Secrets We Keep: Ruthless Sinners Book 3

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Secrets We Keep: Ruthless Sinners Book 3 Page 22

by Wilder, L.

  “Me, too.”

  We continued on with our small talk, and it wasn’t long before Remington hit me with a question I didn’t expect. “So, be honest. How is it bartending at Stilettos?”

  “Just like anywhere else, I guess. The tips are great, like really great.” I shrugged and smiled as I added, “And I get to see Rafe from time to time, so that’s an added bonus.”

  Remington leaned in with a goofy smile. “So, you don’t get weirded out working around all the boobs?”

  After laughing for a moment, I took a drink to clear my throat, then replied, “I’ll admit, it took some getting used to, but honestly, it’s not that bad. And I’m hoping to be moved to the office once I get my degree. That way I’ll be able to help Menace with some of the bookkeeping and inventory.”

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot about you going back to school. How are your classes going so far?”

  “Pretty good, actually. It took me a little bit to get back in the swing of things, but I’m getting there.”

  “And Rafe?” Delilah smiled wide. “How are things going with him?”

  I couldn’t keep myself from smiling as I replied, “Rafe is great. Really great.”

  “And how are you adjusting to being over at his place?”

  “Pretty good, I guess.” Over the past few months, I’d spent more time at Rafe’s than I had at my apartment. I told myself it was just because it was easier, that his house was closer to campus and to work, but I knew it was more than that. I liked it there. No, I loved it there. For the first time, I felt like I was where I belonged—like I was finally home, and I owed all that to Rafe. But that didn’t mean it was all sunshine and butterflies. “It’s taken some getting used to.”

  “Um-hmm.” Delilah looked over to Remington and put her hands up like she was putting my words in quotations as she giggled and repeated, “It’s taking ‘some getting used to’.”

  “Yeah, I bet.” Remington took a long drink of her whiskey sour, then muttered, “There are things I’m still trying to ‘get used to’ with Noah.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Absolutely.” Remington didn’t hold back as she told me, “Let’s just say the reality of living with someone, especially a man, is much more difficult than people let on.”

  Delilah nodded. “Yeah, it’s nothing like they make it out in all the movies. They never show you how the men we love so dearly leave the toilet seat up and just toss their dirty laundry on the floor.”

  “Oh my God! The whole dirty laundry thing completely baffles me.” I threw my hands up as I fussed, “I mean, the hamper is right there ... It’s two feet away, and yet he just leaves his pile of dirty clothes on the floor.”

  “Girl, we know! It’s a constant battle,” Delilah replied with a shake of her head. “Oh, and the muddy boots. If Zander tracks mud through the house one more time, I’m going to throw his boots out into the front yard!”

  “Noah does the same thing! I feel like I’m always sweeping or vacuuming.” A smirk crossed Remington’s face as she said, “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about...”

  Before she could finish her thought, Rafe came up behind us with Hawk and Shotgun. Apparently, they’d overheard some of our conversation and felt the need to add in their two cents. As Shotgun pulled up a seat, he looked down at Remington and asked, “How many times you’ve thought about what?”

  “Tossing your boots out on the front lawn.”

  “And why would you do that?”

  “Because you don’t take them off at the front door and end up tracking mud and dirt all over the house.”

  A smile crossed his face as he asked, “Is that right?”

  “Yep.” Remington motioned her hand over to me as she told him, “We were just telling Marlowe about some of the hardships that go along with living with a man.”

  “And what about the hardships that go with living with a woman?” Hawk asked as he sat down next to Delilah. “Have you talked about that?”

  “No,” Delilah nearly busted out into laughter. “Because there are none.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Rafe sat down and placed his hand on my thigh, listening as Hawk asked, “What about all the makeup bottles, hair sprays, perfumes, and God knows what else you leave piled up on the bathroom counter. Hell, I don’t even have room for my toothbrush anymore.”

  With her eyebrows cocked high, Delilah replied, “I might get rid of some of my toiletries if you would stop leaving empty water bottles by the bed.”

  “What about how women always say they’re ‘fine’ when clearly they’re not.” Shotgun’s eyes skirted over to Remington as he continued, “Stomping around the house, slamming cabinet doors and cursing like a sailor. I ask what’s wrong, and all I get is her saying ‘Nothing, I’m fine!’”

  “Okay, what about you and your football? A guy misses a pass or a field goal, and you act like he’s shot the president!”

  “I’ve got one.” Rafe, who hadn’t said a word through the entire conversation, leans in towards the group and asked, “What about all the hair in the drain?”

  I dropped my hand to my hip as I huffed. “What hair?”

  “Your long-ass hair is always clogging up the drain.” He actually looked disturbed as he whined, “It’s like I’m pulling Cousin Itt out of the drain every time I take a shower.”

  “Well, that’s a little dramatic.”

  “It’s the truth! I keep expecting the thing to talk to me.”

  “Fine,” I giggled. “I’ll do better about the hair, but you’re gonna have to do better about putting the toilet seat down.”

  “I always put the seat down.”

  “Umm,” I cocked my brow, “My ass hitting that cold water the other night says something different.”

  “Oh, man.” He laughed for several moment before saying, “I didn’t know about that.”

  “Well, it’s something I won’t soon forget.”

  The group erupted into laughter. We were still giggling when Remington asked, “Either of you have issues with the TV remote?”

  “What kind of issues?”

  “Noah never puts it back on the coffee table, and it ends up wedged between the sofa cushions.”

  “At least you always know where to find it. That and all your hair ties. Bet you’ve got a thousand of those things.”

  “I do.” Remington leaned towards Noah and wound her arms around him, gazing at him adoringly. “I guess you boys were right. We have a few minor bad habits.”

  “Yeah, but we love you anyway.”

  “And we love you.” Remington leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I hate to break up the party, but we better get going. I have to be at work in the morning.”

  “Me too,” Delilah sighed. “And I have a double shift.”

  As he stood, Hawk said, “Then, I guess we best get you girls home.”

  “We’ll follow you out.” Rafe took me by the hand as he asked, “You ready to head out?”

  “Whenever you are.”

  I’d barely stood when both Delilah and Remington came rushing over to say their goodbyes. Delilah hugged me and said, “We’ve got to get together again soon.”

  “I’d really like that.”

  Once Rafe and Hawk let the other brothers know we were leaving, we all headed out to the parking lot and said one last farewell. Moments later, Rafe and I were on our way back to his place. Both of us were quiet on the way home. I wondered if he was thinking about everything the guys had said about their ol’ ladies and their bad habits. I couldn’t help but wonder if the conversation had made him second-guess his suggestion of us moving in together. It was a thought that weighed on me as we quietly made our way into the bedroom. He didn’t say a word as he threw his keys on the dresser and kicked off his boots. I couldn’t stand the silence a moment longer, so I asked, “Is something wrong?”

  “Why would something be wrong?”

  “I don’t know. You’re just awfully quiet.” I started removing
my jewelry as I said, “I figured after you heard the guys talking, you might be having doubts about moving in together?”

  “Why would I be having doubts?”

  “All the bad habits. It’s a lot to contend with.”

  “Are you kidding? I’ll take you and all your bad habits any day of the week.” Before giving me a chance to say anything more, he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms for a long, passionate kiss. When he finally released my mouth, he looked down at me and said, “I have no doubts about living with you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life waking up to your beautiful face. The question is...Are you still up for it?”

  “Oh, yeah.” I loved Rafe, heart and soul, and I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with him. “I’m definitely up for it.”

  Rafe’s eyes locked on mine as he whispered, “That’s my girl.”

  His mouth crashed down on mine once again, and my earlier doubts were all but forgotten. A needful moan vibrated through my chest as his tongue raked against my bottom lip. I met his mouth in a deep, searing kiss. His hand moved to the nape of my neck, tangling in my hair as he pulled me closer. His hands begin to roam, exploring my curves in a way that had me clenching my thighs together. A spark of mischief flashed through his eyes as he announced, “You know, I think I’m gonna like this whole living together thing.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Now, I can have you any time I want.”

  When my blouse fell to the floor, I immediately reached for the hem of his shirt. As I slowly inched it from his waistband, I told him, “You have too many clothes on.”

  “I’m working on it.”

  He quickly pulled the shirt over his head, and my eyes immediately drifted down to his bare chest. I was still admiring his rippled abdomen when his hands dropped to my waist, and he pulled me in for another kiss. I could feel the heat of his body pressing against my bare skin as he delved deeper into my mouth. His deft fingers made their way up my back to my bra. Once he’d released the clasp, he slipped it down my arms, and his gaze fixated on my breasts. I could feel the scorching heat of his stare on my flesh as he muttered, “Damn, you’re so fucking incredible.”

  Before I could respond, he took me in his arms once again, our bodies molding into one. As soon as his lips touched mine, I could feel the need building inside me, spreading through my entire body like a wildfire. His mouth never left mine as he lowered his hands down to my ass and hoisted me up with his strong, masculine hands. He carried me over to the bed and tossed me down on the mattress, watching with lust-filled eyes as my hands quickly dropped to the button of my jeans. I quickly shimmied them down my legs, then kicked them off onto the floor. “Your turn.”

  He didn’t respond. Instead, he simply unfastened his belt, then dropped to the button of his jeans. I watched with eager anticipation as he lowered the denim fabric down his muscular thighs. Once they’d pooled at his feet, he stepped out of them and over to the bed. Hunger flashed through his eyes as he climbed on top of me, hovering for a moment before lowering his mouth to mine. I could feel his hard length pressing against me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He rocked against me, and every nerve in my body came to life. My back arched off the bed as I groaned out with pleasure. I slipped my hand between us, gliding my hand over his length with just enough pressure to drive him wild. His eyes darkened with need as he growled, “Better watch yourself.”


  Feeling brazen, I eased my fingers under the elastic band of his briefs and took him in my hand. He felt hot and thick as I tightened my grasp and continued to stroke him. “Fuck, Marlowe. You’re killing me.”

  I could feel his hand creeping down to my abdomen and into my panties. A light hiss slipped through my teeth as his calloused fingers trailed down between my legs and delved inside. He let out a tortured breath as he muttered, “So fucking wet.”

  He continued to tease me as I gripped him harder, stroked him faster, and it wasn’t long before we were both in a full-blown frenzy. Rafe was like a drug—one touch and I was hooked and eager for my next hit. He’d found the spot that made my entire body tense, and a wave of ecstasy came crashing down on me as my orgasm took hold. I gasped with disappointment when he removed his hand, but the feeling quickly vanished when he knelt in front of me and slipped his fingers into the waistband of my panties. He quickly glided them down my legs, and a spark flashed through his eyes as he looked down at my naked body.

  “So fucking incredible.”

  He was still appraising me when I reached for his boxers and eased them down over his hips. Taking the hint, he stood and took them off, then reached into his jeans pocket for a condom. My mouth watered as I watched him roll on the condom. A sexy smirk crossed his face as he asked, “You like what you see?”

  “Oh, yeah.” A smile crossed my face as I told him, “I like it a lot.”

  “Well, that’s good.” He settled back on the bed next to me as he continued, “’Cause you’re going to be seeing a lot of it over the next fifty or sixty years.”

  And just like that, he’d answered the question that had been burning in the back of my mind. Rafe wanted a future with me, just as much as I wanted one with him. “I like the sound of that.”

  He brushed his thickness against me, teasing me as he ground his hips against mine until I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him to me. He eased inside of me, and my entire body was instantly consumed with need. I couldn’t focus on anything except the touch of his hands on my body, the soft whisper of his kiss, and the tingling sensation that surged through me whenever he shifted deeper within me.

  At first his rhythm was slow, intense and demanding, but his pace slowly started to increase, faster and harder, until I felt like my entire body was on fire. “Yes! Oh God, yes!”

  He was driving me wild with every hard, deep thrust, and it wasn’t long before I felt a familiar warmth start building in my lower abdomen. My fingers dug into the comforter, twisting and pulling, as my back arched off the bed. A deep growl vibrated through his chest as his fingers slipped into my hair, pulling my head back as he exposed my neck. His breath caressed my skin as he began nipping and sucking from the base of my ear down to my collarbone. My legs tightened around him as my hips involuntarily jolted forward, meeting his thrusts and taking him even deeper.

  I inhaled a labored breath as my body shuddered beneath him. Every muscle clenched around him as my orgasm took hold. He continued his relentless rhythm as my body jolted beneath him. Each thrust was more demanding than the last as he came closer to the edge. I was still floating on the high of my own release when I felt his body grow rigid. A deep groan echoed through the room as he drove deep inside me, holding still as he found his release.

  My body fell limp as my legs dropped to the mattress, and I let out an exaggerated breath. He eased off me, quickly disposing of the condom before settling on the bed next to me. I was still trying to catch my breath when I muttered, “Yeah, living with you is definitely going to have its advantages.”

  “Ah, I’m just getting started, baby. Just wait and see.”


  The time had finally come. Marlowe had made it. After busting her ass for the past two years, she’d passed all her classes and was going to graduate. The brothers, along with Gladys, Ada, and Ford, had all come to share in her special day. We all sat there watching as she walked out in her cap and gown. She looked so damn beautiful as she stepped out on the stage, and I couldn’t have been prouder when she took that diploma in her hand and held it high for us all to see. When the ceremony was over, she rushed over to me and lunged into my arms, hugging me tightly. “I did it! I actually did it!”

  “Of course you did.” I gave her a tight squeeze as I told her, “Proud of you, babe.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “I had nothing to do with it.” I looked down at her and smiled. “You did this all on your own.”

  “I don’t know about th
at but thank you all the same.”

  I motioned my hand over to Gladys and the brothers as I told her, “You have a few folks who came to see you.”

  “Oh my goodness! You all came!”

  “No way we’d miss it.” Country hugged her, then stepped back with a shake of his head. “But dang, woman. That shit lasted like two hours. The least you could’ve done was trip or have the wind blow up your skirt. Something to keep us entertained.”

  “Sorry to disappoint.”

  “I got a way you can make it up to me.” He glanced around at the other graduates as he said, “You could hook me up. Damn. Seeing all these hot women in these robes has me wanting to go to church!”

  “You could use some churchin’,” Gladys fussed. “Move over and let me give our girl a hug.”

  Gladys stepped in front of Country and hugged Marlowe. As she patted her on the back, she whispered, “Sure am proud of you, Hun.”

  “Thank you so much, Gladys. It means so much that you’re here.”

  “Always knew you were going places.” Gladys looked behind her and smiled. “Guess I wasn’t the only one.”

  A warm smile crossed Marlowe’s face when Ford stepped out of the group and started towards us. “Ford! You came too?”

  “Absolutely.” He walked over and gave her a hug. “You did good, kid. Always knew you would.”

  Marlowe hugged him back, then looked up at him and said, “I can’t thank you enough. I wouldn’t have made it here if it hadn’t been for you.”

  “You graduating today was all the thanks I needed.” He looked around at all the people who came to join Marlowe on her special day, then smiled. “Looks like you all have some celebrating to do.”

  “We’re all headed over to the clubhouse, and it’s gonna be one hell of a party. I hope you’ll come join us.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  Ford stepped aside, giving Marlowe room to speak to the others. After she’d thanked each and every one of them for coming, we headed over to the clubhouse. When we arrived, there was a huge spread of food and drinks waiting for us in the family room. Marlowe was so busy checking out all the decorations that she didn’t even notice the big surprise I had waiting for her in the corner. I stepped up behind her as I whispered, “There’s someone here who came a long way to see you.”


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