Tainted Rose (The Starlight Gods Series Book 2)

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Tainted Rose (The Starlight Gods Series Book 2) Page 25

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “Brittany. I’m curious as to whether or not you need glasses, or haven’t you noticed Makoto standing right next to me,” Ryder commented; his voice low with a pinch of anger leaked off his words.

  Her eyes went wide as she gulped at his tone; her eyes landed on me as she frowned.

  “Ah. Makoto. It’s been awhile. When was the last time we saw each other again?” she questioned.

  “Good day, Brittany. Oh, hmmm. Let me see...ah yes, when I kicked you and your two fellow dimwit’s asses in the girl’s locker room after you challenged me and failed miserably. What good times.” I smiled innocently.

  Her face turned red. “That doesn’t count. I had a challenge the day before and was still recovering. I’m much stronger now,” she defended quickly, standing confidently.

  Ryder cleared his throat.“Well, if you would excuse us, Makoto and I have somewhere to be.” Ryder tugged at my arm, walking around the two.

  “What? Wait! Ryder, we have a date today! At this very minute,” Brittany exclaimed, her once doll-like face scrunched in anger.

  “I never agreed to it. It wasn’t my decision, it was my Father’s.” Ryder continued walking.

  I could hear footsteps behind us as Brittany trailed after us.

  “Your Father is the King of Minato! What he says goes. I’ve waited for three rotations for this date because you’ve been too busy shagging this whore!” she yelled, intentionally making her voice loud enough for the maids and guards to hear.

  Ryder froze, letting go of my hand before he took a deep breath. I could see his right-hand tremble. I took a quick glance, noticing his Tyrian eyes bled to black. This isn’t going to end well.

  “Allow me,” Rose whispered.


  I opened my eyes before clearing my throat.

  I gazed up at Stryker, whose eyes were now black with a dim glow. I smiled before turning to face him as I leaned against his rigid body; kissing him lightly on the lips.

  “Let me handle this baby,” I purred before turning around and walking towards the pathetic demon. Did she really think I was going to tolerate her petty attempt to disgrace Ryder and Stryker in their home?

  I came to a stop in front of her, keeping a hold of the power that pooled at my fingertips. Control Rose. No burning the frail demon shifter.

  “Brittany, is it? I thought Lexi taught you a lesson the last time we met. I understand you had an appointment with my boyfriend, but I’m afraid we already had plans. Actually, Ryder is going to introduce us to the King and Queen. We’ve been so caught up getting to know one another since classes ended that he’d forgotten to remind his parents. I’m terribly sorry. I know it feels like you’re getting the short end of the stick, but there are plenty of other men out there,” I mocked, giving her my famous innocent smile, blinking my eyes as a bonus.

  “Brittany. You’re causing a scene. Don’t go picking fights you can’t win,” her uncle commented, his hushed tone made my smile widen.

  Awww, Uncle Joe over here doesn’t want the world to how weak she really is. If only she’d listen to him.

  “I’m not leaving here until I have my date with Ryder as planned! Do you know how much money I spent to be put on that fucking waiting list!” she snarled.

  “Waiting list? Who possibly set up a waiting list to date Ryder?” I held the laugh that begged to escape me.

  “The Headmaster! He set this whole thing up! The headmaster told the King that I was a perfect match for his son and the King approved of this meeting! Thus, I have spent a lot of money to get to this moment! Yet, here you are. Interfering again,” she shouted, her hands waved in the air.

  I double blinked at her before a snicker escaped my lips. Three seconds passed before my laugh echoed off the walls.

  I could hear Stryker sigh behind me, muttering “Great, she broke her.”

  I totally wasn’t broken, but this was beyond hilarious.

  “You’d think she’d realize that she was scammed,” Mako commented, peering from the depth of my mind as she yawned. I finally composed myself before facing her, wiping the fresh tears from my eyes.

  “You’re trying to tell me that the Headmaster set this shit up to get some extra change and you fell for it! Please tell me you at least have a contract or a piece of paper validating that you indeed have a date with Ryder today?” I questioned, through giggles.

  She stared back at me, her mouth half open as my words sunk in.

  “Um...well, he’s the Headmaster! He wouldn’t lie...I – I just took his word for it!” she defended, stuttering as her face became redder with embarrassment.

  “In all my cycles, I’ve never seen someone as utterly stupid as this woman right here. I’m going to sleep. Wake me up when Ryder needs me. Feel free to shift, but don’t kill anyone,” Mako encouraged before she faded, giving me full control. Fully shift, hmmm.

  I had been so used to taking over Mako’s body and switching that I’d forgot about that side of me. Dragons and phoenix shifters like Lexi and Lily could shift completely into their animal forms, which most considered shifting.

  It was funny how shifters assumed demons and angels didn’t have alternate appearance when shifting, always stating we had no other form to switch, too. They merely assumed such accusations because it was a rare sight to see a demon or angel shift completely unless in a battle.

  If Hope shifted into her angel form, those large immaculate wings would appear. She’d only shifted once and even though I witnessed it in the back of Mako’s mind, it was a beautiful sight. My form was no different, but I hadn’t shifted completely in cycles. To shift or not to shift?

  “I rest my case. Why don’t you go back to the Headmaster and tell him how you’d just embarrassed yourself in front of the Prince of Minato as well as his fellow servants, guards, and GIRLFRIEND thanks to his greedy ways. Now, if you excuse us.” I gave a light curtsey before turning around.

  Boo, no shifting today. How boring...I even got Mako’s permission.

  “Get your ass back here!” she shrieked. The temperature dropped slightly.

  I noticed Stryker raised an eyebrow before his eyes widened. I sighed. Be careful, what you wish for. I could hear the crackling build behind me.

  I sidestepped to my left, the black orb soared past me before crashing into the nearest wall, the painting that hung there burst into flames. Aww, that looked expensive.

  I heard the maids scrambled to put out the fire as we stood there. I turned to face her demon side – black eyes greeted me as they gave off an eerie black glow. I frowned, my patience ran thin.

  “You think you’ve won just because you beat my weak host? I bet that demon doesn’t even love you! Just because you have some curves and a pretty face you think you can waltz in here and claim what we’ve been fantasizing about for cycles! He’s OURS! We had our eyes on him first! Why don’t you tell your host to get her hands off him and let us have our rightful place by his side!” she hissed.

  The last thread of patience snapped, my eye twitched slightly as my hands began to tremble out of pure rage. I let the power I held back flared out, the temperature dropped dramatically. I could hear multiple gasps as snow began to fall from the ceiling and dropped around us.

  I watched the demon’s black eyes widened in fear as I allowed Mako’s body to shift – the royal purple light wrapped around me before bursting outward, sprinkling light purple dust on me signaling my shift was completed.

  My hair was now pitch black in large curls, its length reached past my shoulders compared to Mako’s long, brown hair. My height had increased, reaching six feet. The dress Mako wore just barely covered my ass. Mako’s leg markings were on full display – the previous glamour spell she casted, revoked.

  My skin was paler compared to Mako’s complexion, bringing out my bright red lips and royal purple eyes. I couldn’t help but reach up and tap my miniature horns – the red, ivory surface felt smooth to my fingers. I’d forgotten about these beauties.

  I le
isurely walked towards the trembling demon shifter. She stumbled back as I reached her, which irritated me.

  “Step back one more time and I’ll burn you to ashes and make sure your soul is trapped in this world,” I threatened.

  She was solid like a rock, my words freezing her into place. The black eyes of her demon faded away and all that was left before me was a trembling little girl, alone in her battle.

  “Look what we have here? Where did the confident, disrespectful demon go off, too? Aren’t you going to show me what you have now that you’re all rested up?” The frustration built within me and I couldn’t hold it back any longer.

  “Or was that all a bunch of fucking bullshit?” I yelled; my rage had no bounds as my voice echoed down the hall.

  I hated talking when I was in this form. I wanted to simply burn everything in my path and walk away. Nice and simple. Why waste time talking to such a self-centered prostitute who simply wanted an easy life?

  “I – um...” She began before I snapped my fingers, dark flames erupted by my command.

  I heard multiple shrieks as I witnessed the maids huddled as far away from me as they could. I could see the guards down the hall in shock, trembling in their armor. I wondered if they shivered from the cold or from the sight of dark flames.

  I cracked my neck, before taking a step closer, into her personal space as the fire flared in my hand, the need to wreak havoc on its victims was hard to ignore.

  “You walk into my lover’s home, attempt to belittle my host, cause a scene as to disgrace us AND break art so expensive you probably couldn’t afford to pay the King and Queen back for such reckless foolishness! Yet, now your little burst of rage has left you helpless to my bidding. You of all people know what these flames can do and I’m struggling not to let them burn you nice and slow,” I slurred; the power flickered from eyes as my aura grew and the dark flames grew brighter.

  They were one of the strongest types of fire – besides a phoenix flame, and the hardest to summon and control.

  The flames weren’t like normal fire – dark flames held their own power and if the user didn’t have enough control over them, they would rain chaos on all those close – the host included.

  She fell to her knees, trembling in place. I stepped back, just in time before a puddle of liquid began to pool beneath her, making a slow descent towards me.

  I took another step, moving to the side as I watched the stream continue to Stryker, who groaned, stepping to the side. I sighed, my attention returned to Brittany’s trembling figure on the floor. Utterly pathetic.

  “I will say this ONCE. Ryder and Stryker Carter belong to me and my host, Makoto Heart. Anyone who wishes to go against my entitlement can feel free to come forward and challenge me, but be warned: I will not hold back. Whatever comes your way, you will take it in full and I will enjoy every second of it.” I smiled wickedly at the crumbled demon shifter whose dress was drenched in her own urine before glancing around; my eyes noticed a pair of Tyrian eyes staring at me from a few feet away; the tall, slender woman smiled from ear to ear. Queen of Minato...hmm, Mama Carter seems impressed.

  My vow was greeted with absolute silence.

  As my eyes trailed back to my opponent, which honestly was nothing but a waste of energy. I caught a glimpse of Stryker’s stunned expression. His cheeks blushed as his mouth was half open.

  “No objections? Good. I didn’t want to burn half the castle down, anyway.” I shrugged, snapping my fingers, allowing the dark flames to dissipate, leaving a trail of smoke behind. Ugh, how exhausting. A warm shower would be nice.

  “Seeing as I’ve worked up a speck of sweat, I’ll go change,” I announced.

  I was ready to leave, but a thought crossed my mind, making me feel daring.

  I turned, walking straight to Stryker. His eyes roamed my new appearance, contracting slightly as a flaming hunger reflected in them.

  I took advantage of his attraction; my hand slid up against his chest before wrapping around his neck, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss for everyone to witness.

  It took all my willpower to pull away, staying close as I enjoyed his rose scent, leaving him breathless. The desire in his eyes only escalated, turning me on as my sex began to throb. Maybe I’ll change that to a cold shower.

  “Babe, I’ll be back in a few.” I hummed before walking away, avoiding the pool of urine and shocked Brittany as I headed back to Ryder’s room. If only Mako got to see that.

  I felt a nudge in the depths of my mind.

  “I’ll write out the scene in detail.” Midnight’s relaxed tone entered my mind.

  I blinked, closing the door behind me as I stood in Ryder’s room. How the...I didn’t sense you.

  “I know,” she replied, acting as if it was nothing, silence followed her statement.

  Dark fairies...dangerous indeed.

  I sighed, the frost like droplets that poured against my skin did not do enough justice in calming the scorching heat that burned throughout my body.

  I’d been in the shower for ten minutes, thinking the cold water would help cool down my sudden desire for Stryker. I could still envision the lust filled expression on his face as my lips parted his.

  All that act of defiance did was ignite a fire I knew wouldn’t calm until my body got what it wanted – Stryker’s cock sliding inside me, the only way to rid me of this burning ache.

  I turned the knob, allowing the water to go from cold to a steamy hot, the sudden change in temperature made my body tremble.

  Everyone was asleep in my head, the silence giving me peace of mind. I didn’t sense Midnight, but with her last “appearance” I wasn’t too sure. Midnight?

  No response was given to my mental call, giving me confirmation that I was alone in Mako’s body.

  I’d shifted back, feeling quite exhausted after that demonstration of power. The summoning of my dark flames had exhausted me, making me wish I could go straight to bed after this instead of dealing with family introductions.

  I smiled at the image of Ryder’s mother, the Queen of Minato.

  The pleased satisfaction on her face as a mischievous smile perked her lips made me jump in glee, within my mind, of course.

  I’d love to have a moment just to talk to the demon shifter. It would be an honour and I was curious to see which characteristics Ryder and Stryker took from the powerful demon queen.

  I groaned, Stryker’s image returned to mind. Even with my multiple attempts to think about something else, I wanted him so fucking bad, but he wasn’t here.

  I bit my lip hard, the pain only adding to my desire for Stryker’s cock – the feel of him pressed against me before sliding into me – his length filling my core.

  I pressed my head against the tile wall; the shower continued to stream the hot water down my back.

  My hand trailed down my stomach, the sensation tightened the coil within me. My fingers reached my pussy folds wet from my thirst for that sexy, black-eyed demon shifter. The sound of his voice in my mind made me shiver in delight.

  I stroked myself, allowing two fingers to alternate before sliding them both inside as the image of Stryker’s bare chest entered my mind.

  I moved them faster as I envisioned his naked body pressed against mine; his long cock pounded into me. My fingers pumped faster, and the coil tightened more.

  The pleasure my fingers created had my legs shaking, as I pumped them inside of me – in and out – in and out, faster and faster. I felt the pressure building, as ‘Stryker’ escaped between my lips the wave of pleasure washed over me. My knees buckled; my hand grasped the wall in an effort to stop myself from collapsing onto the shower floor.

  I pulled them out; my juices stuck to my fingers as I lifted my head and allowed the steaming hot water to pound against my feverish flesh. I held my breath which didn’t help my heart beating rapidly against my chest.

  “Fuck.” The need to feel him inside of me still hadn’t diminished.

  I closed my eyes
pressing my head against the wall again. I need a fucking miracle to get rid of this ache. My fingers found their way back to my folds as I began to please myself once more.

  I felt something wrap around my waist pulling me into an embrace, and a hand covered mine working my clit.

  My eyes flashed open; my body frozen before the rich, rose scent hit my nostrils; my body roared to life with anticipation as I smiled. Stryker.

  “I guess your miracle has arrived. Do you need assistance, Roseline?” His hand moved mine back and forth.

  I leaned my head back against his chest. Rotating my head slightly, before he understood my intentions and turned me in his embrace capturing my lips with his.

  The exhilarating kiss ignited a wave of pleasure and need as he removed my hand from my clit and his hands slid down my body. The water cascaded over us as we kissed. His lips released me, and I moaned as he left me panting and my pussy in dire need of attention.

  He pressed my body against the wall of the shower before he knelt before me.

  His face pressed against my pussy and I could feel as his tongue flicked out and over my sensitive lips. My hands found his hair as I forced him to bury his face there. He consumed me – his tongue working in and out of my folds – up and down my hardened clit. I stared down at him and watched as he knelt before me, pleasing me and I had never felt more powerful and more turned on than I did in that moment. I released my hands from his hair as I stared down at my lover – his hooded eyes stared up at me before his tongue ran along my inner thighs, a moan escaped me as my body trembled.

  “Stryker.” My voice was strained.

  “I love hearing you beg, Rose. After what you did earlier, I think you deserve some release.” His tongue flicked at the bud of my clit, the rough action made me quake as I closed my eyes.

  “Stryker, please…” I let out a frustrated groan as I gritted my teeth.

  He didn’t say a word, his mouth diving right in, devouring me once more.

  My head fell back against the wall, my moans getting caught in my throat as I came in Stryker’s mouth. That didn’t stop his conquest; his mouth sucked me till I struggled to breathe. My body convulsed above him.


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