Becoming His, Learning to Breathe: Part Two - The Collective - Season 1, Episode 8

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Becoming His, Learning to Breathe: Part Two - The Collective - Season 1, Episode 8 Page 5

by Ellie Masters

He placed a finger under her chin and forced her to engage. “I can’t wait to show you how much fun that is, but you’re not ready.”

  She shook her head, confirming his statement. “I’m a little scared, Derek, but I don’t want to ruin this by not… trying things.”

  “All you have to do is trust me.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned forward until their foreheads touched. The confidence in his voice had her melting inside. “I will never let you fall.”

  “I trust you.” She regarded him closely. “What do you have in mind?”

  “A ravishment, of course.” His look hardened. “I intend to have you screaming my name within the next ten minutes.”

  She stared hard at him, gauging his intent, knowing this moment would define the tone of the entire weekend. And as she struggled to take that step, her mind swirled with images from all that she’d read.

  The assignments he’d given.

  “Now, unless you want those clothes torn off your body, I suggest you strip.”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “Have you learned nothing? I’m counting to ten.”

  Before he got to five, she removed all her clothing, but instead of letting him ravish her, she peeked up at him through her lashes. Then ever so slowly, she lowered to her knees.

  His breath caught as her knees met the padded carpet.

  “Allow me to serve you…Master.” She gripped the edge of his trousers and glanced up, seeking permission to continue.

  His eyes pinched, a darkness stirring there. Slowly, he unbuckled his belt. The rasp of the zipper echoed in the air as he unzipped his fly.

  “You may please me, but Sally…”


  “You’re not ready to become my slave. Let’s take this one step at a time.”


  Sally was fine with one step at a time. There was much to discuss, but fun would come first. Memories of Derek in the hot tub came to mind.

  Derek freed his long hard length and wrapped his hand around the shaft. She leaned forward, mouth open, ready to accept him, but he tsked and shook his head.

  Without a word, he shifted back. Then he tapped the tip of his shoe between her knees. With a nudge, he forced them apart. She widened her stance, then spread again when he tapped a second time.

  His hips shifted, and the fabric of his pants flexed over his powerful thighs. She shouldn’t have stared, but where else was she to look? At the engorged head of his cock? It was magnificent. She loved the way his trousers struggled to contain the bulk of his muscles and curved around his ass. And while she couldn’t see his backside from this position, she was intimately familiar with it, and let her imagination run wild.

  He embodied every fantasy she’d ever had, and standing over her, all tall, and muscular, and very dominant, had her insides liquefying into a molten blob of wanton heat. Her entire body throbbed, and it took every ounce of self-control not to squirm, or launch at him and hump his leg.

  “When you’re on your knees before me,” he said, “you’ll kneel like so. You’re not to hide yourself from me, not even when serving as you are now. Do you understand?” The tendons of his hand stuck out from the tight grip he had on his cock. Strain darkened his features and deepened his breath.

  “I understand,” she said, then glanced up, worried about forgetting the proper appellation. “Sir?”

  His soft sigh spilled over her shoulders, caressing her spine and cocooned her in comforting bliss. “Let’s discuss titles later. For now, just breathe.”

  And she did. She shifted her knees a little more apart and sat back on her heels. “Just tell me what you want, and I’ll try.”

  He reached down and stroked the top of her head. “That’s all I’ll ever ask. Give me what you can.”

  “And if it’s not enough?”

  “One step at a time,” he said with assurance.

  She wished she felt as confident. All of this was terribly new and what would happen when she messed it up?

  He released his cock and swept his fingers through her hair, gathering the strands at her nape. The floor creaked as he shifted closer, his hard shaft bobbing inches from her mouth.

  She licked her lips. Holy shit, but he was hard, engorged, and very erect. Electricity thrummed in the space between the pillar of his thighs, his overwhelming presence affecting her on the deepest level. His musky scent drove her wild. The tugging on her scalp pulsed, as he wrapped his fist in her hair. The deep pulls of his breath echoed the beating of her heart. And in an odd turn of events, his strength made her feel gentle and feminine, powerful in her weakness.

  The air crackled with the charged potency of the moment, gluing them together in ways which went beyond mere physical contact. They were becoming something new with her first submissive act. His presence reached deep, stirring feelings she only now realized had always been present, even if left unfulfilled.

  Dominance and submission.

  She craved it with a desperate hunger.

  The slamming of her heart against her chest drove away reason and allowed her to float for a moment, becoming whatever this was.

  It was more than sex.

  More than physical attraction.

  Or sexual lust.

  This was a desire of the soul, a melding of two individuals seeking completion in the other.

  There was no rush on his part. No need to shove his cock down her throat and seek his release. He seemed to be enjoying the moment as much as she, and she was way too curious as to what he would do next. With a great deal of patience, she sat back on her heels, wavering between holding her breath and lurching forward to take him in her mouth. Her pulse spiked as he reached into the pocket of his trousers. The man had endless patience, or maybe he enjoyed the tease and buildup more?

  She bit her lower lip and locked her eyes on the length of black silk he pulled from his pocket.

  “No ropes,” he said. “Not yet, but allow me to blindfold you.”

  Her voice shook. “Why?”

  “To remove control. To heighten the experience. You must learn to not only put your trust in me but condition yourself to obey my commands, whatever they may be. A submissive exists to please her Dom. She will explore her comfort zone, push limits as he demands. I’ll never ask you to accept more than you can bear, but I’ll constantly push you to explore your boundaries. That is my role.”

  He ran the silk through his hands.

  She closed her eyes and envisioned any number of scenarios. To refuse would consign her to follow an empty and unfulfilled journey. She envisioned handing over control, then gave cautious consent with a nod and a stuttered, ‘O-o-okay.’

  Smooth, buttery silk curtained her eyes, shrouding them in darkness. It was unnerving. Terrifying!

  The pull of her breaths intensified.

  Hard to breathe.

  A band tightened around her chest and constricted her lungs.

  No air.

  Tighter and tighter.

  She gasped.

  Shit, she didn’t want to fail before they’d even begun.

  “Derek?” Her voice cracked, a tremor of fear seeking reassurance. She reached up, her fingers fluttering over the silk.

  He cupped the angle of her jaw and crouched down. The overwhelming nearness of him was a lifeline.

  “Just breathe.” The heat of his command whispered against her cheek.

  His gentle assurance steadied her breath and loosened the constriction around her chest. An unfamiliar ache settled against her ribs. Failure. Disappointment. Damn it, this wasn’t how she’d wanted this to go.

  A rasp billowed in his next words. “You’re mine. Mine to do with as I please because you give this power to me…because I choose to take it and act upon it. You do as I say because it’s what you desire. For now, I say keep the blindfold in place. Shall we continue?”

  Carefully, she reached for him, blindly seeking his face. When her fingers contacted his freshly shaven chin, his strength flowed in
to her, easing her fears and settling her mind. For him, she would try. For him, she would conquer her fears.

  “Thank you,” she said. “For understanding and knowing what I needed to hear.” Because all she really needed was to believe he would follow through.

  He said he’d never let her fall, that he would catch her, and in this moment, she needed the comforting embrace of his dominance. He gave that freely, fully, and allowed her to find her center, and calm down.

  None of this seemed real. It remained an abstract concept, but with each caress, with each softly spoken word, she believed in the power of the bond growing between them. She believed in him because he hadn’t discounted her fear. That meant more than anything else.

  She needed him to guide her. To push her. And maybe, soon, to force her down this path.

  A flutter took flight in her belly. Where had that come from? Him forcing her? Was that what stimulated that tiny thrill? He was clearly doing something to her head, and that was doing things to her body, making her respond in delightful ways. She couldn’t see him, but his arousal was everywhere. In the pulse of his breaths. In the deep masculine scent of him. In the way his presence dominated the room. The air sparked and crackled with their mutual need.

  “Derek?” Her desire called out to him.



  “Please what?” Amusement laced his words. “Tell me what you need.”

  “I need you,” she admitted. There wasn’t a cell in her body which didn’t crave him in that moment, either to touch him or have him touch her. Her breaths rushed out in short, sharp bursts. This time, not from fear, but something dark, needy, and wickedly carnal.

  His fingers gathered her hair again. His grip wasn’t tentative or gentle, but rather filled with purpose. He held her in the steel of his grip, telling her she had no say in what happened next. And she reveled in the moment, flying under the umbrella of his dominance. With one hand clenched in her hair, the other was brought to cup her chin. A finger tapped over her lips. His hold on her was dominating, sure, and aggressive, perfectly confident and unapologetic.

  “Open,” he said, as he stood before her.

  She opened her mouth, and he pressed the tip of his thumb against her lower lip.

  “You’re fucking amazing,” he said. “Give me your hand.”

  She lifted her hand, uncertain what he wanted, but he grasped her fingers and guided her to his impressive girth. Wrapping her fingers around his hard length, he let out a deep, reverberating sigh.

  She molded her fingers around him, exploring the course of the ropy veins climbing the shaft. Meanwhile, his fingers curled in her hair, tugging at the strands. She swallowed and licked her lips again, preparing to take him in. He directed her head, pulled it forward, and breached her lips with the flare of his cock.

  He held her gently, steadily, and with purpose, as he took his pleasure. He held her like a lover, like a man who wanted to kiss her, and taste her, rather than fuck her face. From his ragged breaths to the tightening of his fingers in her hair, he held himself on the cusp of taking too much, too fast, and she admired that about him.

  She swallowed against the invasion, welcoming the heat of him, needing this moment never to end. Her fingers tightened around his shaft as she closed her lips around the thick head of his cock.

  Her pulse slammed in her throat. She felt it everywhere, surging through her arteries and jolting pulses of pleasure through her clit. Dear Lord, she wouldn’t survive this.

  His body stiffened, and his tone deepened. “Open up and suck me.” His weight pressed into her, his grip tightening as he pulled her hair.

  With the blindfold in place, her hands became her eyes. Touch intensified as she stroked his cock. He was too big to take in fully, at least when the decision was left to her. Every tantalizing inch of him, she explored. First with her hands, and then with her mouth, sucking and licking and nipping as he allowed. His wide length intimidated her, but she’d taken him in before. The broad, circumcised head knocked against the roof of her mouth. Too afraid to take him deep on her own, she flicked her tongue on that sensitive spot under the head, until his groans filled the air.

  So much power in him, and Derek had the confidence to take what he desired. He manipulated her head, angling her best to take him fully. He did it with the surety of his grip and the knowledge he wasn’t a man women said no to. Yet, he didn’t abuse that power. It flowed from him, a part of who he was. As natural as breathing, he took even while giving.

  His hand swept down to her throat, coaxing her to open, to give. “Deeper,” he urged. “I need all the way in.” His hips bucked forward, slamming himself inside her mouth.

  Derek’s tone, at once husky and needful, drove her to accommodate his desire. She opened for him and fought against the instinct to gag. How did women do this? What tricks had they learned?

  She kept her jaws open, gripped the hard muscles of his ass, needing something to hold on to. An incessant throbbing pulsed between her legs, her desire for him becoming overwhelming, but this wasn’t about her. This was her serving him, submitting to his desires and filling his need.

  With each dominating thrust, his length grew harder and hotter within her mouth. She licked and sucked, and fought her gag reflex. She swirled her tongue around the flare of his cock, tasting the salty essence of him.

  He groaned again, a low, guttural, and needful sound, and his legs trembled. His ass clenched beneath her grip. She swallowed his length, feeling him bang against the back of her throat. He shouted, a sound thick with arousal which rumbled into a long, drawn-out moan.

  There had to be a trick to disabling her gag reflex. She would need to look into that. She’d figure that out later; for now, she dragged her tongue over every inch of him.

  His body shook. His legs trembled. His ass flexed beneath her hands. His erection filled her mouth, cutting off her air, making her throat want to seize closed. Her eyes watered. But she couldn’t ease up. She wasn’t in control and hadn’t been for several minutes.

  Derek’s sharp, uneven breaths indicated he was getting close. She sucked harder, faster, trying to speed his release. His hips bucked, becoming less coordinated. He gripped her hair, wrapping the lengths around his wrist and tugging until her follicles burned. His hold was tight and demanding. She loved every second of it.

  “That’s it,” he said suddenly, pulling out of her mouth. “I’ve had enough of this torture.” He gripped her shoulders and pulled her to her feet, holding her tight against his chest, and then she was flying, pushed back, falling through the air. She cried out and then bounced on the pillow-top of his bed.

  “Don’t you dare move,” he growled. “Don’t you fucking move.”


  With her eyes blinded by black silk, Sally struggled for air, mindless and afraid, and so very, very aroused. The squeal which left her mouth turned into a full body shiver as the ripping of clothing filled the air. And then Derek was there. Everywhere. The press of his knee between her thighs. The heat of his breath at her ears. The dip of the bed beside her shoulders. And her screech as his fingers found her clit.

  She rocked against him. Electricity sparked and surged, igniting her body in ways she’d never experienced. She wanted more. She wanted him. With every fiber of her soul, she desired him.




  “Derek…” she pleaded.

  “Shh,” he said. “Not another word.”


  “Are you that eager to meet my discipline?”

  Her womb clenched. Holy hellfire, but she felt the wetness between her legs. Is that what she wanted? No! But, the images of all those women bent over men’s knees? Their red asses? Their backs welted by crop and cane? She needed that. No. She wanted that.

  Wait! Where had that come from?

  Derek’s growl pulled her from her thoughts. “I asked you a question.”

she wasn’t ready to commit. “I don’t know,” she answered, honestly.

  “I want that power,” he growled. “I need it.”

  “I know,” she said, and she wanted to give it to him.

  She’d devoured Dominant Desires, cleaved herself to every page, every post, every raw desire. Discipline and pain weren’t concepts she understood, even if they drew her with bated breath and breathless anticipation.

  He fingered her clit, and she rocked her hips against him as he drove her to a mindless state without allowing her to crest the wave of her desire. It was like he purposefully kept her on the edge.

  She wanted him. She wanted it. Whatever that nebulous it was. His control. His dominance? His power? If that’s what it took, she would follow. She wanted to quake beneath him and discover her strength without feeling less in his eyes.

  Her entire body shook beneath his relentless assault, but she managed her voice, surprised at how steady it sounded.

  “Show me,” she begged. “Show me how to submit.” Her throat closed up on those words. They were the ultimate expression of what she wanted. Crap. She’d expected to explore Derek’s world a little more this weekend, not dive in head first. And she sure as hell never thought to express her deepest desire.

  But she had. She’d given him the ultimate green light.

  And she couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe. She hung on a precipice, waiting for him to catch her or let her fall.

  Instead, he rubbed her clit with expert skill. He made it impossible to string together a coherent thought, and he’d uncovered her deepest secret without a fight.

  A chuckle low in his chest filled the air, turning the moment dangerous, dark, and potent. Intoxicating really.

  “You’d allow my control?”

  “Yes,” she cried out. His touch was maddening.

  “You’d accept my discipline?”

  She bit her lower lip and screamed his name as he thrust his fingers inside her channel, driving her insane.

  “I asked a question.” He slowed his assault.

  Her answer lingered, but there was no indecision. Instead fear held her back.


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