Billionaire Protector

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Billionaire Protector Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  He coated his dick with her cream, and then pushed inside her.

  She was tighter than any pussy he’d ever been inside, and when the swollen head of his cock was inside her, he paused. Staring into her eyes, he saw they were dilated, and she was aroused.

  “You’re big.”

  “I know. I’m going to take this slowly. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Anna nodded, and he started to press inside her, inch by inch. Her hands rested on his arms, and her touch alone had him on fire. He didn’t want to stop, and when it came to Anna, she’d gotten underneath his skin, and he didn’t want to lose her.

  Grabbing her hip, he held her in place as he surged deep inside her the last couple of inches.

  She screamed, and her nails sank into the flesh of his arm. Gritting his teeth, Russ forced himself to remain still.

  When he looked up at Anna, he saw her eyes were filled with tears, and she was biting her lip.

  “Shit, baby, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. You’re just large, like huge, and I’m not used to that.”

  “I’m going to have to get you to drink more often. You’re more talkative with a drink inside you.” He leaned down and captured her lips in a searing kiss. Russ was addicted to her body, to her responses, and he just couldn’t get enough. Her body was so full and ripe, and she filled his hands with her curves. Her hips were thick, and he wasn’t afraid to grip onto her. He’d hurt her, but there was nothing he could do about the size of his cock. He had to get her used to the length, and width of him.

  He’d fuck Anna until it no longer hurt her to be with him.

  “You’re complaining that I don’t talk all that much?” she asked, chuckling.


  “That’s a first. I thought men hated it when a woman talked all the time.”

  He ran his hands up her body, to cup one of her glorious tits. They were big, and her nipples were tight with arousal.

  “We do, but I want to hear you, baby. For the right woman, there’s nothing else I want to hear other than your beautiful voice.” He silenced whatever she was going to say with a kiss.

  Russ needed to own her completely, and he knew the only way to do that was to consume her thoughts with him. He was a selfish bastard, but he didn’t care, not one bit.

  Pulling out of her tight hole, he waited until only the head of his dick was inside her. In time with his tongue, he slid all the way inside her, going as deep as he could. She cried out, screaming his name into his mouth.

  He swallowed her screams, and basked in the tightness of her clenching pussy.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he gripped the length, and started to pump repeatedly inside her, fucking her harder with each long stroke.

  Her moans of combined pleasure and pain turned to those of pleasure only, and her pussy rippled around him, clenching and tightening over his length.

  Pulling away, he looked down to see his naked cock slick with her cream, and he didn’t care. Russ always wore a rubber, but he wanted nothing between them this time with Anna.

  Slamming every inch of his dick inside her, he claimed her lips, and took them both to the peak of pleasure. Only when he couldn’t hold back anymore, he pushed every single inch of his cock inside her, and groaned as he filled Anna with his cum.

  She came around his cock, and he’d never experienced anything so mind-blowing and possessive with any other woman.

  When his orgasm ebbed away, he stayed inside her, and kissed her lips. He could gladly stay deep inside Anna forever. Minutes passed, and Anna fell asleep with him kissing her, making love to her mouth.

  He chuckled, moving behind her, and wrapping his woman in his arms. There was no way he was letting Anna go. No way at all.


  Anna groaned the following morning, and opened her eyes. She frowned as she was facing curtains that she didn’t recognize. The sun was shining through slits in the curtains, and she started to stretch, yawning as she did so.

  Then she felt something across her stomach, and when she looked down, she saw a very masculine arm there.

  Just a little wiggle, and she became aware of the aches in parts of her body that she hadn’t used in some time. The previous night’s activities suddenly bombarded her mind.

  She’d had sex with Russ, and it had been amazing. Anna froze. This was why she never drank alcohol. She became confident, and didn’t care at all about what kind of situations she put herself in.

  Licking her dry lips, she glanced behind her to see Russ asleep. He looked so damned cute, and sexy.

  His cock!

  She recalled how big his cock was and how hard it was for him to slide inside her.

  “Are you freaking out yet?” Russ asked, and she glanced back up at him.

  “You’re awake?”

  “It’s kind of hard to fall asleep when you’re moving around like crazy. What’s the matter, baby?” he asked.

  “Nothing!” The word came out as a squeak, and her cheeks heated. This was so damn embarrassing.

  He opened his eyes, and she tensed up, waiting for whatever he was going to say.

  “We had sex, and you’re having a little freak-out right now. You’re not going to start berating me for taking advantage?”

  “You weren’t taking advantage. I was very much involved in what happened last night.” She couldn’t blame the alcohol. Anna had been the one to come on to him. Groaning, she lifted the blanket up to cover most of her face. “I came onto you. You must have been so embarrassed.”

  “I wasn’t.” He reached out, lowering the blanket, and cupping her cheek. “I wasn’t embarrassed. I was horny. You know I’ve been wondering how I would get you into bed, and you took the challenge right out of my hands.”

  “I did?”

  “Yes. I’ve wanted to fuck you for so fucking long, and today, I finally got to have you.”

  She couldn’t believe it. “You could have any woman you want.”

  “I know, and I want you.” His hand fell away from her face, and went down to stroke over her breast.

  Anna was completely naked. He circled one breast, and then the other. She watched as he leaned down, taking one nipple into his mouth. Gasping, she arched up into his mouth and closed her eyes.

  His touch sent shockwaves of pleasure rushing through her world.

  Russ took hold of her hand and wrapped her fingers around his dick. “This is what you do to me.”

  He was rock hard, and the tip leaked out some pre-cum. Stroking up and down his length, she groaned as his cock seemed to thicken even more.

  “I love your hands on my body. You should have known this was going to happen, Anna.”

  “I didn’t. I didn’t know this was going to happen.”

  “That’s why it’s you in my bed, baby. You didn’t expect it, and you don’t expect me to spend money on you. You’re always talking about going back to work, and Franny has told me you’re determined to go back to work in a couple of days.”

  “I’ve got to go back to work. I can’t keep staying here. I’ve got an apartment, and a life. I’m invading yours.”

  “No. You’re not invading my life, Anna. I want you here, and I’ve already been to your apartment, and emptied it out. All of your possessions are in storage.”

  She paused. “What?”

  “Your possessions are in storage, and we can go look over them for you to decide what you’re going to keep, and we’ll trash what you don’t want. You can bring whatever you want here.”

  Anger swamped Anna, and she pulled away from him. “What the hell, Russ?”

  She shoved the blanket away, and even though she was naked, she climbed out of his bed. The first couple of steps had her wincing.

  “Baby, get back into bed.”

  “No. You’re an asshole. You had no right to empty out my apartment. That was my place, and I needed to know what I was going to do with it.”

  He jumped out of bed, and before she could make
it to the doorway, he grabbed her arm, and pressed her against the wall.

  “You’re staying here. I don’t give a shit what you say, Anna. This is where you belong.”

  She opened her mouth to start berating him, and paused as she became aware of something sliding down the inside of her thigh. Glancing down, she saw it was a small amount of his cum.

  Gritting her teeth, she looked up at him. “You came inside me?”

  “I wanted to.”

  “You’re an asshole. I’m not on any kind of birth control, Russ.” She slapped his arm, and tears filled her eyes. “You should have worn a condom.” She slapped his arm and jerked out of his arms, crossing the sitting room to go to her room.

  “Stop walking away.”

  “No. You’re the one who came inside me. Do you even know what you did? One unprotected female, and one unprotected male, and there’s a risk of a little baby. Don’t you get that?”

  He grabbed her arm once again, and forced her to spin around until she faced him. “I didn’t care.”


  She was shaking, and scared, and terrified. This was becoming too much. Last night she’d crossed the line with Russ, and there was now a bigger risk of their one night having consequences.

  “I want you, Anna, and not just for one night. This has been building, and you know it.”

  “No, I don’t. We were friends.”

  “We’re still friends, and something more.” He held her tightly, and wouldn’t let her move.

  “I could get pregnant.”

  “I don’t care, Anna.” He leaned in close, and she struggled to keep up her anger. Russ had been getting under her skin for so long. She was used to being the woman who was passed over for a slimmer model. Men didn’t want her; they didn’t lust after her. With Russ, she allowed herself to dream, to wonder what it would be like to belong to him. “We’ll deal with it when we know more.”

  “A kid is not just going to go away, um,” she said, moaning as his lips captured hers once again.

  He slid his leg between her thighs, and she didn’t have a choice but to open up to him. His thigh rubbed against her pussy, and she gasped out at the contact.

  Russ slid his tongue into her mouth, and she teased his tongue with her own, wrapping her arms around his neck. She forgot about her nakedness, and Russ’s hands gripped her ass, deepening the kiss as he did.

  His rock hard cock pressed against her stomach, and she tilted her head back as he broke the kiss, trailing his lips down to her neck. He wasn’t done there, and he bent down, taking one of her nipples into his mouth.

  Leaning against the wall, she sank her fingers into his hair holding him in place as he sucked one nipple before moving onto the next.

  She watched him suck her nipples, and her pussy grew slick at the sight. Anna had never had a man take his time in kissing her body, and Russ was blowing her mind, which was the promise he’d made last night.

  He was rocking her world and blowing her mind.

  Her body ached, and yet she needed him again. One of his hands left her ass, and slid through her slit, stroking over her clit.

  “This is what I want. You’re so fucking responsive, and beautiful, and I want to fuck you again, Anna. This is not a joke to me, or something to deal with. You want me as much as I do you.”

  “Your club?”

  “No. I’ve got no claim to the women at the club. The only one I want is you, just you.”

  Two fingers slid inside her, and she groaned.

  She couldn’t stop him right now. Anna didn’t want to.

  “I need to be inside you again.”

  Anna squealed as he lifted her up, pressed his cock to her entrance, and slid deep inside her.

  Her pussy was not used to having such a large cock, and it had been a long time since she’d had sex.

  Wincing, Russ growled against her neck where his head rested.

  “Fuck me, baby, you’re so damn tight. I’m going to have to fuck you regularly for you to get used to the feel of my dick inside you.”

  Anna couldn’t believe he was holding up her size eighteen body, and she held onto him tightly. His cock was huge, and the length of him was on the verge of pleasure and pain. She’d never known there could be a man so large.

  Slowly, he pulled out of her and slid back inside, going harder within her.

  When she grew accustomed to his size, she started to go soft, and the pain ebbed away. Russ fucked her harder, and their moans echoed around the apartment. There were two beds, and they were using the wall. She gripped his back and thrust her pussy onto his cock.

  “Look at us, Anna. Look at my dick.”

  She glanced down, and watched his cock reappear and disappear inside her. His cock was covered in her cream, and she groaned. Her pussy clenched around him, and he cursed, pounding inside her.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Anna, and I’m not letting you go. Not ever.”

  They came together, and Anna felt when he exploded within her. His cock pulsed wave upon wave of cum inside her.

  The pleasure ebbed away.

  “We’re worlds apart, Russ,” she said.

  “Yet we’re here together, and nothing is separating us. I’m inside you, and your pussy is wrapped around me. Tell me you don’t feel something right now. Tell me you don’t want me, that your pussy isn’t clenching around me like a greedy little bitch.”

  She took a deep breath, and her cheeks heated. “I never expected this.”

  “Neither did I, baby. This is what we are together. We’re bound together, and I can’t walk away. I wear a business suit by day, and a leather cut by night. I go hunting for human traffickers to help ease the pain of one of my brothers. I’ve no family, and nothing to offer you but myself, and my fortune.”

  “I don’t care about your fortune.”

  “I don’t care about your lack of one. We’re together, and when I’m with you, I’m happy. You bring me light in a world full of darkness. Don’t run from this because you’re scared. I’ll be here to catch you, always. Just let me catch you.”

  Anna bit her lip, and nodded. “Okay.”

  She couldn’t find an argument for him, and she loved being with him. His money made her uncomfortable, but the man, he made her happy beyond words.

  Chapter Ten

  Two days later

  Russ sat in his pristine office, with his floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city. It had been two days since he fucked Anna, and since then, they had gone to take a look at the few items she had gathered over the years with Karen. There was little in the way of furniture, but she had kept every single item that Karen once owned. The clothes were donated to charity, and her table and chairs were passed on as well. She had a suitcase worth of items, little trinkets that the pair had given each other as memories.

  Anna hadn’t broken down while they went through the small storage locker. He’d expected the trip to be difficult. Instead, Anna had smiled, telling him stories of how they had gotten certain items. They were not expensive, and once again he was shown the two women’s desire for something more. The hunger for a business of their own he could relate to, as he’d been the same. He’d wanted to put his mark on this world, take the business world by storm, and that was exactly what he had done. Russ couldn’t believe how little she had amassed in her time. There were so many people who had so much stuff that had no memory, and yet Anna had none. She didn’t put much stock in material goods, yet the few items she did have meant something. The items came with tales all of their own, from a birthday, to something funny, to a memory.

  When they had gotten back to his apartment, Russ had looked around his space with a critical eye. His apartment that he’d spent thousands of dollars on was pure luxury, and yet it told nothing. Russ didn’t put down roots. He didn’t look at settling down, or making his apartment belong to him.

  The apartment was impersonal, as was this office. Nothing merged his two worlds together, that of his business a
nd his MC. Anna, she was the only thing that merged his two worlds together. She was his woman, the one he saved and protected. Anna was the color to his plainness, and she didn’t see it.

  She had returned to work today, and he’d hated it. He had taken her to the supermarket, which she had been determined to go back to even though she didn’t need to work.

  A knock at his office door pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Richard waiting.

  “What’s up?” Russ asked.

  “Can I come in?”


  Richard closed the door and made his way toward the seat opposite him. “Lewis found something.”

  Russ made to get up, but Richard urged him down.

  “He’s found something?”

  “A possible location, and he’s taken it to our contact on the force.”

  “Why wasn’t I called?”

  “Lewis needs access to the secure police files about human traffickers. He found a possible location, but it’s to a mansion owned by some kind of rich guy. There’s no concrete evidence that the man is involved in the trafficking, and it needs to be dealt with carefully.” Richard sat back.

  “Lewis is going to lose his mind over this woman.”

  “He’s not the only man in our club who is losing his mind over a woman.”

  Russ stared at Richard without saying a word.

  Richard didn’t say anything either.

  They had a standoff, and Russ refused to be the one to speak first. He wasn’t the one invading another brother’s space. If Richard had something to say, then he could say it.

  “You’ve not been around the club much,” Richard said, breaking his silence.

  “I’ve not had much reason to come to the club. We scanned through all the devices, gave all of the evidence over to the cops, and Lewis was decoding the final laptop where he believes he’s found his informant.”

  “Check your email,” Richard said. “Lewis sent you confirmation yesterday.”

  Russ turned to his email, typing in his password, and bringing up his private mails. This was a secure server where he contacted members of the club. He opened up the email, and several documents downloaded.


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