Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN

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Legend of the Mer II THE NEW GUARDIAN Page 24

by Sheri L. Swift

  “So can’t you just kill the thing?”

  “No, King Titan said that it is only our job to destroy her eggs except for two.”

  “Won’t she try and kill you?”

  “She will be too weak after she lays her eggs.”

  “Man, it’s too bad you can’t destroy them all.”

  “It is not our place.”

  “Okay, I guess I understand it; I mean I’ve heard about a Leviathan before, but never thought it was true.”

  “It is.”

  “Does dad know?”

  “Yes and Marty also; it was my decision to keep it from you and Robbie, only because you might be tempted to tell the humans.”

  “Look Titus, Seturus is gonna be my wife; I’m choosing the life of a mer, only I wanted to learn all I could to help you, but I guess you guys know how to survive on your own. Wow, so you guys are protecting all of us.”

  “Yes.” Titus grinned.

  “Do you know how long it’ll be?”

  “No, but based on history, not much longer.”

  “Okay, you’ve given me a lot to think about.” Jedediah grinned and then swam away.

  “That went better than I thought it would,” said Titus and then he looked behind him.

  Lana came out from their home with Titan, “Yep, I think he’s got it.” Lana smiled.


  When Jedediah swam back to the yacht, Seturus was waiting for him. “Hey beautiful,” he said in his mind as he took off his face mask and mouth piece.

  “Hello my love,” Seturus said hopeful.

  “I don’t ever want you doubting my love or loyalty to you or our mer family. I will finish out this year of school and then I’ll stop. We can get married when we return to Safe Harbor so my parents.…”

  Seturus held him tightly and kissed him deeply; stopping his mouth with her lips.

  “I can see that you’re pleased,” he chuckled.

  “Yes, but only if it is what you truly wish.”

  “It is; I’ll keep up my research on my own with my computer when I can; the least I can do is warn Titus of dive sites. That is, when I’m not too busy with my wife.” Jedediah pressed his lips even harder to hers, knowing she could handle it.


  It was not much longer when the guardsmen sent Titus a report saying that the Leviathan had rested for seven days.

  Despite his self doubts and fear, King Titus swam to the Leviathan’s lair with only his golden forked staff to protect him. He would not allow anyone else to enter her lair; however, he would allow Prince Makoa to remain outside.

  When they arrived, they were met by one of the others.

  He looked much like Tristan with his white hair and blue eyes. He wore the heavy golden crown of a King and carried a spear. He gave a bow of his head and said, “I have come to see that you do the deed and to also learn from the mighty King Titus.

  “Who are you?” Titus asked, knowing there must be a reason he wore the crown.

  “I am King Spero. After Ahanu was killed, the people rose up against King Thaddeus and killed him. Then they named me King instead of his son. I have come in hopes of peace between our people.”

  “I wish for peace also. I pray that Arius will guide you in your reign. You must always love your people more than yourself and put their needs above that of yours or even your own desires.”

  “Those are truly words of wisdom.” He gave a bow of his head once more.

  “Shall we begin by seeing to the protection of our people?”

  King Spero realized that King Titus meant for him to join him in the destruction of the Leviathan’s eggs, “Yes, let it be so.”

  Titus grinned and said, “Follow me.”

  Prince Makoa gave a bow of his head and the wish of his heart for his King, his brother and his father’s safety.

  The two mer Kings swam inside the Leviathan’s cavern. Lava bubbled up all around, causing the water to boil. As they swam through the cavern, they saw the bones of the male, which had been picked clean. When they reached the heart of the cavern they saw the massive beast lying inside. Her eyes were closed, but she still breathed smoke and sparks of light. Her eggs were wrapped up inside her coiled tail.

  Titus knew that she may still be dangerous and so they approached her carefully.

  The beast opened up her eyes and raised her head back and breathed fire upon the ceiling of the cavern and then she looked at Titus.

  “You know why we have come,” he said boldly and raised his forked staff.

  She showed her teeth, but lowered her head.

  King Titus and King Spero swam along one side of her towards her tail.

  She turned her head and tried to bite them, but she could no longer move her body and they swam swiftly passed her mouth.

  She raised the tip of her spiked tail as a threat, but it only fell back down.

  Titus looked to Spero and they together began to quickly stab the eggs of the Leviathan.

  She lifted her head once more and breathed her last spout of fire to the ceiling and then she fell down dead.

  Titus set aside two of the eggs and wrapped the tip of her tail back around them. The others were destroyed until only the two remained.

  “It is done,” said Titus.

  King Spero nodded his head and then they both swam back out of the cavern.

  “May there always be peace between our people,” said Titus as he grasped the forearm of King Spero.

  “Long may the reign be of the mighty King Titus.” King Spero smiled as he also grasped King Titus’ forearm and then he swam away.

  “It is good to see you,” said Makoa with a wide grin.

  “It is good to be seen,” Titus chuckled. “Let us go home!”


  Chapter 28


  At dusk, Jedediah was sitting on the back deck of the yacht with his legs in the water as he talked to Talei who had come that evening to the dock in Suva.

  “Do you know what his family is like?” she continued asking all she could about Kawikani.

  “Hey, why don’t you just meet the guy and then you’ll know?” Jedediah said with a grin.

  Kawikani walked down the docks where the boat slips were to meet up with Jedediah hoping to have dinner with him. As he got closer, he saw Jedediah talking with a beautiful girl in the water. She had long black curly hair and dark skin. She seemed to have silver eyes. As he got to the boat and hopped aboard, the girl dove under and swam away.

  “Hey Kawikani, I wasn’t expecting you tonight.” Jedediah was glad it was dusk and he hoped Kawikani hadn’t seen much of Talei.

  “Who is that beautiful girl you were talking too?” Kawikani grinned.

  “She’s a friend of mine, she swims by here often.”

  “Are you and she an item?”

  “Nah, just friends; you might say she’s like a cousin to me.”

  “Good,” he chuckled.

  “Maybe I’ll invite her to dinner one night so you can meet her.”

  “I would greatly appreciate it.” Kawikani grinned again. “Aren’t you worried your girl back on Kaloki Island might have concern?” He raised his brows.

  “How’d you know I have a girl?”

  “How could I not know,” he chuckled.

  “Nah, she won’t mind, she knows she’s the one and only and how Talei and I are practically related.”

  “Are you serious about her?”

  “Definitely, I plan on taking her home in the summer to marry her where my parents can be a part of it.”

  “Are you sure your family will accept her?”

  “Oh yeah, they’ve met her before and I know they like her.”

  “That’s good Jedediah; I wish only happiness for you both.” Kawikani gave Jedediah a fist bump.


  King Titus and Queen Lana swam in the coral reef gardens with their son Titan.

  “I can’t believe how much you look like King Titan; nearly the twin of
him,” said Lana as she ran her hand along the face of the marble statue.

  “I hope that I reign as well.” Titus looked to the statue with honor to have been chosen to follow his beloved King.

  “I know you will.” Lana smiled and turned to kiss him, but stopped when she heard someone laughing nearby.

  Their son Prince Tarrock swam by in a playful chase of a mermaid named Princess Payton. Both of them realized they were in the presence of their King and Queen and stopped out of respect.

  Princess Payton gave a bow of her head and then gave a slight smile to Prince Tarrock and giggled as she swam on.

  “Forgive me, but I must go!” Tarrock gave a wide grin and then flew through the water chasing after her.

  “How’d we not see that coming?” Lana asked with a grin to Titus.

  “Perhaps because only a few winters ago the maiden seemed to be twenty winters older than him.” Titus grinned.

  Lana giggled, “Yep, he and Rose sure took after my side of the family when it came to growth genes; I still can’t believe that young man is our son.

  “He has grown much since the day you were taken from us.”

  “I’m only sorry I wasn’t around to see it,” Lana said sadly

  “You are here now and you are safe beside me; our children and grandchild also.” Titus took her in his arms and kissed her on the cheek and did the same to Titan.

  “Titus, this must be serious; Servo and Salvus weren’t beside him!” Lana looked to Titus.

  “Perhaps.” He grinned and took her hand as they continued to swim in the gardens.


  On the night agreed, Talei met Jedediah and Kawikani on the yacht for dinner. Prince Tristan would not allow Seturus to join her and he waited further out to keep a watch on Talei. She wore a black and white bandana pulling her black curls back from her face and also covering her ears and tied it on top of her head. She also wore some black lace fingerless gloves covering her hands. She wore black leather clogs and a black and white strapless sun dress. She had on a strand of black pearls and matching earrings.

  “Hey, you’re right on time,” Jedediah took her hand as she stepped onto the boat.

  “Aloha, I am Kawikani,” he said with a bright smile.

  “Bula,” was all Talei could say. She had dressed up and walked on land before, but rarely spoke to humans, except for her family on Kaloki Island, and now she was suddenly nervous.

  “Forgive me, but you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen,” said Kawikani, but he knew that was an understatement, because she was the most beautiful anything he had ever seen.

  “Well, have a seat you two and I’ll bring out the dinner,” said Jedediah with a grin; realizing they were both nervous. He had set up a table with a white linen cloth and silverware at the aft to fit with the bench seats.

  “So do you live around here?” Kawikani asked.

  “Yes in the winter months, but live in the States to the west in the summer.”

  “Wow, just like Jedediah.”

  “Yes,” Talei said with a grin.

  Kawikani couldn’t believe that even her voice was beautiful.

  “We’ll start out with some sparkling water,” Jedediah said as he placed two clear goblets in front of them and poured.

  “Thank you,” said Talei, but in her mind she said, “Thank you for giving me water.”

  Jedediah said in his mind, “Thought you’d appreciate that.” Then he went back to the kitchen.

  Kawikani hadn’t said anything because he seemed to be in a trance by Talei’s beauty.

  Talei was surprised by how she couldn’t read Kawikani’s thoughts and yet she seemed to be able to sense them.

  “I am sorry if I’m staring, it’s just that I have not seen a lovelier woman before,” he said, but was amazed he told her.

  “Why thank you,” Talei said sincerely and then looked into his eyes and smiled.

  Jedediah brought two bowls out and put them down and realized that both Talei and Kawikani were entranced by one another and didn’t even realize he was there. He chuckled and went back to the kitchen to get the lobster bisque that he knew Talei loved.

  When he returned with the soup, he was even more amazed that Kawikani was holding her hand. He went ahead and ladled out the soup, but neither realized he was there. He went back to get the corn muffins he’d made.

  When Jedediah returned, Talei was tracing Kawikani’s face with her fingers. He spoke to her in his mind, “Hey! You two better lighten up! I don’t wanna be held responsible by your dad.”

  Talei smiled and said in her mind, “Okay, Okay.” Then she turned to him and said softly so both could here, “Why thank you Jedediah.”

  “Yes, Mahalo Jedediah,” Kawikani said suddenly realizing how much had been put before him without him noticing.

  “You’re both welcome; go ahead and eat,” Jedediah said as he looked seriously at Talei.

  “I think I will,” she said with a smile and then picked up the spoon and started in.

  “Me too.” Kawikani picked up his spoon and started eating, but never stopped looking at Talei.

  Jedediah waited a few moments and watched them; especially Talei. Then he went in and got them both a lobster tail with lemon, also knowing that Talei didn’t mind eating it that way. When he brought it to the table, neither was eating and Kawikani was playing with Talei’s hair. He put down the lobsters and gave a slight cough.

  “Why thank you Jedediah,” said Talei exaggeratedly.

  “You are welcome,” Jedediah said back almost matching her exaggeration.

  “Yes, Mahalo,” Kawikani said, but only continued to stare at Talei with a smile.

  She must have put him under some mermaid spell; no wonder I’m in love with Seturus. Wow, Uncle Micah’s never gonna forgive me for this one, Jedediah thought and then returned to the kitchen.

  After an hour of surfing the internet, Jedediah returned to get the dishes and saw Kawikani now making out with Talei as they lay down on the seat together. He gave another cough, but much louder than the last.

  Talei popped up and Kawikani followed and gave Jedediah a hateful glare.

  “Hey I’m sorry, but just so you know the kitchen is closed.”

  Talei giggled and knew that was her sign to leave. “I am sorry Kawikani, but I still live with my parents and they’ll not be too happy if I don’t get going.”

  “Oh, yes of course,” he said as he got up.

  “So sorry you have to run like that.” Jedediah smiled to her, but in his mind said, “I never knew this was part of the job description of a Guardian.”

  “Yep,” she said and then turned and gave Kawikani a long kiss goodnight. She smiled to him and then Jedediah and said, “See ya later!”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you home?” Kawikani asked hopeful.

  “No, not tonight, perhaps another time,” she said as she ran her fingers across his cheek.

  “Okay, I hope to see you again.”

  “You most definitely will,” said Talei with a smile and then hopped up onto the dock and walked away.

  “Wow, oh wow.” Kawikani smiled shaking his head to Jedediah.

  “Yeah, you can smile, but I’m pretty sure her dad’s gonna kill me.”

  “She can’t be that young.”

  “She’s not, only her parents have this kind of purity thing.”


  “Yeah, so you better cool your jets down if you ever wanna see her again.”

  “I will, because I most certainly want to see her again.” Kawikani grinned.


  Talei had come nearly every day for the past two weeks to meet with Kawikani. Even he began to bring them dinner to keep Jedediah’s expenses down.

  After Talei left one night, Kawikani was alone with Jedediah and planned to stay that night as he had several times since first dating Talei. He sat on the bench seat under the moon and asked Jedediah, “Why does Talei wear the gloves?”
r />   “She doesn’t have hands like you or I, in fact her feet are the same.”

  “What is different about them?”

  “They have webbing between each finger and toe.”


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