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The Arrangement [Box Set]

Page 5

by Abby Weeks

  She knew she was a good-looking woman. She had a great figure, nice hair and she had always been confident that she was pretty. Men hit on her all the time. She worked out four times a week. But there was also the fact that she’d had two children in the last six years, and despite loosing her baby weight and spending countless hours in the gym, her body would never be at thirty-four what it had been when she was sixteen.

  She was on the table feeling the solid, felt surface of the billiard table on her legs. She didn’t know whether to stand or sit when Herb said, —Kneel please.

  Probably the only thing that gave her the confidence to do it was the thought that Herb’s wife was in her sixties, Pete’s was in her fifties, and even Midge was more than ten years older than she was.

  She got on her hands and knees and couldn’t help trying to attain the most attractive posture possible in that position. She sucked in her tummy, arched her back a little, and let her bum protrude back to elongate her body.

  The lamps from the ceiling hung down to just a foot above her and gave her an alluring shadowy appearance. The little skirt barely extended past her waist and in this position it did nothing at all to cover her bum. The table was firm but it was not uncomfortable. She maintained the position and tried to be as still as possible while the men slowly circled around her and admired her from every angle. They were smoking their cigars and they looked very pleased with themselves. She gave away no emotion and said nothing, and while they were happy to make eye-contact with her, they said nothing either.

  She found herself hoping they liked what they saw. In fact, the longer she maintained that position, and imagined how her body looked, starting with her black stilettos and extending all the way to her bum with the frill of skirt and the string of her panties, the more confident she grew that she was impressing them.

  She couldn’t see the men when they were behind her but she felt more than one hand on her bum, stroking the cheek, and even finding its way along the string of the g-string toward the front.

  —Beautiful, she heard in a murmur.

  —Exquisite, someone said.

  When she spotted Walter he looked happy, proud. She looked at him and realized he would never be enough to satisfy her completely, not now that she had experienced this. She wanted more, more than just her husband who treated her like a secretary and managed to have intercourse with her maybe twice a month. She wanted more, and she was going to get it.

  —Get up on your knees now, please, Herb said.

  She rose up on her knees, almost like a puppy, and as the four men stood there staring at her, she knew what she had to do next. She reached around her back and unclasped the fastener that held her dress in place. The bodice fell away, revealing her breasts to them. She looked down and saw that they were pert and firm and alluring in the strange light.

  —Take it off, Pete said.

  By now she was on autopilot. None of the things she was doing were natural to her, but in this strange place, with this enticing company, she found that she could do things she would ordinarily be unable to do. She pulled the dress up over her head and threw it off into the darkness of the room. With the bright lamps so low above her she could hardly see beyond the edges of the billiard table and the men were largely hidden in shadow. This made her less shy as she kneeled in front of them wearing only her black g-string and stilettos.

  —Take it all off, please, Frank said.

  She looked at him and then pulled the g-string off over her shoes and threw it at him. Then she leaned back on her butt with her legs spread open in front of her giving them a full view of her vagina. Thankfully she was completely shaved and what she was showing them looked its best.

  They smoked their cigars and stared at her and she found herself gyrating up and down slowly and subtly, as if she was a pole dancer learning the moves.

  —Come closer, Pete said and she slid forward on her bum till her feet were on the edge of the table.

  —Closer, Pete said.

  He was standing very close to the table himself now, and she slid her bum right to the edge of the table so that it was just inches from him. He touched her, rubbing her fleshy clitoris gently, then he leaned down and put his face between her legs. He covered her vagina with his mouth and licked her hungrily. Then he put his tongue as far as he could inside her. She wrapped her ankles around his head and threw her head back as he licked her. Then he broke loose and took a step back.

  Frank came up to her next, and she looked at Pete and Herb and Walter as he did. Were they all going to have a taste, she wondered. Frank put his finger inside her and she watched the other three men, who were watching what Frank was doing intently. He put his mouth on her vagina as Pete had done, as if her vagina was her mouth and he was kissing her passionately. He licked and sucked her vagina and clitoris and it felt excruciatingly good. He put his hands over her breasts and then onto her face and she took his fingers in her mouth and sucked them.

  Then, before he forgot himself and got completely carried away he took a step back and made way for Herb. Herb looked her in the eye as he approached and she felt almost dizzy with anticipation as he stepped up to the spot in front of her. She never would have imagined that she could feel so much lust for a man his age but there it was, and it was pulsing through her more fiercely than any lust she had ever felt in her life. When Herb was in front of her he put his finger in her mouth as Frank had done, and then leaned into her pussy with his face but instead of licking her where the others had, he leaned in closer to her and pressed his face against her, pushing her up a little. Then he licked her asshole. He pushed his tongue into it and then followed it with his finger, pushing his finger in and out of her bum till she let out a moan. She angled her body so that he could get at her however he wanted and he ate her greedily. She had never felt anything like that and it gave her more pleasure than she would have thought possible. With his finger driving in and out of her bum he planted his mouth on her vagina and licked and sucked her clitoris and she began to think she was going to reach orgasm. His finger was pumping in and out, faster and faster, and she felt the thrill of it rise up inside her and reach it’s peak. It had to be the peak. She couldn’t take any more. She couldn’t even think enough to be afraid of how she looked or sounded, she just ground her pelvis against his face and let him do what he wanted to her anus and pussy. She had no idea how long it continued.

  She screamed out when at last she came and the men all sighed and seemed to experience the climax with her. Then Herb took a step back to make way for Walter.

  Walter came up to her and stood between her legs, and in the aftermath of the climax she had just had, and with all the power and pleasure that was intoxicating her flowing through her veins, she did something that would have been unthinkable to her before. She kicked off one of her black shoes and put her foot in Walter’s face and firmly pushed him away.

  —No, she said. Nothing for you, tonight.


  APRIL MASTERSON SAT ON HER stunning new balcony overlooking the Potomac and made a decision. She decided that she would do her honest best to find happiness in this new life and the strange arrangement that it entailed. She could manage that. She had to.

  The house was stunning. The main balcony had its own balustraded staircase of Italian marble leading down to the pool. She’d just gotten back from yet another shopping spree with Mark, the interior designer. They’d put the whole thing on Herb Kingsley’s personal account, again. Mark had talked her into buying a real fireplace for the patio, fed by a gas line from the house and she was looking down at the men installing it now. They’d also bought a suite of furniture to go with the fireplace. Her poolside was more comfortable now than most people’s living rooms now. The installation crew was also putting in a full barbecue and grill close to the seating area. They said they might as well do it since they were installing a gas line. She and Walter could cook down there too now, if they ever cooked that was.

  She had never be
en an overly materialistic person but looking down at the men creating the new poolside area, she couldn’t help letting her mouth form a smile. She did like it here. She loved it. She loved the feeling that everything was being taken care of. It made her feel safe, secure, and more than anything in life, security was what was important to April.

  When she first arrived at the new house she’d felt a little guilty about letting Herb foot the bill for everything. He’d given them this enormous house, paid for her shopping spree with Mark, and had even given Walter a new car. It all seemed too much. After what happened at the party the other night though, she was beginning to feel differently about that. She felt more entitled to it all now. She felt that she was doing her own part to earn all these luxuries. She was giving Herb and the other partners in the firm something that they wanted very much, something pleasurable, and that made her feel like this home and this new life belonged to her. She felt less and less like she was going to wake up and find that everything had disappeared or that it had all just been a dream. By letting the partners all enjoy her sexually, she was making her position secure and safe. At least, that’s what she told herself as she leaned back on the recliner and sipped her wine.

  Not that the events at the party hadn’t shocked her. They had, deeply. She’d never in her wildest dreams imagined that something like that could happen, not just to her but to anyone. It was obscene. She knew it was.

  But she was willing to do it in order to feel secure in her surroundings. She would do whatever it took to please the partners if it meant she and her children would be taken care of. Now that she understood what was going on, and understood the role she was expected to play, she had begun the process of convincing herself that she could indeed play that role.

  Before, when she still didn’t know what the other partners wanted of her, she’d been completely bewildered by all the generosity that was being showered down on her and Walter. Now that she understood what they expected, what services she would be required to perform for their pleasure, she was much more at ease. While she hadn’t fully come to terms with everything, she felt that at least she knew her place and that was a start.

  And slowly she was coming to terms with it. It had shocked her. What had happened on Frank Prentiss’s billiard table was beyond the bounds of propriety as far as April was concerned. She’d never heard of anything like it in her life. A man letting his business partners taste his wife, it was simply obscene. There was no denying that. But she was slowly coming to realize what was important to her. Family was important, and the fact that Walter was so intent on going through with this arrangement had a huge impact on her thinking. And even more deeply than that, what was important to April was security. She wanted to feel safe in her life. She’d been through so much with her mother and sister when she was a child, and what she wanted now for herself and her two daughters was the security of knowing her place in the world. She wanted a comfortable, secure home where nothing bad could happen to her. She wanted that more than anything else in the world, and the fact that her home just happened to be a gorgeous, luxury mansion in the exclusive hills outside of Washington DC, surrounded by some of the most powerful and privileged people in the country only served to make that goal more attractive and satisfying to her.

  She felt that as long as Walter and his partners were happy with her, and that the wives were happy with her, she was safe. And so she began to set her mind on the objective of keeping Walter and his partners as happy as she could. If that meant that she would occasionally have to set her dignity aside and do something kinky or sexual for their enjoyment then that was something she would just have to live with.

  What was important for April was that she was safe and secure and was allowed to live a good life. She felt that if she could get that out of the arrangement then she would gladly give them back a few sexual favors. In fact, the more she thought about it the more she was able to convince herself that it was a fair arrangement. It wasn’t even that different from the traditional arrangement she’d had with Walter for their entire marriage. If she was completely honest, the reason she was with Walter wasn’t because she loved him and he loved her. It was because she needed him. Their marriage was a contract in which they each gave something and received something. She received a home and financial security for herself and her daughters and he received the comforts of a family life including the right to enjoy her sexually pretty much whenever he felt like it.

  If she was even more honest with herself, the events that had taken place on Frank Prentiss’s billiard table were more pleasurable and exciting than anything she’d ever enjoyed with Walter. There was an inherent thrill to the whole thing. She was excited at the idea of all four men wanting her at once. They had been so hungry for her, hungrier than Walter had ever been before. And all of that attention and lust was focused directly on her. It made her shudder to the depths of her thighs just thinking about it.

  And the financial security she was receiving in return for her participation with the partners was far more than anything Walter had ever been able to give her by himself. With just her husband, they’d been able to afford an ordinary house in an ordinary neighborhood. Now she was getting a mansion, her own swimming pool, servants, drivers, shopping sprees, the whole deal. What more could she want?

  She told herself that the new arrangement was just an enhancement of the marriage contract she’d always had with Walter. She still had to provide essentially the same services, playing wife and mother and giving sexual pleasure, only now the sex was more exciting, and the financial security was a lot more luxurious.

  As if on cue, a maid in a black dress with a white apron came out and offered her another glass of wine. Of course this was a life she could learn to enjoy.


  APRIL WAS NERVOUS AS THE day approached for the girls to go to their new boarding school. She was terribly conflicted about sending them away. Although Greenwood Springs was just a few hours from their home and she had been assured repeatedly that it was one of the best schools in the country, the girls were so young that it went against her maternal instincts to let them go.

  Lucy was six and was just beginning to become a friend to her mother. April would let her sit with her in front of the vanity while she got ready in the morning and the two of them would put on makeup together. They always laughed and had fun as Lucy tried on the different colors of eyeshadow and lipstick and blush. She would miss that little morning routine.

  Mary was four and was really just starting to settle into her own personality. She could be willful and stubborn but she was also the sweetest little thing April had ever seen. She wanted a dog and with all the space around the new house it would have been the perfect time for them to get one. But April knew that there was no point. It would only be cruel to get her a dog and then tell her she had to leave it behind while she went off to boarding school.

  There was so much of their childhood that she would miss now. She would always be their mother of course but she wouldn’t be there every day to see all the little things that comprise the substance of a life. She would become like a relative to them, someone they knew loved them and who bought them presents on holidays but no longer as intimate as a mother should be. She was afraid that her importance to their lives would gradually fade.

  During that first week in the new house April tried to spend as much time with them as possible while she still had the chance. She took them into the city and bought them clothes, she took them to the zoo and the Smithsonian, she even took them for walks along the forest paths around the house.

  She was still embarrassed every time she stepped into one of the firm’s black town cars and saw that Akbar was her driver but he had shown her nothing but respect since she’d given him that warning. In fact, she usually found it strangely comforting having Akbar with her when they went into the city. They didn’t talk much to each other but he would nod and smile when he picked her up, letting her know that everything was al
right, and she knew that he would always be there waiting with the car for her whenever she was ready to go home. She found that the city had become a lot more accessible and inviting to her now that she had a driver. She didn’t have to negotiate traffic or find her way in a new neighborhood and parking was never an issue. Just another perk of being with the firm, she thought.

  And it was just one more thing that she found she was able to get used to when she corrected her thinking. At first when Walter told her that she wouldn’t be having her own car she had panicked. That was always her first response. She saw it as an attack on her autonomy. But now that she was used to it she realized just how many advantages there were to having your own private chauffeur. She hoped it would be like that with the girls’ school. It was no small thing, sending them away. She’d be able to visit them on the weekends but she prayed that they were happy enough at the school to survive the whole week without her. They’d be allowed to call home every evening, which was some comfort. It was just that they were so very young. She tried to calm down as she told herself that the school would be like everything else in this new life and that once she got used to it she would see just how advantageous it was.

  When the day at last arrived to take the girls to the boarding school she prepared them in every way she could think of. She had of course told them about the school beforehand and had shown them pictures but now that it was time to leave she sat them down and explained it all to them again. Then she took them upstairs and packed bags for them. She’d had photos printed and framed of the family together at Disney Land and she packed them each a picture to put by their bed.

  It was Sunday and Walter would be driving them out to Greenwood Springs. After they’d packed she brought everyone to the dining room and they ate dinner together. She’d helped with the roast but they had a cook now as well as a couple of servants and she let them serve so that she could give her full attention to the girls. During the meal she hardly looked at Walter. She was angry with him for forcing her to send the girls away and she couldn’t bring herself to be pleasant, not tonight. She was sure Walter sensed it but she didn’t care.


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