The Arrangement [Box Set]

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The Arrangement [Box Set] Page 14

by Abby Weeks


  AT ABOUT FOUR IN THE afternoon Jake announced to April that she had a visitor. April was so happy when she saw Midge coming in the hall behind him.

  —Midge! What are you doing here?

  —I just thought you might like a visit.

  —I’d love a visit.

  —I actually have a message to pass on, too. Midge nodded at Jake, dismissing him, and he disappeared into the house.

  April watched. Midge was a lot more used to having servants than she was. She knew how to get them to come and go as she pleased.

  —Oh, what is it?

  —Walter called me. He said you don’t have a phone here now and he wanted to let you know he won’t be home for dinner.

  —Oh. April couldn’t help letting a wide smile cross her face.

  —I can tell you’re not disappointed.

  April shook her head. —It’s nothing, we’ve just been feeling the pressure of all the change.

  —He said he won’t be home tonight at all.

  —Oh really?

  —They’ve been working hard on these new clients. I’m sure you’ve heard all about it. Frank talks about nothing else. Anyway, Charmaine and Kit are going to meet them at the Saint Regis. They’re supposedly all spending the night there.

  —That’ll be fun.

  —You can bet. I guess they’re trying to cut a big deal and a lot of important people are involved. Senators and congressmen and what not. I’m not sure of the details but those sorts of people are always too paranoid to allow hookers anywhere near them. That’s why they like doing business with the firm. All the entertainment is provided by the partners’ own wives. There’s no other firm in the country that can offer that degree of discretion.

  —I see, April said. So we’re basically a bunch of high-priced call girls for clients who need to maintain their privacy.

  —Well, we’re more than that, Midge said and gave April a wry smile. Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re a big part of the reason the firm is so successful. You wouldn’t believe the fees they charge these people for the legal work they do. I’m not sure how many of them would be so willing to pay the bill every month if they didn’t know they were getting in on the action with the partners’ wives too. It’s a level of service that’s hard to walk away from once you get used to it.

  —I’ll bet.

  —We’ll probably be called out to entertain these guys pretty soon.

  April nodded. —I can’t say I’m shocked. After the last couple of weeks, pretty much anything is believable.

  —I know what you mean. Anyway, it’s not that bad. There are definitely perks. And we get to live up here with servants and maids. We have the whole nine yards.

  —I was meaning to ask you about that, April said. What are the rules with these servants?

  —What do you mean?

  —What can we do with them?

  —It’s pretty much like you’d imagine. Haven’t you ever watched a movie or TV show set in the olden days? Whatever you want, they’ll do it.

  —I get the usual stuff, like serving meals, cleaning, getting things. I was wondering about the more unusual things.

  Midge burst out laughing. —Oh, April! Have you been getting naughty with the staff already?

  April was embarrassed. They were still standing in the hallway. Midge followed April into the lounge where they sat in a cute little alcove overlooking the balcony. It had yet another suite of new furniture and a Persian rug and faced the tinted glass wall that the rest of the main lounge area enjoyed. April wondered at the fact that she’d never even sat there before, had hardly noticed it, and this was her house! She called Carla and asked for some white wine to be brought out.

  —Is wine ok for you, Midge?

  —Perfect. Whatever you’re having.

  —Have you eaten?

  —No. Maybe something light would be nice. How about some antipasti.

  April nodded at the maid. Carla left to get what they’d asked for and the women sat on the couch overlooking the stunning evening view.

  —I guess we’re free for the night, Midge said with a wicked smile on her face.

  —We are! April said and she was surprised at how excited she was to have a night without Walter. He was such a weight on her mood that having just one evening without him felt like a holiday.

  —We can have a slumber party.

  April looked up at Midge. —Do you mean it?

  —Of course I mean it. Unless you don’t want to.

  —No. I’d love to.

  April felt like a schoolgirl. She never thought she’d be so excited to have a friend spend the night. She was just so lonely with Walter that the thought of having Midge for the night and Walter out on the town flooded her with an enormous sense of relief.

  —So, Midge said in a slightly hushed tone, you were about to ask me about the servants.

  —Well, have you ever?

  —Ever what?

  —You know.

  Midge laughed. —God, April. Of course I have. We all have. It’s the big secret that everyone knows. The help get fucked as much as anyone in The Oaks. It’s practically the whole point of them. Have you got a confession to make?

  —Well, not exactly. It’s just, earlier today. April was a little embarrassed and didn’t know how exactly to say what she wanted to say. But then, this was Midge she was speaking to, someone whose vagina she’d eaten to the point of orgasm.

  —Just spit it out, April. Believe me, you won’t be able to shock me.

  —Well I felt like swimming naked today.

  —I do it all the time, Midge said.

  —And I thought, if the help are watching me, well, I’d be happy if they were.

  —We all do it, April. It’s a thrill to be able to walk around nude in front of servants. I know my male staff are all dying to fuck me. I try not to though. To be honest I prefer the feeling of having them lust after me. That’s the thrill of it for me, knowing they all want me and can’t have me.

  —It is a thrill, isn’t it?

  —It’s the best.

  —And what about your female staff?

  Midge burst out laughing again. —Oh, April. You poor child. What else have you done?

  —Well, it’s just, I have Carla here. She’s helped me get dressed before. And sometimes, I don’t know. I’m not a lesbian. At least I’m pretty sure I’m not. All my fantasies are about men. Almost all.

  They both burst out laughing.

  —Go on, Midge said, catching her breath.

  —Well, there’s something about having power over someone else. Do you know what I mean? It’s like, I can understand what Kit was feeling when she made me eat everyone. There’s something very erotic about humiliating someone else, or forcing them to do things. It’s sexy.

  April went bright red as she brought up the humiliating experience she’d had at The Lace Cat but she felt so safe and comfortable with Midge. Midge was nodding encouragingly.

  —I know exactly what you’re talking about, April. It’s human nature. It’s just another thrill of life.

  —It is. I was lying naked in the sun this afternoon, and Carla came to put lotion on me, and she rubbed it everywhere. And I couldn’t help but get a thrill at the thought that she was under my control, and had to do it. It’s not that I have a crush on Carla or anything. I mean, look at her. She’s just a middle-aged woman, like me, only not as lucky.

  —I’ve had exactly the same feelings, April.

  —Really? I mean, the other day she was helping me into my bathing suit, this was right after my experience at The Lace Cat, and I had a fantasy about making her eat me.

  —Oh gosh! Did you do it?

  —No. Of course not. But I wanted to.

  —April, you’re so open. I’ve had exactly the same thoughts and feelings but I’ve never been so open about them. I’ve never told anyone anything like what you just told me. But I’ve had exactly the same impulses you’ve had. I’ve even ac
ted on them, if I’m being completely honest.


  —I’m not proud of it.

  —What have you done?

  —Well, there have been moments when I’ve felt pretty low. You know how it can be in the arrangement. I’ve had nights where Frank and the other men have used my like a complete whore. There have been times when it’s been done in public. Kit’s the worst. I’ve eaten out her rich cunt more times than I can count.

  —And you’ve reacted by taking it out on your maids.

  —I have. Like I said, it’s not something I’m proud of. I feel like a sorority girl taking it all out on the pledges, but I’ve made my maids do favors for me. I’ve humiliated them to get over the way I’ve been humiliated by the others.

  —How many maids do you have?

  —Right now I’ve got two. But I’ve had others in the past, and there were times when I was pretty low and I put them through what probably felt like hell to them.

  —Well, don’t worry about it.

  —No, not at all. They’re well paid for what they do and they’re free to leave. We’re not. Anything I ever told a maid to do, she was always free to quit her job if she really didn’t want to do it.

  It was then that Carla came in with their wine and antipasti. April was delighted by the tray of carefully prepared food that was being served. There were olives, artichoke hearts, stuffed peppers, an assortment of cheeses, all the things she could possibly imagine that would go well with an evening of white wine and company.

  April also realized that she was looking at Carla differently. She was wondering what she could make the poor woman do that would be fun to watch.

  —Carla, April said as she was leaving. Could you have Ray prepare some dessert things too?

  —Certainly, madam, Carla said as she left.

  April looked at Midge. Midge was making a lewd face at her and she hit her playfully on the arm.

  —Stop it, Midge. I was just telling her to bring out some food.

  —You want to make her eat your pussy, don’t you?

  —Of course not!

  —Yes you do.


  —I’m just teasing you.

  —You better be, or that’s the last time I’ll share anything with you.

  April held up her glass and clinked it against Midge’s. —To friendship she said.

  Midge smiled at her. They were quiet for a few moments, sipping their wine and looking down on the gradually darkening valley. The lights of the city were beginning to come on in the distance and the sky was a smoky orange, as if the leaves that were beginning to change for the fall were turning the sky too.

  —There’s a spa near here that I’d love to take you to, Midge said.

  —I’d love that.

  —It’s a really relaxing place. They have all sorts of new treatments. It’s pretty fancy. A lot of famous people go there. And Herb has an account, naturally.

  —We’ll do it.

  —We will. Maybe tomorrow.

  April nodded.

  —It’s crazy that Walter took out your phones.

  —I know. I can’t even get a hold of you now.

  —Well I’m right next door.

  —That’s true. And I’m sure he’ll give you back your phones soon enough. He won’t be able to call me every time he needs to pass on a message. If he does it again I’ll tell him myself to get you a phone.


  —No problem.

  —So how was your night with him? April said.

  —With Walter?

  —Yes. If you don’t mind sharing.

  —I don’t mind. I’ve done enough sharing in the last five years not to be too sensitive about it. I just hope it doesn’t make you upset.

  —It won’t. Not at all. To be honest, I’d rather spend the night with Frank than Walter any time.

  Midge laughed. —Easy, girlfriend. That’s my husband you’re talking about.

  April put her hand over her mouth. —Oh, Midge! I’m sorry.

  Midge burst out laughing. —April! I’m joking. Relax. I’m well past worrying about other wives with Frank. I know that man like the back of my hand. Believe me. And don’t think you fooled me for a second by washing Jenny’s pajamas.


  —My daughter.

  —Oh, Midge!

  —Relax, April. Frank’s always been like that. I’m beyond worrying about it. He’s never laid a finger on my daughters and I trust him with them implicitly. If he likes playing games, that’s fine. He’s played his fair share with me.

  —Are you sure you’re not offended?

  —I’m positive, April. That’s all Frank. I know that. He’s had me in the girls’ beds a number of times. If you think it was strange for you, imagine how I felt, fucking my husband in my own daughters’ pajamas, in their rooms.

  April nodded.

  —If anything, I’m grateful you’re here to let him fulfill that little fantasy without me.

  —Ok, April said.

  —Anyway, you haven’t even asked me about Walter.

  —Should I?

  —I don’t know. Aren’t you curious?

  —To be honest, I’m just glad it was you and not me. I haven’t been getting on with Walter at all lately. Did I tell you he slapped me?

  —You didn’t have to. I could see it on your face yesterday.

  —And again this morning, Midge.

  —He’s a brute, I guess.

  —He’s having a hard time adjusting to all this.

  —Well it was his idea, right?

  —Right. Anyway, what did he want from you.

  —I don’t know. Just your average, everyday night of hot sex with your best friend’s husband.


  —Kidding. It was pretty kinky, actually.


  —Are you sure you want to know?

  —Well I’m curious now. You have to tell me.

  —He wanted to be the girl, Midge said.

  April burst out laughing and Midge joined her.

  —What? Really?

  —Yes, indeed.

  —What do you mean?

  —I mean, he got into some of your lingerie and had me put on a strap-on and fuck him in the ass.

  —Oh Midge, I’m so embarrassed.

  —Don’t be. It was me who had to do it!

  April laughed. —That’s true.

  —At least he didn’t want to do it in your little girls’ rooms.

  April couldn’t stop herself from laughing.

  —Did he at least make you come?

  —Not exactly, Midge said and they both laughed again.

  The two of them sat there as it got darker, telling each other their secrets and enjoying the companionship of having a friend. By the time they were halfway through their third bottle of Pinot Grigio they were finally ready to go to bed. April had Carla get a guest room ready for Midge.

  On their way up to bed, Midge gave April a terribly naughty look.

  —Remember what you were saying about servants earlier?

  April was a bit too drunk and was having a hard time getting up the stairs.

  —Yes, she said.

  —Well, fancy a little bit of fun with your maid?

  April was surprised and shocked. She was also drunk and her judgment was well beyond its best.

  —I’m game for anything, she said, knowing she’d feel awful in the morning for what they were about to do.

  —Great, Midge said and began drunkenly calling Carla from wherever she was in the house.


  THE STAIRCASE IN APRIL’S HOUSE was made of a light marble imported from Italy personally by Herb Masterson. It was beautiful and expensive but hadn’t been designed with drunk women in mind. On their way up, Midge slipped on a step and April almost fell over her. They were laughing so hard they barely made it to the top.

  —Carla, Midge called as loudly as she could. Don’t make me come down there and
get you.

  April had a slightly sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as she thought of Carla hearing them. The poor maid was innocently doing her work somewhere in the house and now she would hear Midge calling her drunkenly from the bedrooms. Carla was a good worker, about Midge’s age, and April realized she knew almost nothing about her. She didn’t even know if Carla was married, whether she had kids, how she’d gotten her job as a maid. All she knew was that she sounded Mexican and wasn’t bad looking with dark eyes and light brown skin.

  Despite April’s sympathy, even while feeling a little guilty already, there was a naughty thought growing in the back of her mind and she was dying to act on it. She’d been through so much in the past few weeks, she’d been utterly humiliated on so many occasions in front of so many different people that she just felt a lustful sort of recklessness in the pit of her stomach. She got a terrible thrill from the thought of making Carla do some of the same sexual favors she had been forced to do for the other women. She found that she was eagerly anticipating what Midge would come up with for Carla to do.

  They got to the top of the stairs and April led the way to the master bedroom. Midge followed her and bumped into a small table just inside the door, knocking over a crystal vase that April had bought when she was out shopping with Mark.

  Midge started giggling uncontrollably and April could tell she was completely drunk.

  —Sorry, she said and flung herself onto the bed with her legs and arms sprawled out.

  April looked at her. Midge was a mess. Her dress was short and black and had looked so elegant when she’d arrived just a few hours before. Now it was bunched up around her waist showing clearly the two toned cheeks of her bottom. April rolled her eyes and fell on the bed next to her.

  —Move over, she said to Midge.

  Midge had obviously had too much to drink and April thought she was going to fall asleep where she lay. She was a little relieved. She’d been excited at the idea of playing sexual games with her servant but she knew it was the wrong thing to do and she wasn’t at all sure she was ready to follow Midge and Kit and Charmaine down that path. Those women were constantly being used for sex by the husbands in the arrangement and they seemed to cope with it by forcing their servants to perform sexual favors for them. It was a power game and April had the feeling she’d regret getting involved in it. Being used by those above her was one thing but taking the same liberties against a defenseless servant was quite another.


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