Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN Page 22

by Sheri L. Swift

  Seturus seemed to blush and then she tried to guard her thoughts, but of course Jedediah heard them and knew she was happy about it.


  School came much too quickly for Jedediah and he settled back into the routine of it. His first few weeks were basically orientation and learning his way around campus. Most of the students rode bicycles around the island.

  Jedediah soon teamed up with a young Hawaiian man named Kawikani; he told Jedediah that it meant the strong one. Kawikani did seem strong with muscular legs, chest and arms. He was as tall as Jedediah. Kawikani was twenty years old and he told Jedediah that he left his homeland and came to Fiji to experience something different. Jedediah could certainly relate to that.

  Besides surfing, the favorite thing Jedediah and Kawikani liked to do was go diving together; they began in class, but now even found time to do it after school. Laucala Bay was beautiful with coral reefs like the ones near Kaloki Island. It seemed everywhere you looked there was a new vibrant color to the reef or a new tropical fish he hadn’t seen before. The waters were nearly as clear as his high school pool.

  Kawikani pointed to something beneath the coral and Jedediah looked to see a blue ringed octopus hiding within. It was small and usually found off the coast of Australia. Jedediah backed away as slowly as he could. He knew they were very poisonous, like that of a cobra. Jedediah sensed one of the mer nearby and realized it was Prince Tristan. He didn’t look in his direction, but knew he must have been sent to guard him. Jedediah wasn’t sure if he liked that or not, but he knew they meant well. He was glad Kawikani couldn’t read his thoughts.

  They both surfaced and took off their scuba masks and mouth piece.

  Jedediah grinned, “I loved seeing that guy, but not so close.”

  “Yeah, I was glad you did not try to touch it,” Kawikani chuckled.

  “I’m starved, let’s get some food and head back to my boat.” Jedediah swam out of the surf.

  “Sounds good.” Kawikani followed behind and they both headed to the dive shop for showers.

  An hour later the boys rode their bikes toward Suva Harbor and picked up some food at the local fish and fruit market and brought it back to the yacht.

  “Have a seat and I’ll grill these Mahi Mahi in no time.” Jedediah said as he buttered up a skillet with lemon juice, course salt and cracked pepper.

  “I’ll cut up the mangos and make the salsa if you like?”

  “Sure go ahead.” Jedediah turned on his phone and they listened to his playlist while they cooked.

  “This is such a nice galley, who did you say owned the yacht?”

  “It’s my uncles, I stay here on the weekdays and head back to be with him and my aunt at Kaloki Island on the weekends.” And to the most beautiful girl on the planet, he thought.

  “You are very lucky to have such a nice dorm,” Kawikani chuckled.

  “Yeah I know I am; believe me I don’t take it for granted. Well, the fish is ready; I’ll grab some plates and the rest of these cornbread muffins I made last night.”

  “Mahalo for making me dinner; it’s the first home-cooked meal I’ve had since I’ve been here.” Kawikani smiled.

  “Hey, my mother taught me all I know and I’m glad to have the company.” Jedediah grinned and then they two sat down and ate while they talked about their favorite and not so favorite part of school.


  Chapter 25


  Jedediah could hardly wait until the end of class. It was Friday and he wanted to head back to his girl as soon as possible. I guess she really is my girl, even if she’s a mermaid, he smiled as he thought about Seturus. He got his things together and when it was time, he loaded up his bike and rode back to the Harbour. His legs burned as he tried to get to the yacht. He was careful not to peddle his fastest when others were around, but when they weren’t he was a rocket on wheels.

  When the Island Traveler stopped above the city of Tullius it was just as the sun was setting. Jedediah let loose the anchor and turned her off. He quickly took off his t-shirt and dove off the back deck and into the blue-green water. He felt so free here; no scuba gear needed when the mer were around to take you where you wanted to go.

  Seturus swam up to meet him and smiled.

  “You know you’re the first thing I was hoping to run into,” Jedediah said in his mind and then he did the thing he wanted to do for months; he kissed Seturus tenderly, even knowing that her brother Prince Tristan was watching.

  Seturus eagerly met his kiss and said, “You are all I think about also.”

  “Hey little brother,” said Lana as she swam up to them.

  “Hi Sis, how’s things going?”

  “Good, Rose is nearly ready to have the baby and Seturus has been learning to cook.” Lana smiled.

  “You are?” Jedediah asked surprised.

  “Yes, but I am not very good at it.” She gave a half grin.

  “That’s okay, my mom taught me how to cook a long time ago and I do pretty well,” he said and then realized what he was implying.

  “Jed,” Lana giggled.

  “Well, it’s true.” He grinned.

  Lana swam off and left the two of them alone, also knowing that Prince Tristan was watching.

  “Perhaps we should go for a swim,” said Seturus as she realized her brother did not like any of it.

  “Yep, sounds good.” Jedediah got behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

  Seturus flew through the water until she brought him to a small grotto and then they surfaced inside. It was dark at first, but their eyes soon adjusted. The grotto appeared to have a blue neon glow. There was a ledge within much like Lobster Grotto in the North Atlantic.

  “When did you find this?” Jedediah asked.

  “Prince Makoa found it the other day and showed it to me.” She grinned.

  “He did, what a great guy,” Jedediah chuckled and then wrapped his arms around her and held her kissing her cheek and whispered in her ear, “I sure do miss you when I’m gone.”

  “Must you go to this school?”

  “Yeah, for now I think its best, besides I’m learning a lot and it may be useful in the future.”

  “Whatever pleases you,” Seturus looked up into his eyes.

  “Right now, this pleases me.” Jedediah brushed her cheek with his hand and placed it beneath her chin and kissed her again. “I don’t have everything figured out right now, but what I do know is that a future without you is not gonna happen.”

  “I feel the same Jedediah. I have seen the way Princess Tarra and Fianna live with their human husbands and know that they are blessed to find such happiness.”

  “Yeah they are and I want the same for us, only I need to at least finish this year of school and then look at our options. I want the best for you Seturus and right now I can’t live with you just yet.” He placed his hand upon her cheek and gently brought her against his chest.

  Seturus loved hearing the beat of his heart and loved being in his arms; she did not want it to end. “I want whatever you want.” She smiled looking up to him again with those beautiful teal colored eyes.

  “I love you Seturus and I will make a way for us in time.” He smiled down to her.

  “I love you also Jedediah.” She reached up to kiss him once more.

  “We have to go back or everyone will be looking for us.” Jedediah tenderly kissed her with a grin.

  “If we must.” She smiled up to him.

  Jedediah kissed her with a lingering kiss and then said, “We must.”


  Prince Tristan swam to the Hall and went before the throne of King Titus and bowed.

  “Hello my friend, what troubles you?” Titus asked as he sat upon his throne holding his golden forked staff.

  “Forgive me my King, but I am concerned for my sister’s honor.”

  “What has happened to cause you this concern?”

  “The Queen’s brother Jedediah has been seen ki
ssing my sister Seturus and they have both swam away to where I know not.”

  “I see; I will speak to him Prince Tristan. I believe that he has fallen in love with her though neither has pledged their intention.”

  “I believe so also and that is what concerns me.”

  “I will go and speak with him.”

  “Thank you my King,” Tristan said with a bow once more and then swam from the Hall.

  Lana swam out from her home behind the thrones carrying Prince Titan and sat down upon her throne next to Titus. “I know Seturus loves him too; I just don’t think they’ve figured it all out just yet.”

  “That is the problem; he should not be so forward if he has not pledged his intentions.” Titus grinned to Lana.

  “I suppose they’re just like us the first time you brought me into Lobster Grotto,” she giggled.

  “Exactly,” he said with a wink and a smile.


  King Titus was waiting at the yacht for Jedediah when Seturus brought him back.

  Seturus bowed to the King and then swam away seeing that he needed to speak with Jedediah.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Jedediah asked, but had already guessed what it was he wanted to talk with him about.

  “I know things are different for my people than they are for yours Jedediah. You must understand why we are concerned for Seturus,” said Titus compassionately.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but believe me nothing has happened beyond kissing.”

  “I am sure that is true; however, should you and Seturus not become married, there may not be any suitors for her.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, I plan on being with Seturus forever.”

  “Do your mother and father know this?”

  “No, I’ve pretty much just found that out myself.”

  “Does Seturus know this?”

  “Most definitely.” He beamed a wide grin.

  “Then I am happy for you both, however, you must tell every one of your intentions,” Titus said with raised brows.

  “Fine by me; they can all know.” He grinned.

  “She will make a wonderful mate for you Jedediah and you for her.” Titus grinned and then grabbed Jedediah’s forearm and Jedediah gripped his as a sign that the deal was sealed.


  Early the next morning Princess Rose went into labor. Queen Lana, Seturus and Princess Cassandra gave her comfort and encouragement through her pain.

  Prince Makoa waited outside the home with King Titus, Prince Terrance, Prince Tristan and Prince Ulysses.

  “Did I not tell you that I would be with you through the birth of your child?” Titus slapped Makoa on the back.

  “Yes you did. Are you sure Rose is alright, should I not be with her?”

  “She has the best care with her grandmother, mother and friend beside her.”

  “It will not be long now,” said Prince Terrance trying to calm Makoa.

  “You will surely hold your child this day,” said Prince Tristan also trying to encourage Makoa.

  “Thank all of you for being here.”

  “Do you wish for me to get Jedediah?” Titus asked knowing what a strong bond they had.

  “Do not bother him now; you may get him after my child is born.”

  “Then I shall.”

  It was only a few hours more when Lana came out of the home and smiled. She waved Makoa over, but did not reveal anything about the child.

  Prince Makoa went to Rose and kissed her upon her head and then kissed his baby boy mer and had tears fill his eyes. “I love you so much Rose and our little son also.” He smiled as he held him.

  “I love you also and am glad I was able to give you such a gift; you will make a fine father,” said Rose with a smile to see them together and knew they would have a bond to last a lifetime.

  Prince Makoa came outside his home and held up his child for the mermen to see, “I have a son and his name is Prince Ahanu.

  “He is a fine son.” King Titus went and kissed his tiny hand.

  “A fine son indeed,” said Prince Terrance.

  “There will be no living with Prince Makoa now,” Prince Ulysses chuckled.

  “Not at all,” chuckled Prince Tristan.

  “I am the proudest of fathers,” said Makoa and then he took his son back to his mother.

  Jedediah did come later in his scuba gear and held little Prince Ahanu and congratulated Makoa and Rose.


  After a few weeks, Jedediah was able to get out of class early that Friday and he quickly returned to Tullius. He was told that some of the mer, including Seturus, was at Mer Island. Jedediah drove the yacht to the far side of the island so he might surprise Seturus and the others.

  He paddled his surfboard around the island to the large flat rock where he knew Seturus liked to sit. When he got close enough he heard her singing and he couldn’t believe what a beautiful song it was and how beautiful her voice was. He waited for her to finish and then paddled as close as he could before she sensed his presence.

  “Jedediah, I did not know you were here.” She smiled brightly.

  “I wanted to surprise you, what was that song you were singing?” he asked as he sat down beside her.

  “It is the Song of the Mermaids; I had not heard it until they taught it to me. There are those among my people who also sang songs to lure humans so the others could kill them. I have never sung a song until I came to live here. This one is a song of thanksgiving to Arius for all things; I especially thank Him for you.” She leaned into his offered arms.

  “It’s beautiful; I’ve never heard it before and you sing great.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Yes it is and perhaps it is because I have so much to be thankful for.” She looked up to him and kissed him tenderly.

  “I am too; I never thought I’d be able to share so much with someone who could understand me and my crazy family,” he chuckled.

  “I never thought to love anyone after I rejected the King; I was only a frightened child then. He took away my crown and sent me to serve in the dungeons until the day King Titus came and rescued me. Now I know that Arius had something wonderful planned for me when He brought us together.” She smiled.

  “You were a Princess? I’m so sorry for the way you were treated. I’m also thankful, I knew the moment I held you that you were something special and I didn’t wanna let you go; I guess my uncle Micah and Makoa were right when they told me to trust God for my future.”

  “Yes, and I gladly give up my crown to have the life I live now and to have your love.”

  “I’ll never take it for granted either.” Jedediah kissed her.

  “Hey little brother, how’d you get here?” Lana asked surprised to see him so early.

  “I drove the yacht to the other side, I wanted to surprise Seturus.” He grinned.

  “He did.” She smiled and looked up to Jedediah and kissed him on the cheek.

  Prince Makoa swam to the rock with baby Ahanu in his arms.

  “Hey look at that little fella, he’s grown so much.” Jedediah smiled.

  “Yes, he takes after his father,” Makoa chuckled as he puffed out his chest.

  “He does indeed,” said Rose as she kissed Makoa on his cheek.

  “May I hold him?” Seturus reached out her arms.

  “Yes,” said Makoa and then gently passed his son.

  “You are such a beautiful baby,” said Seturus and then she kissed him on top of his head and began to hum the Seahorse Lullaby.

  A spark seemed to go through Jedediah as he looked at Seturus holding baby Ahanu. She will make a wonderful mother, he thought and then realized everyone heard him. “Well she will,” he said out loud and then he kissed Seturus again.


  Chapter 26


  Cole and Marty had done as Titus instructed; they took their large catches of lobsters and crabs and placed them within the city of Torbist. Then they caught several red snapper, flound
er, and herring and did likewise. Cole was worried for the future from what Titus had told him about the year of the Leviathan.

  Titus told Cole that King Titan taught him since he was a boy to look for the sign of the Leviathan every hundred winters or so. When the sixth winter of plenty came, the Leviathan would not be long in coming. After she mated, she would grow ten times the size of the male and would gain a ferocious appetite. She would kill and eat the male first and then would ravage the Seas; a whale a day would not satisfy her. No one was strong enough to kill her or even slow her down, but only after she laid her eggs, would she lose all her strength and soon die.


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