Wishes for the Wolf: Men of the Pack Book Two (Silver Moon Pack / Men of the Pack 2)

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Wishes for the Wolf: Men of the Pack Book Two (Silver Moon Pack / Men of the Pack 2) Page 12

by Parker Skye

  Ryan couldn’t stand the look of pity on his pack mates’ faces one second longer. Before he could think better of it, he shifted and was out the backdoor. His brown fur was matted and itchy, still sticky with a day’s worth of sweat. The physical discomfort was unfortunately not enough to take his mind off the pain in his heart. He climbed under the fence through the hole dug specifically for this purpose. He patted himself on the back for the idea, especially since he seemed to make more use of it than anyone else lately. Eventually one of the neighbors would have noticed gigantic dogs hopping over the back fence on a regular basis.

  He trotted into the woods at the back of their property and did his best to lose himself in his more primal nature. Fuck being in love. If it felt like this, it wasn’t worth it. He ran until his paws were screaming. When he started to fear leaving a blood trail, he regretfully turned and headed for home. He pushed himself under the fence when the silver three-quarter moon hung directly overhead. While he hoped his friends hadn’t risked going out without him, at the same time he prayed they had already left so he didn’t have to go along. He just wasn’t up for clubbing tonight. With the way things were going, he doubted he would ever feel up to it again.

  When he crept through the dog door still in wolf form, he heard his pack’s familiar voices in the kitchen and knew he was screwed. He shuffled into the kitchen, claws clicking on the cool tile floors. The conversation stopped and all eyes turned on him, Logan’s with an edge of irritation, but the pity evident on Adam and Ben’s faces forced a shiver to run down his spine. He shook his fur side to side in an effort to shake it off.

  “Don’t think you’re getting off the hook that easily, Fearborn. You are in no shape to be alone tonight and I have just the cure for what ails you. No go get your ass cleaned up and put on something that looks like you haven’t slept in it,” Logan said, as if Ryan had no choice in the matter.

  Which, Ryan knew he didn’t, not really. In their hierarchy, Logan was the closest thing they had to a standing alpha and if he wanted them to go out and party tonight, then they were going out to party, Ryan’s wishes be damned. Ryan turned sheepishly and grabbed his duffle in his teeth, carrying it to the bathroom.

  The country music pouring from Moonstruck was just loud enough to shake the SUV’s windows as they pulled into the small dirt lot. Logan had to circle twice looking for a spot before parking on the grass flanking the edge of the parking area. Obviously this was a popular place on a Friday night. Ryan hated country music with a passion and sincerely hoped this wasn’t all they were going to play tonight. It was bad enough he had no desire to be here, but to be forced to endure Billy Bob music all night was asking too much.

  Logan pulled down his visor and checked himself in the mirror. He smoothed down his black eyebrows with one spit-slicked finger and grinned a feral grin at his pack mates. Ryan could tell his mind was solely focused on one thing tonight, finding a tight hole to sink his dick into. Ryan shook his head sharply, forcing himself to pay better attention to his surroundings. If Logan was going to leave them to fend for themselves, it was Ryan’s responsibility to protect Ben and his mate.

  The shifter covering the front door took one look at their group and stepped aside, letting them pass without question. “Was that a coyote?” Ben asked, having to almost yell directly into Ryan’s ear to be heard.

  “Yes. I’ve never had close contact with one before, but there have been a few at some clubs back home Logan and I have been to,” Ryan yelled back. Ryan looked back over his shoulder at the skittish bouncer, wondering if he was part of the pack that had turned informant on them. He bumped into something solid and found himself pressed up against Logan’s muscular back accidentally.

  He wondered if before meeting Izzy he would have felt something for his fellow shifter then. He’d noticed Logan’s dangerous type of appeal in the past, but had never felt the need to act on it. He hadn’t wanted to risk his relationship with Ben over a roll in the hay with his older brother. Now, he had to wonder if he would ever notice anyone else again. His heart and soul seemed to only see Izzy and since Izzy didn’t want him back, he was likely doomed to a lifetime of celibacy. God, Logan was right. He definitely needed a drink.

  Logan finally pushed through the crowd surrounding the bar and ordered three beers and a soda from the bartender. Ryan was fairly certain the bartender was another coyote. He wondered how many more were on staff here. He no longer trusted the coyotes in this area and he didn’t like feeling outnumbered. Ryan decided getting smashed had to wait for another night. It was too risky to be under the influence in unfamiliar territory.

  Logan turned around and gave them each a drink. Ryan slowly sipped his beer, intent it would be his last for the evening. Adam frowned at his brown sugary beverage while Ben took a drink, beer foam sticking to his upper lip. Adam watched as Ben licked off the foam unconsciously.

  “How come I can’t have a beer, too? Isn’t there some different legal drinking age for shifters?” Adam asked petulantly, his lower lip sporting an adorable pout, even to Ryan’s frazzled brain. Ben just smiled and placed a kiss on his mate’s pouting lip.

  Realizing it was a lost cause; Adam sipped his soda and allowed himself to be drawn tightly under Ben’s arm. To any shifter with a nose, their bond was obvious, but that didn’t mean every shifter had sense or integrity. Adam was beautiful in either form, with his dark auburn waves and electric green eyes, and he screamed innocent in such a palpable way. Ryan was, for once, grateful Ben was being overtly possessive.

  Logan seemed to have focused on a buxom blonde shifter cat of some variety over by the pool tables. She shot him a wide smile and bent over to make her shot, giving everyone a fine view of her perfect ass barely covered by a short blue-jean skirt. Logan headed over, not even sparing a backward glance at his pack mates. Ryan rolled his eyes at Logan’s lack of subtlety when he sidled up next to the blonde and slipped his hand in her back pocket. Apparently, what they said about cats was true as the blonde returned the favor. They sauntered off together toward the back of the bar, which was shrouded in darkness.

  “Well, check that off the to-do list,” Ben joked, taking another sip of his beer. “You want to dance, babe?” He asked, aiming a smoldering look at his mate who had been rhythmically swaying with the music since they stepped foot in the bar. Thankfully the country music was interspersed with classic and alternative rock. Ryan hadn’t yet needed to poke his eardrums out with a sharp stick. Adam smiled brightly and nodded, letting himself be pulled along onto the small wooden dance floor.

  Ryan stayed where he was, holding up the wall, keeping an eye on the pair as they twisted and ground against each other in ways that shouldn’t be allowed in public. He surreptitiously adjusted himself as he got half-hard just from watching their obvious connection manifest itself on the crowded dance floor. Damn, could Adam move. It was like watching a snake charmer in action. The pairs’ leaking pheromones had the surrounding crowd growing more and more frenzied in their movements and bold in their actions.

  “Well, hello,” a throaty yet feminine voice seductively whispered near Ryan’s ear. He pulled away slightly and looked to his right, surprised to see an ethereal androgynous creature leaning close into his personal space. The creature’s milk-pale skin almost glowed and multi-colored eyes like the rings of Jupiter stared right through him. He or she, Ryan wasn’t sure which, pushed a long silvery lock of hair behind one pointy-tipped ear. The faint smile aimed Ryan’s way showed a hint of fang and Ryan instinctively stepped back, feeling the hint of danger pouring off the being. Definitely not a shifter, then. Ryan had a momentary fear he was being approached by a vampire. He’d never met one before, but the tales of their ability to glamor their victims had Ryan unwilling to keep eye contact. He looked around, hoping to find a pack mate nearby to rescue him from the situation, but sadly, he was on his own.

  “Now, now, no need to be afraid. I promise I don’t bite...much. My name’s Evergreen. What’s yours beautiful?�
� Evergreen practically crooned.

  “Um, thanks for the compliment, but I’m here with people, so...yeah,” Ryan said stupidly. Before he could escape, his pursuer laid a hand on the wall by his head, trapping Ryan in the corner. Evergreen took a deep breath, as if trying to log Ryan’s essence for future recall. “Aw, don’t run away so fast. Come on, tell me your name, Lovely.”

  “Um, look, I’m flattered really, but I’m with someone, so if you could just let me go…”

  “Yes, Evergreen, is it? He’s taken, so if you don’t mind,” a stern voice said from Ryan’s other side. The unwelcome hand near Ryan’s head snapped back as a spark of electricity shot through the air and landed millimeters above it. Ryan picked up the scent of singed hair and turned to see a very irate Izzy glaring at the other supernatural. At the sight, Ryan’s smile grew so wide, he thought his face would split in half.

  “Hey, babe, I’m glad you finally got here,” Ryan said, sidling closer to his D’Jinn. When Izzy’s arm snaked around his waist possessively, Ryan’s wolf sighed in relief.

  “Ugh, how droll. A genie? I thought you looked classier than that,” Evergreen said, eyes focused like lasers on Izzy’s face, not even bothering to see Ryan’s reaction.

  “Well you would be wrong then. He loves slumming it with the likes of me, so you can take a hike before you piss me off any more,” Izzy retorted, the air around him crackling with energy. The hairs on Ryan’s forearms stood upright and he was certain if he touched anyone else right now they would be electrocuted from the level of static electricity he felt flowing through him. Watching his mate’s display of power was exhilarating.

  “Well, I guess I’ll just be going then, Lovely. If you change your mind about staying with this thing, I’ll be over there,” Evergreen said through a sneer. Silver hair was tossed over one shoulder and Evergreen sauntered off toward her? next victim. As soon as Evergreen was out of sight, Izzy’s arm dropped free and he stepped back, putting space between them again.

  Chapter 30


  “Don’t you know to stay away from fairies? The fae are nothing but trouble,” Izzy said as if reprimanding a child. Ryan’s smile instantly vanished and Izzy cursed himself for hurting him again. When Izzy had seen the same fae that was bent on torturing him blatantly making moves on Ryan, he’d glowed green with jealousy. Ryan was his, even if he couldn’t admit it to anyone but himself. Ryan stepped back, the light in his eyes going out, the invisible wall between them slamming back into place. Oh, how Izzy wanted to scale that wall, but he wouldn’t hurt Ryan any more than he had to.

  Ryan went back to holding up the wall behind him and crossed his arms protectively across his chest. “Was that what that was? I thought it might have been a vampire, but I wasn’t sure,” Ryan said, turning again to look at Evergreen where she lounged on the other side of the bar still glaring in their direction. Seeing she had gotten his attention again, the fae smiled widely and blew Ryan a kiss. Izzy fought for self-control as visions of a lifeless fae, body parts scattered across the parking lot raced through his mind. He stepped in front of Ryan then, blocking Evergreen from view, forcing Ryan to look at him instead.

  “Yes, that’s a fairy or fae as they prefer to be called. Vampires still look human for the most part except for the reddish eyes. Fae and elves are a little hard to tell apart, but elves are meaner and more muscular. That doesn’t mean fae are nice. They just aren’t flat up spiteful bastards like elves,” Izzy continued. “That one is a particularly nasty character. I’ve had run-ins with her before. You should keep your distance.”

  Comprehension flared in Ryan’s eyes. “You thought I started something with her? What kind of a mate do you take me for? I was just standing here guarding my pack mates and she popped up out of nowhere.”

  Izzy could feel Ryan’s rage building. “How dare you, Izzy. I don’t know how else to get it through your thick skull. You are it for me, whether you want it or not. My wolf will never accept another, no matter if I never lay eyes on you again after this.”

  Izzy felt like he’d been slapped with Ryan’s words and the force of his emotions. He’d hoped deep down that Ryan could move on and still live a full life after he was gone, but hearing he was Ryan’s only chance was heartbreaking. He fought for the right words to make it better, but came up empty.

  Ryan turned his head away, looking blankly at the floor instead. “What are you doing here anyway, Izzy? I don’t remember you being invited to our night out. I thought you were gone.”

  “I’m never really that far away, Ryan. You are my master after all. Even if I’m physically removed, I can tell if you need me. I got worried when I saw that fae setting her sights on you. I’ve had enough interaction with her already to know you don’t want to get tangled up in her brand of crazy,” Izzy replied.

  “So I don’t have any clue where you are or what you are doing, but you can just pop in and out anytime you please, is that it? That’s just fabulous,” Ryan said through clenched teeth. His grip on his bottle of beer tightened and he set it down on a nearby table before he managed to crush it.

  Izzy breathed a sigh of relief at Ryan’s self-control. Bleeding was not a good idea in a bar full of supernatural beings. He knew Ryan and his friends assumed this was purely a shifter bar, but Izzy had already spied several species of the supernatural, Evergreen only being the most obvious. If blood was spilled, even shifter blood, other much more dangerous creatures might have trouble resisting their inner demons.

  “Look, Izzy, I don’t have the energy for this. I’m only here to provide protection for Adam and Ben, so if you don’t mind, I need to get back to work,” Ryan said as he pushed off the wall and stalked toward the dance floor. Izzy sighed and let him walk away. He caught sight of the wolfmates, still dancing and oblivious to all that had occurred in the last few minutes. Logan and his new lady friend had joined them on the dance floor. Izzy suspected they were going to need to get a crowbar to separate the two before the night was through.

  Izzy couldn’t stop himself from turning his head back to Ryan’s new position. He stared as if memorizing every fine detail of Ryan’s beauty. He knew Ryan could sense him on the periphery in the way that Ryan’s hands continued to clench and unclench rhythmically, but he never once turned to meet Izzy’s gaze again. Izzy should have been thankful that Ryan was finally protecting himself from Izzy’s continued mind-fuck, but all he felt was sadness instead.

  Izzy took up a perch at the bar once a stool opened up, turning to keep an eye on Ryan and his friends. Even if he couldn’t be with them, he wasn’t leaving them alone, not when he wasn’t sure of their safety. He was glad he stayed when he eyed Evergreen making her way Ryan’s direction again. He shot off the stool and headed her off, still yards from her target.

  “Alright, I want some answers, Evergreen, if that is even your real name. What the hell are you doing here and why are you messing with my mate?” Izzy vibrated with anger as he got right in the fae’s face. He wasn’t backing down this time. Not when Ryan might still be in danger.

  “Oh, you finally admitted it I see,” Evergreen smirked. “It’s about damn time. And the name really is Evergreen, so don’t get your panties in a twist over that, too. I just wanted to see what you would do when I approached Ryan. He is certainly yummy. I can understand why you fell for him.”

  “You better leave Ryan out of this. He is not part of our deal. I’m not doing anything to jeopardize his safety, so you better not mess with him either,” Izzy tried to push the fae back with both hands on her shoulders, but Evergreen just smiled sardonically, holding ground like her feet were glued to the floor.

  “Poor little Ezhekiel. So easily confused. I’ll mess with your boy toy if I want to. It’s in our nature to cause trouble, don’t you remember?”

  The fae obviously didn’t expect him to take a swing at a female, but she’d never met a desperate Izzy. The punch landed on Evergreen’s mouth, bluish blood dotting the edge of her split lower lip. Evergreen
touched the split with two fingers, eyes wide as she glared at Izzy with pure hatred. Before Izzy could think to be afraid, the fae had seized him by both shoulders.

  “You little shit! How dare you touch my face!” The air around them both shimmered and they were gone.

  When Izzy came to, he was face down in the dirt. He wasn’t sure how long he had been out but it was still dark. He lifted up on both elbows and looked around in confusion. He had no idea where he was, but he suspected he was in another dimension as this looked nothing like any part of the Earth he knew. The level of desolation in the land surrounding him was startling. There was nothing for as far as the eye could see, no trees, no grass, no bushes, no waterways, no outcroppings of rock, nothing. Just reddish dirt, flat endless plains of dirt. The air was heavy around him with lack of movement. He felt the pressure in his chest just from trying to breathe. Izzy forced himself upright and startled when he realized Evergreen was sitting cross-legged right in front of him again.

  “Dammit, stop doing that!” Izzy practically yelled.

  “Doing what?”

  “Just popping up like that. It’s creepy,” Izzy replied, brushing the dirt off his shirt front as he sat down properly.

  “Oh, well that’s good. I like being creepy,” the fae said agreeably. Evergreen smiled widely at this, wincing a little as her sore lip pulled. “I’m still pissed you touched my face. Don’t push your luck, Ezhekiel.”

  “I’d say I was sorry, but I’m not. You were threatening my master. It’s in my job description to protect him.” Izzy replied, pushing conviction into every word. If Evergreen wanted to continue this battle, he had no problem with that.

  “Oh, so now he’s just your master again, is he? I believe you called him your mate in the bar. Having second thoughts already?” Evergreen smirked as he watched Izzy splutter as he tried to come up with a believable explanation.


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