The Fidelity World_Fated

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The Fidelity World_Fated Page 4

by Amy Briggs

  “So, you’re saying that I have to tell you now, before I know or meet this person, that I’d be willing to move in with them, if that’s what they wanted?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying.” Her expression gave no indication of what she thought; her face was blank, simply awaiting my reply patiently.

  I turned toward Brian to see if this was normal, or if I was imagining all of this. With a shrug of his shoulders, he said, “It’s up to you, man. I was on the other side of this, making the demands. You wanted to grow. You wanted to shake things up. You have to want to do this though.”

  As I contemplated the what if’s, which were innumerable, I found myself saying, “I’m in.” I heard the words leave my mouth, and my apprehension again subsided.

  “If you’re sure, then we can proceed.”

  “I’m sure. This is the type of experience I’m looking for.”

  “I like that, Mr. Kelly. Experience. That is exactly what this is. It is an experience, for both of you. Now, let’s talk more about what kind of woman you’d like to be matched with, to ensure compatibility.”

  “Sure, what would you like to know?” I didn’t quite know how to begin to describe the unicorn I was looking for in my mind.

  “Do you care about age?”

  I’d never given that much thought. “I don’t believe that I do.” I’d tried dating the younger women on my own, and they were killing my brain cells, so I decided that possibly, I’d been making the wrong choices while left to my own devices.

  “So, if you were matched up with a woman senior to you, that wouldn’t be a problem, or a turn off, per se?”

  “No, that might actually be a nice change of pace. A woman with something intelligent to say would be delightful, in fact.”

  “Well, all of our clients are well-educated, particularly wealthy, and well-to-do. We interview clients as thoroughly as we interview employees, Mr. Kelly. Now, do you have any sexual fetishes that we should make note of?”

  My jaw fell open at the question, and I looked over at Brian, who was smirking. Clearly, he knew this line of questioning was coming. Asshole. I didn’t realize we were going to get quite this personal, and in all fairness, I hadn’t thought any of that through. He was my buddy, but I didn’t really want to have this conversation at all, let alone in front of him. Before I could answer, Karen elaborated.

  “We are going to get to know each other very well today, Carter.” She put her pen down for a moment, locking eyes with me. “Well, I’m going to get to know you very well today. The fact of the matter is, we’re going to get personal. It’s the only way that this will work for either of you. If we didn’t dig deep into what your true desires are, how could we possibly match you up with a woman that would help you realize them?”

  After pausing for a moment, I committed. It was in that instant that I went for it. I let down my wall, allowing myself finally be honest for the first time in my entire life. If I was going to make this work for the next year, whenever that year started, I was going to have give it the one-hundred percent effort it deserved. With Brian sitting next to me most of the time, I told Karen my hopes, my dreams, what I wanted to try, things I wanted to learn, places I wanted to travel… I told her everything.

  The questions went on for a little more than two hours, when Karen stood up rather abruptly. “Carter, I believe I have everything I need to find a suitable match for you. I think you’re going to like what’s in store for your future.” She smiled slyly, her lips showing just the slightest hint of pale pink lipstick.

  “So, that’s it? I just wait for a call now?” I stood up as well, as it seemed we were being dismissed.

  “Yes, that’s it. I have more male clients than I do female clients; it’s just the nature of the city. However, I’m confident that someone in New York is looking for you.”

  I liked the way that sounded. Someone was looking for me. A feeling of hope rose from my belly, almost giving me a flutter. “Thank you for taking the time today, Ms. Flores. It’s been... interesting.” I couldn’t think of another way to describe the experience.

  “Yes, it has.” She continued to smirk, like she had a secret. It seemed she had many secrets, if you thought about it. Who knows how many people have shared their deepest desires with a stranger in what was akin to a job interview. “You’ll be wired $5,000 for your time today, and once you’re matched, you’ll be paid monthly, based on the terms in the contract. Do you have any more questions for me?”

  “I do not. Thank you again. I hope to hear from you soon.” Brian stood up, and we all shook hands before Brian and I showed ourselves out.

  In the silent elevator ride down, I thought about all the personal things I’d just revealed. How I hoped for a companion that would inspire me to be a better man. That making love a few times a week would be great, but even better than that would be to hold someone close regularly. How my idea of an unusual and pleasing sexual experience would be reading explicit romance novels to each other. I didn’t even know that was something I thought would be hot, but once I said it, I realized how much I’d been missing female companionship. Real companionship, though; someone you could talk to, someone you could confide in. But also someone who I couldn’t keep my hands off of. I described the unicorn in far more detail than I realized was even in my head.

  Finally breaking the silence, Brian spoke up. “So, reading romance novels?”

  He was teasing, and I felt kind of stupid, but equally so, I felt empowered. As if I’d taken control of what I wanted and owned it. Regardless of how this turned out, I wasn’t looking back. The experience had already taught me to show my true self, not what I believed people wanted to see.

  “What can I say, man? I’m a romantic.”

  “Indeed you are, my friend. Indeed you are.” We both had things to do, so we parted ways, with my thanks to him for the recommendation. I assured him that I’d let him know as soon as I heard something, and promised that I wouldn’t lose my shit before then. He must actually have been worried about my angst, and I certainly appreciated that in him as a friend.

  Now, I just had to wait.

  Chapter Seven


  At first, the idea of purchasing companionship seemed desperate to me. But, if I was gaining what I needed, how bad could it be? Analytical by nature, I mulled over the pros and cons of Infidelity, and what I’d found was there were far more pros to the arrangement. I’d be gaining a companion, who would likely become a friend, for example. If the matchmaking that they performed was as harmonious as James assured me, then I had only to gain from the deal.

  At my appointment with Karen Flores, the coordinator at Infidelity, I answered a laundry list of personal questions I hadn’t even asked myself in years. Did I want kids? Was I looking for a husband out of this? Did I care about the age of the individual, and several other rather invasive questions about my sexual desires and preferences. Many of the questions made me uncomfortable at first, which was unusual. However, after a frank discussion, Karen informed me that the only way a compatible match could be made was if I was honest with myself about what I wanted from the arrangement.

  While having a cup of tea, in what appeared to be high-quality fine china, I confessed that in many ways, I didn’t know what I wanted.

  “What made you decide to come here, Ms. Regan?”

  “I am tired of being alone. I recently had an accident and was in the hospital for a few days.”

  “Yes, I saw that in the paper. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m recovering fine, thank you. But what struck me most, was that while my social calendar is quite full of engagements and parties, there was no one at my bedside. No one to see how I was doing, or that could be bothered to spend time with me at the hospital. Now I realize, that this person that you will match me with, would be obligated to do so. However, if your compatibility matching is what your reputation suggests, you could find me someone that actually wanted to be there.” I watch
ed as she wrote a few things down while I talked, and decided to add, “That is not to say that I need anyone to take care of me, of course.”

  Setting her pen down, she crossed her thin arms before replying. “Ms. Regan, we all need someone to take care of us from time to time. This is not about paying someone to pretend to be there for you. This is about finding the person that would want to on their own. I am well aware of your success and stature in the community. We do our research here, in addition to our interviews. I’m sure you don’t need a man in your life. But wouldn’t life be better if you had one?”

  Contemplating what she said, I felt a smile form, and I nodded in agreement. “Yes, Ms. Flores, it certainly would.”

  “Well then, we’ll find the right person. Now that we have that covered, let’s get down to brass tacks. You are aware of the financial responsibility that you have, correct?”

  “I am.” It was a lot of money. Twenty thousand dollars a month, to be exact. Plus, any expenses incurred that were a result of meeting my needs. Things like wardrobe, et cetera, for events where I required his attendance. “Money is not a problem.”

  “I knew that it wouldn’t be. Like I said, we do our research.” She smirked. “Do you want him to move in with you?”

  “What? Move in with me? No. That seems sudden, doesn’t it?” My shock must have been normal, because her expression didn’t change. She carried the same smirk as she addressed my surprise.

  “It’s quite normal for companions to immediately begin sharing a living space, Ms. Regan. For all intents and purposes, and to anyone and everyone on the outside, you are a couple. In a committed relationship. What you do as individuals with that is, of course, entirely up to you. In most cases, a true romantic relationship is formed, just like any other relationship.”

  “Well, that may be true, but I have lived alone for some time now, and I think that I’d like to keep doing that for now. I would like them to be present for a few dinners a week, both in and out of my home, though.”

  “That’s not a problem. The employee we match you with will be required to attend any function you see fit, and they will be made aware of this before you meet. Now, that’s all I need. In fact, I think I know just the person, but I have to check on a few things first. Do you have any other questions for me?”

  “You think you already have a match?” I was shocked at the reality that this could happen so quickly.

  “I do. But I’ll know for sure by tomorrow and, if all goes well, you’ll meet your new companion this week.”

  “Wow, that’s far more quickly than I anticipated.” My jaw was still hanging open.

  “Are you changing your mind?” she asked me with raised eyebrows.

  “No, I’m definitely in. In fact, I think that this could be a fun adventure, something I’ve not had in quite some time.”

  “Oh I assure you that it will be, Ms. Regan.”

  The very next morning, my private cell phone rang. It was Karen Flores.

  “Ms. Regan, we have a match.”

  Holy shit. This was really happening.

  Chapter Eight


  The day after my meeting with Karen Flores at Infidelity, I’d almost forgotten that I was waiting for her call. There was so much anticipation getting to the interview, and airing all my needs and desires, that I had a bit of a crash afterwards, and worked to push it all to the back of my mind. I knew that it might take some time, so I didn’t want to run out of enthusiasm or energy for the process altogether by thinking about it daily, even though that wasn’t easy at first.

  What I definitely didn’t expect was to receive a call from her three days after our interview. I couldn’t wait to find out who it was; it was all happening so fast, and the uncertainty of the whole thing had my stomach in knots. Not in a bad way. The anticipation was euphoric.

  “So, who is she?” I asked excitedly.

  “Her name is Elise Regan. She’s the President and CEO, as well as the founder, of Regan Athletics, the largest athletic apparel company in the country.”

  “Holy shit. That’s a big deal. And she matched with me?” I was feeling immediately inadequate, and my heart sank just a bit.

  “Yes, she did. You seem surprised. You’re quite a catch, Mr. Kelly. Honestly, it was an easy match. I think you’ll find that you’re quite compatible.”

  “So, is there anything that I need to do? Anything that I need to know?”

  “The way that this works is, I facilitate your first meeting, at her discretion. She does not wish for you to move in; however, she requests that you join her for dinner downtown this evening. I will send the location and time to your phone, and then once you two have met, you’re on your own.”

  I’d assumed there would be more. “So, that’s it?”

  “Yes Carter, that’s it. You, for all intents and purposes, now belong to her for the next year. Your payments will be wired directly to your account monthly, and any expenses you incur meeting her needs will be handled by her. I know that it seems like there is something missing, but I assure you, once you meet her, it will become clear how the year will go. She is slightly apprehensive, which I am only telling you because I can sense your enthusiasm for this new adventure. I believe that your earnestness is going to solidify this perfect match.” It was so hard to get a read on Karen; her tone was always flat, as if it should be obvious that what she was saying was indeed fact. I supposed that was her job, though, to steer clear of emotion, and to present the proposition as it was. Nothing more, nothing less.

  “Thank you, Ms. Flores. I certainly appreciate your time and efforts on this.” I didn’t know what else to say. At that point, I wanted to get home and get myself showered, shaved, and ready to meet Miss Elise Regan.

  “Have a lovely dinner, Mr. Kelly. All the best from Infidelity this year.”

  The phone went silent as she hung up, and I stared at mine in my hand. It was really happening, and it barely registered. Shaking myself from the dream state I’d slipped into, I checked the time as the text from Karen with the dinner reservation information came in. I had approximately two hours to get ready and be there on time. I sent Brian a quick text, telling him I’d been matched and was meeting her for dinner; more to come. He deserved an update; although, with the exception of him as my reference, no one was to know that we’d been matched up professionally in any way. Infidelity was to be kept between us.

  The restaurant she’d picked was quite fancy—a bit rich for my blood, really—but I supposed that was going to be the new standard. I’d pulled out my best suit, a light navy tailored jacket and slacks, with a simple white shirt and brown shoes. It was both trendy, but classic. Before I’d left, I must have checked myself out in the mirror a hundred times. Fucking around with my hair, which, of course, wouldn’t cooperate, and pacing was how I spent most of my small window of time. I’d settled on leaving my thick hair slightly messy, since my suit was dressed up. The blue in the suit seemed to bring out some of the blue in my eyes, and the matching silk tie pulled it all together. Truthfully, I couldn’t recall a time where I fussed that much over going on a date. I considered it a date. I already hoped that she considered it a date, even though I knew I was getting a little ahead of myself.

  When I arrived fifteen minutes before the reservation, I promptly wished that I had brought flowers or something, but the thought hadn’t occurred to me sooner. The maitre d’ informed me that she hadn’t arrived yet, and showed me to the table, which was in the back of the restaurant, in a lowly lit corner. The elegant table was set with crystal glassware, and silver utensils, which sparkled in the soft light. I felt myself fidgeting, and getting uncomfortable, as if the waitstaff would know that I didn’t belong there, that I wasn’t good enough, or rich enough.

  Moments later, I looked up to see the hostess standing before me, with the most exquisite woman I’d ever laid eyes upon next to her. Shooting up from my seat, I stumbled over my words as I said, “Miss Regan? Umm… Elise, I me
an?” I stuck my hand out to shake hers, not noticing what she did with her hands, as I’d become lost in her steely gray eyes.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Carter,” she said softly, her pink pouty lips forming a dainty smile as she took my hand.

  I know people say this all the time, and every time I hear it, I call bullshit, but when her hand touched me, my body temperature rose. Her energy transferred to me in some way, and the moment she pulled her hand away to take her seat across from me, I wanted it back.

  Neither of us spoke for what seemed like an eternity, but we studied each other intently. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, leaving her flawless face for me to admire. She was older than me. I could tell by her demeanor, and the slightest hint of aging around her eyes. Her eyes; I kept going back to them. Her body was incredible, and accentuated by a form-fitting tan pencil skirt, and a black blouse that highlighted her porcelain pale skin.

  “You’re staring at me, Carter.” She broke the silence, and scrunched her button nose at me, just barely.

  “You’re not what I expected, Elise,” I said smoothly, entranced by her. This was clearly going to be the best year of my life.

  Chapter Nine


  I wasn’t at all sure how to take his comment, but I suspected it had to do with what was very clearly an age gap between us. It was apparent that he was at least ten years younger than me, and I was sure that he was disappointed. As I studied his chiseled jawline, I got swept up in the blue of his eyes. They reminded me of the water in Greece, the perfect royal shade.


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