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Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6]

Page 5

by Paige Cameron

  Fear clutched at Jewel’s throat. She felt breathless. Elle put her hand on her arm.

  “Relax. I believe it will be a relief to you to share with me what you’ve kept hidden.” She instructed Aleron to drop them off and explained about Pruet.

  “I’ll stay and wait. The other ladies can ride in the other trucks.”

  Elle held his gaze. “All right, but Jewel and I will speak privately, understood?”

  “Yes, madam.” He led the way to the truck and opened the doors for them. Elle got in back.

  Jewel’s emotions bounced around inside her like a basketball out of control, feelings of anger, fear, and a tiny bit of relief. She knew she couldn’t lie to her Priestess. At last, someone besides her father would share her secret knowledge with her.

  At her house, Elle took them into the living room. Pruet came down the stairs to the left of the entrance to their home.

  “Welcome.” Pruet put out his hand to Aleron after Elle’s introduction. “And it’s nice to see you, Jewel. You don’t visit the ranch often enough.”

  “Pruet, dear, would you visit with Aleron? I need to talk with Jewel.”

  “Certainly. I still have a few questions since our meeting this morning. Mainly I’m still curious.”

  Jewel followed Elle into a large room with walls of bookcases. On some of the shelves were rolled scripts, and many of the books looked aged. The scent of violets floated in the air along with the soft sound of flute music. Two leather chairs sat beside the fireplace, and the windows let in sunshine and a large vista of prairie and the distant mountains.

  “Please sit and make yourself comfortable. I keep hot water here, in an electric kettle, during the daytime. I’ll fix us a cup of one of Nanna’s specialties.”

  “I think everyone on the ranch drinks Nanna’s teas,” Jewel said.

  “We do. She is training one of her granddaughters on how to make them, and she says she’ll train her great-granddaughter as soon as she’s old enough. Her recipes must be passed on.” Elle put tea leaves and hot water in the teapot, then she came back to sit by Jewel while the leaves steeped.

  “You prefer to be alone and left us shortly after your eighteenth birthday to settle in the woods of Oregon. You seldom come to the ranch, and when you do, your visits are short. Yet I know you love your family and especially your father and Payton. Somehow this picture doesn’t make sense to me.” She got up and went to check on their tea.

  Jewel’s nerves were strung tight. If only her father was here. Her hands trembled when Elle placed the teacup in her grasp. She took a sip of the warm liquid. The tea tasted spicy and smelled of peaches.

  “This is very good,” Jewel said. She sat her cup to the side.

  “It’s to help relax you. I sense your fear. What you tell me will remain private unless it impacts the tribes, then I must share it with Mitch and Daren.”

  “Not with Aleron or Raoul?”

  “No, but I think you realize eventually you’ll have to tell them. If you decide to marry them, as they wish.”

  She picked up her teacup again and gripped it with both hands. Jewel took a long swallow then looked at Elle.

  “No one knows but my father. He trained me from early on to hide my differences for fear of how I’d be received. He lost my mother, and he didn’t want to lose me by my being expelled from the tribe.” Jewel gave a wry smile. “Although in a way he did lose me when I moved to Oregon.”

  The teacup rattled in her hand. Elle leaned forward and set it on the table. She took hold of Jewel’s hands. Warmth flowed into the cold spaces in Jewel’s body.

  “I sensed your unrest and that you carried a heavy burden. Let me share it.”

  Jewel nodded and began to speak. She told Elle of her mother and her death and of Jewel’s first shape-shifting at an early age.

  “Father found out mother was from the third tribe, and after she was pregnant he learned of her ability to shape-shift. All the tribes knew about the third tribe being separated from the other two but not why. Father suspected the shape-shifters were the reason.”

  She shared how her father’s fears of her being found out became hers, too. “It became more difficult as I got older not to shape-shift. Sometimes it hurt to hold back, but I learned ways to lessen the temptation. Activity, running, sports, those type of things helped ease my discomfort, but more and more I separated myself from all but my closest friends.

  “In high school, they thought I was standoffish. Payton was so smart he’d skipped a grade or two in school, so he was only two years behind me. He protected me from the bullies. Few wanted to tangle with him.”

  Except the one time I needed him the most, and of course I didn’t let him know what was happening.

  “You moved to Oregon so you could shape-shift?”

  “Yes, in the woods at night. Never in the daytime for fear of a hunter spotting me.”

  “Will you shift in front of me?”

  “Aren’t you frightened I might hurt you? I’m a cheetah.”

  “A beautiful animal. Let me see, please.”

  Jewel hesitated then saw her animal and shifted. She growled with relief. She’d had no way to shift since arriving at the ranch. Her smooth muscles relaxed as she paced around.

  Pruet rushed into the room, the door slamming against the wall. Jewel immediately shifted back.

  “What the hell?”

  Aleron stood behind him. Jewel shivered, wondering if he got there in time to see her cheetah.

  “I’m fine, Pruet. You and Aleron can go back into the living room. I can handle this.”

  “Are you sure?” Pruet frowned at Jewel.

  “Absolutely. Now please leave us alone. You, too, Aleron.”

  Pruet reluctantly shut the door. Elle smiled at Jewel, who was shaking. “Pruet and I are connected telepathically. I should have warned him of my suspicions. I’m sorry.”

  “You suspected I was a shape-shifter?”

  “Yes, I watched your face when the men shifted. Your face tells a lot if a person is watching. Be careful. The longing in your expression made me curious, and my thoughts wandered to how you isolate yourself and appeared to not have any of our usual gifts. Now.” She motioned to Jewel. “Do that again, please.”

  Jewel shifted and moved close to Elle. Elle reached out and rubbed her fur. “So soft, and you’re beautiful. Can you hear my voice?”

  Jewel answered her telepathically.

  “Ah, of course. You are a bit different than the usual cheetah. The colors in your hair are in your coat, and the spots are less noticeable. Do you run as fast? What are your other differences?” Elle asked her telepathically.

  The cheetah blinked, and her size went down to that of a kitten. Elle’s eyes were huge.

  “Wow. That is a gift. You might be a big help in this fight against our enemies. No one would suspect a cute kitty of being anything else. Would you be willing to tell Mitch and Garth?”

  “I think I’d better tell Aleron and Raoul first.” Jewel shifted back to herself. “I’ve been so frightened of their reaction. Perhaps I might tell Aleron now with you here.”

  “I agree. It will get easier to expose yourself once you see that people will accept you.”

  “Everyone might not.”

  “I trust in the goodness of our people. We are not the same as our ancestors. They were overwhelmed by the sudden changes in their lives and frightened. We have been residents on this lovely planet much longer.

  “We are respectful of others’ differences. How could we not be, seeing how different we are from the regular earthlings? I’ll call Aleron and Pruet in if you don’t mind.”

  “No, go ahead.” Jewel’s fear returned when Elle left the room. Daddy, I wish you were here. I need to tell you what I’ve done. But if I can help get rid of our enemy, the reward will be worth the risk I’m taking.

  Elle led her husband and Aleron into the room. Once they were seated she asked Jewel to tell them what she’d told her.

Jewel repeated her story. Pruet and Aleron looked stunned.

  “A female shape-shifter? We thought the race had died out several centuries ago. Instead, they must have managed to hide themselves among the earthlings,” Aleron said.

  “I would guess something happened that frightened them. The others must have scattered and hid to protect themselves from the same fate.” Elle looked across at Aleron and Pruet. “Jewel’s own mother didn’t tell her father at first. I suspect she only told him later because she feared she’d die at birth and leave her child without support. Her husband had to be told.”

  “Will you shift for us?” Aleron asked.

  “Yes.” Jewel shifted.

  Aleron came to her side and knelt. He put his arms around her soft body. Her cheetah purred and rubbed her head against his. “Did you fear we’d not accept you, love? This only makes it better. We share our ability to shape-shift.” He spoke aloud, knowing she heard and understood him. All the shifters did but had to use telepathy to connect with other telepaths or other shifters when in their animal persona.

  Jewel’s heart melted from the warmth of his words and the way their minds connected when he opened to her. There were no negative thoughts, only total acceptance.

  Feeling more confident, she moved away from him slightly and blinked, changing into the kitten.

  “Wow.” Aleron fell back on his butt. Elle and Pruet laughed. Jewel came close and rubbed herself against Aleron.

  He picked her up in his hands and rubbed the fur behind her ears. She purred and cuddled into his grasp.

  “You are beautiful in all shapes and forms,” Aleron said.

  “She certainly is,” Elle agreed. “I’m envious of your ability to shift, Jewel. And how wonderful for you to be able to change from your cheetah to a kitten.

  “Mitch and Garth will need to know about your abilities. I can see where you could be of real help in this fight with our enemies. No one would think it odd to see a kitten wandering around. You might hear valuable information.”

  Jewel shifted back to herself. “I have thought of that myself.”

  “Wait a minute,” Aleron said. “I don’t like the idea of Jewel putting herself in danger.”

  “Aleron, if I can help, you know I have to. Too many lives are at stake.”

  “We’ll talk privately at the cabin. Please excuse us.” He took hold of her arm.

  Jewel yanked her arm out of his grip. “I don’t need your assistance, and we have nothing to talk about. I won’t change my mind.”

  “He’s right, Jewel,” Elle said. “You should always talk things over with your partners.”

  “He’s not my partner or husband. I’m free and clear to make up my own mind.”

  “Like hell.” Aleron picked her up and stormed out of the room.

  “Put me down, you crazy man.” Jewel heard the chuckle behind her.

  “It’s going to be fun watching this courtship,” Elle said.

  Elle waved as she closed the door behind them.

  Chapter Five

  Aleron dumped her into the front seat of the truck. Then he quickly went around and got into the driver’s seat. It was a short drive to the cabin. He turned to her. “Do I have to carry you inside?”


  He lifted her out of the truck and then set her feet on the ground. She hurried to the front door, went in, and tried to shut him out, but he was too fast.

  “I knew you’d try something. There’s nothing meek and mild about you, my love.”

  “Go on and say whatever you want to.”

  Aleron threw Jewel over his shoulder and carried her into her bedroom. He dumped her on the bed and followed her down, anchoring her body under his with his strong legs and arms. He cupped her face so she had to look right at him.

  “Now I have your attention. Seeing you shape-shift was a shock, a good one. But thinking about your using that ability to put yourself in danger scares me more than anything.” He brushed his mouth across hers. “I know you feel you have to, but you don’t. Let the men try first to settle this fight. If it becomes necessary, then Raoul and I will reluctantly agree for you to participate.”

  “And how many will die in the meantime? Perhaps something might happen to you or Raoul. I’d feel responsible for it all. Elle’s right. We don’t know the enemy. I might be able to find out who they are.” Jewel squirmed under Aleron. Her body heat had shot straight up when he kissed her, and she had difficulty ignoring his hard cock pulsing against her abdomen.

  “Tell Mitch and the other leaders, and see what they say. If they agree with me for you to wait, then you will. OK?” He put his forehead against hers.

  “I suppose so.”

  He raised his head and stared into her eyes. “I want a promise you’ll go along with their decision.”

  “And will you and Raoul, if they agree with me?”

  His eyes darkened and his jaw tightened. “Reluctantly,” he said.

  “Then I promise.”

  “You feel very good under me.” Aleron moved his hips against hers and leaned forward to nip at her lower lip. She breathed in his intoxicating scent with every breath and his body felt just as good against hers. Her insides felt all gooey and shivery. She opened her mouth, and his tongue leisurely explored the inside. He tasted of coffee and mint. Her tongue tangled with his.

  All fight had gone out of her. She hadn’t liked his determination to try to stop her from helping, but she’d seen the worry in his beautiful dark blue eyes.

  When his lips moved to the opening in her shirt, a shiver shook her body. Aleron pulled back and studied her expression.

  “Are you afraid of me?”

  “I’m not good at this. I didn’t like it before. It hurt.” She swallowed around the lump of fear in her throat.

  “We’ll take our time. Touch me and I’ll touch you. If you want me to stop at any time, I will. We’ll get you past this fear, that the boy, because that’s what he was—well actually he was an asshole—caused.”

  Jewel giggled. “He was.”

  “Don’t let his crude behavior be what you judge all men by. I know it’s difficult. Did he arouse any of the feelings Raoul and I make you feel?”

  “No, I think I was just thankful someone was interested in me. I wanted to be part of the group. In high school, I was shy and awkward.”

  “It’s difficult to imagine someone as beautiful and graceful as you having a time when you were so insecure. Raoul and I will tell you every day how wonderful and lovely you are.” He bent his forehead against hers. “Shall we try to continue or stop for now?”

  Tentatively, she ran her hands through his thick hair. The dark strands spilled across her hands like warm silk. Her fingers slipped along the outlines of his ears while he remained still. Touching him, smelling his scent, feeling his strong heart beating against her chest aroused every cell in her body. A lustful pulse beat along her nerve endings.

  When he moved down and licked across the pulse pounding in her neck, she moaned. A yearning ache made her pussy clench in anticipation. She’d never experienced any of these feelings that other dreadful time. Then her body had stiffened and was dry. Now moisture seeped out of her pussy.

  Aleron unbuttoned her blouse and pushed her bra up. Then he put his hands on her breasts. He nuzzled her in the valley between them and took a deep breath. “You are so soft, and you smell like violets.” He licked across her nipples, and a spike of desire shot straight to her belly.

  “And you taste like the sweetest strawberries,” Aleron added. He raised his head and looked at her. “Your body is wonderfully responsive to my touch.”

  “I never felt this way that other time,” she whispered.

  “We’re just starting, darlin’. But we need to get these clothes off. Is that all right?”

  Jewel nodded, although her breathing became more rapid. Aleron slipped her blouse and bra off. He waited a moment until she was more relaxed, and then he unsnapped her jeans and removed the rest of
her clothes. He stood at the side of the bed to yank off his T-shirt, jeans, and boots, and then he pulled a condom out of his jeans pocket.

  Jewel watched him intently. His large, well-muscled body and big cock were a bit intimidating.

  “Remember I won’t hurt you, and I’ll stop anytime you say to. Ready?”

  She nodded yes.

  “Are you on birth control?”


  “We knew we were all right, but after Raoul and I met you we had our blood checked anyway. Our doctor is authorized to give you the report, so we don’t have to always use these.” He held up the condom. “You probably need to see our doctor about birth control. I imagine the pills for a shifter are a little different than the usual ones.”

  “Just use the condoms for now,” Jewel said. She wasn’t ready to think about birth control, marriage, commitments. A few days ago she didn’t even expect to be taking this first step so soon, to let Aleron make love to her.

  Jewel had been a loner so long. Could she change enough to include not just one but two men in her life? So much had happened so fast. But she was beginning to believe she might want to.

  Aleron did as she asked and put the condom on. He straddled her body and cupped her breasts. Instantly, her body responded. Her nipples tightened and her breasts seemed to swell in his hands. He took his time kissing them and rubbing her peaked nipples between his fingers.

  She closed her eyes and let the sweet bliss flow over her. Aleron moved to her stomach and kissed her skin on his way to her lower lips.

  When he moved his nose across her mound and took a deep breath, anxiety jerked her out of the pleasant place she’d been floating in.

  “What is it? You smell delicious.” Aleron looked at her taut body. “You were relaxed.”

  “I’m not sure, but…”

  “It’s all right. Just remember I won’t hurt you and I won’t tell anyone about our private life.”

  “I know. I’m being silly.”

  “No, my love, you aren’t. You have bad memories that need to be replaced by new good ones.”

  His sexy smile melted her inside.

  “Can I continue?” Aleron asked. She nodded. But he surprised her by moving to her feet. His hands massaged each foot, her toes, instep, the whole area. When he finished, he told her to turn over. She did but felt more vulnerable in that position.


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