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Bloodhunter Page 13

by Vonna Harper

  He took his time. Slow and gentle, much of the time barely touching her sex, he forced her attention on her cunt. Yes, his hands were on her thighs, buttocks and belly, but a current flowed directly from wherever he touched to her core. She kept having to shift her weight, and if he attacked her clit as he’d done in the past, she would have been undone. But this—this was soft violin music, a breeze in the treetops, a cat purring. His fingers caressed outer layers, but kept the underlying nerve core untouched. As a result, she floated.

  Not a tickle, she acknowledged when his fingernails whispered over her labia, nothing possessive or insistent she told herself as a single, brief touch to her swollen clit brought her onto her toes. This was a brand of foreplay she’d never experienced, promise and anticipation,, and she struggled to suck those illusive fingers into her. When she did that, he pulled away only to return, but with his fingers outside the thin Nylon panty now.

  A barrier. Between her and him. His knowledgeable fingers still gentle and, she hoped, loving, stringing her out. She’d told him that the eruptions between them overwhelmed her, so he’d taken things down a hundred notches and still she was moving up the mountain, sensitive, impatient and yet thankful.

  “I love your heat here.” He flattened his thumb against the fabric between him and her hole. “You’re sharing a part of yourself with me, and that’s precious.”

  Leaning over, she touched her lips to the top of his head. She could hear Aztec breathing and her own heart beating. “You’re precious,” she whispered, perhaps speaking to both human and animal.

  “And you’re brave, the bravest human being I’ve ever known.”

  Because she’d climbed in with a jaguar? Insane was more like it. “I’m not brave, Nacon. I’ve never done any of the things you have. Standing up to those determined to destroy your people, fighting, facing death—that’s incredible.”

  “I only did what I had been created for.”

  His belief ran so deep and was such a core part of him that she knew she’d never laugh at or challenge anything he said. A few days ago, belief in savage, bloodthirsty gods would have never occurred to her, but she accepted Nacon for what he was. And accepted that she needed to understand and embrace his world.

  Even as he continued taking her along the path up the mountain, she acknowledged that she’d die for this man. If laying down her life would insure his, she’d willingly make the sacrifice. How could she not when he represented something the modern world believed it had lost, the full story about a mysterious and fascinating people?

  “I don’t want you to be alone,” she blurted before she knew she was going to say the words. “Either you or Aztec. Maybe that’s why I came in here, so he wouldn’t be lonely.” Dragging her gaze from Nacon, she looked at Aztec. How mystical he looked, as if he might slip off into the mist, leaving nothing of him behind. “But he wasn’t alone, because you were with him.”

  Exhausted by what seemed like a lengthy speech, she closed her eyes and went back into her heart and mind where awareness of herself as a woman waited. Nacon had stopped pleasuring her while she was speaking, but now he drew her panties down, exposing her to him and Aztec and the night.

  She was becoming sex, pure sex. Her nerves and veins and heart knew nothing except his touch. What awareness she possessed went no further than acknowledging that he’d helped her out of her jeans and panties and then stood and was now showing her how to lift her arms so he could remove her top. She couldn’t think how to move, so she left it up to him to turn her around and unfasten her bra. At least she had enough presence of mind to shake the garment off her shoulders.

  Naked against naked, skin pressing against skin and his arms so strong around her that she wondered if he could hold her like this forever. Despite the sensuality of their embrace, she loved feeling protected and sheltered. Nothing bad could ever reach her as long as they were together. They’d grow old together, maybe become parents and grandparents. The question of where and how they’d live mattered not at all.

  And then she and Nacon were on their knees facing each other with his hands flattened over her breasts and her hands on his lean, hard waist. Looking up at him, she smiled. “You’re seducing me, aren’t you? Romance and hearts and flowers.”

  “If there’s seduction, you’re the one doing it.” Cupping his hands under her breasts, he lifted them. “With your body.”

  His words were melting her and taking her into a deep, warm pool, but even as the water of her mind rolled over her, she remained relaxed because she trusted him. Well, maybe not relaxed, she amended as a familiar and yet totally new electrical shot ran through her. Eager to pull the electricity around her, she covered his hands with hers. Together they studied her breasts.

  It took several moments for her to gather herself enough to ask a question that had stalked her since he’d entered her life. “All these years, those centuries, surely you weren’t alone. There must have been others, women.”

  Releasing her breasts, he placed his fingers on either side of her neck as if taking her pulse. “I was alive and yet I wasn’t. Drifting. Wanting to go back to the only life I understood, but not being able to. Knowing I was looking for something, but not knowing what that something was. I was thought and emotion, but not flesh and blood.”

  He’d been looking for her? “Then you haven’t had sex since—since you were ripped from your natural life?”

  “No. But it didn’t matter because until you became part of me, all I knew was the search and loneliness.”

  An unexpected sound from Aztec turned her in that direction. The jaguar was looking at Nacon so intently that she had no doubt the creature understood Nacon perfectly. Of course he did, because Aztec, too, was looking for his mate and surrounded by loneliness.

  “I don’t want it like that for you,” she told Aztec. “I’d do anything to give you what you deserve, but I can’t. Your kind hasn’t changed from the beginning of time, but the world has.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m sorry, Aztec, so sorry.”

  I believe you, his expression seemed to say.

  Forcing her attention back to Nacon, she leaned her head to the side and caught his hand between her neck and shoulder. The next would be so hard and yet she had to say it. “I don’t want that kind of responsibility. You talk about looking for something and being lonely for so long. Then, because we have the same tattoo, you think I can give you everything you’ve been searching for. Nacon, I’m just an ordinary modern woman. I don’t know—”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “About what?”

  “Being an ordinary modern woman. Dana?” Running a hand over the base of her throat, he pressed his thumb lightly against her windpipe. “Think about the things you’ve experienced, what you’ve learned and seen and now understand. How can you do that and tell me you’re like everyone else?”

  She couldn’t. That was the hell and excitement of it. “What do you want me to say?” She spoke carefully so as to not to risk her ability to breathe.

  Perhaps he knew what she was concerned about because he released some of the pressure on her windpipe. “That you’ve opened yourself and accept everything.”

  Everything? What did he mean by that? “I’m making steps. I did the research you told me to about the Jaguar Society and Nezahualcoyotl and his son Nezahualpilli. They were remarkable leaders.”

  “Not leaders, rulers, nearly my gods.”

  “All right, gods. You were right. Not all Aztecs were bloodthirsty or believed in human sacrifice. I’m glad you showed me that. But now you’re asking me to admit…what? That I’m somehow part of—of what? Your world?”

  His expression sobered. “You are. Your tattoo—”

  “I can’t explain it, all right! And I don’t want to talk about it.” Wrung out by her outburst, she pulled his hands off her and tried to place his arms behind him, but he shook his head.

  “You don’t want that,” he muttered.

o, I don’t. I want—need you.”

  “No more than I need you.”

  How vulnerable they were. Touched by their shared honesty, she kissed him lightly, drawing out the contact and trying to keep herself under control. It would take so little for closeness to explode into frenzy and although she’d fed off that energy in the past, she wanted to go deeper, slower now.

  He’d admitted that he hadn’t had sex for an unbelievably long time while she’d last—when the hell had she last opened her body to a man? No more than a few months, probably. Whatever it was, her experience qualified her as the teacher today, didn’t it?

  Smiling to herself at her skewed logic, she planted her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back. He briefly resisted, then let her guide him to the ground. Once he was stretched out on his back with his legs under him, she scooted closer so she could observe her “prisoner”. Aztec and other big cats must feel this sense of superiority and mastery when they studied a fresh kill, but fortunately for Nacon, that wasn’t her intention.

  “You’re looking pretty pleased with yourself,” he said.

  Thank you for the light tone. “Just taking inventory. Trying to decide where and how to begin.”

  “And your intentions are?”

  How fun it was to tease about sex. To be playful in the wake of so much intensity. “I’m going to ravish you, I’m just not sure of the logistics. Do you know what ravish means?”

  “I’m willing to learn.”

  Was that a flash of mischief in his eyes? If he had something up his non-existent sleeve—

  Too late she sensed movement. She had enough time to tense before he wrapped his arms around her, but when she realized what his intentions were, she relaxed. Laughed.

  He pulled her down on top of him at a ninety degree angle from him with her belly flattened against his and her arms and head and legs dangling on either side of him. She could briefly lift her head, but that caused so much strain in her neck and shoulders that simply hanging there while he patted and rubbed her buttocks was easier, and undeniably more pleasurable. Not that he needed to because there wasn’t anywhere she wanted to go, but he kept one arm on her back, insuring that she’d remain in place. She would have given the restraint due consideration if it wasn’t for the hand on her buttocks.

  Hmm. No longer just patting the meatiest part of her body, but slapping lightly now, sending stinging sensations from where his palm was landing to her pussy. It was hardly a spanking, not that she had any experience in being spanked. Erotic was more like it, erotic when there wasn’t a damn thing she could do except hang there and take it. Well, one thing she could do—grind her pelvis against him, which she did repeatedly. She also managed to twist her body just enough that she could lightly rake her nails over his side.

  “Damn you!” he protested as he tried to escape his “punishment”.

  “What’s the matter? You don’t like getting some of your own medicine?”

  “I don’t like being distracted.”

  She should be asking what he had in mind, shouldn’t she, but her mind had slowed down. As a result, he’d slid the flat of his hand between her butt cheeks before she had so much as a clue what he was planning. With a sigh, she let her head drop again. Her fingers trailed off his side. She’d never considered her crack to be much of an erotic zone. Intensely private was more like it. But giving it up to him, along with everything else, seemed utterly right.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Fighting through the fog to the question took effort, but it was vital. Nacon came from a world where little was taken for granted. The Aztecs had lived regimented lives controlled by the gods. From early childhood, he’d known his role in the society of his birth was to put his people’s safety before his own life. She couldn’t imagine that he and his fellow soldiers had spent much time in lighthearted pursuits; laughter and joy had been rare. And yet somewhere, somehow, he’d learned how to have fun—sexual fun at least. Maybe the explanation was simple. During the time he’d spent drifting through time, he’d evolved with the times, cast off the weight of responsibility and service and embraced pleasure just as he’d absorbed modern speech patterns.

  Whatever the reason, she loved the man he was.

  At first Nacon entertained both of them by exploring her buttocks while she tried to concentrate on keeping still. True, she didn’t entirely succeed. Then he parted her cheeks and ran a finger along the space he'd created, and she jumped, gasped.

  When he repeated his actions, she gathered what passed for strength and rolled onto her side and off him so she could see and, when she eventually got around to it, touch his cock. By the way he paused and tensed, she had no doubt he knew what she was thinking. “Standoff?” she asked.

  “Depends on what you have in mind.”

  “And that depends on what you do. Now, since you’ve made the first move—”

  One moment she’d been contemplating his hard and heavy organ. The next, she’d repositioned herself so her mouth was over his cock head with her arms supporting her upper body.

  Nacon ran his fingers along her scalp, but made no attempt to stop her as she opened her mouth and slowly drew him in. Even as her nerves twitched and her mind burned with the wonder of what she was doing, most of her attention was on the pure delight of feeling his silken flesh on the insides of her cheeks, the taste of him on her tongue, the trust on his part which made it possible for him to surrender so completely.

  Thinking to give him at least a little of everything he’d given her, she concentrated on his tip by running her tongue over and under his foreskin. Resting her weight on her left elbow freed her right hand to cradle and support his length. And by tipping her head to the side, she was able to lick his sides. Remembering how he’d managed the delicate balance between rough and gentle while he was working her cunt, she gave herself the goal of doing the same, pleasuring and pleasing this incredible man.

  Before, he’d been quick to bury himself in her pussy and she’d been desperate to have him do so, but this time would be different. As long as she concentrated on him and not her body’s response, she could put him first. Not just first, but everything.

  If she were a man, how would she want her cock treated? This became her only question and concern. The answer was simple: variety, challenge interspersed with satisfaction, sometimes playful, sometimes serious and intense.

  Her lips were for gripping and sucking, her tongue for caressing and wet strokes. Her teeth teased and tested. She brought him so far into her that his tip reached the back of her throat and her sounds became harsh and animalistic. Then when her jaw began to ache, she backed off while keeping him within her grip. They were fucking, plundering and retreating, seeking and taking, pushing buttons and limits. And she might have played with him forever if her elbow hadn’t grown weary.

  Groaning in frustration, she tucked her knees under her and straightened, the move freeing him. Night air would quickly cool the saliva she’d deposited on him, so she cupped her hands around his organ and sheltered him from Nature’s assault.

  At least she did until he pulled her on top of him again, this time chest to breast, belly to belly, and his cock sliding between her legs. Delighting in the sensations, she tightened her thigh muscles and kept him there, thinking ahead to when his cock was inside her instead of resting along her labia.

  One twitch of the swollen flesh, a rush of heat from blood-swollen veins, a groaning growl from a man’s throat and she was sitting up with her legs on either side of his hips. Shivering in anticipation, she lifted herself, reached for him and held his cock with her right hand as she settled herself on and over him.

  Ah, sliding home, stretching tissues that already cried with need. She welcomed him with a sob and a sigh. Then she threw back her head and sent her every thought, her full awareness to her pussy.

  He was there, filling her, claiming her. What did it matter that he was under her? With his greater size and much greater strength, she felt small and d
esirable and feminine. And ready. So ready!

  “So much for lengthy foreplay,” she announced in a breathy tone as his body powered upward.

  “You want to slow down, start over?”

  “No! No.”

  “Good because there’s no more slow in me.”

  How much had it taken for him to admit that? Like her, she’d sensed that he’d wanted tonight to be different from their earlier ruts, and it had, for awhile. Laughing in delight and wonder and acceptance of their all-too human flesh, she lowered herself as far as she dared without risking injury to what was trapped inside her. Placing his hands on her shoulder blades, he guided her descent. And then when she wasn’t sure she should or could go any farther, he rolled onto his side, taking her with him while maintaining the fusion of their bodies.

  Side by side now, her face inches from his and her nipples rubbing against his chest. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for her to realize that although the change in position was an interesting one, they were limited in their ability to move.

  All right. Fine. Time for slow and close again, bodies all but still and the contact intimate. She cradled him within her, caressing and loving his cock with her inner muscles, sheltering his most precious and vulnerable organ. And when he gripped her buttocks so he could pull her tight against him, she believed he had the same thoughts. This wasn’t fucking, not the kind that led to climax, but it was good.

  Slow if not easy.

  Suddenly something rough and abrasive raked over her shoulder. Gasping, she turned her head to discover that Aztec was crouching over them and had just licked her. How huge he was, how primal! “What does he want?”

  “What we’re doing.”

  Of course, but because Aztec was the only jaguar at the preserve and maybe in this part of the country, he couldn’t mate. All he could do was watch the two humans with whom he’d connected.

  Thinking about what Aztec was being denied took Dana to a space filled with hunger. Simply holding Nacon inside her was wonderful, but she’d been holding back raw sensuality while she sought to connect with him. She’d found those wonderful emotions called intimacy and closeness and would want them again, but not until her hunger had been satisfied.


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