aphrodite.”

  “Nick,” Polly said, “you’re Anteros, brother of Eros and god of returned love who punishes those who have defied or scorned love.”

  “I’ll be playing Ionna,” Helen said, “and Polly is my best friend, Thalia. We’re naïve, innocent virgins from a nearby village, poor and struggling to survive. We’ve been out in the forest collecting herbs and berries and wishing we had two strong, handsome men to satisfy our deep, newly discovered carnal itches.” She beamed a bright grin.

  When Polly failed to deliver her next line, Helen looked over at her and understood. She’d clearly been momentarily sidetracked by the twin Greek god physiques. She let Polly stare silently at them for another moment before elbowing her in the ribs.

  “Oh, is it my turn?” Polly asked with a start and Helen nodded. “Um, from this point forward,” Polly said, “we’ll use only our role-playing names. Now you two go sit down there on the stone wall until you hear your cue.” She gestured to the foot-high wall surrounding a small garden about ten feet away. “Don’t forget,” she whispered to Helen, “we’re just actresses playing a role. Just pretend we’re making a campy porno flick.”

  “But I’ve never seen a porn film,” Helen whispered into Polly’s ear.

  “Me neither.” Polly chuckled and shrugged. “We’ll just use our imagination. We can do this. And we can do it a whole lot better than those scuzzy Sabatini sisters.”

  “Damn right.” Helen gave a thumbs-up.

  “Hey, Thalia and Ionna, what are you virgins whispering about?” Nick asked through a smirk. “Isn’t it about time we got to the carnal itching part?”

  “And we haven’t seen a script,” George added. “How will we know our cue?”

  Helen opened her mouth to answer, but Nick nudged his brother. “We don’t get a script, Yorgo. Don’t worry, we’ll know.”

  Polly cleared her throat and swallowed hard. “Oh dear, we’ve been picking herbs and berries for hours, Ionna,” she said, swinging her basket. “I’m getting tired. Maybe we should rest for a while.”

  “Good idea, Thalia,” Helen answered. “All that bending over thorny bushes has made me sore all over.” Sliding her basket handle toward her elbow, she skimmed her hands over her breasts and down her waist to her hips.

  “Me too,” Polly said, mimicking Helen’s movements. “And I have this deep itch inside. Way inside.” One hand disappeared beneath her tunic and between her thighs for a moment. “Maybe we should give each other a massage.”

  George and Nick, whose tongues were already hanging out, muttered encouraging little asides, some in English, some in Greek.

  “We could do it with our fingers and tongues,” Helen suggested.

  “Mmm-hmm. Where does it hurt most, Ionna?” Polly asked.

  “My breasts and my furry little pussy,” Helen answered without a hitch, circling her breasts with her fingers before reaching between her thighs.

  “Fuck,” George muttered in the background.

  “Uh-huh,” Polly agreed. “And my ass hurts too.” Keeping her legs straight, with her back facing George and Nick, she bent over from the waist, mooning them with her bare butt and then giving it a saucy little shake. “How about your ass, Ionna?”

  “Double fuck,” Nick said, raking his fingers from his hairline down to his throat.

  “Yes, mine too.” Helen bent over, rubbing her ass cheeks with her hands. “I think some sharp, stinging little slaps might make our soft, round asses feel better, don’t you, Thalia?”

  “What a good idea,” Polly said. “How does this feel, Ionna?” She gave Helen a slap across one ass cheek. “Oh how pretty! It made a nice, bright peppermint-pink mark.”

  Helen rubbed the spot. “Ooh, yes, now it feels nice and warm. Can you do it on the other side too?” Polly complied. Helen did her best not to chuckle when she heard the brothers groan and moan as she wiggled her ass.

  “Here, Thalia, let me show you how good it feels,” Helen said. And when Polly presented her bare ass, Helen cracked it once on each cheek with her open palm.

  “I see what you mean,” Polly said, still bending over as she rubbed both ass cheeks for the boys. “Not only did it make my ass feel warm, but it made my pussy feel all hot and juicy too.” She gave a little shimmy.

  As they stood up and faced the drooling, panting twins, Helen and Polly licked their lips and uttered a low “Mmmmmm.”

  “I’m not going to last, Nick,” George said, his gaze taking a leisurely tour of the women’s bodies, lingering over their curves.

  “You damn well better,” Nick said. “Because I doubt premature ejaculation is written into the script.” He laughed.

  “Did you hear something, Ionna?” Polly said, cupping her ear as she leaned in the brothers’ direction. “Like the sound of a pair of Greek gods chattering up on Mount Olympus?”

  Helen cupped her ear. “Yes. It seems they’re conversing about untimely emissions. And, by Zeus, if they know what’s good for them they’d better not succumb.” When she gave the brothers a narrow-eyed warning glare they just laughed and shook their heads.

  “Come, Thalia, let’s sit on this soft mound of earth and rest.” Helen took Polly by the hand and led her to the covered mattress where they took a seat on the edge.

  Polly turned to Helen and slid open the silk crisscrossing her chest until one of Helen’s breasts was exposed. “I think it looks swollen,” Polly said, cupping it with her hands. And when she kissed the tip of the nipple, the groans from Nick and George grew long and heavy.

  “The other one hurts too, Thalia,” Helen said, shifting her shoulder to let the garment fall so that her other breast was free. “Kiss it for me.” Helen held her breast, presenting it to Polly as if on a tray. “Do you suppose our big heavy tits might feel better if we licked and sucked each other and then rubbed our breasts together?” Helen asked with practiced wide-eyed innocence as she shrugged fully out of the
top portion of her toga, letting it fall to her waist. The slightly cool ocean breeze immediately crinkled her nipples.

  “Well, since we’re inexperienced young virgins I really don’t know. Let’s try it and see, Polly said, spreading the silk of her own toga and baring her breasts.

  Helen noticed that Polly’s nipples were puckered and darkly flushed as well. “Ooh, look, Thalia,” she adlibbed. “Our rosy nipples are getting all firm and crinkly.”

  “They look like ripe little berries, don’t they?” Polly said, picking up on Helen’s impromptu comment, smiling as she flicked her beading nipples with her fingers.

  Helen mimicked Polly’s actions and then cupped her own breasts, rolling the buds between her fingers and moaning. “Here’s where I’m the most sore, Thalia.”

  “Oh Lord…give me strength,” George groaned. “Hey, Anteros,” he said loudly, “I think I’m suddenly in the mood to do some berry plucking. How about you?”

  “I’m right with you, Eros,” Nick said. “And then we can nibble them with our teeth.”

  Helen bent forward and licked Polly’s breasts as Polly thrust her chest forward and let her head fall back. And then Helen took one of Polly’s nipples into her mouth and sucked.

  “Oh my God,” Nick mumbled. “This is so fucking hot.”

  “Oh, Ionna, that feels so good.” Polly grabbed underneath her breasts and nudged them higher. “Suck my tits hard, Ionna.” Helen shifted her mouth from one of Polly’s breasts to the other.

  “Holy shit,” George said. “You wicked, naughty little virgins.”

  This intimacy was the part Helen and Polly had been dreading but, surprisingly, it wasn’t nearly as difficult as Helen had expected. She just kept reminding herself that she was playing a role—and she was determined to do a better job than the Sabatini sisters ever could. In fact, she found the interplay with Polly to be both fun and stimulating. Helen stopped sucking and it was Polly’s turn to return the favor.


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