Key West

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by Demi Alex

  Key West

  A Moresome Tale

  By Demi Alex

  Resplendence Publishing, LLC


  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  2665 N Atlantic Avenue #349

  Daytona Beach, FL 32118

  Key West

  Copyright © 2010, Demi Alex

  Edited by Tiffany Mason

  Cover art by Les Byerley,

  Ebook formatting and conversion by

  Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-168-9

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Electronic release: July 2010

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.


  This story is for Tiff, my friend, critique partner, and editor-extraordinaire. Thank you for standing beside me every step of my journey.

  Chapter One

  “Blowjob or Shaken Orgasm?”

  That was a no brainer. I wasn’t doing no blowjob without a freaking orgasm.

  “Shaken Orgasm and six blazing-hot wings,” I replied, handing the sun-kissed waitress my menu.

  “You want them both at the same time?”

  “Sounds good,” I said, taking full advantage of Happy Hour and the forty-five minutes I had till sunset. “Could you please bring the second drink in a plastic cup and ask the cook to put a rush on the wings?”

  “I’ll try.” She smiled, tucking the laminated cardboard under her arm, but not making an effort to leave anytime soon. “Just keep in mind that this is the Conch Republic, and we don’t know the word rush too well.”

  She wasn’t lying. The wings arrived almost half an hour later, followed by the Shaken Orgasms once I’d finished.

  “Story of my life,” I breathed, taking a sip of the creamy concoction.

  “Sorry, the bar was slammed.” Miss I-Don’t-Believe-in-Sunscreen leaned on the chair on the opposite side of the table and rested her elbows. “One of the bartenders had to run home and let the cat out. His neighbor called complaining that the poor baby was mewing too loud and disturbing her. How ridiculous is that?”


  “And the funny thing is,” she continued leisurely, no care in the world, oblivious to the new patrons at the tables waiting to order, “the old hag is deaf as a post.”

  I managed to swallow before I burst out laughing. “It’s okay,” I said, raising my glass and finishing the first Shaken Orgasm in one long swig. “Do you think the cops will hassle me if I take the second one on the street to watch your famous Key West sunset?”

  “Nope. That’s why I had him put it in a souvenir cup. They would never make you toss that.”

  “Thanks.” I’d finally gotten an orgasm, and one for the road, without having to work at it. Absolutely worth the thirty dollars I dropped on the table as I swung my bag on my shoulder.

  “Mallory Square is the place to be,” she said, tucking the ten into her pocket and looking for the bill to match up the twenty. “If you see a tall guy with a parrot named Ernie, be sure to tell him that Cindy is waiting for him with new hoops tonight.” She brushed her hand over her boobs and winked.

  I nodded, wishing I could have shed my inhibitions when I’d left New York and pierced my nipples or got some funky tattoo on my ass, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything permanent, but I was sure going to make the most of this weekend. I hadn’t thrown away the man I loved and three years of my life for nothing. I was going to get what I’d come for.

  * * * *

  Nursing my Shaken Orgasm, I gazed at the hypnotic globe falling from the sky to the sea and smiled in triumph. The tourists and the wacky show the locals were putting on were everything I thought they’d be. They hid me from the daily drudgery of the city, they hid me from the curious gazes of colleagues, and most importantly, they hid me from the person I’d thought I’d wanted to be.

  Forever, I’d deluded myself into believing that I wanted nothing more than to be a successful career woman, in the big city, who would eventually find fulfillment in a white-picket fence existence in the arms of my prince charming. Then, with my career peaking and my three-year relationship coming to a head, I ran. The moment Prince Charming got down on one knee and whipped that Tiffany box from his jacket pocket, I bolted out of the five-star restaurant and pounded two miles of pavement on five hundred dollar heels to my building.

  My timing was always off. You see, when life handed me exactly what I’d asked for, I’d tossed my wine glass across the room and ran.

  I ran to escape from the Addison London who worked real hard and played in designated fields. I wanted to play offside.

  I ran home to hide.

  Actually, I never made it up to our apartment. I hit the basement button in the elevator, scrounged my BMW’s key out from the pocket of my Gucci, and drove for two days to a place where nobody, not one fucking person, knew my name.

  I had the decency to return Mark’s call when I stopped for the night in Virginia. After all, it wasn’t his fault that I’d trapped myself into an existence I didn’t really want. It wasn’t his fault that I’d placed endless limitations on what I’d done for the past three years.

  “I’m sorry, Mark,” I told my first and only lover. “I’m not ready. I can’t commit. There are so many things I need to do and experience in my life.”

  I rambled about my shortcomings as a woman. I told him that it wasn’t his fault, but all me. He listened, rather patiently for him, and when he asked what exactly I wanted to do next, I answered as direct as possible. “I’m going to watch the sun set at Mallory Square.”

  And then my phone cut off. The battery was dead, I didn’t have my charger, and since I’d said my piece and apologized, I wasn’t planning on buying a new one.

  This was going to be about me, for me, and only me.

  Chapter Two

  Relief mingled with freedom and danced in the recesses of my psyche as I did nothing more than sit on a pier-side bench and gaze at the setting sun. The sea was ablaze with glowing orange hues as the magnificent orb requested entrance for the night, abandoning its throne in the sky for an opportunity to rejuvenate and return to its responsibilities in the morning.

  “Enjoying the show?” A deep masculine voice sounded over my right shoulder.

  Shaken Orgasm splattered on my hand as I twitched and moved away, crossing my legs and straightening my back. I barely held on to the slippery cup as I tightened my hold and swallowed my pride. The sound of his voice echoed through me, so much so that I was scared to look up at him. I couldn’t break out from the professional city slicker on sabbatical image to save my life.

  The weird thing was that I could have guessed who it was: the man in the guayabera. When I’d walked onto the Square, he’d looked up from his phone and I’d smiled at him. I’d tried to catch his attention and put out ‘interested-in-you’ vibes, but he’d been too preoccupied texting to offer me the straw flower he’d held between his teeth.

  A green and yellow rose appeared in front of me. It had to be him.

  “I was hoping you’d stick around till I was done.”

  Arrogant bastard knew that he didn’t have to rush because he’d read my interest all over my flustered face. But damn, he sounded just like I’d imagined…so freaking dreamy.

  Pulling a napkin from my shorts’ pocket, I d
ried the mess dripping down my wrist while absolutely fighting my inner turmoil of pride and desire. The confusion only grew more once I got an up-close look at him. He was smoking hot. Confident to the point of annoying me, but intriguing enough the keep my attention and allow me to tolerate anything he’d dish out.

  I concentrated on the sticky concoction seeping towards my elbow.

  If I were honest with myself, I would have accepted the flower he continued to hold before my heaving chest. But I was a coward who had difficulty facing reality. I tried, but I guess I wasn’t there yet. I couldn’t just abandon my tenure of infatuation with a ‘normal’ life to admit that I wanted more. I needed more.

  I struggled to come to terms with the fact that I wasn’t the kind of woman who could be bound to a man forever and be happy about it. It just wasn’t enough. I had needs, physical needs, needs of adventure and excitement, and I’d never met a man secure enough in his masculinity who could meet them.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” A broad hand settled on my shoulder as he leaned close and spoke over the music. “I saw you studying the map of the city, and I thought I could be of some help.”

  His voice was more than enticing; it was deep and smooth as velvet. He smelled fresh and intoxicating, or maybe that was my spilt drink, but all I wanted to do was kiss the side of his neck, up to the dimple in his cheek. Closing his powerful and competent hand over my free one, he pushed the stem of the flower between my fingers.

  “Giving a beautiful woman a rose at sunset is proven to bring a man good fortune. Please accept my gift.”

  “Where’d you hear that?” I asked, shielding my eyes to get a better look at him. His gaze locked on mine and I couldn’t look away. It was as if it held me captive, or hostage, with all of my will. But, yeah, that was exactly what I wanted to do—look at him.

  “Nowhere.” He shrugged and ran his thumb over my cheek. “But it got you to speak to me. And that was my plan: to get a beautiful and sexy lady’s attention.”

  He was flirting with me. Openly. Brazenly.

  Damn, I couldn’t go there. Not yet. But I had to look, had to. After all, that was the whole purpose of my escape from my life with Prince Charming. I was spreading my wings, breaking free of my binds, making a leap of faith, and experiencing the world.

  “Well, in that case, thanks for the rose. It’s perfect.”

  I turned, just slightly, and found muscular thighs encased in a finely worn pair of jeans. I didn’t dare speak. I had no idea what would happen if I did, but I’d never been so fascinated by a man’s crotch.

  How was I supposed to know how to react? Should I turn and greet his bulge, or was I expected to look up and meet his gaze?

  Problem solved.

  Taking the decision out my hands, Mr. Well Endowed squatted beside me and brought the most gorgeous green eyes I’d ever seen to my level. Grinning and shooting sparks to every cell in my body, he leaned his other arm across the back of my bench.

  Instinctively, I turned the rest of the way and smiled a greeting of sorts. His eyes, rich with suggestion and desire, reflected the flames dancing on the blue waters and radiated warmth that had my insides tingling. His full lips, forming a delectable cupid’s bow, were only inches from mine and blazed of temptation. I so wanted to fall into him and kiss him within a breath of his life.

  This man was to die for. And die I might, if he kept looking at me with that blatant sexual hunger in his eyes.

  “Thank you for accepting it,” he said, bending the long stem so the flower fell against the cleavage my new camisole sported.

  “You always go around offering women flowers at sunset?” I released the flower and placed my palm on my knee to keep it from shaking.

  “No, not always.” He continued to play the stem between his fingers, trailing the fragrant straw bud across my chest. “Only when I can’t resist the attraction.”

  He must have taken my shocked silence as an official invitation, for he sat beside me and took my drink from my hand. “Key West may appear small and quaint, but there are many hidden treasures a newcomer can miss if she’s on her own.”

  “It sounds like you’re familiar with all the intricacies of this place.”

  “I’ve spent many a Spring Breaks diving the reefs off the Keys, and I make it a point to return to the southernmost point of the continental US at least one sunset a year.” He shifted his weight and his delicious scent teased my nose. “I know these islands inside and out, and you look a little overwhelmed. So, how about I buy you a new drink and we review all the information you’ve gathered?”

  The intensity of his eyes mesmerized me. I could barely register my surroundings, let alone think. I smiled, but didn’t answer. When the dancing monkey back-flipped at my feet, I stared at the little critter, rapt in the rhythm and wonder of the impending night.

  “We could stay in public if it makes you more comfortable.” He dropped a bill into the monkey’s hat, and then waved to a shirtless man with a cooler.

  I wasn’t sure what would make me comfortable, but the sweet pressure building between my legs spoke volumes of the excitement pounding through me. This man certainly qualified as an experience. And if doing him meant throwing caution to the wind and putting a notch in by sexual belt, I was good to go.

  The street vendor with the cooler produced two bottles of a popular rum drink and twisted them open. Mr. Well Endowed paid, took my watered-down Orgasm and tossed it in the trash, then handed me the icy bottle.

  “Cheers,” he said. “To a glorious night.”

  Circling the bottle’s lip with my tongue, I savored the tanginess before swirling the cold drink in my parched mouth.

  “Refreshing.” I clinked the bottle to his, smiling my appreciation.

  He moved closer, his jeans brushing the side of my bare thigh as he stroked my shoulder with long fingers.

  “Sweetheart, let’s get formalities out of the way and enjoy ourselves.” He bent his head and licked the tiny drop of rum drink from the center of my lower lip. “This is one of the most romantic places on earth and I want you. Let me know you’re willing, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  I almost choked on my drink, but I managed to nod. “I’m willing.”

  “My name is—”

  “No. Let me guess. Your name is West,” I half asked, half offered, finding my voice. “It’s on the sign over your head: Key West. It caught my eye when you sat down and I figure it’s your designated seat.” I didn’t bother to add what else had caught my eye, but I’m sure the color of my burning cheeks betrayed me.

  “Cute,” he replied, stretching back and tapping the sign. He was tall and his body was long. The sun had left a pink tone on his skin, which would turn to tan real fast. Clearly, he didn’t live here and he wasn’t the type of man to work outdoors, but he fit in with the lazy and alluring setting. His legs sprawled before him and invaded my space in an expectant manner. He was comfortable here. He was comfortable with me.

  “I’m going to enjoy being your tour guide,” he said, taking my hand in his. “The air around you is sparked with the tension of your desire. We’re going to make it all go up in flames, sweetheart.”

  Well go on, I thought. Tell me how—cause I’m too tongue-tied to ask and I want you to keep talking so I could hear your voice.

  “A perfect night of pleasure awaits us.” He nipped along my jaw till he reached the side and suckled the soft skin of my earlobe. His tongue swirled, mimicking what I wanted him to do in other places, and he blew into my ear, hot and sensual. “I’m going to make you tremble with need, make you ache for release, and I’m going to be the answer to your dreams.”

  “All of them?” I rasped, as his palm moved up my ribcage and his thumb stroked my straining nipple.

  “Each and every one,” he promised, slipping inside my cami and pinching the tender peak gently.

  I moaned and crossed my legs, which was a huge mistake. The pulsing need intensified and my shorts rubbed
against my clit.

  “I like that. But we’re going to get arrested for indecent exposure if we continue like this on the pier.” The humid breeze reminded me that we were in public, and the thrill of someone seeing him feeling me like that made my heart race.

  “The sun is down, so most everyone has gone for more drinks.” He outright cupped my breast and raised it out of the supportive cotton. “The artists left behind will find inspiration in your beauty.” Wasting no time, his mouth closed on my nipple and sucked. Hard, then soft. Slow, then fast. West had a way with his tongue to make the world spin.

  He covered that breast and exposed the other, the one furthest from him and more available to the view of any passers-by. Running his hand over the heaving flesh, he rolled the nipple between his fingers, tilting his head to claim my mouth. His tongue pushed through my lips, swept inside and demanded my surrender.

  My body obliged, and I pushed my chest into his palm as I opened to his exploration.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. You taste amazing. And, you’re so ready.” He deepened the kiss, not allowing me to breathe as he filled my mouth and his hand snaked between my legs. He pushed my knees apart and stole a finger inside my shorts, tugging the lace of my thong to the side.

  I couldn’t believe it was me on the bench, with a stranger. Being touched and kissed like that in a public place was dangerous, yet thrilling. My eyes were heavy, and my ears had a muted quality. The music had stopped, the sound of the waves and a few voices carried in the distance, but for all practical purposes, West’s kisses and touch tuned out the rest of the world.

  Sliding a finger into my swollen folds, he caressed my opening, spreading my moisture up to my clit. It was just one finger inside my panties, but I angled my legs a little further apart, making room for more.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “I can’t do this. Not here. Not with you.” He pulled away, leaving me stunned and needy. “Let’s go before I can’t help myself and I rip all your clothes off right here, right now.” He grunted something about self-control as he took my hand and pulled me off the bench.


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