Mach One: An International Clandestine Enterprise Novel (ICE Book 3)

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Mach One: An International Clandestine Enterprise Novel (ICE Book 3) Page 18

by Amy Jarecki

  “Stop. Think. First of all, you don’t even know if he’s got people in Iowa. It’s a risk.”

  Shaking her fists, she sucked in a gasp through her teeth. “But he could have someone watching them.”

  “That’s another reason you must stay away.” Luke pulled her into the hallway. “I cannot let you go there. We’re close. I can taste it and I am the one who will go in and take him down.”

  “No. I’m the one who can draw him out of hiding.”

  “What about the crown of pain?”

  Rage boiled through her as she hit her fists against his shoulders. “You would bring that up! This is my family. I’ve survived the crown of pain before—besides you disabled it.”

  “That doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed.” Luke grabbed her arms and gave them a shake. “Think, Mia—”

  She stamped her foot. “Michelle.”

  “I’m dealing with your family’s security right now, but you are not going to Iowa or back to Mexico and that’s final.” His face was redder than a tomato, his nostrils flared. With a low growl, he turned and headed off. “I’m canceling tonight’s sparring session.”

  She stood watching him, her entire body shaking.He didn’t understand how much she needed to save her parents from that monster. That’s final? Luke understands nothing! Clenching her fists, Michelle shook all the way to her toes. “I thought you were a hero, but you’re nothing but a big jerk!”

  Sobbing, she turned and ran the other direction. She had no idea where she was headed, but it was anywhere as far away from Luke What’s-his-face as she could get. The man was an overbearing, bombastic, controlling toad. He didn’t understand anything about her.

  She could barely see through the distortion of her tears, but onward she ran. He’d once called her immature. Yes, she might be. She might be naïve in the ways of the world, but she wasn’t about to crumble into a crying heap and let the people at ICE take over her life. No, no, no. How could she sit back and let Luke run everything as if she had no say whatsoever? I am no one’s pawn! Mia was dead. Michelle Bradford had spent enough of her life unable to make her own decisions.

  Reaching the end of the hall, she pushed through the door of the Command Center—the hub of operations which she had only visited on her tour of the facility. Her gaze homed on one commanding figure—a man Luke respected at ICE—someone she must talk to at this very moment. And his gruff guise didn’t frighten her any more than El Padrino.

  “Mia? I’m surprised to see you here.” Garth moved toward her and gestured to a chair. “You look upset. Tell me, how are things progressing with your training?”

  As she sat, everything poured out like a flowing faucet.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Luke jogged around the track on the gym’s mezzanine with sweat streaming down his face. He’d lost count of the number of laps he’d run. He was too aggro to count. Damn, if he didn’t like Michelle so much, he’d strangle her—pretty face or not. She’d been through eight days of training and suddenly she thought she was a hardened spy? Ready to take down the most notorious drug lord on the planet just because she’d lived under his roof for nine years?

  She’s insane.

  Look at how she’d reacted when Asa found her family. The girl turned into a blubbering mess. Hell, Luke nearly had to haul her out to the corridor just to keep her sobs from being heard when her mother answered the phone.

  Below, the gym door slammed but Luke didn’t bother looking to see who’d come in. He didn’t care. He was going to run until his legs turned to mush and then he’d drown himself in a bottle of vodka.

  “I thought I’d find you in here,” Garth’s voice boomed.

  Luke spotted the CO standing in the center of the mat downstairs, but he kept running. “That right, sir?”

  “Had a visit from that filly of yours.”

  “She’s not mine.”

  “Hmm. I suspect you know why she showed up at Command in tears.”

  Luke clenched his fists, wishing Garth were a crash-test dummy so he could strangle the man. He stopped at the stairs, grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from his face while he pattered down to look the CO in the eye.

  But Garth beat him to the punch. “She’s right, you know. And I said it the day you arrived. She’s our best chance to find Morales.”

  Luke squared his shoulders and moved closer to the boss, making Garth crane his neck to look him in the eye. “She’s not ready.”

  “Bullshit. She’s lived with El Padrino long enough to have a unique and keen awareness of what he’s like—what to expect. Who else knows him as well as she does?”

  “She might have been his pet, but Morales can manipulate her like no one else—he can turn her into a simpering fool in less than five minutes.” When Garth shifted his eyes away, Luke leaned even closer. “And you know as well as I do what he’s capable of. The man’s a monster. He killed his own fucking mother. If he gets the slightest hunch she’s a double agent, he’ll slit her throat faster than you can blink.”

  Those steely eyes shifted back and locked with Luke’s. “She said she knows how to act around him and how to hide her feelings. She admitted to doing it for years.” Garth crossed his arms. “She also told me you gave her lie detector training, and she knows how to keep him guessing.”

  This time Luke rolled his eyes to the rafters. “I should have skipped that bloody lesson.”

  “You’re thinkin’ with your cock and not with your head. If we send you in there, you could be dead in a heartbeat. Anyone who pledges their life to ICE knows the risks.”

  “Yeah, but she hasn’t made that pledge.” He jammed his fists into his hips. “Christ, she doesn’t even have the basic skills.”

  “Well, we’ve put her on the payroll, so she’s halfway there. Besides, you’ve taught her self-defense, weapons, communications. All she needs to do is go in and behave like her old self. We’ll slip a tracking device under her skin.”

  “She’s not ready.”

  “That’s it. You’re off the job. You’re too involved with this girl. I can tell by the way you look at her.”

  Luke’s spine jolted to ramrod straight. “No, sir. I’m not turning my back just because I disagree with you.”

  “Henri will take it from here.”

  “Wait.” Luke threw up his palms. “I know Morales’ operation. I spent months infiltrating that damned place. You can’t shut me down.”

  “Jesus Christ, Fox, I’m not taking you off the Morales Cartel op. I’m taking you off Mia’s training.”

  “Her name is Michelle.”

  “See? That’s another mistake you’ve made—getting too damned involved. I’ll bet you’ve lifted her skirts, too.”


  “Save it.” Garth shook his finger under Luke’s nose. “Until Morales is locked up, that little brunette is Mia, understood?”

  Luke pursed his lips and gave a sharp nod. He might have been mad before, but now he was about to detonate. Did Garth understand nothing? Aside from the fact he liked referring to her as Michelle, it gave the messed-up girl a sense of her real identity. The woman had lived in a gilded hell for so long, she didn’t have a clue who she was.

  Calling her Michelle helped Luke readjust his priorities as well—served as a reminder to keep his hands to himself. The change of name reminded him the woman he’d known as Mia was an apparition, not a real person. The name Michelle was a much more normal name, nowhere near as exotic, though he had to admit she couldn’t help her hotness. And with each passing day, he came closer to convincing himself Mia…er…Michelle was just another trainee. He was her instructor. Yes, they might have had a fling—a moment where he never should have allowed himself to cave in to his lust—but things had changed.


  The following day, Mia’s heart sank when Henri met her for her self-defense session and said she was taking over her training. Worse, she said Garth insisted they revert to calling her Mia for the time being.

; But she accepted it with a sigh. If she needed to be referred to as Mia to ensure her family’s safety, then so be it.

  That didn’t help the ache in her heart, though. After her argument with Luke, she felt horrible and had looked forward to meeting him in the gym this morning. Most of all, she wanted to explain how she’d wound up in Command and what she’d said to Garth. Her woes had just poured out—she’d insisted she should be used as bait for El Padrino but never once uttered a bad word about Luke. He might have cancelled their sparring session last night, but she was sure things would be different this morning. If only he’d shown up, they would have been able to talk it out. Garth didn’t say he was changing her trainer—he only said he would talk to Luke. Gosh, with her luck, she’d probably be sent back to Mexico and never set eyes on him again.

  The only decent man I’ve ever known.

  Henri squared her shoulders. She wore her long black hair in a ponytail. Dressed in yoga pants and a t-shirt, she looked tall and athletic—like she could be on the Olympic high jump team or something. “Let’s start with a few blocks—you know how to parry, don’t you?”


  Mia assumed a defensive stance with her fists guarding her face just as Luke had taught her. Henri threw sharp jabs stopping an inch from her nose. “Your technique is decent, but you need more speed. Where are you looking?”

  “At your eyes.”

  “Don’t. Look at your opponent’s chest, but focus on your periphery. If I throw a left hook, you see it coming.” She demonstrated and Mia blocked by covering the side of her head with her elbow. “If I throw a knee…”

  Mia crossed her arms and blocked.

  “Good. Once you’ve blocked the knee, bring those fists right back up and guard your face, okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “All right, let’s go again.”

  Mia kept up while Henri’s front thrusts, jabs, uppercuts, kicks and knees came faster and faster. Finally, the elite sniper stopped. “Wow. You’re a fast learner.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything in particular you want to work on? I’m told Morales can get rough.”

  “He can.” Nodding, Mia sucked in a deep breath. “He likes to wrench my arm up my back until it almost breaks.”

  “Ouch. That’s technically called an arm lock and it can be really painful—can do some damage if he’s not careful. The best defense is to get out of the hold before he levers your arm to your back.”

  “Through the thumb gate?”

  “That’s right.”

  “What if that doesn’t work? Or what if I’m not fast enough?”

  Henri twisted her lips. “You have a number of options. The most import is to react quickly. Let’s try this: As soon as he grabs your wrist, counter by wrapping your fingers around his, then while he’s moving to your back, untwist yourself by stepping out and around. Once you’re free, you have a lot of options to cause pain like kick him in the side of the knee with the blade of your foot. It all depends on if you want to run or if you want to make sure he doesn’t get up.”

  “Will you show me?”

  “Sure thing.”

  Henri patiently coached Mia through every nuance of the move, until it became fluid and automatic. Then Henri chuckled. “If he’s being a total ass, you can get him in an arm bar. It lays my husband flat every time, and he’s about as tough as they get.”

  Mia took a step back. “Husband? You’re married?”

  “Yep—a fact that has Garth twisted in knots. Keep it quiet, though. We try not to be too obvious around here.”

  “It must be horrible being separated from him all the time.”

  Henri shrugged. “It’s not so bad. Besides, he’s the one who recruited me into ICE.”

  “He’s a spy?”

  “Mm hmm.” Henri cocked her head to one side. “I’m prying a bit, but what happened between you and Luke? Garth just told me to take over your training. What did you do to the poor Aussie?”

  “Me?” Mia threw out her hands. “Nothing…well, it all fell apart so fast. But wouldn’t you do everything you could? My family could be in danger.”

  Henri scrunched her nose. “Sorry, but you’re not making any sense.”

  Mia explained about finding her family and Asa’s phone call. “When I heard my mother’s voice I totally fell apart—I mean, I haven’t seen them since I was abducted fifteen years ago. And then it dawned on me how much danger they could be in…a-and if anyone can bring El Padrino out of hiding, it’s me. And then when Luke refused to listen to reason—flat out told me no, well, I called him a big jerk.”

  “Whoa there, sister. You have a lot going on. You were abducted?”

  “A victim of human trafficking—kidnapped in Puerto Vallarta when I was six, sold to El Padrino when I was twelve.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Right?” Mia lengthened her spine, tying to look taller. “I’m not as vulnerable as Luke thinks I am.”

  “I’m sure you’re not.”

  “But I feel horrible about calling him a jerk.”

  “Knowing Luke, he probably needed it. Flyboys have a knack for overinflated egos.” The sniper chuckled. “My theory is their egos expand due to the cabin pressure at 35,000 feet—happens to all pilots.”

  Mia couldn’t help but giggle. Henri sure did have a knack for being direct. “That’s funny.” But the hilarity only lasted a second and her shoulders fell. “I just don’t know what to do. He might have been wrong, but I don’t want to lose him over an argument.” Cringing, Mia looked up. “And the name calling wasn’t the worst of it. I sort of went behind Luke’s back, even though Garth asked me what was wrong. That’s when it just all came out…and then I told the CO I had to be the one to coax El Padrino out of hiding.”

  “You what?” Henri’s jaw practically dropped to her chest.

  “Nobody else can do it.”

  “I know and Garth knows it, too. Luke does as well, except he’s so head-over-heels in love with you he’s not thinking with his brain. Regardless, I’m going to tell you flat out, talking to Garth without Luke there was a bad rookie move—and look where it got you. You’re sparring with me.”

  “I know. I-I heard my mother’s voice and I reacted.” Mia’s shoulders slumped. I screwed up again. Why do I keep doing that? “I feel awful.”

  “Look, I’ve been around the block a few times and if I’ve learned anything, it’s that relationships are about forgiveness.”

  “Do you think Luke will be able to forgive me? It wasn’t as if I sought Garth out. He asked me how things were going.”

  “Considering all you’ve been through? If he can’t, he’s not the guy for you.”

  Mia crossed her arms. Could she walk away from Luke? God, she didn’t want to, but what would have happened if she hadn’t spoken to Garth? How much longer would she have been in training? Where was El Padrino? Did he have someone watching her parents’ house? And there she was hidden away in Iceland of all places. She was useless at ICE.

  But then something Henri said earlier stopped her thoughts and cut her to the quick. “Um…you think he’s in love with me?”

  “Oh yeah. That boy is smitten, if people still use the word.” Henri gave her a once-over. “Tell me, how many guys have you dated?”

  “Me?” Shaking her head, Mia snorted. “None. It’s not like I’ve had a normal life.”

  “I’d say not. Maybe you should play the field—forget about getting involved with anyone.”

  “I wish it were that easy. But—” What would she do if she lost Luke? Because of him, she’d escaped Hacienda Paraiso. Because of him, she was a free woman, she’d found her family, she’d learned so much about who and what she could become.

  “But?” Henri asked.

  “I really like Luke. I mean really.”

  “Then tell him you’re sorry. That forgiveness rule works both ways.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It was late when Luke slipped into th
e Ice Cave and opened a bottle of Icelandic Stout, happy to find the place empty. He’d spent the day avoiding people, aside from taking on the new recruits in the paintball court. Boy did he need a good shootout—obliterating everyone in his path with paint was his way of blowing off steam—unless he was flying Mach 1 somewhere in restricted airspace with a bandit on his tail.

  Bloody oath, he’d be glad when the Morales Cartel op was over and he could move on to something else—something with no women involved. It would be over soon. The plan was for Henri to work with Mia for a few days and then there would be a big meeting with Garth. Luke was ready—past ready. All day long, he’d gone through a hundred scenarios on how they’d bring Morales into the open without getting anyone killed. Yeah, he’d do his job and watch Mia’s backside as she walked away to reunite with her family.

  Fuck it.

  Luke took a long pull on his beer, trying to think of anything but Mia—Michelle—whoever the hell she was.

  Women—who needs them?

  Luke certainly didn’t. He wasn’t the stay-around type anyway. His relationships lasted anywhere from one night to three months. Any longer and things got too predictable. Besides, he wasn’t exactly in the right business to maintain a relationship of any kind with anyone. Hell, he hadn’t even contacted his mother in the past three months…or had it been four?

  And he should have learned the first time Mia stabbed him in the back she couldn’t be trusted.


  He’d been grilled a gazillion times on the first rule of being a spy. In this game, a man couldn’t trust a soul. The moment he let his guard down, he put his life on the line. It was that simple. Jeez, thank God he’d learned his lesson now. The next time he was in the field with Mia, he’d put on some armor.

  After he’d polished off two stouts, Luke poured himself a shot of Stoli on the rocks with a twist of lime. Since Henri had taken over Mia’s training, he had no place to be in the morning. Hell, no one would give a rat’s ass if he stretched out on the bar and spent the entire night sucking vodka through a straw.


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