Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN Page 8

by Sheri L. Swift

  Prince Titus would not allow Prince Makoa to harm the boys, only to scare them a little. Makoa knew it would not be long and the boys would be in the Harbor, so he flipped his strong tail beneath them, causing the Jet Ski and both boys to roll with the wave.

  The boys fell off and sank beneath the water. As they began to swim upward, they saw a dolphin swimming towards them at a fast pace and then they saw another just as the two dolphins separated and rammed each of the boys. Both boys screamed below the water and quickly swam to the surface coughing and spitting as they mounted their Jet Ski and headed for the Harbor.

  “Good boys Servo and Salvus,” said Prince Tarrock with a smile as he patted each of the dolphins on their head.

  “Yes, you have trained them well.” Makoa grinned and then the mer swam back to Torbist.


  Robbie drove the Jet Ski up to Cole’s dock.

  Jedediah slid his surfboard off and lifted it up onto the dock. He hopped out of the water and stood up turning to Robbie and Lizzy, “Well, I guess I’ll leave you two love birds. Thanks for the haul Rob!”

  “You’re welcome, I would say anytime, but after today I’m not so sure.” Robbie grinned.

  “We’ll see.” Jedediah picked up his surfboard and headed to the house.

  “Thanks again for coming to my rescue Robbie.” Lizzy stepped off the Jet Ski.

  “Now you’re not gettin away that quickly,” he said as he hopped off the Jet Ski and tied it to the dock.

  “Robbie, you can’t stay, look the waters gonna beat your Jet Ski to death and I know your dad’s waiting on you.”

  “I’m leavin, but not before I get a goodbye kiss.” He took Lizzy in his arms and gently kissed her.

  “Okay, what’s a few dents,” she said and pulled him down for another.

  “You better hurry Robbie, that storms coming in pretty strong and your dad has to get that boat and all of you out of here,” yelled Cole from the house.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m goin.” Robbie smiled down to Lizzy and whispered, “take care of yourself; I might not be around to help you next time.”

  Lizzy let out a small giggle, my hero, she thought.

  “Seriously, you and your family stay safe. My dad can’t believe your dad’s waitin this one out. I’m gonna miss ya,” he said looking down into Lizzy’s eyes.

  “I’ll miss you too. We will and you stay safe too, I kinda like you.” She reached up and hugged him tightly.

  Robbie went and untied the Jet Ski and hopped back onto it. He looked at Lizzy with a smile and said, “Goodbye beautiful, I kinda like you too.” He waved and then drove off.

  Lizzy couldn’t help but watch him until he was gone from sight. She said a prayer that he and his family and any that remained on Safe Harbor would be safe through the coming storm.




  The sound of the conch shells could be heard inside and out of the city of Torbist. King Titan had commanded that all mer return to the city and ordered it sealed for the duration of the hurricane.

  As Prince Makoa and Prince Tarrock with his dolphins swam into the city, the guard began to seal up the entrance with large boulders.

  The mer had stored several cages of herring, crab, lobsters, as well as Prince Makoa’s portion of the squid. This was always a precaution they took when their food supply was threatened.

  Micah and Andrew had also been sure to store up food and water for their families. The mer had even sealed the cavern’s entrance for them as well. Micah had taken the Island Traveler to safer waters when the hurricane began to strengthen and set Safe Harbor in its path.

  Cole had also taken the Bonnie Rose to safer waters and had helped with boarding up windows for shop owners and islanders alike. He helped to sandbag as much of the island as he could before the storm hit. Most of the islanders had evacuated, taking the ferry to the mainland. All ferries were now suspended until after the danger of the hurricane had passed. Cole did have a back-up generator for power, but was hoping he didn’t have to use it. He knew if things got really rough, he and his family could always take shelter within the lighthouse. The Keeper’s house rested on high ground as well as the lighthouse and they had always survived before with only minimal damage to the roof. Any residents that remained could come to the Keeper’s house for aide and refuge until the water receded enough or until the Harbor Master and Coast Guard came to help those effected by the storm.

  Rose came into the living room where Cole was listening to the latest weather forecast. “I’ve got sandwiches made as well as pasta salad. I’ve made up several batches of cookies and also made tea, lemonade and a thermos of Coffee. Do you think I should make up something else?”

  “Honey, you always turn any day into a party,” Cole chuckled.

  “Well, you know I like to prepare for the worse.” She grinned.

  “I hope it doesn’t come to that, but we’ll know soon enough.” Cole hugged her and kissed her as she bent down to him in his recliner.

  “Here’s some more firewood, the rest is staked down pretty good; do you think it’ll be enough?” Jedediah asked as he walked into the living room carrying an armload and stacked it next to the large wooden chest that was already filled.

  “That’s plenty, if we need more, I’ll get it. Thanks Jed.” Cole smiled to his son.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I love days like this,” said Lizzy as she filled up the last water jug and placed it on the kitchen floor next to the others.

  “Honey, I hope you don’t mean the hurricane.” Cole grinned, knowing she didn’t.

  “No Dad, I love us all getting together and being a family without any interruptions,” Lizzy said hugging Jedediah as she came into the living room.

  “Whoa, hold on there, I’m not Robbie you know. I’ll be good as long as I have internet.” He winked to Lizzy.

  “I wouldn’t count on that Son, it’s already going in and out, and I need to have a talk with Robbie. You did tell him about our dating policy being sixteen didn’t you?” Cole said as he sipped his coffee with raised brows.

  “Oh Dad, yeah he knows about my not being able to go on a real date until then, but you know he’s really a good guy.” Lizzy Smiled.

  “Yeah, that’s what they all say,” Cole chuckled into his coffee cup.

  “I’d have to agree with Lizzy,” Jedediah said on Robbie’s behalf.

  “I like Robbie too!” yelled Willy as he jumped up off the living room floor where he was playing with his cars and wrapped his arms around one of Jedediah’s legs.

  “Do ya Sport, really!” Jedediah began spinning him around the room.

  “Okay Jed and William, settle down, we’ve got a long way to go and I don’t want anything broken if I can help it,” said Rose with a half grin and she went and hugged them both.

  “You can just feel the love in this room!” Lizzy said and gave her mom, Willy and Jedediah a group hug.

  “Gross! Let me go!” Willy shouted jokingly.

  “Enough already!” Jedediah gave a half grin and then went to the kitchen for some cookies.

  “I do love you Lizzy, all of you.” Rose patted Lizzy’s shoulder.

  “Lizzy, you sound just like your mother.” Cole grinned and winked to Rose.


  “Titus, I really hope my dad and the rest of the family are okay. I can’t believe he wouldn’t ride out the storm in the cavern with the others,” Lana said with worry filling her mind.

  “Lana, you know your father. How many hurricanes has he been through?” Titus said with raised brows.

  “Too many to count; he hasn’t changed, he’s still as stubborn as always.” Lana smiled to Titus and kissed him.

  “Hey mom, you wanna lobster?” Tarrock swam through their doorway carrying a rather large crustacean.

  “Wow, that’s a pretty big one! Thanks, I’ll have him a little later.”

  “Okay, I’ll put him in
the corner and if he tries to escape, Servo and Salvus will throw him back in.”

  “They are well trained my Son,” Titus said with pride.

  “I couldn’t have done it without ya Dad.” Tarrock smiled brightly.

  “Where is Rose?” Lana asked both of them.

  “She’s in the same place she always is,” Tarrock said with a sigh and rolled his eyes.

  “Well, at least it gives her some peace; I know she won’t be long.” Lana smiled to Titus.

  Titus grinned and said, “She still has not chosen?”

  “I think she’s coming around to the idea of it, but needs more time” Lana gave a quirky smile.

  “She most certainly has the human emotions of her mother.” Titus looked at her lovingly and ran his fingers through her long white hair.

  Lana allowed him to wrap his arms around her and she rested her head upon his chest as she had done a hundred times before listening to the beat of his heart. “Be safe little island,” she whispered as she closed her eyes.

  All three of them settled down for the night as they prayed that the storm would pass quickly and that Arius would protect them all.


  Prince Makoa was restless and although it was not his turn for the watch, he patrolled the city. He gave a bow of his head to the guardsmen at the entrance as he swam passed them.

  Prince Tristan and Prince Ulysses gave a bow in return as they held their post with their long white spears.

  Makoa swam into the gardens; he could not help but think of Princess Rose. I have waited so long for you to come of age; surely you are the one for me, he thought. Then his heart let loose a prayer, “Guide me Arius to choose wisely in a mate.”

  At that moment Princess Rose swam around the corner nearly crashing into Prince Makoa. She could not help but hear his prayer.

  “Princess Rose.” Makoa gently held her shoulders to keep them from colliding.

  “I am so sorry, I thought all to be in their homes,” she said with her eyes downward.

  Makoa released her, “It is well; I also thought all had retired for the night.”

  Rose looked up into his eyes for a brief moment and tried to speak, but then darted off like a frightened eel.

  Makoa smiled, “Thank you Arius.”


  The Sea pounded the little island of Safe Harbor through the night. Jedediah woke up as he heard what seemed like a thousand marbles come down upon the roof above his head and then he looked up to see rain pouring into his bedroom. “Oh no,” he said and went to wake Willy.

  “What’s wrong?” William rubbed his eyes.

  “We’ve got a waterfall coming down our wall. Go get dad and I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Okay!” William ran across the hall into his parent’s room. “Dad, Dad, ya gotta get up!”

  “Hey, calm down, what is it Son?” Cole hadn’t much sleep and it was taking awhile for him to get his eyes focused.

  “You gotta hurry; our room is flood-in!”

  “Oh dear,” Rose said as she quickly grabbed her robe.

  Cole leapt out of bed and ran into Jedediah and William’s room to inspect the damage. It didn’t help to discover that the power was out as well. “How bad is it Jed?”

  “It looks like at least eight feet long and about four feet wide across the ridge. It twisted up the tin roof pretty good and the trouble is I don’t think it’s finished yet.” Jedediah quickly began picking up all of his things that might get damaged.

  “All we can do right now is board her up on the inside temporarily.” This was something Cole had done a few times before. He went down the stairs and into the mud room where he had stored some plywood and nails for this very possibility.

  After the roof was secure and a large bucket put in place as a precaution, Lizzy and Rose helped to towel dry all they could. Jedediah put all of the important things on his and William’s beds and moved them to the far side where they shouldn’t get wet. It was decided that the boys would have to sleep downstairs in the living room for the rest of the night.

  Cole got a large fire going in the fireplace, even though it wasn’t that cold. It would give them some light and help the boy’s things dry out as they pulled back the screen and laid the items over it in front of the fire.

  The wind and rain continued to batter the Keeper’s house. Cole sat in his recliner, since he wouldn’t be getting any more sleep tonight. He thought about Lana and the mer family and prayed they’d all be safe as well as any on the island that didn’t heed the warning.


  That next morning, Cole and Jedediah went out to inspect the damage as the storm was dying down. It was one of the worse they had seen. There was debris everywhere; some were from neighboring houses, some from shops by the Marina, and even a mangled large sail boat half on land and half on their dock.

  “Dad, I never expected this.”

  “No Jed, I was hoping not. I’ve only seen one this bad about twenty-five years ago.”

  “How can any one person clean this all up?”

  “No one could Jed, its called team-work. I’m gonna go radio for help and check out the island from the lighthouse, why don’t you get the generator started so we can have fresh hot coffee.”

  “Okay, are you worried about the mer?”

  “No, not really, they know how to hunker down and even Micah was sealed off pretty good. I’m looking for humans,” Cole said grimly and then headed to the lighthouse.

  As Cole went up the spiral stairs and to the top of the lighthouse, he saw the Coast Guard already searching for survivors in their helicopters. One flew in front of Cole and gave a wave.

  Cole gave two thumbs up letting him know that his family was safe and secure. Then he picked up his binoculars and began to comb the beach all around the island looking for anything out of the ordinary. Good, nothing so far, he thought. But as he turned to the back side of the island, he couldn’t believe how much debris had been taken out to Gull Island. Yep, just like before. There were small boats rammed together as well as a wooden dock resting half-way up on the jagged rock mountain. Now that is tricky business, he thought, trying to clean-up the mess without letting anyone get too near the mer.


  Cole gave most of the clean-up of the island over to the Harbor Master and the many volunteers. He volunteered the clean-up of Gull Island with Jedediah’s help. Cole had to rent a large boat so they could bring back the debris and also tow some of it back to Safe Harbor.

  As the two were clearing the debris on Gull Island, Cole came upon a sight that made him catch his breath. Entangled between two of the smaller boats was one of the mermen with dark hair and a dark blue tail. Cole could only hope that it wasn’t Prince Makoa. “Jed, help me get him into the boat!”

  “Oh no Dad, please not Makoa!” Jedediah said as they pulled him from the rubble and onto the boat. Jedediah moved his long black hair out of his face and let out a sigh of relief, but was also sad that anyone had to perish. “Is he alive?”

  “I don’t think so or we would have sensed his presence.” Cole felt for a pulse. He looked at the many scars upon his body and then he lifted one of his eyelids and saw that he was one of the others as he suspected; his eyes were black as night.

  “Is he one of those others you were talking about? Man, he looks like he’s been in a lot of battles.”

  “Yeah he is and yeah, with your brother-in-law no doubt. You know what this means don’t you; they’ve probably been here all along and have kept their distance. Jed, if you can safely Son, swim down to the entrance of the city and tell them the storm’s passed. Tell them we found one of the others and he’s dead. They’ll know they need to bury him quickly.”

  “Okay dad, sure,” Jedediah said still in shock about it all. He was careful to get to the back of the boat and ease down into the water from the ladder. Diving could prove fatal if there were any large boards or boulders below.

  Jedediah swam as quickly as he dared without runnin
g into debris. Even beneath the water, it looked awful. He swam passed a tire and even a garbage can. He dove down deeper until he neared the entrance to the city. I hope none of those guys are still around, he thought. When he got to the entrance, Prince Titus came out to meet him; they had already been removing the boulders from within the city.

  “What have you come to tell us?” Titus was somewhat worried that one of the family members had been harmed.


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