Lost and Found (books 1-3): Small-Town Romantic Comedy

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Lost and Found (books 1-3): Small-Town Romantic Comedy Page 24

by Elizabeth Lynx

  Carter said he wanted to take me on a celebration dinner since I completed my first week of classes. But after that, he started to act weird like something was bothering him and he didn't want to tell me. I hope it wasn't more FBI questioning. It was hard enough going back and forth to DC all summer for the trial. When the president got locked up last month, we hoped everything was over.

  But maybe it wasn't . . .

  "Hey, Carter. Olivia. Funny running into you two here."

  "It is strange we should both be here at the same time," Carter said like he had to force the words to come out.

  "Carter picked this place, and I'd never been here, so here we are. Do you come here often?"

  Tyler's lip flapped as he forced air out making a farting sound. "Oh yeah, like all the time."

  My eyes flicked over to the table of ladies he tried to pick up. The women were pointing and laughing at him. Did Tyler realize that what he was doing made him a joke?

  "Why do you use pickup lines? Why don't you try talking to a woman to get to know her?"

  "What?" Tyler said as his eyes slid to Carter.

  "That's not really our business, Olivia. Tyler does what he does. He's not hurting anyone."

  I surveyed the room and found a booth on the other side of the room filled with two guys and a beautiful woman with long brown hair. They were staring at Tyler.

  "What about her?" I pointed toward the booth. "She has obviously noticed you. Talk to her and then pull up the pickup line. She might enjoy that. Make a game of it."

  "Iona? No. She's just a friend. I've known her since we were kids. They're all here with me tonight. Iona actually bet me a beer that not one of my pickup lines would work."

  I gazed at her. Tyler didn't seem the type to just be friends with such a stunning woman. He flirted with every woman he met. So why not her?

  "Anyway, I believe you left something at work on Friday." He took a letter out of his back pocket and slid it across the table to me.

  Then he winked at Carter, for which Carter responded with a frown.

  Again, weird.

  "Got to get back to my table. You two kids have fun." Tyler held up two thumbs with a big smile.

  "Something is seriously wrong with that guy." I lifted the envelope and watched him saunter back to his friends.

  "He just has a unique sense of humor. I wonder what's in the envelope?"

  I was about to rip it open but put it back on the table, leaning toward Carter. "What's going on? You won't look me in the eye. Then you need to describe everything that's happening like when Tyler came over to our table. Now you're curious about some mail I got? You never ask me about personal stuff. You never ask anyone about anything."

  Carter reached his hand over and placed it on mine. "Can't a man love his girlfriend and want to take her out for the evening without it being weird?"

  "Yes. But you are acting weird."

  Carter rubbed his face and groaned. That felt better. I was used to old Mr. Grumpington. Not this nervous Carter that I had most of the evening.

  "Olivia, open the letter." He pointed to the paper in my hand.

  "Fine," I said with irritation in my voice.

  Tearing open the envelope, I pulled out a sheet of paper. I opened the folded letter and there were only two words on it: look up.

  I lifted my head and stared at the ceiling.

  "I don't see anything," I said, squinting at the painted pipes and ceiling fans.

  "No, look up at me," Carter said.

  "Oh." I lowered my head and in Carter's hand was a stunning diamond ring.

  "Olivia. This was my mother's ring. My father gave it to her when I was born. It originally was my great-grandmother's wedding ring. I don't want to be a lonely fool anymore. I thought all I needed to be happy was Kitty and the sheep. But once I found you, I realized I had been terribly lost and lonely. Please, take this ring and wear it knowing that my heart only beats to make you happy."

  I clasped my hands over my mouth as tears ran down my face. I knew my mascara was smeared. I hadn't worn makeup in weeks. Figures the one night I put it on he had to go and propose to me. Now I look like a clown—but a happy clown at least.

  Carter's eyes flickered between the ring and me.

  "If it wasn't clear, Olivia . . . I'm asking you to marry me."

  I nodded and then the words finally came. "Yes! Yes! Carter, I'm going to marry the fuck out of you."

  We were both lost in our happiness so I was surprised when I heard clapping. My hand shook as he placed the ring on my finger. I turned to find Tyler and his group of friends clapping from their table. But there was someone coming toward our table that had me scrambling to my feet—Bea.

  "I hid in the back. Oh, Christ. My baby sister is getting married." Bea sobbed and we hugged.

  I didn't know who was crying more, me or my sister. She pulled away and grabbed my hand.

  "Damn it, Carter, that is a spectacular ring. There's like, dozens of diamonds in this sucker. Ugh, I need a man to give me one of these. It's official, I'm going on the hunt to settle down."

  "You said that back in March."

  She shrugged. "I know, but I mean it this time. After seeing what it brings, I want my fingers to sparkle."

  "Then just buy yourself a ring." Carter got up and wrapped his arm around me.

  "It's not the same. It's the meaning. This ring meant something to you, and you wanted to give it to the woman you love. That's what I want." Bea dropped my hand.

  Carter looked down at me. "That's exactly right. I'd give the woman I love anything she wanted."

  I lifted the corner of my mouth. "Even a teacher?"

  His eyes darkened, and he leaned in to whisper, "Once we get home, after dinner, we'll have to work on your schoolwork. And if you don't get the questions right, I'll be forced to punish you."

  I giggled and could hear Bea groan.

  "I'm getting a drink," she said and moved toward the bar.

  "Welcome to the family, Carter," I said with a smile.

  "It's nice to hear that. Especially since you're part of it."

  He cupped my cheek and gave me a kiss that weakened my knees and stole my heart.



  About 9 Months Later

  “I can see through your dress.” Carter said as he held my hand, pulling me toward Mica’s house.

  I smiled up at him. Cool droplets of rain fell on my cheeks.

  “It was perfect.” I glanced back toward the red barn.

  A crowd had gathered. Loved ones clogged up the doorway to the barn. They tried not to get wet as they watched the newly married couple. Us.

  Minutes ago, I said I do to Carter and became Olivia Jane Holiday Fitzwilliam-Love. It made my mother and father proud that I became a Fitzwilliam. My father commented that he wasn’t surprised I picked the weirdest Fitzwilliam to marry.

  I had married into American royalty, as my mom told everyone she met.

  “Yes, perfect.” Carter was staring at my chest.

  My eggshell silk Tatiana designed gown was soaking wet and clung to my skin. Mud caked the hem as we moved closer to the back door.

  It had been raining the past three days. When we first arrived this morning, the sun was out. It had turned into a beautiful day and I felt that was a lucky sign. But as we said our vows, the rain poured down once more.

  We had planned an outdoor event, but with the weather the past few days, I moved it indoors. Bea helped convince Mica to have it in the barn. Mica was the guy who made the addictive coffee this town craved. We had found out only recently that he lived here with his sister and niece. He was almost as reclusive as Carter.

  Carter opened the back door and I was about to step inside before he held out his hand to stop me.

  “I have to lift you over the threshold.”

  “I think that’s only for our own home. This is Mica’s. It doesn’t apply here.”

  He shook his head, refusing to accept my logic

  Bending down, he swiftly took me in his arms, lifting me as easily as he picked up sheep.

  “Maybe it’s best you carry me. I would hate to track mud in his home after he was nice enough to let us use his coffee roasting barn.”

  He stepped inside and looked around.

  “Where do we go?”

  “The bedrooms are upstairs. Bea said we could change in the master bedroom. Then we are to head off to the diner for the reception.”

  My parents weren’t happy with holding my reception at the Fire and Ice Diner. My mother thought at first it must be the name of an exclusive country club. I burst her hopeful bubble when I took her there for lunch two days ago.

  She refused to invite her friends and hoped the Fitzwilliam’s wouldn’t gossip about it when they went back to DC. It’s weird that Carter’s family, which came from old money, weren’t as snobby as my own parents.

  Carter turned the corner of the dining room and just past the entrance to the kitchen was the stairs. He made his way up with ease, as if I wasn’t in his arms.

  I pointed to the room on the right at the end of the hall. Once we were inside, he kicked the door closed with his foot and went over to the bed, placing me gently down.

  “Where did I place our clothes?” I tried to sit up as I glanced around the compact room for the suitcase I brought. I packed a sun dress for me and jeans and button-up shirt for Carter. I knew he wouldn’t want to be in a suit for long.

  “I hid the suitcase.” Carter wiggled his eyebrows.

  “What? Why?”

  He tugged at his tie and pulled off his wet jacket, letting them fall into a damp heap on the worn, carpeted floor.

  “You really have to ask Mrs. Fitzwilliam?”

  The sound of my new name on his lips sent a shiver down my spine. And it wasn’t because of the chill from being damp.

  “I’m a married woman.” I curled my lips as I stood and pealed the wet, silk sleeves down my arms.

  Carter’s eyes fell to my chest. I wasn’t wearing a bra. He paused for a moment to watch me undress before ripping away his shirt. Tiny buttons flew across the room.

  After a few moments, we were naked.

  “And I’m a married man.”

  I felt the heat from his body as he took a step closer.

  “We probably shouldn’t do this. It would be wrong.” I said and bit my lower lip.

  His eyes closed and an idea popped into my head. It was a little silly, but I was euphoric at marrying the love of my life. Why not have some fun?

  “Keep your eyes closed and don’t open them until I tell you.” I tried not to giggle.

  “Okay.” Carter lifted his hand to cover his eyes.

  I glanced around the room. My idea was to hide, and he had to find me. A sexy hide and seek.

  There weren’t many places to conceal myself. I bent down and checked under the bed. It was too low to the ground for me to fit under. I could easily hide in the bathroom, but that would be the first place Carter would look for me.

  I wanted it to be more challenging. That’s when I saw the closet. It was closed when we walked in, so if I hide in there it wouldn’t be the first place he looked.

  Tiptoeing around Carter, I gingerly pulled open the sliding closet door. It took a moment as the door was metal and if I moved it too fast; it made a noise. Once I was safe, and rather snugly, inside I closed the door and yelled out, “Come and find me.”

  Placing my hand over my mouth, I tried not to laugh. I heard Carter’s feet pad across the bedroom. As I suspected, he went straight to the bathroom.

  “You’re under the bed.” I heard him announce as he walked out of the bathroom.

  I had the largest smile on my face. After the difficulties from when we first met, it was wonderful to be silly together. Enjoy everything about this day.

  “No, not under there.” Cater said as I heard him move closer to the closet.

  I peeked through the slats in the closet door and saw he was on the other side. My heart pounded in my chest. The anticipation of him flinging open the door and pulling me toward him caused my thighs to tense.

  I made a mental note to play this again when we returned home to the cabin.

  He reached for the knob of the closet door. It rumbled as he tried to open it. I squeaked, too excited to keep my voice down.

  But the door didn’t open. He rattled it once more. Still, it wouldn’t budge.

  “What the hell?” He mumbled.

  I wasn't sure if he did that on purpose, extending the anticipation, or if the door was stuck. I kept my mouth shut.

  “Olivia, are you in there?”

  He couldn’t fool me. I stayed silent.

  “Seriously. The closet door is stuck. If you are in there, I need to know.”

  Hardy har har. I shook my head. No way was I falling for that. Carter was a powerful guy. He could easily handle a closet door.

  “I’m going to get some help.”

  I heard some movement in the room. This was a trick. He said he was leaving, but I could hear him moving around in the bedroom.

  “Just putting on my clothes from the suitcase. It was under the bed, by the way. Then I will track down Mica. Maybe there’s a trick to opening the closet.”

  Maybe he wasn’t trying to fool me. I looked through the slats, but he was on the other side of the room. I couldn’t see him.

  “Carter.” I called out.

  “I’m getting help. I’ll be right back.” I heard him walk toward me, but then there was silence. He left the room.

  I really was stuck. Mica would help. This wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened. I placed my hand to my chest in relief.

  “Oh, no.” I was naked.

  Mica couldn’t open the door. He’d see me.

  “This is a closet.” I mumbled to myself.

  There were clothes in here. I just had to get something on before they returned.

  The closet was tiny, and I couldn’t move around, but I could lift my arms. I felt something soft, cloth like. I pulled until it fell on me. There seemed to be holes in it. I assumed it was a sweater. But it didn’t have long sleeves. In fact, there weren’t any sleeves at all.

  I shrugged. It was something that could cover my body; I was going to put it on. I pulled it o over my head and noticed it was long in the front with almost nothing in the back. Maybe it wasn’t a sweater but a poncho.

  After a minute, I heard footsteps.

  “I’m back. You okay?” Carter said.

  “Yes. I’m fine. Just open the door.”

  The game wasn’t fun anymore. No playing sexy hide and seek at home.

  “Mica said I just needed to...” He trailed off as he shook the door.

  Was Mica there?

  “Isn’t he there?”

  “Oh, yeah. He’s right behind me. So is your father. They all wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  My father? No. I shook my head. This was humiliating.

  “I think I got it.” There was a large rattle and then the door slid open.

  I blinked and frowned.

  “What are you wearing?” Carter said as he chuckled.

  “Where is everyone?”

  I looked around. The only person in the room was Carter.

  Carter stood there and laughed even harder. It hit me.

  “This was all a lie. The door wasn’t stuck. You tricked me.” I pushed my hands on my hips.

  He nodded. “You said you wanted to have fun.”

  “Together, Carter. We’re married now. You and your tricks.” I folded my arms and glanced down. I wasn’t wearing a poncho.

  I pulled the thing over my head and held it up. It looked like a baby blanket with holes and stains all over it.

  “Eww. I think this is Shelby’s old baby blanket.” I threw it across the room.

  Carter opened his arms, his laughter subsiding.

  “No, I’m not hugging you. We haven’t been married an hour and you’ve already tricked m

  He pulled me close, but I kept my arms folded. It made the hug awkward.

  “Would you rather I not play tricks on you?”

  “Yes.” I mumbled into his chest.

  I caught a whiff of his spicey scent, and my arms fell. He smelled too good for me to stay angry.

  “Okay, but you know I can’t stop pranking people. It’s in my blood.”

  I slid my arms around his waist and gazed up at my handsome husband. “I understand. But do it to other people, not me.”

  “Okay.” I didn’t like his pranks, but a wife had to indulge her husband sometimes.

  He lowered his lips to my ear and whispered. “As my wife, I promise to make you happy and give you lots of orgasms.”

  Heat crawled up my neck. I sighed and placed my head on his chest.

  “It was wonderful luck I stumbled into your cabin running away from my wedding and not some other sheep farmer’s home.”

  “It was the best thing that ever happened to me.” He said before kissing my head.


  What could be worse than running into the guy who first broke your heart? Having to be his fake fiancé.

  Iona Dell is the "It" actress of Hollywood. That is until a series of flops and a terrible accident has producers rethinking financing anything she touches.

  She's hard-working, humble, and realizes anything good can be taken away in an instant. When her agent helps her turn her life around, Iona never expects to become engaged to the guy who first broke her heart.

  Tyler Ferguson is the local sexy veterinarian. He's kind, always willing to lend a helping hand, but a bit of a flirt.

  He's been saving his pennies for years to buy a home. Growing up moving from rental to rundown rental, he dreams of having a place to call his own.

  When the vet finally has the keys to his new house, he's eager to start his move. But when he walks inside for the first time, there's already someone there. His very first crush.

  He hasn't seen her since promising his heart, eleven years ago.


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