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The Exhibition: DARK EROTICA SERIES Page 11

by Lucy Lixx

  “Daddy knows everything.”

  I turned to meet his gaze and nearly swooned. His eyes were such a bright blue. I hadn't realized they were so blue until now. I wanted to drown in the swirl of periwinkle outlined with a black border. They were so intense I could have probably reached climax just staring at them. His hand met my hair and brushed it from my face. I quivered and ran for the bathroom. It seemed like I had been running away all day, like the weight of my fantasy was so out of control that I couldn't handle it inevitably coming to life.

  I leaned into the wood of the door while attempting to regulate my heart beat. My Daddy is coming on to me and I'm not sure what else to do other than cry out of fear and excitement. I was at the point of a total break. I looked up at my reflection and questioned the girl I saw. She was so young, but grown in so many ways. Her mother had always told her that she was ahead of the game as far as maturity, that she was beyond her years. Was Daddy recognizing that? Did he want her to stay young or to be grown?

  A light rap against the wood broke my train of thought.

  “Victoria, are you alright? I hadn't meant to...” His words trailed off.

  I cracked open the door to meet his eyes once more before slowly pulling it open. Try as I might, words wouldn't leave my lips. I had a million sentences blazing through my head at lightning speed, but nothing substantial that could express my emotions in that moment.

  “I promise not to tell.”

  His words gave me permission to lunge forward and press my lips to his. It was an act of defiance to all the months I kept the desire stifled. That moment alone broke away all the barriers that were standing between me and pleasure. I could now take what was rightfully mine.

  Daddy pushed his lips back into mine without hesitation. He took us into my room – oh, how the bed was a mess still – and lifted me up to press me against the door, slamming it shut. My heart raced in tandem with our humping bodies, his hands moving up my shirt and under my bra to explore the forbidden regions of my body. I clawed at his clothes like a ravenous animal as this was my first bit of intimate contact in a while. He was fumbling with my bra, so I leaned forward for him to have a better reach. Impatient, he tore my shirt open, buttons flying across the room, and held my hips tight to flip me around towards the bed.

  My legs were still tightly wrapped around his torso as we rolled between my books and clothes. Folders were falling off the bed as well as random books and bits of paper. The suitcase and tote got in the way, so Daddy shoved it off the sheets to make room for our panting bodies. I tugged at his shirt – I was too eager to see what he looked like stripped down. I had imagined him so many times in my head that I was sure I was wrong. He pulled his polo shirt over his head and revealed a massive chest tattoo that stretched from his shoulder blades down to his pelvis. A Japanese dragon locked eyes with me and I froze momentarily by its mesmerizing glare.

  Daddy noticed me staring and smiled.

  “Do you like Daddy's tattoo?” He asked.

  “Yes, I do. It's sort of frightening.” I said.

  I admitted it was rather intimidating, but I appreciated that sort of rough exterior about him. It wasn't just that he was my Daddy, it was also that he was sort of bad. He was rugged and raw while also being intensely sweet. His hands conveyed their experience while also being extremely gentle against my porcelain skin. I moaned. His fingers slithered up to my throat and over my lips, circling them over and over before diving into my mouth to make them wet. When he felt they were properly soaked, he slipped them down beneath my pants and prodded my silky lips prior to penetrating them. The motion made me gasp and dig my nails into his shoulders, bucking forward as his hand took on a steady rhythm. He silenced me with his lips.

  As he rubbed my wet opening, I struggled to pull off my pants so he could have greater access to what I deemed his. I kicked my khakis off to the floor and pulled his body against mine as his hand took on a faster pace. The excitement bubbled in my gut as the beat increased. I humped his hand hard while his mouth suckled my breast, a thrilling experience I thought I'd never have in my life. I thought I would meet a sort of straight-faced Tom or Harry at college, get married, have regular sex, and then spit out a few kids while I practiced my counseling career.

  But this was so much better than all of that.

  Daddy was grinding his fingers inside me and I was in ecstatic bliss. I smiled into his neck as I started bucking uncontrollably, the waves of my orgasm taking me out into the beautiful, dark sea. He met me out amidst the wash of blue and gray as I rolled through the storm waves, as my orgasm took us farther and farther away from reality.

  Daddy had me now and I wasn't going anywhere.

  Chapter Four

  After our brief encounter in my bedroom, Daddy reminded me that this would have to be our little secret. He forced me to suck his fingers and promise my utter allegiance to the discreetness of our affair. I promised, licking the taste of my own juice off my lips. When he left the room, I felt a sense of dread fill my stomach. I still had to pack and return to my dorm, and then I'd have to spend the entire week away from home. We had just finally broken the barriers. What was I going to do? I wandered towards the bathroom with my head spinning, hoping a hot shower would calm my nerves. The water soothed my aching muscles, especially my pelvis, and helped me relax enough to collect myself. Being away all week just meant weekends would be extra exciting. There was no reason to panic.

  I finished showering, got dressed, and dried my hair before gathering my things to load into the car. As I packed, Daddy stood in the doorway watching. I noticed his eyes washing over my body and bent over the driver's seat so my shorts would ride up my ass. I heard him hiss. I fixed whatever imaginary problem I had created to make my shorts ride up and felt a warm hand rest upon my back. He traced my spine up to the base of my neck and then grabbed a handful of my hair, tugging it firmly while pressing his hard cock against my bottom. I gasped.

  “It's not nice to tease Daddy, little girl.” He growled. “Apologize.”

  His grip was so tight on my hair that I couldn't get the words to leave my throat.

  “Sorry...” I croaked.

  He tugged again.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “I'm sorry...Daddy.”


  I inhaled sharply and coughed, choking on the air that was desperately trying to reach my lungs. I massaged my throat while resting against the seat, exhilaration still running rampant through my entire body. My panties were soaked again and I think I was leaking through my shorts. I needed his cock now more than ever, but I knew I had to go. He was just toying with me to teach me a lesson. I moaned.

  “Can we just--?”

  “No, we don't have time. You have to get back to school.” He spun me around and shoved his thumb into my mouth, imploring me to suck. I obliged.

  “If you get all your work done by Wednesday, I'll come visit. How's that?”

  I nodded, my lips wrapped tightly around his thumb as his other hand sought to play with the mess beneath my shorts. I would definitely need to change again.

  “Good girl. Now, give me a kiss.”

  He removed his thumb from my mouth and waited, smiling. He knew he had me wrapped up under his spell and I was happy to be so lost within this fantasy. It was going places I hadn't even imagined, a hot and beautiful place where I could just moan and buck all night. I pressed my lips gently into his as he wrapped his arm about my waist, pressing his still-erect cock into my wet shorts. I groaned and he laughed into my lips. Clearly he was pleased by my reaction to the simple motion. When we finished kissing, I shoved my face into his neck to inhale his cologne one more time before climbing into my car. He shut the door for me and waved, waiting for me to turn the engine and put my belt on. I carefully did these motions that were typically normal, but now felt incredibly tasking. I turned on my headlights, fixed my mirror, and forced myself to put the car into reverse so I could pull out
of the driveway and head for the university.

  I had a thirty-minute drive ahead of me and I wouldn't be able to masturbate until I got settled into my room, that is if my roommate was at work or out somewhere. I would have to take another shower. I could feel my juices leaking even more and trickling down my thighs as I thought about Daddy pressing my body against the car and ripping off my shorts. I sighed and rapped the steering wheel. After a moment, I turned on the radio and tried to focus on the music coming through the speakers. I needed to get a hold of myself for now. Just for now. I'll be fine. For now.

  British Lit was boring me to pieces today. It was Wednesday morning and all I could think about was rushing to get my work done before Daddy came to visit. I had a feeling he'd punish me if I didn't get anything done before his arrival, so I was attempting to rush through my class without rushing time. I wore my prettiest skirt – a plaid design in pastel pink – with a white blouse and black Mary Jane's to match. I left my hair down, but planned on pulling it up into pig tails as soon as I got back to my room. This wasn't something I usually wore, but I just wanted to impress him and fit his fantasy. I knew he looked at school girls at home on the computer because I snooped through his history late at night, which is where I got the inspiration for my outfit. I still wasn't sure exactly how he wanted me to act while with him. I made a mental note to do research while at work later today.

  As soon as the professor dismissed the class, I hopped up from my seat and sprinted towards the door with my books pressed against my chest to keep my heart from springing out of my body. My dorm was a good ten-minute walk across campus and I didn't think my thong would last through it. I was already aroused at the thought of Daddy being in my dorm room. My roommate would be out until after dinner, so I'd have the room all to myself.

  And my sweet Daddy.

  I tried to keep my pace steady, but I found myself panting more than usual as I crossed the road that led to my dorm. My phone buzzed in my purse. I struggled to dig through my bag while juggling my books in the other arm, but ended up dropping them all on the sidewalk.

  “Shit!” I cried out.

  I was beyond nervous and it was keeping me from holding myself together. I was about to lose it when a guy jogged up from my left and helped me gather the two textbooks and binder full of papers that threatened to explode. I found it similar to my loins: ready to bust.

  “Thank you,” I said quickly and kept walking in the direction of my dorm.

  My phone buzzed again, but this time it was in my hand. I looked at the screen.

  Daddy calling…

  My heart skipped a beat and I pressed the green button to answer it.


  “I'm here. Where are you?”

  “I'm only three minutes away. I'll be there soon.”

  “Don't keep me waiting, Victoria.”

  The call ended before I could respond with an apology. I was sure to meet a punishment if I took any longer than necessary. Dropping my books had added time, but if I rushed I'd surely look disheveled and unattractive. I took a deep breath and kept my pace, assuring myself that Daddy would understand. I greeted Daddy at the front of the steps where he smiled and looked me over. At least my outfit was pleasing. I slipped my key card into the door and he held it open for me. I noticed the girls in the entrance staring hard at Daddy who was wearing his Harley vest and black boots. The black t-shirt he wore hardly hid the definition of his chest and arms which caused a few double takes as we signed in and went towards the nearest staircase.

  I made sure to walk a few steps ahead so he could see up my skirt. His silence was pleasing. We reached the top and headed south to my room where I unlocked the door and tossed my things on the bed. I leaned against my desk and waited. Daddy shut the door quietly and turned the deadbolt, then slowly removed his vest and hung it on the back of the door. He folded his arms across his chest as he turned to me.

  “Did you finish all your work?” He regarded my outfit again with a small smirk.

  “Yes, Daddy.” I responded quickly, not breaking eye contact.

  My eyes lit up with delight when he moved towards me.

  “But you were late.”

  He stared into my eyes until I broke and looked down at my shoes.

  “Turn around and bend over your desk.”

  Was he going to pound me right here? My inner thighs were wet again, and this time the liquid slid down past my skirt. Daddy noticed and slipped his hand up my skirt.

  “I said turn around, Victoria. Now.”

  My eyes rolled back and I moaned while his fingers danced underneath my thong. With great effort, I turned and bent over the edge of my desk with my palms flat against the wood. Daddy ran his fingers along the inside of my thighs again and came up to my ass where he flipped my skirt up and pulled down my thong. The cloth stuck to my vulva that was now a sopping wet mess.

  “You're filthy,” He said while gently patting my bottom. “And you need to be punished.”

  I hissed while he ran his fingers along my inner thighs again, aching for him to penetrate me instead of punishing me.

  “And you'll have to be very quiet while I punish you. Do you understand?”

  He smacked my bottom. The action surprised me and I squeaked.

  “Yes, Daddy.” I managed to mutter.

  I wiggled beneath his touch and smiled. Admittedly, I'd never really liked pain, but this sort of interaction was erotic. As his smacks grew harder, it became increasingly difficult to stifle my moans and groans. Eventually, Daddy pulled my thong off completely and shoved them into my mouth to silence me. He pressed his hand over my lips, causing my breathing to labor. Each new spank stung more than the previous and I could feel my skin beginning to redden and raise when his hand left my bottom.

  I really hoped our suite mates couldn't hear this.

  As he landed another blow, I whimpered into the cloth occupying my mouth and started crying. My pelvis was aching, my breasts were hurting from being pressed against hard wood, and my neck was starting to cramp from being slammed in the same position. I tried to pull from his grip to bend my neck forward, but he was relentless.

  “Take it, Victoria. Make Daddy proud.” Smack. “Daddy will reward you if you're good.” Smack. “Now, stay still.”

  He slapped my bottom one more time and I squealed into his hand, hot tears streaming down my face. Though I'd made a little noise, I'd kept my hands pressed against the desk and didn't try to fight him off. I was being good, as far as I could tell. Daddy must have shared the same sentiment because he pulled my thong from my mouth and lifted me up into his arms to carry me towards the bed. He laid me out and lifted my skirt with one hand while undoing his jeans with the other. I spread my legs dutifully and waited. As he pumped his cock a few times, he massaged the back of my neck which made me groan with relief. His fingers slid over my cheek and slipped into my mouth as he pushed his enormous member between my wet lips, his girth surprising and pleasant all at the same time.

  I bayed rather loudly, the sound muffled by his fingers which he shoved deeper to keep anyone from knowing what we were doing. Once I became accustomed to his size, he removed his fingers and planted his hands against my hips as he slid in and out of me slowly. I was absolutely elated. I was so inexperienced, but this would likely be the most amazing sex of my life. I was sure my lack of movement was displeasing, but Daddy's excited grunting made me reconsider.

  “Am I being good?” I asked weakly, inhaling sharply with each thrust.

  “Oh, yes, baby girl. You are being so good for Daddy.” He moaned and leaned down to kiss me. “You're such a good girl.”

  His thrusting rhythm picked up and he started pounding a little harder, causing me to cover my mouth every time I wanted to cry out. I could feel myself tighten as he pumped and I grabbed a nearby pillow. Daddy stopped me and firmly grabbed my face.

  “I want to see your face when you cum for Daddy.”

bsp; The words elicited another moan, his other hand reaching down to massage my clit as he continued to pump his cock into my tight little hole. I arched my back and attempted to get loose of his grip, but he held me in place and grinned. He moved his grip to my throat where he intermittently applied pressure as he rubbed my clit harder.

  “Oh my god--”


  “Oh… Oh...”

  “Bust, Victoria. Let it go.”


  Still moaning, I bucked into his pelvis. He pounded me down into the bed with his hand firm over my lips, the mattress squeaking underneath us. My vision went blurry temporarily as I came, his grunting growing heavier as his rhythm quickened and then suddenly stopped. He pulled out, grabbed my hair, and pulled my head down to his cock where he exploded all over my mouth and face. Mascara stuck to my cheeks that were now covered in tears and cum, the hot mess bitter and salty against my tongue. I smiled up at Daddy who looked down at me lovingly.


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