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Quest SMASH Page 100

by Joseph Lallo

  “He’s the best scout we have left. Ask him to take on a likely lad to train. He’s too good to let his knowledge die.”

  Marcus nodded. “An apprentice, my lord?”

  Only artisans and crafters had apprentices, but Kinnon’s skill was close to artistry in his opinion. He had a forester’s knowledge of the trails and countryside, combined with a guardsman’s skill with a sword.

  “Put it to him like that. If you think he can manage, give him a promotion and have him train a squad. We might need them one day.”

  “He’s well able, that’s certain. I’ll promote him on those conditions with your permission, my lord. It might help to persuade him. I don’t want to lose him.”

  Keverin frowned. “Has he said anything about that?”

  “His brother’s death hit him hard. I’m not sure he’s willing to stay on.”

  “No undue pressure, Marcus. He deserves my loyalty, as I know that I have his. Offer him the promotion, but let him decide. I’ll release him from his oath if that’s what he wants.”

  Marcus didn’t look happy, but he nodded.

  “Now then,” he said, and sat at his desk. He broke the seal on the letter from Morfran first. “What has our good chancellor to say for himself?”

  “Nothing good I’ll wager.”

  No doubt.

  He scanned the letter picking out the pertinent parts as he went. Worthwhile information seemed sparse within its pages.

  I cannot do other than view your news with concern. The arrival of this woman is astounding, but I must doubt your wisdom in bringing her into the world...

  He shook his head, what an idiot!

  In my opinion, your decision to bring this person to combat the Hasian threat is ill-advised in the extreme, and in doing so, you usurped the king’s authority. That the Bishop of Athione agrees with me indicates your lack of vision in this regard...

  “Gy should have killed him,” he growled.

  “Who my lord?”


  The king has no authority where heretics are concerned, except with regard to their detention for trial, or where such a one has committed treason.

  That was the absolute truth. No doubt Morfran had researched the relevant law.

  You will detain this person while the Holy Father deliberates upon her ultimate fate. On pain of death we charge you to confine her for trial...

  He crumpled the letter in his anger. “I’ll not do it!”

  “What is it my lord?”

  “The cursed chancellor orders me to imprison Julia until her trial.”

  Marcus gasped in outrage. “Is he mad?”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised in the least. I’ll not do it, Marcus.”

  “She would tear the fortress down around our ears if we tried!”

  “There is that.”

  The letter finished with banal utterances such as ‘we have every confidence’ and ‘I’m sure you will be unfailing in your duty to the crown.’

  He handed the letter to Marcus to allow him to read what the idiot chancellor had written. While Marcus did that, he broke the seal on Farran’s letter, and settled down to read something worth his time. The moment he saw its content, his humour improved. Keverin my friend, the letter began and he smiled in anticipation of good news.

  I trust this letter finds you in good health. It has been too long since I last heard from you. I know of your current crisis through your mother’s letters to me, but ignoring the Hasians for the moment, is all well with you? Jessica’s letters are always a pleasure to read, but you’ve been a little remiss with them in the past. You’re very much your father’s son in this. Kevlarin never did like to write, much preferring to visit instead... that was a hint by the way.

  He smiled. The old rascal wanted him to bring Jessica to Devarr for a visit. He would love to do that one day soon.

  I received the news of Darius’ death with sorrow. Please know that he resides at the God’s side now. To sacrifice oneself for another is a noble thing.

  Now to business. This woman that you named Athione’s saviour, troubles me deeply. Surely her presence upon this world is the will of the God, yet she was brought here using a spell to breach the barrier that He set to separate his worlds. I find myself with a dilemma to solve.

  His smile slipped.

  That you vouch for her, holds great weight with me, never doubt it, but though I have the honour of being the head of His Church, I also have the responsibility to look at this woman’s presence objectively. With that in mind, I have reviewed Church law, and there is cause for concern.

  Oh by the God, this was disaster! He tried to think of ways to divert the looming catastrophe, but nothing came to him. He continued his reading hoping for an answer.

  Two charges were brought to my attention against Julia. Firstly, I will dispense with the charge of witchery. I have never, nor do I now, believe in witches. The Church has always held the view that they do not exist. However, it has been suggested by the Bishop of Athione, that this woman is indeed a witch. Jymis points to her origins and magic as proof.

  Curse the man! Jymis must have written to the Holy Father before he made his demands.

  The letter continued:

  In my opinion, the charge is without foundation, and her recent actions speak well of her in this. She fights evil, she does not embrace it. Accordingly, I have already dismissed the charge of witchery, and ordered Dugan to record my judgement in the Holy Chronicle. Copies of this latest record have been dispatched to all my Bishops, but you will likely read this letter before they receive them.

  That was something, but what of the second charge?

  The charge of heresy is by far the harder to judge. I will first set your mind at ease. Bishop Jymis will not call anathema upon you, or anyone else, without my permission. I’ll be making that plain to him in person shortly.

  Heresy is a serious matter, more serious to the Church than invasion is to you. The Hasians are a threat in more ways than one I fear. Many will die if they succeed in their plans, but although it sounds harsh, the soul is all that really matters in the end.

  Conclave will be convened to discuss this matter of heresy, and Jymis will be called to account for himself, and the charges he brings against Lady Julia. In his place at Athione, I appoint Father Gideon. Please inform him of his temporary elevation, so that he can arrange matters with those priests under him as quickly as may be.

  That was very good news. If he had his way, Gideon’s elevation would be made permanent. He would consider ways to encourage that.

  The letter continued…

  In conclave it will be decided whether Julia should appear before us. If such a thing occurs, I would have you and Gideon at her side, to provide testimony on the happenings in and around your fortress. I hope that none of this will be necessary, but if things turn badly, your observations may turn them back.

  He looked up to find that Marcus had finished with Morfran’s letter. “Find Father Gideon for me. Have him meet me here as soon as he can.”

  “If I might ask?”

  “The charge of witchery is dismissed. That’s by the Holy Father’s wish and backed by Church law. The charge of heresy is not dismissed, though he wishes otherwise, and will be debated in conclave. Jymis will be called to testify, and Gideon is temporarily raised to Bishop of Athione.”

  “That last is good news, but heresy?”

  Keverin grimaced. “If need be, I’ll testify that I saw nothing heretical in any of her actions.”

  “I will also. All the men will do the same.”

  “Hope that it doesn’t come to that.”

  Marcus nodded and left to find Gideon.

  Keverin read the last paragraph of Farran’s letter while he waited for the priest.

  I had hoped to see you again under better circumstances, my friend. Let us pray that when next we meet, we do so without a cloud of heresy above our heads.
  Ever your friend,


  “Let it be so,” he whispered and folded the letter.

  * * *

  32 ~ Gideon

  Keverin paced his room, making the candle flame flicker in the breeze he made. It was showing seventh mark already. He would be late to Gy’s dinner, but he wanted to talk with Gideon before he did anything else.



  Gideon entered and closed the door behind him. He’d come alone. “Marcus said you had news, m’lord?”

  “Take a seat,” he said and gave him Farran’s letter. He sat in the other armchair by the fire and watched the priest read.

  Gideon refolded the letter after he’d finished, and handed it back. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what? You’re to become bishop for my lands and people. That’s good news.”

  “I meant about Julia being under suspicion.”

  He nodded, his expression turning grim. “Bad news indeed, but at least the other charge is dropped.”

  “But the charge of witchery was easy to refute. The God only bestows his gift upon those he deems worthy, and Julia uses magic in the manner of a mage. She is a mage, not a witch. Witches use potions, everyone know that,” Gideon smiled at the notion. “Or so the stories say. Do you follow?”

  He nodded. “The Holy Father says in his letter that the charge of heresy is the more dangerous, and I agree. I’m sorry that Jymis took it into his head to accuse her, but I thank the God he didn’t confront Julia with his ravings.”

  “He wouldn’t do that, m’lord, he’s afraid of her,” Gideon said, smiling at the thought of Jymis trying to confront Julia about anything. She was known for her fiery temper. His expression turned sombre. “I have a confession to make.”

  “Go on.”

  “It’s my fault that the bishop said what he did.”

  Keverin frowned. “How so?”

  “When Darius died breaching the barrier, I let anger overwhelm me. I couldn’t see the obvious truth that the God had chosen him to bring Julia here.”

  That was understandable. It would have been amazing if Gideon had recognised the God’s plan. Julia’s summoning had been considered an accident until she fought her battle atop the tower.

  Gideon took a deep breath and hurried on. “I wrote to Bishop Jymis and—”

  “You did what? You betrayed her to—”

  “It wasn’t betrayal, m’lord! If any of us need help, any of the priests under his authority I mean, we write to him for instruction. If he can’t answer for some reason, he can pass our questions to the patriarchs in Devarr. Please understand, m’lord. None of us knew Julia then. We didn’t know she had magic, we didn’t know anything about her.”

  He frowned, trying to look at things from Gideon’s point of view. A friend sacrifices his life to breach the barrier that the God put into place to protect his worlds. Worse, he dies to summon a mage strong enough to defeat the sorcerers, but gets a young woman instead—calamity! Women were never mages! Darius had sacrificed his life and imperilled his soul for nothing, or so Gideon must have thought. Julia’s magic hadn’t revealed itself until later, but by then he’d already reported events to Jymis.

  “You told Jymis that Julia was guilty?”

  “No, thank the God,” Gideon said, and circled his heart. “I wrote only the facts, m’lord. I didn’t lie, but I didn’t soften my words either.”

  Keverin relaxed. “I think you’re being too hard on yourself. I know you owe Jymis respect as your superior in the Church, but perhaps you don’t realise what the man is truly like. Do you remember the time when my father threw him out of the fortress?”

  “I was a newly ordained priest back then. If you will remember I had only been here a year when Jymis left.”

  “He didn’t leave. My father told me that he threw him out for preaching sedition against the crown.”

  “Sedition!” Gideon gasped. “I had no idea.”

  Keverin nodded. “The Holy Father later sent him to Malcor Town, where he worked hard to gain his current position. I’ve never been able to trust him. He supports what profits him, and to the flames with anything else.”

  “That’s harsh, m’lord,” Gideon chided. “He’s performed many good works for those in need.”

  “Ah,” Keverin said, raising a finger to emphasise his point. “But not since he was raised to bishop.”

  “That’s true, but his duties are greater now. He doesn’t have the time anymore.”

  “He made the time before.”

  Gideon frowned. “Are you saying that he plans to use Julia for his own gain?”

  “I think he expects his denunciation to help him in some manner. He’s not a fool. He knew before coming here that I wouldn’t hand Julia over to him. Making the demand was a way to set things in motion.”

  “But why would he?”

  “Who can say? He’s been a bishop for years now, maybe it’s time to take the next step.”

  “Patriarch?” Gideon squeaked.

  “Why not? He has many years of experience, and would seem to be an excellent choice—on the surface that is.”

  “All this to draw attention to himself?” Gideon said with revulsion.

  “We can’t know for sure, but I think it’s a good possibility. A bishop that discovers a heretic witch, single-handedly accuses her, and then puts her on trial, would attract admiration from his fellows. What better way to make himself known to the other patriarchs?”

  “The Holy Father chooses who will be raised to patriarch.”

  “That’s true, but he’s only one man,” Keverin pointed out. “He can’t offend the patriarchs too badly. Indeed, he must often consult with them, and take their advice. Is that not so?”

  “It is so,” Gideon said reluctantly.

  “Whatever his plan is, we have to stop him. We can’t let Julia be taken, not while the sorcerers are in the pass, and certainly not unprepared. I want you to begin her lessons. I dare not tell her about the charges against her—who knows what she would do, but I can prepare her without her knowledge. Befriend her, Gideon, and teach her. Teach her quickly.”

  Gideon shifted uncomfortably. “I would be her friend if she wished it, m’lord, but the one time she approached me, to my eternal shame I abused her.”

  “Then I suggest you apologise.”

  “Will you introduce me, m’lord?” Gideon said hopefully. “Perhaps with you there…”

  He shook his head. “You’ll have to manage alone, I’m afraid. Whenever I come near the girl, we argue. I would do you both a disservice.” He glanced at the candle. “We’re late to Gy’s dinner. If you’re agreeable, we can speak more of this later.”

  “No need,” Gideon said firmly. “I’ll apologise. I do look forward to teaching her. Perhaps I’ll learn something as well.”

  They rose and headed for the door.

  “Nothing is impossible,” he said. “Especially these days.”

  They walked side by side until they reached the tower steps. He indicated that Gideon should precede him, and then followed him down, a few steps behind.

  “I must say it’s a little off-putting at my age,” Gideon said.

  “What is?”

  “Learning that what I thought to be true, isn’t true after all. I find myself somewhat excited.”

  He smiled at the priest’s back. “I know what you mean, but exciting times can be dangerous.”

  “Oh yes indeed! I was in the chapel when the sorcerers breached the wall. I thought the roof was coming down.”

  He nodded at that, but it had been worse for him. He remembered a light so intense that it burned his eyes, and then a roaring sound louder than any thunder. The stones of the curtain wall had been sundered one from the other. In an instant, they became a deadly hail of sharp rocks, slaying all in their path. He’d been thrown to the ground, and had escaped most of the missiles because of that
. He was one of the lucky ones. Only a single piece of bronze-clad wood had speared his thigh. He’d awoken to find Julia’s beautiful eyes staring into his—

  “My lord? Are you well?” Gideon said worriedly.

  He blinked. They were standing outside the doors to the great hall. Inside he could hear the murmur of conversation and the clink-clink sounds of many forks against dinner plates. His people had started eating without him.

  “Memories...” he muttered. “Let us go in and face my mother’s displeasure.” He nodded to Moriz and Halbert, where they stood guard waiting upon their charge. “You’re relieved. I’ll watch her for a while. Get some food.”

  “Thank you, m’lord, but we had a bite a time back,” Moriz said.

  “Don’t you worry about us, m’lord. We’re happy to wait for The Lady,” Halbert put in.

  He nodded, leaving them to their vigil, and Gideon took his own leave to find his seat.

  Jessica had done Athione proud. Except for those unlucky guardsmen on duty tonight, and those needed to serve the food, everyone had been given the night off to enjoy themselves. The lower tables were crammed with people eating heartily and enjoying themselves. Wine flowed, and good cheer abounded. His mother glared at him from her place at the centre of the high table.

  “God bless him!”

  “Hurrah for the lord!”

  “Hurrah!” the diners shouted, raising their glasses in salute as he walked behind them. He smiled and waved a hand in acknowledgement of the good wishes.

  He looked for Julia as he made his way down the aisle between packed benches, and found her sandwiched between Mathius and Purcell. The contrast between them was startling. He often forget Julia’s small stature. She was so full of life, that she always seemed bigger than she truly was, but sitting beside Purcell, she looked tiny—as a child of five would look sitting with her parents. At over seven feet, Purcell towered over everyone; he was the tallest man he’d ever met, and the strongest.


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