Heart Of The Dragon: BBW Romance (Her Dragon's Bane Series Book 3)

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Heart Of The Dragon: BBW Romance (Her Dragon's Bane Series Book 3) Page 1

by Raines, Harmony

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One - Serena

  Chapter Two - Connor

  Chapter Three - Serena

  Chapter Four - Connor

  Chapter Five - Serena

  Chapter Six - Connor

  Chapter Seven - Serena

  Chapter Eight - Connor

  Chapter Nine - Serena

  Chapter Ten - Connor

  Chapter Eleven - Serena

  Chapter Twelve - Connor

  Chapter Thirteen - Serena

  Chapter Fourteen - Connor

  Chapter Fifteen - Serena

  Chapter Sixteen - Connor

  Chapter Seventeen - Serena

  Chapter Eighteen - Connor

  Chapter Nineteen - Serena

  Chapter Twenty - Connor

  Chapter Twenty One - Serena

  Chapter Twenty Two - Connor

  Chapter Twenty Three - Serena

  Chapter Twenty Four - Connor

  Chapter Twenty Five - Serena

  Chapter Twenty Six - Connor

  Chapter Twenty Seven - Serena

  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  Heart of the Dragon

  Her Dragon’s Bane Series

  (Book Three)


  Note from the author: My books are written, produced and edited in the UK where spellings and word usage can vary from U.S. English. The use of quotes in dialogue and other punctuation can also differ.


  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2014 Harmony Raines

  Silver Moon Erotica

  Kindle Edition

  Chapter One - Serena

  “I still don’t see why we can’t wait until after the baby comes.”

  Serena lay in Connor’s arms, his hand on the small swell of her stomach. One of his favourite pastimes lately was feeling the heat emanating from the baby dragon growing inside her.

  “And when our son is born we would not want to leave him. I cannot wait too long before we go to Spellholm, Serena. Time is not our friend.”

  “We have all the time we need. It is more important to me that our son arrives healthy. And safely. You don’t know these other dragons. What if they’re not trustworthy?”

  “I have to try.”

  “Why? You say it’s so that our son is not alone. But he is inside me growing, he is going to be born whether he is the last dragon or not.”

  He looked at her face, and she tried to conceal her worry, she hated them arguing like this. His had already made up his mind; they were to leave this evening. This was, possibly, the last time they would lie together in their bed for months. Serena didn’t want their last morning here to be filled with cross words. Memories of good times should always overshadow bad. She wanted this memory to be more than good.

  “Make love to me, Connor.”

  He smiled, and her heart tightened. She loved him beyond anything she thought possible. The trip to Spellholm made her fear for him and their child. Fear that she would lose everything they had fought so hard to achieve.

  Why couldn’t they stay here? Or go somewhere safe, away from people, away from other dragons? She knew it couldn’t be that way, but she couldn’t stop herself wishing.

  He stroked her face. Cupping his large warm hand against her cheek, he moved so his lips were tantalisingly close to hers. However, before he pressed them softly to hers, he said, “It will be alright. I will not let anything happen to you or our child.”

  “I know, Connor. I know.” She closed her eyes, and lost herself to his lips, his tongue, and the feelings he stirred deep inside her. They were made for each other, true mates. Nothing could break that.

  Or so she hoped with every fibre of her being.

  He slipped his hand over her naked body, stroking her skin, igniting the flame of desire that was for him alone. There would never be another man, or dragon, for her. She belonged to him, her body was his, and her soul.

  Serena wanted to feel his arousal. To know that he reciprocated everything she felt, every thought, every feeling. Sliding her hand down over his chest, she touched his nipples, and then stroked his stomach. He tensed with the anticipation of her touch, as it continued lower. His hips rose, his cock thrusting into her hand, eager to feel her soft palm and light touch.

  She had learned what he liked. Mastering the art of giving him pleasure. She wanted to please him, so that he would never compare her to any other woman. For he had slept with many over the centuries he had lived. It was the one thing that pained her. The thought of all those that had gone before, and all those that would be his after she had gone. For that was their fate. He would go on living forever, while she would grow old and decay before his eyes.

  She blinked back tears, trying not to think of the son who would be barely grown before she passed into memory. This moment was a chance for them to celebrate their love, not mourn it.

  Resolutely, as she had many times before, she pushed bad thoughts from her head. Instead, she gave herself over to him, and his masterful hands. And, oh, were they masterful.

  His fingers tweaked her nipples, rolling them between his finger and thumb. She writhed against him as he exerted just the right amount of pain to make her gasp against his mouth. Serena had experienced so much pain in her life, but Connor made this so enjoyable. An exquisite pleasure in his masterful hands.

  When she could bear it no longer, he used his warm wet mouth to suck her nipples until she thought she would explode. His fingers then turned their attention to the core of her desire. Slipping inside her heated sex, plunging deep before pulling out. Always finding that spot inside her, which sent her wild.

  She grabbed at his hand and pressed herself down onto him. So close to coming, this was a taste of what he had in mind for her. If he took the edge off her arousal, when he made love to her, she would be able to match his stamina and strength. Her stomach clenched in anticipation, and longing.

  As her body arched in pleasure, her hand continued to stroke his cock. Squeezing it while her orgasm crested, making him groan against her. Somehow, she managed to concentrate enough of her mind on his release. A hard task when all it wanted to do was drown in the tide of pleasure sweeping over her.

  He was so close to coming. His fingers plunged into her sex, harder, rougher, his body tensing, and then he came. Her hand worked to drive him to the point when his control finally slipped and he cried out. His body jerking as his thick seed erupted into her hand.

  She smiled to herself. Who would have thought a woman like her could bring a mighty dragon to his knees? However, with each passing day, she learned that his need for her matched her own for him. She was not something to be pitied, to be humoured. Serena was his match, and she meant to make sure she always honoured that role.

  Slipping from the bed, she went to the bathroom and washed her hands. The cool air making her nipples hard points. While inside her the flame of their child burned, reminding her of the new life their love had made. Not wanting to waste a second of this precious day together, she headed back to the bedroom. He lay propped up on the pil
low, waiting for her.

  He smiled, and her heart melted. She stood still, taking in every bit of his love and desire for her. Storing it deep inside her, in a place that no one could ever touch.

  However, a sense of foreboding sent a ripple of fear through her. With the moment broken, she placed her hand protectively over her stomach, dreading what lay before them.

  “Are you going to stand there teasing me, or are you coming back to bed?”

  She didn’t hesitate, she went to him, and fell into his arms. Her lips met his, and he gripped her hips and manoeuvred her on top of him.

  “Connor, I...”

  “Serena, I want you to take control, to show me what you want, what you like.”

  She blushed, feeling ridiculous. After everything they had shared, she should feel no shame in expressing her need. However, for so long she had been denied this, and it remained a reaction she needed to conquer.

  He slipped a finger inside her, and she moved her hips. His thumb pressed against her clit, and she gasped, placing her hands on his shoulders.

  “You like that. Now I want you to mount me. To ride me, so that when we fly to Spellholm tonight, that is all you will think about. You can imagine me inside you as you straddle me.”

  “Connor!” she said, shocked. “Tara will be with us.”

  “All the more reason to have something to preoccupy your mind.”

  His hands went to her hips, and he lifted her up off his body. Looking down, Serena saw his hard erect cock, and the temptation to experience him in this way was too much. Her hand curled around him, and she guided him towards her sex. Slowly, she pressed herself against the head of his cock. Her slick juices lubricating his hardness.

  When her eyes flicked up to his, she saw him watching her face. Connecting with him so intensely, their gaze did not break while he lowered her down, and she took him inside. Slowly, he filled her. His face changed to something resembling a grimace, as he fought for control. His hips lifted off the bed, and she knew he needed to be inside her as quickly as possible. He wanted to feel her moist heat around him, but he slowed for her.

  The friction of skin against skin was exquisite. Inch by inch she took him, until her knees rested in the bed either side of him. His hands did nothing more than guide her, as she started to rock slowly, in a rhythm that would bring them to a shuddering climax.

  Placing her hands on his chest, she stroked his skin, feeling the prickle of the hairs on his chest while she teased his nipples. He bit his lower lip, and his hips bucked hard, pressing himself impossibly deep inside her. Serena circled her hips, giving him maxim friction against her inner walls.

  Being in control was better than she could imagine. If she needed to move faster, she did. If she wanted to stop, and let her inner muscles flex against his hardness, then she did, despite him fighting to move under her. She was in control, and he needed to learn obedience. So when he tried to take control again, she lifted herself off him so that only the tip of his cock was inside her. He lifted his hips to bury himself deeper, and she rose higher.

  Raising her eyebrow at him, he got the message. With something resembling a smile, he relaxed back into the bed, and left her to play. Serena rose and fell, circling her hips, rocking backwards and forwards, anything to try to ease the ache inside her. But it grew, until she felt her orgasm rapidly approaching. She needed something more though to push her over the edge.

  Connor lay still, unmoving. Unusual, he normally sensed her need to be touched, and then she figured it out. He was giving her exactly what she wanted, freedom. Well she didn't like this so much after all.

  “Touch me,” she said.

  “I thought you wanted me to lie back and think of England.”

  “Don't be so childish.”

  “I am not a child.”

  “Show me.”

  He placed his hand on the small of her back, and keeping her balanced, sat up so she now sat in his lap. Then he claimed her breasts with his mouth, his tongue rolling over them. She flung her head back and closed her eyes, allowing him to do as he pleased. With each hard suck of his talented mouth, jolts of electricity shot through her, making her ride him harder.

  His hand held her in place while he rose to meet her, thrusting hard and fast. He was coming, his cock jerking its thick warm seed inside of her. Her body responded, as though they communicated at a molecular level, so in tune with one another.

  He fisted her hair, dragging her head forward so he could claim her mouth. She threaded her arms around his neck, and kissed him fiercely.

  “I love you,” she whispered in his ear.

  “And I love you too, Serena. More than life itself.”

  Chapter Two - Connor

  They lay together until the morning was late, and the sun high in the sky. In this room, they were in a haven of peace; they could shut out the day, shut out the world outside. However, they couldn’t shut out the thoughts that invaded their minds, reminding them of what was before them. Neither of them put those thoughts into words.

  He stroked her arm absently, and she rested her head on his chest, her eyes half closed in contentment. However, this couldn’t last. He still had some things to discuss with Zoah. Reluctantly he rolled out of bed, allowing her to settle into the spot that his body had warmed.

  “Why don’t you take a bath? I have to talk to Zoah, and we’ll meet for a late breakfast in an hour.”

  “OK. Maybe if I soak in a hot bath I might be able to let go of some of this tension.”

  “Don’t let it worry you so much, Serena. The trip might turn out to be fun.”

  “Tara is coming with us. That woman is warped where her sense of fun is concerned.”

  “She is the one who knows where to go.”

  “You’re telling me that it wouldn't be easy to find those dragons in Spellholm without her help?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Remember how secretive Zoah and I are. No one in the city right outside our gates has any idea that two dragons live here. They think were just eccentric mad men.”

  “In Zoah’s case they wouldn’t be wrong.”

  “That’s not fair.” Connor was pulling on his pants, leaving his chest bare as he usually did.

  “Come on, Connor. You must agree that since we rescued Charlotte his behaviour has been a little deranged. He can’t sleep; he sits outside her room all night. I’m not sure he eats well either. I never thought a creature with so many years of experience could be floored by love.”

  Connor laughed. “I would have to admit I never thought he would meet his match. I don't know why he doesn’t tell her.”

  “Because he is willing to set her free. He doesn't want this life for her.”

  Connor was at the door, he stopped before opening it and turned to her. “Is this life so bad?”

  “No, Connor. I wouldn't change a thing.”

  “And do you think they can change a thing?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If we are fated to be together, then I don't think Zoah has the choice of whether he sets her free or not. I believe they are already bound together, they simply don't know it yet. Or at least Charlotte doesn't know it.”

  “You know he’s planning on leaving once we come back?”

  He looked at her sadly. “Yes. He told me. It’s tearing him in two already.”

  “She’s fifteen Connor. I’ve already told him what I’ll do to him if he hurts her.”

  Serena didn’t need to spell it out to him. Charlotte was under the age of consent, and Zoah would respect that. For the first time in his life, Zoah was actually thinking of someone else’s happiness above his own. Trying to push the thought of his brother leaving out of his mind, he said, “Let’s get this trip out of the way. He has sworn to look after Charlotte while we are away. He will stick to his word even if it kills him. And I have the feeling it will. A teenager. That is something Zoah has never done battle with before.”

  “They’ll be OK though? I can trust him to loo
k after her?”

  “That's one thing you can depend on him for. He won't let anything happen to her.” He finally opened the door. “I will see you in about an hour. I’ll talk to Zoah, and then make breakfast.”

  Chapter Three - Serena

  Serena lay still for a few minutes, going over the events that had brought them here. It was hard to believe, that only a couple of weeks ago, she had been under the control of an evil man called Samuel. Now here she was, pregnant and in love.

  Then the dark shadow of Tara spoiled her daydream. Why they had to take the witch with them was beyond her, but Connor insisted. Serena slipped her hand under the pillow. Searching until her hand closed around the small rose coloured stone hidden there.

  She pulled it out and examined it closely. Sometimes, if she looked at it just right, or if the light caught it in just the right place, she could see a shimmer of movement. Then it would fade so fast she thought she must have imagined it.

  Overall, it looked like any other piece of rose quartz you could buy cheaply enough in a market. So why had this been locked in Samuel’s safe, and why had Tara made Zoah go and get it?

  He had delayed rescuing Charlotte because of this. Afterwards, instead of handing it over to Tara, he had given it to Serena. The only thing was, they weren’t sure, if that was what Tara wanted to happen, or if they had deceived her.

  Tara, just to make herself more dislikeable, could see the future. Therefore, Serena had no idea if she knew the stone had been found. Serena hoped not, something told her they would need leverage over the witch at some point, and this might just be it.

  A knock at the door made her jump guiltily. She pushed the stone under the pillow, grabbed a robe, and went to open the door.

  “Charlotte, I thought you would be in school.”

  “I skipped it for the day.” She looked at Serena slyly. “I didn’t think you’d mind, since this is the last day I’ll be able to spend with you for a while.”

  “I don’t mind at all. I was just about to take a bath.” Serena looked down; a small fluffy cat was rubbing against her legs. “Hi, Hope, I wondered where you were.”


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