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The Exhibition: DARK EROTICA SERIES Page 4

by Lucy Lixx

  He had a collar around my neck, padded with leather and steel on the outside. It was engraved with a symbol I knew nothing about, but it made me feel safer knowing it was there. I don’t know why. I felt him move behind me, and my body reacted. It was as if I was painfully aware of where he stepped. I knew how close, or how far away he was the moment he entered a room with me, and I ached whenever he moved too far away.

  “Do you remember what I said, Alice?” He cooed at me, soft and sweetly.

  “Yes, Master.” I answer. Calling him Master has become second nature now. He left, disappearing before he brought back a small cage on wheels. The wheels could easily be removed. I looked at it, knowing I’d be stuck in that position for however long he deemed fit. My breathing got a little heavier. He watched my breasts rise and fall with uneven breaths.

  “Tell me then.” He said, and there was no question. It was a command. Short and sweet.

  “I don’t speak unless spoken to. I don’t do anything but react and feel. No matter what happens to me.” I say with a small tremble in my voice. It’s almost too much to think about. He’s pushing me in the cage now, fastening my ankles and wrists together. Even if the cage was big enough, I wouldn’t be able to stand up. Not now.

  “I won’t let them hurt you, but if you disappoint me, Alice…” He trailed off, shaking his head. He leaned in close to my ear. I could feel his breath on my all-too-cool skin as he said the last words.

  “I will.” He told me, and a shiver ran through me before he started to take me out of the room I had grown to view as the only place I was safe.

  My body trembled, but for some reason, I knew that Master really would keep me safe. At least, I hoped so. I hadn’t been away from him before, but I tried to put on my brave face. I had been well fed, enjoyed exercise, and Master had kept me in his arms. My heart was beating frantically as I was left in that dark room. I could hear other girls as well in different cages, and I knew that from what Master told me that this was just a holding cell.

  We’d be drawn out later, but I’d never go on the auctioning block. For a moment, I was grateful for the darkness. I didn’t want to have to look at other girls like me that were taken from their home, only to end up on auction like cattle with no idea what would befall them next. I shuddered at the thought, hoping my own Master wouldn’t change his mind. That’s when a girl’s cage got pushed dangerously close to my own. I could see glimpses of pale blonde hair much like mine, and she was screaming.

  I don’t understand. He had told me that only well behaved slaves would be here, and yet here she was screaming her ears off, rocking her cage, and it teetered. I closed my eyes, trying to block out the sound and sight. It was too much. I remembered how much I wanted to scream when he first took me. I remembered how much I wanted to be like her, defying them, but I didn’t want to remember. I only wanted to think of getting through today and starting the rest of my life with the Master I had chosen.

  I chose him. I chose to stop fighting, and I wanted this because in some twisted way, I knew that I had started to fall for him. With him wanting to keep me, I reminded myself that he wanted me as well. I didn’t open my eyes again until the door was closed again with a deafening sound, and the girl finally calmed down. I looked at the woman in front of me, and I looked at her unashamed at my staring. She looked back, and she was paler than I was, but she didn’t seem sickly. Her hair was more of a golden blonde than the platinum of mine, but she had the same blue eyes.

  “What?” She yelled, and I shook my head, putting a finger to my lips.

  “What are you staring at? Are you scared of them? What did the fucker who took you do?” She hissed. “You should be helping me!” She screamed, but I shook my head. I panicked, looking around but when no one came due to her screaming, I looked at her. She was crumpled in her cell, and I bit my bottom lip. I knew that I shouldn’t talk to her, but I couldn’t help it.

  “I…” I said, and her head snapped up. “I’m Alice, and I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. I thought only trained slaves were brought here.” I said, and she glared at me, saying nothing.

  “Oh. You’re one of them too. You think that he loves you, or that some nonsense like this is your place. Wake up! He kidnapped you and dehumanized you!” She hissed, and I could hear no more. I put my hands over my ears, but she had already stopped talking. Panic rose up in me again, and once again I worried that maybe my Master would change his mind, and I wouldn’t see him again; Just as I thought I had found my place in the world.

  Disruption& Uncertainty

  I could hear them screaming, and I looked at the man who had just brought her. Many of us had heard that there was an untrained slave among our own, and none of us wanted to see what her behavior would do to our well-behaved slaves. I worried how it’d upset my dear Alice. She was having enough problems adjusting, I just shook my head and sighed.

  “What the hell.” I demanded when no one else would speak. It wasn’t a question; it was a demand for answers. The man just raised an eyebrow, and I sneered. I hoped that our host would remove him and his unruly slave before they upset Alice, but I feared like many others that it was too late. Sir M. was our host, and he was standing to the side, and for a moment I feared that he’d say nothing.

  “Well are you going to give an answer? Do you plan to make a mockery of our establishment with that thing you call a slave?” He said, and his tone was quiet and demanding. It had a presence that would send most men begging for forgiveness but the man just quirked an eyebrow at him.

  “She will be quiet soon.” He said, holding up a button. “I wish to show that unruly slaves, though risky, can be good for the sadists in the group.” He said, and Sir M. just shook his head. “One more outburst like that and you will be stripped of her, and she will go through proper training. I will not have chaos here. Do you understand me?” He said, but the man just looked at him, giving him a curt nod.

  “I hope you mean that nod, or I will make an example of you as well.” Sir M. said before he left the scene.

  I took the man in, he was clearly Russian with the accent he sported, but it was all that you could tell. He had cold eyes that seemed almost dead in their murky brown, and his hair was just a dark brownish-black with medium toned skin. There was nothing remarkable about the man, but there was something about his presence that seemed to disrupt everything around him. I didn’t want him anywhere near my Alice, and so him being here upset me enough.

  As much as I worried that the girl was upsetting Alice, I wished she’d do something again. It’d be better for her, and it’d be better for Alice. It’d get this man away from everyone. He shouldn’t be here. He pushed a button again, and I heard a scream behind the door, but it was quickly muffled. I knew the girl must be crying, and I knew a shock collar button when I saw it. Please be far away from Alice. I thought, but I didn’t dare show anyone that I cared about her by going in.

  “Brutis, come on.” A woman said with a small smile. She was dainty, and I was surprised to see a woman here walking free. It was not unheard of. We had male slaves as well, but mostly men were in the game. She took his arm, and his eyes changed.

  “Don’t just push the button on little Jesse, just do it.” She told him. “I told you to treat her a little better didn’t I?” She said, and I walked away. I didn’t want to hear anymore. They didn’t matter to me. Only Alice did.

  Troubling Emotions

  I looked at the girl, she was quiet a moment ago. Until the screaming, at least. I saw what was around her neck for the first time, and my eyes widened as I looked at it. A few years ago, I would never have known what a shock collar was until my neighbor was training a pit bull. I always thought that the collar made it more aggressive, and I wondered if that was why her anger was so intense. She writhed in pain against her cage, and it rattled. I could hear other girls murmur or move, covering their ears most likely like I was. Some cried, and the sobbing was almost too much to bear. I looked
away, but she just sat up when it was done as if she was used to it.

  Damon could have used that on me. I thought. But he didn’t. I reminded myself. Until now, I had always thought that he had been cruel, but now I knew the truth. He had been kind to me. Much kinder than some of these girls, and that’s when I curled into myself, refusing to look around. I muttered a song from my childhood under my breath to keep myself from hearing what was going on. I waited in that darkness for him to come for me, and I tried desperately to remind myself that he would.

  Getting Stage Ready

  When it was expected of me to get her back, I wasted no time in doing so. I thought about Alice in the cage, and I knew all of the things I wanted to do to her while she was helpless in such as situation would have to wait. I took a deep breath as I walked back stage, and that’s when I saw her. The girl that had been screaming, wearing the shock collar, was right beside her. I shook my head, trying to look away.

  Alice didn’t look up. She had her head buried in her hands and tucked between her knees, curling in on herself, and I couldn’t help but to sigh. I was being watched while I was here on one camera or another, and I couldn’t do anything that would put my reputation in danger. I had come too far to risk doing that. With a small shake of my head, I took the cage, and she startled as soon as it began to roll. She looked at me, and instantaneous relief flooded her eyes, and I watched as her frail body started to relax. A small smile played on my lips, and I shook my head at her.

  “Relaxing already?” I taunted, trying to get her mind off of what I was sure she had just witnessed, since the girl was right beside her.

  “Should I not be, Master?” She purred in that way she had learned since we had first started to get comfortable with each other.

  It was as if we were constantly dancing. As I stepped forward she stepped back, and just as I started to get comfortable in the direction we were moving, she’d turn with a playful smile just as she was turning now. That eager smile played on her lips, but I knew it wasn’t just an eagerness to serve me, but she wanted to throw me off balance with her submission. Just to see if she could, and for some reason that delighted me. I reached through the bars when I got her to the room I needed her in, and my fingers twisted in her hair, giving it a sharp yank and causing her to gasp. Her eyes widened and tears pricked at her eyes. I could feel myself getting hard, and I knew her well enough to know that she was getting wet despite herself.

  “This is not a place to play around with me.” I said, and my voice was low and gravely. I watched as she closed her legs, rubbing her thighs together before allowing her eyes to flutter closed as well.

  “I’d show you your place, but now isn’t the time for us to have fun, is it? Just get through this, and you’ll likely be coming home with me.” I purred, making sure that the ‘likely’ was in there to throw her off. I needed her to be obedient. As much as I liked her screams, from both pain and pleasure, I didn’t like the idea of giving her one without the other. I knew that if I had to punish her here, there’d be no pleasure. The words sunk in, and she stilled. I kept my gaze on her as her eyes searched my face, and she must have found what she was looking for, because she forced herself to relax.

  “I know you saw the shock collar, Alice, so I don’t want you to be panicked, but I need to put something on you.” I said, unlocking the cage.

  We were in a back room. It wasn’t all that much bigger than the average cubicle, but it was makeshift. Sir M.’s estate was large, but he had everything sectioned off perfectly in a controlled area so that he could watch us. Some trainers may be unaware, but I was not. It was just worth the risk, as he could get you an elite clientele if he liked you enough. I only hoped that my interactions with Alice were convincing enough to warrant me another invitation without her, but that was thought for another time.

  She trembled as I took out the leather collar with a padlock. I liked to keep things simple, and I knew that the black leather would contrast beautifully with her skin. The padlock was light weight but a great added touch. The collar was thick, as a posture collar should be, and she shivered as she tried to move her head without being able to do so. Side to side was the only way it’d move, and even that was limited.

  “There’s no electricity in this one, but it’ll keep your head straight.” I said idly.

  To anyone else it would seem as if I was just bantering, but Alice knew I was trying to reassure her. At least I hoped so. The click was deafening in the silent room, and it just propelled me forward. Next came the ring gag, perfectly holding her mouth open if someone were to slip their cock through it, face fucking her with tears surely rolling down her eyes. Her gag reflex was better, but not perfect. Most clients, myself included, loved the feeling of their throat constricting around them.

  My pants seemed uncomfortably tight as I looked at the sheer white baby doll that I had placed her in, and underneath, I fastened two alligator clamps. She cried out, and it took me a moment and a deep breath later to calm myself down, quelling my urge to take her right then and there, which wouldn’t look good. I placed another clip right on her clit, savoring the way she looked at me with pleading eyes. She didn’t say a word. Alice knew better. I had placed this particular clip on her every night for the past few days, and she was getting used to it. Yesterday was the exception, to make sure that she wasn’t too sore.

  “Wait until we’re alone.” Was all I said as I fastened it on her sensitive nub, and she cried out making my cock throb even more.

  When we’re alone. I repeatedly told myself, trying to calm down. She wasn’t the first slave I trained, and yet here I ached for her like I hadn’t ached for any other. I fastened the chain next, between the three of them, and I couldn’t stop myself from tugging on it and making Alice cry out and arch her back, but her head stayed forward, forcing her to look at me. I hadn’t put the posture collar on her before, saving it for today, and I smiled looking at her. She was a Western beauty, and she’d do exactly what I needed her to do. She had fire left in her eyes, but it was cooled. Just like a good slave. My slave.

  A Dance Between Fear & Trust

  My clit was aching right along with my nipples, and I knew that my slit must be glistening. I could feel my own juices running down my inner thighs as I looked at him. He was handsome to me in a way that I could have never found him handsome before, and I knew that I didn’t want to go home with anyone but him. If anything, the screaming girl had made me appreciate him more. I looked at him, and he smiled at me. It was a small smile that curved right at the corner of his mouth, as if it wasn’t there unless you were looking.

  I knew where to look, and as my eyes traveled down to look at his pants, I could see that he was hard. I was both proud and mortified, but I knew better than to try to say something. All I concentrated on was trying not to drool on myself through the ring gag. I hoped that no one would take advantage of my situation. I thought that I’d be left in the cage. He didn’t say anything as he looked at the scene, but I refused to look away from him.

  I was too scared of what I would see. He forced me to look by motioning, and slaves were standing, some were still caged, and some were kneeling. It all depended on the master, and it looked like my Master was still thinking, and so I said nothing, looking at him with wide eyes. That’s when he unlocked the cage door, and he held out his hand. I took it, and his bag was still on him. I noticed it when he sat it down.

  What will he pull out from it next? I thought to myself before chasing the thought away and concentrating on what was going on in the here and now. That’s when he pulled out black bondage rope, and it was made out of silk. That was something I was sure of when he wrapped it around my wrists. It was tight, and I knew that my hands would soon go numb. I would truly be helpless as he tied it and then clipped my hands to the back of the posture collar through a ring that I didn’t know was even there. It pulled my wrists up, making my elbows bow up, and I barely kept my cry of pain from billowing out.
  Every nerve I had felt like it was on edge, yet despite this I got even wetter as I looked at people looking at me. Even some slaves were looking at me with sideways glances. Both men and women alike stared from every station. Some just glanced, as if I was nothing, even in my predicament, and some stared. I knew that Master wanted those stares, and so I didn’t shift from foot to foot like I wanted to. I just stared straight ahead, giving myself to him in my submission.

  “You’re being such a good girl.” He taunted me, but I tried to keep those words echoing as he moved, tapping my feet to make me spread my legs apart.

  “Don’t move them or I’ll lock them there with a spreader bar, and it won’t look good on me. You don’t want that. I won’t go easy on you if you do.” He said, with his fingers trailing over my shoulder causing a small shiver to ripple through me.

  “If I have to punish you here, then there will be no pleasure, my darling slave.” He said, but I knew that he was just reminding me of my place.

  I didn’t let that delude me into thinking that he wasn’t serious though. I wasn’t stupid. I knew what Damon was capable of. He was my Master, and so there were no limits as far as he was concerned, and that made him dangerous. It also made my legs tremble as my desire to have him inside of me grew. That’s when he did something that I never expected.


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