The Silver Cage

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The Silver Cage Page 4

by Ana Raine

  Jamie paused and drew me closer. His arm wrapped around my neck. He pressed his nose to my cheek and inhaled sharply. He licked a line from my collarbone to just below my ear, a shiver racking his own body as he did so. “Do not move.”

  And I didn’t. Because he was my Alpha. Because he was my mate. Because he was my Master.

  He dropped to his knees, hands at my belt, and removed the pants quickly, sliding them down my thighs until I was bare before him. What a sight we must have made. Me, completely bare and vulnerable. And he, dressed and still regal in what looked like peasant garb.

  Jamie licked his lips and before I could speak, he morphed my plea into a biting hiss as he swallowed me down the back of his throat. His fingers kneaded my backside, dipping his fingers between the creases and circling my hole. I parted my legs to give him better access and wished he would take me.

  “Don’t have anything,” he murmured against my balls, nuzzling each one in turn. “But I’ll get some next time we rest. And these screams you’re making now won’t be anything in comparison to how loud you’ll scream then.”

  Just the thought of his fingers twisting around inside me was enough for my knees to buckle. He kept me still with his hand cupping my ass and continued to bob his head forward until he drew in my entire length.

  I wasn’t large, but large enough to be uncomfortable for human men. Not that I would have known. The first and only human male I ever would have been with would have been Langdon Jr.

  Forcing away those horrific thoughts, I focused on threading my fingers into Jamie’s hair instead. I tested my grip, tightening until I was sure he’d push me off, but he only took me deeper.

  “I should be doing this for you,” I managed to pant.

  “Why?” His voice was strained, his tongue working me over like I didn’t know was possible. “Because I’m your Alpha?”

  “Yesss.” The way he swallowed me down… I was lucky if I was going to last another minute.

  “This pleases me,” he told me as he cupped each of my balls and rolled them around in his hand. “And so will you coming in my mouth.”

  I screamed an empty scream, then I muffled any sound that managed to escape by placing my hand over my mouth. He drank me down until there was nothing left but the raw fulfillment of what my lover had done for me.

  I tried to go to my knees when he’d pulled away, but he caught my elbow and shook his head. “After,” he told me as he shed his clothes so fast I was sure they’d torn. “After, I want you on your back and I will feed you my cock inch by inch while I look into those beautiful eyes.”

  The promise of what I’d be able to give had me half erect again. But as he wiped his mouth and stared at the cabin, it was time to focus our minds. He sent wave after wave of calming disposition into my mind until my body felt weak with it.

  I saw in his mind what he intended for us to do, and followed him as we neared the door, still as humans. Unless we had to fight, we would remain as such.

  With the back of his arm, Jamie rubbed at the window until we could peer inside. It didn’t matter how many were inside, just that his sister was not. He sniffed at the air, pawing at the wood with still human hands, and slumped his shoulders.

  She was not inside. She had never been inside.

  The streaking lines in the snow the tires had made were all that remained of his sister. But there was a hunter here and ironically, it was Hunter. I could smell him, pretty much taste his hatred on the tip of my tongue. I flowed the image to Jamie until he understood the only one who would perish was Hunter. It was easy, too easy, but it was also because Hunters was cocky.

  A full round of the cabin revealed Hunter, fast asleep in the main bedroom, where no one other than the Langdons had ever been allowed. He slept with one hand on a rifle and with a matching set of revolvers within reach on the low dresser. He looked almost peaceful and for a moment, I felt a pang of emotions.

  Jamie had already told me he was going in, leaving me staring into the window with more regret than I should have felt.

  There was immense cruelty in his smile, immense anger, but there was also the lingering remnants of the family the hunters had become, however abusive.

  My head ached and my stomach churned so violently, I thought the sandwiches would be making an appearance. I struggled for air as I saw Jamie silently slip into the small space of the Master bedroom, his bare feet leaving large muddy footprints on the wood floor.

  Hunter had given me sandwiches too, even when he was ordered “not to feed the dog.” Mostly they were bologna or something else I didn’t really care for and neither did they, but it had filled my stomach and given me a moment of reprieve in an otherwise desolate life. I missed that, I realized. Those small moments of being human, being reminded that was part of me. Sometimes it was easy to lose myself to my wolf.

  Jamie snapped the human’s neck with one fluid motion before Hunter’s eyes had even opened.

  But they’d fluttered, just enough to tell me that he’d been aware of the presence of a wolf. The scanner might not have even been there with him, but to sleep as soundly as he’d been, without even locking doors… He either was overly confident or he wanted to die.

  The way his body slumped and his hands loosened on his gun ever so gently made me think the latter. Taking lives, even that of wolves, eventually laid waste to the soul.

  Jamie stared at the revolver on the nightstand. I could see he was battling whether or not to take it, but that wasn’t our way. Wolves don’t kill with metal. We kill with heart.

  I waited silently, shivering in my naked form, but Jamie beckoned me with his hand, so I slid around to the front door. He pulled me inside before I could protest.

  It smelled like tobacco and tears, but mostly death. I hated this cabin, hated the way I felt like it was closing around me like a second skin.

  Jamie noticed my discomfort. “We aren’t staying for long,” he told me. “Just long enough to eat and get fresh clothes if there are any. These hunters of yours --”

  I flinched at the sound of the hunters being mine. How could I not?

  Of course, he noticed that too. “So insensitive of me, baby. Those fucking worthless hunters at least dressed warmly, right? If they left anything, we should put it on.”

  I swallowed and nodded in agreement. They kept most of the clothing in a cupboard beneath the stairs. Except for Savannah who refused to wear any of the “hideous garb” the men wore. She preferred clothing that fit like it had been tailored for her, as opposed to the looser clothing the men favored.

  I shuffled through the clothes before deciding on everything that looked and smelled halfway decent. We didn’t talk as we shed the old clothes from the other cabin and put on the new ones, but I could hear his thoughts ticking by furiously.

  “I have been thinking, Danny.” His voice was soft and slow, like how his mouth had been caressing my cock. “That maybe I should put you somewhere safe and go after Danica alone.”

  My hand froze on the pants I was trying to maneuver. As much as I hated it, Langdon Jr. was the closest to my size and he was still huge, so a belt was a must if I had any hope getting these clothes on. “Why? I’m slowing you down?”

  He barked out a laugh. “The opposite, you’re making me go faster to get this over with. No, but this isn’t safe for you. And this violence… I don’t want you to see me like this.”

  “I’m not a doll,” I whispered furiously, “I don’t need to be hidden away.”

  If he really wanted to, Jamie could use his Alpha voice. He could take away every hope I’d ever had of independence and force me to bend to his will the same way the hunters did. Part of me didn’t mind that… going back to a state of mindlessness. But the better part of me screamed to escape. Instead, I closed my eyes and waited.

  His hand cupping my jaw was tender as he pleaded with me. “Open your eyes. Please.”

  And when I did, I nearly flinched from just how close he was. The words were out of my mouth
before I could censor them. “I love you. Don’t leave me.”

  “Then I won’t.” He looked displeased, but I knew I’d won this decision. “Whenever you feel like you need something, baby, just tell me. You’re not the rest of my pack -- you’re my mate. And your word means something.”

  “Can I make a request, then?”


  “Let me do for you what you did for me,” I pointed at the tree line but was completely focused on his cock. “Let me please you.”

  For a moment, I actually thought he’d give in. “I can’t let you, not yet. If I do, my wolf will just want to keep claiming and protecting you and focusing on my sister at all won’t happen.”

  I groaned inwardly and watched as he covered up that thick, beautiful cock of his, noticing how the length had swelled at my request. Damn if he didn’t want my mouth wrapped around him as badly as I did.

  Jamie chuckled, his laugh like the wings of butterflies. “You’re making it hard for me to keep refusing, you know. It’s not like I don’t want to throw you on the nearest bed, bend you over and fuck you.”

  Now I was the one laughing because, even in this situation, he meant every word of it. And I wanted it badly. “Whenever you want me, I’m ready.”


  We were about to leave when I diverted to one of the smaller bedrooms. My cage was still on the floor in the corner, just out of reach of the sun from the window. Langdon could have moved me a few feet closer, but he chose not to so he could watch me perfectly while he slept. There was nothing inside, not even a shred of a blanket he sometimes threw at me, and to see it so bare brought tears to my eyes. That had been my life. Over ten years reduced to nothing more than cold steel and iron.

  Jamie pulled me into his embrace and for several moments, we just were. He had already promised to avenge me. That wasn’t what I needed now. I needed comfort and safety.

  “Do you want to destroy it?”

  I did, with my bare hands, but I also wanted to leave. “No. It can’t hurt me when I’m with you.”

  “Whatever you wish, Danny.”

  My eyes flickered to his. “Before killing Hunter… you didn’t ask him any questions. Why?”

  “Would he have told the truth?”

  I didn’t answer. Because even though Hunter was a liar, Jamie’s wolf howling for blood overrode reason.

  “I didn’t think so. Humans lie, Danny. Never forget that.” Then he eyed me as though suspicious, and I hated the scrutiny I felt I was under.

  It made me feel like I had to defend myself. “You can trust me.”

  He sighed and rested his lips against my forehead. “I know that, honey.”

  Whatever it took, I was going to help him find Danica and then everything would be fine. The hunters would back off, and we’d be as we should have been had no one interfered, true mates.

  * * *

  I was used to pushing my limits beyond what I should, whether that meant allowing my skin to freeze, my paws to ache, or my heart to break. This pursuit was testing me in a different way.

  We’d decided to stay as humans so we could get to the nearest town without causing alarm, either as naked humans or as wolves. The trek was difficult because two mismatched humans on the side of the road was suspicious. We didn’t even have guns or packs to pass as hunters or travelers.

  What we did have were IDs, ones without pictures, that stated we were hunters looking for wolves. Unless we had to use those particular IDs, it wasn’t a good idea, because for all we knew, we’d run into an actual one.

  Or worse yet, someone we were hunting.

  Jamie had completely lost his sister’s scent, another thing that was hopelessly bringing my mood down. I tried to cheer him up by bumping my hand against his or rubbing my cheek against his shoulder, both things he took with a small smile. But I could see his heart wasn’t in it. We followed the motions set before us, but our souls were suffering.

  “Let’s get some food,” he suggested as we broke into town. We’d gone through the carpool parking lot so as to make it look like we’d parked there. A freeway was close by, the fast-paced noise of the cars racing by making my head ache. The town was small in itself, but judging by the sheer number of bars, motels, and restaurants, they were used to getting passing traffic.

  Right before we were going to step inside a bar and give our bodies a break from the chill, Jamie took me to the side. “Stay with me, honey. Your collar is hidden right now, but all it takes is one discerning eye, and I’ll have to destroy every human in this establishment.”

  I had no doubt he’d try. I adjusted my scarf firmly around my neck and followed him inside. My hand twitched to be held by his, but we didn’t want to draw any attention whatsoever. Not knowing if the people inside would be accepting was a worry we didn’t have time for.

  We brushed past the people inside, most of them not taking any notice of us, until we made it to the bar. Shifters weren’t a secret, not really, but most were scarce so humans didn’t really think about us. Luckily, we looked human and were too bundled for anyone to see much.

  A couple guys were sitting at a high table, bags packed around their feet as they sipped beers. They had their coats and hats off and looked like they were just stopping for a quick bite on the way to wherever they were going. The only reason they caught my eye was because one of the blonds, the one with startling blue eyes and a slick smile looked like Langdon Jr. And he was staring right at me.

  I turned my back to him and muttered a thank-you as Jamie handed me a drink and then pointed at a free table. He’d ordered us food too, but it was busy and would be a while. That was fine by me. Even with all the noise of the crowded bar, it was insanely cold, and I really needed warming up.

  We took off our outer coats, hats and gloves, but left everything else on. A radio played in the distance and bothered me to no end. Jamie stiffened beside me and at first, I thought it was the noise, but then I saw the copycat Langdon headed our way.

  I ducked my head and focused on the label of my beer, circling my hands firmly around the neck.

  “Excuse me,” he said, ever the polite one. He reeked of money and privilege, something I got from his overly confident attitude. Just like Langdon Jr., he was used to getting what he wanted. “You guys here for the hunt?”

  Jamie bristled. “What hunt?”

  He laughed, “You must be joking. There’s a huge migration of elk coming this way soon. My buddies and I are on our way to Sitka but wanted to stop and have a go first.”

  “Ah.” Jamie was so good at passing as a human. “Now that we know, maybe we will. Thanks for the info.”

  “Anyway --” The Langdon Jr. copycat leaned against the unoccupied chair and stared right at me. “-- If you’ll be around for a while, maybe your buddy would want to hang out with me. We’ve got a room at the Crest Motel, suite three zero four, if you’re interested.”

  Jamie didn’t speak for me, even though that would have been his right. Instead, he sat patiently and waited, even though I could feel the anxiety rolling off him in waves.

  “Thanks,” I said, finally meeting the false Langdon Jr.’s gaze. It might have been my imagination, but I thought he’d sighed. “But I’m with this guy here.”

  His face fell. “That’s too bad. Maybe we’ll see you around anyway.”

  The guy went back to his table, chest out like he had something to prove, and laughed with his friends.

  To my surprise, Jamie burst into laughter. “That was… interesting.”

  “Interesting,” I repeated. “You’re not upset?”

  “Upset? Why would I be? You’re my mate, Danny, not my property. I trust you to choose me the way I’m forever going to choose you.” He stopped to stare at me thoughtfully. “I mean, I know you’re gorgeous, but apparently you got humans wrapped around your finger too. Who knew?”

  I didn’t know what to say to that, so instead I guzzled down half my beer. It tasted bitter on the back of my tongue, but no
thing else. It took a lot for wolves to get drunk.

  “One time, the hunters thought it would be funny to see how many shots I could take,” I whispered. There wasn’t shame when I said these things to Jamie. In fact, it was a relief to be honest. “I barely tasted them after the fourth one.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “And how many did you take?”

  “Like forty or something.”

  He put his hand on my shoulder lovingly. “That’s my man. You’re no lightweight, Danny. Neither am I. One day, we’ll have to see just who can out-drink who.”

  Wolves didn’t really get sick from the alcohol either, not as long as we stopped when we felt our sense slipping away and phased instead.

  The waiter brought us our food, barely stopping to look at us, before heading back to the front where there was a queue. We ate quickly, the chicken sliding down my throat as I shoved mouthful after mouthful in.

  “I got us a room too,” he said softly, sliding his piece of garlic toast to me. The gesture reminded me he wasn’t a fan of the spice. I absolutely loved it, though. Anything that had more taste than unsalted meat and plain bread. “At the motel that guy was talking about.”

  I nearly spit out my bread. “What?”

  “Yeah, well, I certainly didn’t plan his advances,” he said casually. “But I thought we needed to actually rest somewhere warm. Even as wolves, our bodies are going to shut down eventually.”

  He said the last part much quieter as another group of travelers settled into a table right next to ours.

  “I’m done,” I told him as I drained the last of the beer. “We should go.”

  He nodded, slapped some money onto the table, from where I had no idea, and then guided me toward the door. To humans, we looked like the type of friends where one of us is too timid to actually make decisions. In reality, our pack mentality didn’t stop just because our bodies didn’t match. I followed his movements like an echo, because he was the person who innately led. A center point in this room of chaos.


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