The Duke Wants Her Curves: Taboo Historical BBW Forbidden Erotic Rubenesque Romance

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The Duke Wants Her Curves: Taboo Historical BBW Forbidden Erotic Rubenesque Romance Page 2

by Kimberley Clarke

  ‘Absolutely not.’

  ‘Good. Good girl.’ The doctor, I thought, started to breathe a little more heavily. ‘Now Briony, I’m going to ask you disrobe, and lie down on the bed. I would like to remind you that I am a medical professional, and that what happens between the two of us has been directly sanctioned by the Duke, your husband to be, and by your uncle, your legal guardian.’

  Disrobe? Did he mean that I had to make myself naked in front of him?

  ‘You mean…’

  ‘Yes dear, take your clothes off, and get up on the bed. I’m going to examine a few parts of your body, and then have a check between your legs for any, shall we say, breakages. I can turn away while you disrobe if you’d prefer? Feel free to cover yourself with a sheet when you’re on the bed, as well, to spare your modesty.’

  I nodded, and when I was sure that the doctor was looking away, I carefully pulled off my smock, skirt, undergarments and stockings. Then, I slipped between the coarse cotton sheets of my bed. It was cold in the room, and my skin puckered with little goosebumps. I could feel my nipples tightening and hardening, and the loose flesh of my thighs shivering with the chill.

  The doctor approached the bed and, with a cautious little noise, slipped his hand under the sheet. The first time I felt his touch, he found my shoulder. I thought for a moment that it was almost as though he was blindfolded, fumbling around in the dark. His hand felt coarse and warm, and I was, in a way, glad of its heat on my body. He moved over my shoulder and my clavicle, before, to my horror, finding his way to my breast. I felt him squeeze my left bosom gently, and then, the right, in turn. The flesh of my breast tightened as he gripped and then relaxed heavily down as he let go. I shut my eyes involuntarily.

  ‘Excellent, excellent,’ he said, making very odd, quiet grunting sounds as he manoeuvred his hand over my body. ‘The Duke will be very pleased, I’m sure,’ he said, before tracing his fingers across my left nipple. It was an odd sensation, almost like being tickled, but it was shot through with intense pleasure, as well as discomfort. To my utter surprise, I found the my secret part, that sweet place between my legs, had started to throb. His hand continued to fumble around under the sheet, squeezing the muscle of my arm, feeling the flat flesh of my belly, then, gently stroking the smooth skin of my thigh.

  Suddenly, I felt something most peculiar; a wetness, a sort of slick, seeping sensation had started to blossom from my private area. I’d explored my body a few times in the past by myself, stroking certain parts of me, and pushing fingers into places that were warm and wet, but I’d never coaxed this much fluid from myself alone. It was positively gushing from me! I held back the urge to cover myself with my hands, and felt extremely lucky to have the sheet over me. But the doctor’s hands crept further and further towards my kitty, sweeping gently over my skin, making me want to squirm and cry out.

  ‘You have such firm young flesh, Briony, and so ample of form’ said the doctor, ‘the Duke will be most pleased, I’m sure, most pleased indeed. Now we just have a brief internal examination, if you don’t mind.’ I felt his fingertips rest on the hairy mound just above my entrance, as if asking permission to proceed. I suddenly realised that I did want him to touch me there, I wanted anything to touch me there, jsut to relieve the unquenchable desire that had been ignited in me. I nodded, eager for him to do what he was about to.

  Slowly, his fingers walked down the lips of my kitty, and then, he pulled away.

  ‘Briony, you’re,’ he looked up at my, ‘you’re positively soaking down here. Did you know that?’ Again, I nodded, the power of speech seeming to have momentarily abandoned me.

  ‘Well, that’s awful sinful of you. Did my touch ignite passion in you, my dear?’ I nodded, a sort of desperate mania taking over my whole body. I looked upward and breathed deeply, the anticipation of his further touch almost too much to bear. ‘I can do something about the feeling for you, if you like, but you must be totally quiet, do you understand?’

  I looked at him with eyes wide open and nodded once more.

  ‘Good,’ he said. His finger started to move. Slowly at first. He rubbed its tip up and down the soft, fleshy lips of my opening. There was so much moisture there that is felt like silk running up and down me. The pleasure was incredible. It came over me in waves as he started to gently explore my kitty. It was masterful the way he moved, teasing my flesh. I clamped my mouth shut, but found it very difficult not to let any sound spill from my lips. Then, he pushed his finger up towards the tender little nub at the top of my slit and started to gently rub it in little circles. I wasn’t prepared for the sensation, and my body bucked beneath his hand, almost throwing the sheet off. When he started to move a little quicker, I couldn’t help it; I let out the tiniest gasp.

  Immediately, his finger pulled away.

  ‘Briony, if your father hears, there will be hell to pay.’ I looked at him with imploring eyes, begging him to continue. ‘There’s only one thing for it.’

  He opened his leather bag, and took out a small, red, silken handkerchief. Then, he came to my head, and, with a practised motion tied it around my mouth, totally gagging me.

  ‘Is that comfortable, Briony?’ I nodded.

  When his hand returned to my nether regions, this time he was not gentle. I felt his thick finger at the mouth of my entrance, and then, he pushed it in while looking me straight in the eye. ‘I feel so lucky to be the first man to explore you, Briony,’ he said. I could feel the hard nubs of his knuckles inside me. Then, he started to slide the finger in and out of me. He pushed hard and with a steady rhythm. I wanted to scream with pleasure, but the gag stopped me from making any sound. He pushed it harder and then, with a wicked grin, he slid a second finger into my pussy. I felt sudden warm waves of pleasure start to radiate around my body. It was like a bright light was being shone straight into my eyes. I felt his thumb start to massage the pleasure centre at the top of my slit and I started to writhe around under his touch like a possessed animal. I pushed myself harder into him, wanting more from him. I looked down at his crotch, where I know men kept their snakes and I saw something bulging in there, desperate to get out.

  ‘Not today, Briony, you must be intact for the Duke, my dear,’ he said. Then he started to move his hand really fast, like a galloping horse. I couldn’t take it any more. Overcome with sudden relief, I bucked upward and swallowed up his finger with my pussy. I closed my eyes and felt more liquid beating out of my, as all of the muscles of my body contracted with ecstasy.

  ‘Excellent, my dear,’ said the doctor, pulling his hand away, ‘the Duke will be most pleased with his new plaything.’


  Life felt different after my encounter with the Doctor. I felt a new-found confidence in me, as though something fiery and unknown had been awoken in my breast. I was a little more assertive with my uncle, and started to realise that, in a way, I had all of the power in the household now. He was totally dependant on me for his shot at a work-free life, and so I made him work for it. I demanded that he buy me a new dress, for one, and went with him to York to pick it out. I chose a beautiful white lacy thing, figuring that if I was going to be married to this Duke, I might as well dress for the part. The look on my uncle’s face when he had to shell out a whole pound for it was priceless! Well, I suppose it was actually worth about a pound!

  Life was really just a long wait now. It was two weeks after the Doctor’s visit that I was due to go to the Duke, and not much happened. I saw little of Robert before leaving. We only met once, and even that seemed to be too much for my uncle, who warned against the meeting vehemently.

  ‘We both know that Rob loved you, Bri. Who knows what he’ll do when he sees you? We have to protect your maidenhood!’

  I didn’t quite follow what my uncle meant, but knew him to be overly cautious, and something of a curmudgeon, always seeing the worst in people. Robert wasn’t exactly jumping for joy when we met, and I did feel a little sad. His heart wa
s obviously broken.

  ‘Just know, Bri,’ he said, as we made our final trip around the farm’s perimeter, ‘that if you ever need a friend, or someone to talk to, I’ll be here.’ He looked as handsome as ever in the early evening light. For a moment, I thought about leaning in, kissing him, giving him something to remember me by. But I knew that it would be much kinder to leave him without a token like that.

  ‘I’ll always think fondly of you, Robert,’ I said. Although it’s bad, I couldn’t help but feel as though I was on my way to a brand new, exciting life. I felt a little guilty, but knew that it hadn’t been my choice. If things had been different, maybe I would have ended up with Robert, and lived out my days as a shepherdess on a small-holding somewhere. But it was not to be.

  On the day of my trip to the Duke’s estate, which was in fact on the other side of Yorkshire, I was extremely nervous. Everything seemed to be going wrong. I’d woken up with a pounding headache, and no mater how vigorously I attacked it with the brush, my hair looked so thatched, messy and nest-like that it seemed like a bird might fly out of it at any moment.

  The only thing that was right was the dress, which fit me like a dream. It was shear and tight, and the white lace made me look very virginal and bride-like. I was amazed when I saw myself in the mirror. It was the swankiest and most beautiful I’d ever looked. I don’t know why, but the sudden memory of the Doctor’s hand on my private parts flashed suddenly through my head, and my cheeks reddened slightly as I looked at myself. Virginal indeed!

  Then, a few minutes after I’d gotten into my dress, there was another fly in the ointment. The carriageman arrived, holding a folded package. He explained to my uncle, as I stood nervously behind him, that he had an outfit with him, which the Duke had demanded I wear to meet him. My heart dropped. I’d been looking forward so much to impressing the Duke with my brand new dress, that the thought that I’d have to wear something else made me want to cry.

  ‘I’m not wearing it,’ I said. ‘I’ll look like a pig, trussed up for the spit!’

  My uncle turned to look at me imploringly. ‘Won’t you at least have a look, Bri.’ I obliged, and opened up the package. Inside was something which I can only really describe as a sort of belt or harness. It was strips of leather, with holes and buckles in them. There was, bizarrely, a diagram included as well, which showed a woman wearing the ridiculous thing. It barely covered her modesty.

  ‘There is no way on earth that I’m wearing that,’ I said. And I meant it. We argued for an hour or so, which meant that I would be seriously late to meet the Duke, and finally, after I had cried and screamed at my uncle, he relented.

  ‘Fine,’ he said, ‘but if you’re sent back to me because of this, and if I don’t get my money, you’re not going to be sleeping under my roof, do you understand?’

  When the carriage door closed, and I watched my uncle disappear into the distance, I hoped that I would never see him again.


  Although the Duke’s estate was still in the county of Yorkshire, it couldn’t have been any different from my uncle’s farm. Set in acres of level gardens, at the end of a long, poplar-lined avenue, stood a gigantic manor house. Built from austere local granite, the house was among the most imposing, huge building’s I’d ever seen. I’d read about the houses of parliament and Buckingham Palace, and couldn’t really imagine that either of those famous buildings could be bigger than Skipton Manor.

  The coachman dropped me off right outside the main gate of the building. I gave him a warm smile, and slipped him the shilling that my uncle had pressed into my hand before I’d left, and turned to face the future. I was greeted by a kindly looking man dressed in a butler’s outfit. He smiled, but I was taken aback by the directness of his words.

  ‘I see that miss is not wearing the outfit which my Lord requested.’

  ‘Nice to meet you too,’ I said, a little perturbed by the man’s over-familiar manner.

  ‘Quite,’ said the butler. ‘My name is Alfred, and I’m the Duke’s manservant. I suggest that you slip out of your clothes and into the outfit provided before you meet the master, or it’s fair to say that the punishment will be swift and a little more stern than madam might be used to.’

  Punishment? What on earth was this old fruit talking about. Of course I wasn’t used to punishment. I wasn’t used to it at all, because there was no reason that a husband would punish his wife.

  ‘I think that my new husband will be quite happy with what I’m wearing, Alfred.’ He gave me a weary look.

  ‘As you wish, my lady.’ He motioned to the front door, painted a deep, green colour. ‘He awaits you inside.’

  The house was extremely well appointed. We walked through a grand entrance hall, decked out with paintings and sculptures, and found our way through a reception room. Then, after pushing open a large, heavy, hinged set of double doors, I saw the main hall.

  This room almost felt like a kind of throne room. The Duke sat, up a few steps on a small stage at the far end of the room. There was a red carpet which ran all the way up the middle of the room and ended underneath his seat. The Duke was dressed in his full regalia, with high, broad golden shoulder-pads crowning each side of his smart navy jacket, and a pair of the most polished brogues I’d ever seen adorning his feet.

  ‘Finally,’ he said. His voice was as rough and deep as I’d remembered from our meeting on the fields, and he seemed even more confident and cruel now that we were in his domain. ‘Come!’ He commanded me forward, and I started the way up towards his seat. I felt terrified in his presence, and as I slowly took the long walk up to him, he started to talk to me.

  ‘Briony,’ he said, his huge ribcage resonating with his severe voice, ‘I find it virtually impossible to believe that you would come to me like this, not wearing the outfit which I specifically sent for you.’ I trembled a little, and remained silent. I almost felt like a young girl in front of him. His authority was absolute.

  ‘Before I can welcome you into my house, I’m afraid that we have the small matter of your punishment to discuss. I gave you direct instructions through the coachman to wear the outfit that I graciously bought for you, out of my own pocket. It’s an outfit becoming of my wife, appropriate to your position as my plaything. However, you disobeyed me, your new husband. Is that the way that wives are meant to act?’

  I was so close to him now that I could almost smell him, his regal, masculine scent.

  ‘No, your excellency,’ I said, my voice trembling with fear. Why had I called him that? What had come over me?

  ‘That’s quite right. Now, I am afraid that I am going to have to punish you. It’s for your own good, Briony.’ When he said my name, he moved his legs so that they were slightly apart from each other, then he lightly tapped his knee with an open palm. ‘Come here. Come and lay your beautiful fat form across my lap.’

  I hesitated for a moment. Was this really happening? Was he really going to make me lie across his lap and then, was he really going to smack me? A horrible thought ran through my mind - I hadn’t worn any undergarments for the trip! I was quite nude beneath my large dress - I found it much more comfortable to have my underparts in the open air, but, if he were to lift my skirts before smacking me, he’d be able to see everything! My bottom, my pubis, my little quim. The thought made me panic and when I didn’t move for a few moments he locked his grim eyes on mine.

  ‘Come here, right now, and lie across my lap young lady, before I lose all of my not inconsiderable patience!’

  I could try to run, but the door might be locked and that frightful maid might stop me. Maybe it was for the best that I just take my punishment like a good girl. I knew that I had been defying him by wearing a coat over my dress, and he was taking me in and looking after me, as well as providing for my family. Maybe it was right that I let him discipline me as he pleased. I thought of my uncle, telling me that I had to make my new husband happy, that it was my duty to be a good wife

  Shaking with nerves, I walked up to the brute. As I was about to lay down on him, he took an elegant-looking, freshly-pressed white silken handkerchief from his top packet, and carefully laid it across his lap. ‘The doctor tells me that you were quite forthcoming with your, shall we say, juice. We don’t want any of Madame’s wetness to stain my trousers, do we?’ he asked. I’d never been asked such a vulgar question as this before, and I felt my cheeks start to burn red with embarrassment. I didn’t know what to say, so I carefully laid myself across his lap. I felt almost immediately dizzy, as I’d arranged myself so that my head was quite low down and my behind was sticking straight up in the air. I couldn’t see the Duke’s face, but I could have sworn that I heard the revolting sound of him licking his lips.

  ‘Now,’ he said, ‘it’s very important that you understand the reason that this is happening. It’s not because I’m cruel, or that I hate you, nothing could be further from the truth. I have,’ he said, as he started to lift the skirts of my pretty white dress and petticoat up my legs, ‘only your best interests at heart. I know that your uncle is a rather worm-like man, with no backbone whatsoever,’ he continued, revealing the backs of my gartered legs, and surely the merest hint of my bottom, ‘and in order to make a young woman strong and good, she must be taught that she can’t act in whatever way she likes, whenever she…’ He stopped short. He had seen that I was wearing no underwear.

  I felt the a cold lick of a breeze on my bare bottom, I felt my tender, virginal quim totally open to the air.

  ‘My goodness, Briony, it seems that you’ve come quite prepared for our little encounter here today,’ said the Duke, and then I felt his rough, coarse hand on my backside.


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