Gentle: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Gentle: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 13

by Jason Lenov

  She cleared her throat, pressed a finger against her lips, wiping away a little milk that had collected at the corner of her mouth. When she finally looked up she was biting her lip.

  My insides tightened. Was this for real? Was she hiding this from me? Was she searching for an explanation?

  She reached a hand across the table and touched my arm. "Adamchik..." she said with open, earnest eyes.


  She let out a sigh. "It's just...a little different than here..." she said, trailing off as her eyes drifted to the ground.

  I swallowed loudly and tried to relax. A bolt of fear shot through me at what she was about to say. "Different how?" I managed to sputter.

  She bit her lip and looked back up. More tears. Fat, salty ones were starting to form in her eyes.

  "Milena, what's wrong?"

  She swallowed, pushing back emotion.

  "Milena...I couldn't sleep last night." I couldn't take this any longer. I had to tell her what I'd read. I had to know if it was true. "I read something."

  Fear washed across her face. Her mouth opened slightly, as if to speak. No sound came out.

  My heart was thundering inside my chest. This couldn't be real. This couldn't be right. "Milena...please," I whispered, barely able to get the words out.

  A single tear rolled down her cheek, paused on her chin before dripping down onto her half-open bathrobe.

  I glanced down at her trim tummy that was peeking out. Despite everything, my cock started to get hard.

  "Oh Adamchik, there's something...I...I just have to tell you."

  "Tell me what, Milena? Please!"

  She nodded then looked at me with what looked like pity. "I was worried about this since you proposed. I was thinking about it every day, hoping they would not ask. Hoping they would take our offer and come here to our wedding. I was thinking about what to say to them, how to make an excuse but when I heard Papi almost cry, I couldn't. I had to say yes."

  My mind was reeling now. I couldn't think straight. My vision had narrowed. My mind had narrowed. The words had settled in my mind. Seeding dance.

  "For fuck's sake, Mimi, tell me. Please." I said it in a whisper. I couldn't take it any longer.

  "It was always this way. It was always how it was done. I didn't think it was strange until I moved to America. Then I realized how crazy everyone would think it was."

  "Mimi! How crazy what was?!?"

  She sighed and I realized she had finally resigned herself to telling me the truth.

  "When a woman is married in Lubnicka there is a ceremony."


  "A, how do you call it? A rite?"


  "The whole village makes it. The woman has to...she has anointed."

  My throat tightened. A chill settled deep in my insides. "Anointed?" I growled.

  "It's a very old ceremony. Many centuries old. The men...they...they cover her in seed."

  The words seemed to echo in the silence of the kitchen.

  Cover her in seed.

  Was she serious?!? Was I still dreaming? Was I going crazy? This couldn't be real.

  "You mean..."

  "Yes. It is what you think."

  My head started spinning. I clung to the table. The world felt like it had started spinning the other way. It is what you think. It is what you think.

  What did I think? I'd thought about it the night before. Dark and crazy things. About my fiancee being taken by other men in some kind of weird dance. I'd thought about it over and over. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Bolt after bolt of jealous rage tore through me. And then, from somewhere in the primal darkness of my mind, the first hot shot of lust blossomed in my core.

  "What do you mean, it is what I think?" I growled again, surprising even myself with my tone.

  Mimi put her hands up and waved them gently up and down, as if the motion would calm me and distract me from something so incredibly...hurtful? Was it that? Was it hurtful? It certainly hurt to think about.

  "Okay," she said with a sigh. She got a resigned look on her face. Like she knew it was time to come clean and there was nothing to be done about it. "It sounds crazy. It's going to sound crazy. But you have to understand, it comes from a long time ago. From a primitive people who didn't understand the forces of nature or the way the world worked. They're just ancient rituals that have stuck around."

  The way she was explaining it, so matter of factly, the fact that she'd stopped crying and decided to get down to business, all of it filled me with an even greater rage, a cocked gun ready to explode. And yet...

  Why the hell could I not stop imagining her surrounded by other men I had no idea what this was all about and already my mind was spinning up wild fantasies and my cock was getting hard. I looked away, ashamed at the excitement that bubbled just beneath the surface of my anger. I didn't want to reveal this to her. I didn't want her to know this perverse reaction I was having.

  "I guess I just have to tell you."

  "Tell me!" I snapped.

  The resignation spread to her eyes. "What do you want to know?"




  "Are you going to end this? Are you going to break with me?"

  The question crashed into me like a freight train smashing into a brick wall. It shattered my entire reality. All of my plans for us, desires for us, my hope for our marriage shattered in a million different directions and I felt like a bystander that had just seen the terrible accident but was powerless to do anything but watch.


  What was there to say? I hadn't thought that far. Would I break up with the love of my life, my beautiful blonde-haired, blue-eyed Milena who was always giggling and dancing on the tips of her toes? Would I throw away the last two years of my life because of something like this? The truth was, I didn't know. I needed to know more of what this was all about.

  "Just tell me. Please."

  "The whole wedding is a week long. It starts on Friday and finishes with the marriage on the next Thursday night. It has to be consummated before midnight of that day."


  The word made me shiver. With excitement as much as with dread. That Thursday, that would be the night I would finally be inside my wife. If...if I could get through all of this.

  "Go on."

  Her eyes danced side to side across the room. The corn flakes in her bowl had turned soggy, soaked with milk. "It starts with a dance."

  "A dance?"

  "Well, there are lots of dances, but this first one starts the whole thing."


  "It's the dance of passage. Where the woman becomes a woman for the first time. A real woman."

  Ice cold terror flashed through me. "What does that mean? What happens in the dance?"

  "It's...the men, the young men from the village gather and dance around the woman."

  "That's it?" That didn't seem that bad. Maybe I was being crazy. Maybe I'd overreacted. Maybe I'd let my own imagination get the better of me and all of this wasn't going to be as bad as...

  "That's it, except..."

  That tightness in my throat again. That stifling, chocking tightness. "Except the bride to be know. Nude."

  Nude. My wife, or bride to be, rather. Nude in front of the village men. Just the young men, though. I clenched my fist. My jaw tightened as I stared at the table, unable to meet her gaze.

  "Okay. Then what?"

  She breathed. A breath of relief. Like she'd passed the first hurdle. Like there was still a chance.

  "Then..." She paused. I looked up to see her smiling. It was a kind of crooked, awkward smile. Not one I'd seen on her before. She giggled. Her blonde curls bounced around her neck. She covered her mouth with a hand. "Then," she went on, "you get washed. Or at least, I think that's what happens next." She furrowed her brow, as if trying to remember the exact order of the ceremony.

/>   Another giggle. "Washed. Yes."

  I felt some of the tension leave my face. "Washed how?"

  A third giggle and a raised eyebrow. "The women that have all come of age but not yet married. They wash you for me. I think it's the women."

  "Like, give you a bath?"

  She laughed out loud this time. "Something like that!"

  "What do you mean something like..."

  "I don't know! I don't know because I only heard about it. I left for school before I had anything to do with that. My cousin told me about it once but I was young and it was a long time ago. I remember being very shy and I remember her laughing a lot."

  Not that this had changed my mind about the whole thing but I had to admit there was some relief in knowing that I had to endure something like that, too. Maybe it was a good thing. Maybe it would bring us closer together? Going through something like this? Maybe I'd overreacted without knowing all the facts.

  "And then?"

  "And then...I don't know."


  "I don't know! Really. I told you, I never did the ceremony and they take the children to a different village when it happens."


  She shrugged. "Too young to see, I guess."

  Too young to see? My mood darkened again. That couldn't be a good thing. What could be so lewd that they wouldn't let the children see?


  "So what?"

  "So...are you going to..."

  I knew what she wanted to ask. Was I going to go through with it or was I going to run? I had no idea what the answer would be. I looked at her. My beautiful Mimi, innocent and unbroken and pure. The engagement ring I'd bought her glistened on her finger. Her blue eyes sparkled in the morning light. I breathed a deep breath.

  "Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

  She turned her eyes down and her smile faded into a frown. "I thought you'd...I thought you'd never..." She looked back up. "I thought you'd run away. It's a crazy thing, I know. I guess I hoped that you could...I guess I hoped you loved me enough to...I don't know."

  Loved her enough to endure it. Loved her enough to not let something like this get in the way. The conversation had cleared the jealousy and doubt out of my mind somewhat. At least she was being honest. At least she was coming clean. I leaned back in my chair and thought.

  It wasn't her fault, really. Maybe she could have been more open, more honest about it in the first place. It stung to think she'd kept this a secret from me all along. When had she been planning on telling me, exactly? At the same time I understood why she hadn't. We were so in love. Of course she must have thought that news like this might destroy what we had. Maybe she was right in waiting. I was so in love with her, I would do anything to keep that love. Anything? Even this?

  "Fuck it."

  "What?" Her lip quivered. She hadn't understood my meaning.

  "The good fuck it. Fuck it like I don't care about what we need to do. If we need to do this, if it's important to you so we can be together, I'll do it."

  Once again I thought she was going to cry. "Adamchik, really?"

  "Really. I mean it."

  She pushed away from the table, knocking the cereal bowl onto the floor. Milk and soggy corn flakes splattered as the ceramic shattered across the tile. Her robe flowed open revealing her toned, alabaster skin.

  My eyes widened slightly and slid down her body, along the curve of her gently swaying breasts, then settled on the top of the gentle cleft of her sex.

  "I love you," she whispered, pushing me away from the table and straddling my lap. As her legs opened I caught the fresh scent of her soaked pussy drifting up between our bodies. She kissed me deeply and I felt her hand crawling down the front of my shirt and tugging at my belt buckle.

  "I have to go to work," I whispered as she nibbled on my lip.

  "Not yet. First I want to suck your cock."

  Buy The Sowing Song on Amazon!


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  Also by Jason Lenov

  Taking Her Back

  An innocent remark at a party unveils Mark and Keira's hidden desires.

  Unsure at first, the two finally plunge head-first into the hotwife lifestyle.

  As the two progress along their journey a happy balance becomes difficult to find.

  Will Mark succeed at taking back his wife?

  Slightly Used

  John Dempster finally connects with an old crush. He's shocked to learn she's not at all who he thought she was.

  Christine's party lifestyle is a far cry from the woman he remembers. John is surprised at his own reaction to seeing her with other men.

  But the attraction he felt is still as strong as ever. As more of Christine's lifestyle is revealed John is faced with a difficult choice.

  Can he be the man she needs? Or will their relationship flounder as he tries to be the man she seems to want?

  The Sowing Song

  Adam wants nothing but happiness for Milena, his bride-to-be.

  When she begs him that they get married in her tiny, isolated village half-way across the world, he can't say no.

  His discovery of the marriage rites Milena must perform lead him down a dark but thrilling path.

  Will Adam be able to endure the week-long ritual? Will he hear the Sowing Song sung?

  The Summer House

  When Rob overhears his wife Val telling her friend he's not paying enough attention to their marriage he's shocked into action.

  A romantic evening out to try and patch things up leads to an enthusiastic romp that convinces him he must do more for his wife.

  Val's been talking about a summer house since they first met and Rob finds the perfect one to rent.

  Viktor, the handsome owner, has an eye for Val as soon as they meet. Will Rob be able to put his jealousy aside and live out their newly discovered fantasy?

  Dear Diary : A Hotwife Fantasy

  Sam and Kate Parsons have a good life but he wants more attention from his wife.

  When she leaves her diary out, he can't resist the urge to peak inside.

  Her writing reveals a secret about the reason their friends are splitting up: a sexual misadventure that derailed their marriage.

  When Sam confronts Kate about what she wrote, the two embark on a hotwife journey that leads them to the vacation of their life.

  Will their marriage be able to survive?

  The Village Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

  Reg and Jenny have a traditional marriage. He's taught his younger wife to obey and submit to him, as his needs require.

  Their move to the quiet village of Dunning seems perfect for the next step in their life.

  When their new friends mistake Jenny's anklet, a gift from Reg, as the sign of an alternative lifestyle, Reg finds himself too aroused to fend off their advances.

  Jenny only wants to make her husband happy. Reg wants them both to be happy too, but can't control his voyeuristic desires.

  Will he be able to control his urge? Or will Jenny become the village wife?

  Yes : A Hotwife Romance

  When his wife receives a friendly massage, Charlie discovers a hidden lust.

  After sharing his fantasy with Angie, he's thrilled at her interest but unnerved by her eagerness to try it.

  Charlie leads the couple on an erotic journey of voyeurism and wife-sharing.

  But will Angie's enthusiasm turn the heat up too high for their marriage?

  A Week at the Beach : A Hotwife Romance

  When Samantha can't get pregnant, Andrew books a vacation to a sunny destination hoping it might help them relax.

  From the moment they arrive he notices a change in his wife's behaviour. Inspired by her new sense of mischeif, he confesses to his fantasy of seeing her with another man.

  Samantha is shoc
ked at first, but seems much more enthusiastic about the idea after they befriend the big, black Chef Bastian.

  As the couple explore their desires, Andrew keeps a darker secret hidden, all the while wondering just how far his wife will go.

  An fun-in-the-sun wifesharing story.




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