Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN Page 15

by Sheri L. Swift

  “If you can change his mind, then I will change my orders, but I have already tried myself and I cannot. We are leaving within the hour.” Titus kissed her on top of her head.

  After Titus had spoken to Tarrock, he swam to the Hall where the six selected guardsmen met with him and began to recite the plan.

  After a few minutes Rose also swam to the back of the Hall and waited for her father to acknowledge her.

  Titus looked up and saw her and then he looked to Makoa.

  Prince Makoa knew he had to speak with Rose himself; it may be the last words he would ever say to her. He swam to her and said, “Shall we swim into the gardens?”

  “Yes,” Rose could barely speak at his nearness, but there was so much she wanted to say; she had to say.

  When they entered in, Makoa looked to her and said, “Princess Rose, I will try my best to return your mother and your father to you safely.”

  “Will you not also do the same for yourself, I cannot loose another family member?” she asked and was so glad she had.

  “I know you care for me as part of your family and I shall try and also return.” There were no smiles or jests from Makoa as there were so many times before.

  “I do care; I care for you greatly and I want you to promise me that you will return safely to me.” She was more determined in her speech.

  “I will do all that I can….” Makoa tried to say again.

  Rose was tired of the games and swam up against his chest and wrapped her hands behind his head and grasped his hair within her fingers and then pulled his head down to her and gently pressed her lips to his.

  He slowly wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss, finally, he thought. “Rose, if I am able to return to you then I shall.” He said softly staring into her eyes.

  For the first time Rose met his gaze fully and smiled, “I will be waiting.” She began to cry and then quickly swam away.

  Makoa chuckled and returned to the Hall.

  Titus, Tristan and the others, saw Prince Makoa swimming into the Hall with a smile upon his face. “I told you that she had the emotions of her mother,” said Titus with a grin.

  Makoa chuckled and said, “Yes, I figured that one out.”


  On the fourth night King Thaddaeus entered the dungeon once more and glared at Midori.

  Midori lowered his eyes, bowed his head and quickly left the King alone with Lana, however this time he stayed near enough to read the thoughts of his King and tried to guard his own.

  Lana looked at King Thaddaeus with disgust.

  “What sort of King is your husband Queen Lana that he would not avenge his King and retrieve his mate? I think he is a coward!” He laughed a boisterous laugh.

  “My husband is not a coward! He is noble and loves his people and will protect them rather than risk all to save one!” Lana yelled.

  “You call that noble? He has truly brainwashed you if this is what you believe. I will not be patient much longer to bring you to my chamber and show you what it is to have the love of a merman of Tiselius!” He grinned and then left.

  Lana thought she was going to throw up from all the thoughts he tried to fill her head with. She tried to focus on Titus like she had so many times, but it was getting harder each day.




  It was now the first part of November and Cole was relieved to finally get a call from Micah saying Titus had a plan and that he and Jedediah was needed to help as well as Marty with his lobster boat. Cole wasn’t sure how Marty felt about it, but from what he got on the phone he was willing to help repay the debt he owed Prince Titus for the help he gave to him and his crew so long ago.

  Cole and Jedediah drove to the Marina and waited for the time Marty had given him to meet up.

  “Wow dad, how does Marty explain this one to his family?” Jedediah asked as he sat in the van next to Cole.

  “I don’t know Son, it can’t be easy for any of them and I’m not even sure Marty realizes how dangerous this trip might be. I only brought you because of Micah insisting that Titus said you would be needed also.”

  “Hey, I see him, only….” Jedediah couldn’t believe what he saw.

  “I see him; can’t believe Marty would bring Robbie when I told him it could be dangerous and he knows we want this all kept secret,” Cole said through gritted teeth.

  “I know Robbie’s gonna be angry with me for never telling him before.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be angry with his dad too, not to mention Lizzy. Let’s go,” Cole said reluctantly as he and Jedediah unloaded their duffle bags and gear and headed to the Crustacean II.

  “Hey Jed, so are you up for a secret adventure?” Robbie chuckled, but noticed neither Jedediah nor Cole found it funny.

  “Yeah, I guess we are,” said Jedediah as he climbed on board and looked to his father.

  “Let’s get going,” was all Cole said and then he went inside to the cockpit with Marty.

  Marty saw Cole come in with a scowl on his face, “Sorry Cole, I know what you’re thinkin, but Robbie insisted on going, and well, he’s datin your daughter Cole; don’t you think he deserves to know the truth?”

  “I guess it was bound to come out sooner or later, but right now let’s just get out of here; the quicker the better.”

  Marty began to ease his lobster boat from her mooring and headed out of the Harbor and into open waters.

  “So what’s all this about? My dad said you’d tell me.” Robbie asked Jedediah with a grin as they both went into the galley.

  Thanks a lot Marty, he thought and then said, “Well Rob, we have some relatives that are a little different you might say.” Jedediah knew how ridiculous this was all going to sound.

  “O-kay, different as in how?”

  “Different as in you may never want to be my friend again when you find out,” Jedediah said with a serious tone.

  “Jed, I’m not gonna care, I’m datin your sister aren’t I?”

  “Yep that’s just it Rob, I hope you’ll still want to and realize that they’re just like you and me.”

  “Jed, you’re startin to scare me here, give me a clue.”

  “Robbie, they can breathe under water without scuba gear.” Jed gave a half grin.

  “Okay, I get it; you just wanna play one on me.”

  “No Rob, that’s what’s been the hardest part of all; knowing that everyone would believe I was nuts or be angry with our family because of our extra abilities.”

  Robbie started laughing out loud, “Jed, this super power thing isn’t gonna work.” Robbie stopped laughing when he saw that Jedediah seemed to be serious.

  “It doesn’t matter, you’ll know I was telling the truth soon enough.”

  “Okay, I guess for now I’ll just wait and see.” He grinned again and patted Jedediah on his back.


  Titus and the six guardsmen traveled the same route the others had taken; swimming through a small channel above South America. They had been sure to tie their hair into one long braid behind their backs so they might blend in better with the mer of Tiselius. They never stopped once until after they swam from the channel; when they did, they sensed two of the others keeping watch nearby.

  The other mermen saw them coming and tried to swim towards their city.

  Prince Tristan and Prince Makoa got to them first and a battle ensued.

  The others tried to stab them.

  Tristan and Makoa had no other choice but to engage them and swiftly thrust their spears into their enemies.

  Titus had his guardsmen quickly bury the bodies of the others under large boulders beneath outcroppings of coral where they would most likely never be found. Then they all swam on towards the city of Tullius.


  As the evening shift began, Midori came in and took his post.

  Seturus came once more offering Lana a lobster, but she seemed sad.

  “Thank you so much, I wish
I could tell you how much this has meant to me.” Lana quickly ate the meat of the lobster after Midori broke it open for her.

  “I have heard rumors that Scelestus, which was the mate of Darious, poisoned your King and he has died,” Seturus said with sorrow for Lana and her people.

  “Oh no, then it is true, poor Titus.” Lana began to cry.

  “They say now there is a new King in Torbist and he is very fierce,” Seturus said hoping that might give Lana some comfort.

  “Yes, and I know who he is,” said Midori with understanding for Lana’s grief.

  “Who?” Seturus asked.

  Lana only faced the cavern wall at the back of her cell and cried all the more.

  “It is her husband, King Titus; we are guarding the Queen of Torbist.” Midori said with compassion and a sense of honor.

  “Is that true?” she asked Lana.

  “Yes, only you are guarding more than just the Queen of Torbist.” Lana turned to face them with her head held high.

  “What are you saying?” asked Seturus.

  “She is with child.” Midori looked to Lana.

  “Yeah, how’d you know? I thought I kept that part secret.” Lana grinned.

  “It was not hard; you dream out loud,” he chuckled.

  “You should have told me, I might have been able to get you more to eat.” Seturus smiled to her.

  “You both know what this will mean if your King finds out.” Lana looked to them and frowned.

  “Yes, we will guard our thoughts,” said Midori and then he looked to Seturus.

  “Yes, we will and I will bring you another lobster as soon as I can.” She smiled brightly to Lana and swam away.


  The Crustacean II was pitching and rolling with a tropic depression looming overhead, but Marty kept a steady pace.

  Robbie and Jedediah played cards in the galley as they sipped mugs of coffee. Jedediah was glad that for now, he and Robbie’s friendship was intact. He hoped Robbie would be able to handle seeing the mer and not freak out; it was just a matter of time.

  Cole couldn’t keep from worrying, especially now that he knew Titus was on his way. He wasn’t sure what King Thaddaeus might do to him or Lana. All he could do now was pray and will this boat to move faster.


  As Titus and the guardsmen neared the Bermuda Rise, they slowed there speed and swam cautiously.

  Prince Tristan spotted a small patrol of three of the other guardsmen swimming nearby.

  When the other guardsmen saw the mer of Torbist, they began to flee in fear of the great King Titus and were hoping to make it to their city in time.

  Titus was the first to catch one of them.

  The guardsman of the others quickly held his spear sideways in both of his hands over his head, which was a sign of surrender, knowing that he was outnumbered.

  Prince Tristan and Prince Makoa caught up to the other two guardsmen and they did likewise with their spear.

  Titus had Prince Ulysses and his other two guardsmen bind the others with ropes they had brought. Then they swam them further out and secured them with many boulders with a promise that they would not try and escape until the next day.

  They agreed and knew that they were fortunate to have surrendered and not come to any harm.

  Then Titus and his six guardsmen cautiously continued.


  Lana was in a deep sleep, knowing that Midori was looking after her and her unborn baby. King Thaddaeus had made another visit at the beginning of Midori’s shift and told Lana that he had decided to take her to his chamber and make her his mate in the turning of the next tide. All Lana could do was pray, knowing Arius had a plan in all of this; she just had to trust that He would make a way.

  Lana woke up with a start from a clanging noise against the bars. She looked up to see Titus choking Midori. “Titus NO! He’s a friend!” She yelled.

  Titus looked to her and then he let loose the grip he had on Midori’s neck.

  Midori coughed several times and then grinned to him, “I am your humble servant your Majesty.” Midori bowed his head and kneeled on the mid joint of his tail.

  “Unlock this cell,” Titus said through gritted teeth, not so sure he should trust him.

  Midori gave another bow of his head, “Yes your Majesty,” he said as he began to unlock Lana’s cell.

  Titus shoved the door open and swam through and grabbed up Lana in his arms. “I love you so much and would do anything for you my Queen.” He kissed her.

  “And I you my King,” Lana said through tear filled eyes.

  “Yes, he is gone from us, but now I know how happy he must be to hold his Queen once more.”

  “I agree.” Lana kissed him again.

  Midori could not keep from thinking that they needed to leave as quickly as possible and if King Titus loved his wife and child he would do so.

  “A child?” Titus asked Lana in disbelief.

  “Yeah, I was gonna to tell you after we returned to Tullius, but I never had time.”

  “We must go; Prince Tristan and Prince Makoa are keeping watch at the entrance as well as the others throughout the tunnels.”

  “No Titus, we have to wait until Seturus comes, she’s Tristan’s sister. She should have been here by now.”

  “Yes she should have; I will go and see if I can find her,” said Midori.

  “We must leave, but I will send Prince Tristan to wait here for you.”

  “Thank you King Titus, you are a merciful King indeed.” Midori bowed once more and then swam from the dungeon.

  Titus took Lana’s arm and swung her around and on top of his back.

  Lana grabbed onto his neck and couldn’t keep from crying on his shoulder.

  “It is alright my love, we will be home soon.” Titus said as he began to swim through the passages back to Prince Tristan and the others. He had stationed two at different intervals and they passed them up until they met up with Tristan and Makoa.

  “Prince Tristan, Lana has told me that your sister wishes to leave Tiselius and come with us.”

  “My sister?” he said confused by it.

  “Yeah, she’s the one that’s been bringing me food each night.” Lana smiled.

  “I was told Seturus had died.” Now Prince Tristan began to be filled with rage as he realized that his sister had been alive all this time.

  “I told Midori that I would have you meet him in the dungeon and bring them with you,” said Titus anxious to get going.

  “Yes, I will go. I know Midori well and he is a good merman who also deserves a place among the pod of Tullius and Torbist.

  “I will go also,” said Makoa.

  “That is not necessary,” Titus said a little agitated that they weren’t leaving.

  “Go on, I will help to get them all safely to you,” said Makoa all the more determined.

  “As you wish, I will leave Prince Ulysses and another to guard the entrance and give a warning, but I must see my Queen safely to the boat.”

  “Yes my King, we shall return as quickly as we can.”

  Then Titus sped through the water and up to the agreed meeting place of the Crustacean II.


  Cole had been pacing the deck for some time as the boat rocked with the storm that was now overhead and sheets of rain poured down upon her deck. He felt like swimming down there himself if he didn’t see any sign of them, but he knew that would be suicidal and so he watched every ripple out on the Atlantic that he could see.

  Soon Titus popped up with Lana on his back.

  Cole was elated and went and helped Lana onto the boat. “Aren’t you coming too?” he asked Titus.

  “No, not yet, I still have others to help to safety first. I will return soon with everyone,” Titus said to Lana with love in his eyes.

  “Yes my love; my King,” she said with tears filling her eyes, knowing he would never leave them behind. Then she went with Cole to the galley.

  When Cole swung open
the door letting in a gust of wind, he brought Lana inside.

  Lana was dripping from head to toe in her shell top and bathing suit bottom made of seal skin. She smiled at Jedediah and Robbie and said, “Hey, its good to see you guys! Hope you have plenty of coffee!”


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