Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6]

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Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6] Page 13

by Paige Cameron

  Garth interrupted Mitch. “Excuse me, but I’d like to have a meeting with only the leaders and Aleron, Nanna, and my mother.”

  Mitch looked perplexed. “Is it really necessary? We need to strike soon.”

  “Yes, Daren just got back, and he hasn’t had a chance to catch up on what’s happening.”

  “He’ll be in here in a minute. He’s locking Nate in a cell with a guard outside the door. We can’t trust Nate yet, no matter what he says. His parents are being checked by our doctors. But I can update Daren on everything,” Mitch said.

  “Please do as I asked,” Garth reiterated. He and Mitch stared eye to eye for several seconds.

  “All right.” Mitch agreed and sent his warriors to check on the others living downstairs. “Don’t go upstairs. I’ll call you back in, in a minute.” His men started out the door. Mitch directed the last one to bring Nanna and Mother Aileen to the conference room. “What’s this all about?” he asked Garth.

  “I’ll explain after the others get here.”

  Daren came in first and gave them a quick rundown of the takedown at Nate’s parents’ home. “The little boy is upset and bewildered, and his grandparents, although not hurt, are shaken, but they’ll be all right. They’re keeping their grandson by their side. Nate didn’t put up a fight. I think when she died her hold on him was released. He wants to talk with you and me.”

  “We’ll see him later. Ah, here are my two favorite ladies other than Sara of course.” Mitch winked at Nanna and smiled to welcome Mother Aileen.

  “Garth has requested this meeting. I’ll let him start.”

  “Mother, have you had any more feelings of evil in the house?”

  “Yes, but not as strong. Did you find anyone?” she turned and asked Aleron.

  “The usual people, Phillip, Tessa, and her helper.”

  “They’ve all been here forever with us. I can’t understand,” Mitch said. “Maybe you are getting sick. Shall we have the doctors check you?”

  “No,” Nanna said. “She is right. I’ve picked up the feeling of darkness around us also.” She looked right at Mitch and Daren. “Let me go upstairs. I’ll pretend to be hungry for a sweet. Everyone knows I have a sweet tooth for Tessa’s baking. I’ll see what I can sense. Aleron will go with me. No one else.”

  She smiled at Aleron. “He’s very handsome and quite makes my old heart pitter-patter. But I’m an old lady and can’t challenge his beauty for him. The best I can do is get him for my escort.”

  Aleron turned bright red, and the rest of them had a good laugh. “I’d be honored, my lady.” He put out his arm.

  “We’ll wait for your return,” Garth said.

  * * * *

  After the elevator started moving, Nanna whispered, “Can you stop this thing before we get upstairs?” Aleron pushed the stop button and looked at her inquiringly.

  “You suspect someone already in the house.” It wasn’t a question. “Don’t tell me who it is. I’ll see if I can tell which one. If we both agree, then I’ll support your trying to convince Mitch and Daren.”

  “You are one smart lady.” He pulled the stop button out and the elevator continued to the main floor. He held onto Nanna’s arm and walked with her to the kitchen.

  “Nanna, how good to see you. I’ve been so busy cooking lately I’ve missed our talks.” Tessa hugged the older woman, then stepped back to introduce her helper. “Do you remember Gala? She offered to help me with all the meals and baking. She’s been a wonderful assistant. I’m going to talk Mitch into letting me keep her after this is over.”

  Nanna put out her hand to the younger woman. “I do remember you, Gala. Thank you for taking care of us. I begged Aleron to bring me upstairs so I could see what you’re baking. My sweet tooth is hungry.”

  “We just finished a chocolate cake with chocolate icing,” Tessa said. “Sit in the alcove and I’ll bring you both a big piece and a cup of coffee.”

  Aleron hated all the niceties, but he knew it was necessary to keep up the disguise of why they were visiting. “Would you three excuse me for a minute? I want to check on my friend at the hospital. I’ll be right back.”

  He slipped out the door and sent Raoul a message. “How is Jewel? Is the surgery over?”

  “She’s in ICU. Jack said she lost a lot of blood, which we knew, but they’ve repaired all the damage, and she has remarkable recuperative powers. They’re going to send her to a regular room soon. She’s awake and holding my hand and her mother’s. I tried to send you a message.”

  “It was probably when I was in the conference room. I have to get back. See you later.”

  His coffee and cake were waiting. Nanna had hers half-finished. He sat across from her.

  “It’s delicious. I told you you’d get a reward for bringing me here.”

  Tessa stood beside them beaming. Gala had gone back to mixing something in a pot. Tessa saw him glance at Gala.

  “She’s quiet but a good, efficient worker,” Tessa said in a lowered voice. “I’m noisy enough for both of us.”

  Finally, they finished and walked down the hall from the kitchen. “Where to next?” Aleron asked.

  “Take me to Mitch’s office.”

  He escorted her along the opposite hall and into Mitch’s private workplace. Aleron watched her from the door. Nanna wandered around the room touching certain items and sniffing the air. She stopped at the map and stood with her hand on the top of it for several minutes.

  Aleron glanced down the hall. The place was quiet and felt empty. Where was Phillip?

  “That’s enough. Take me back downstairs,” Nanna said.

  “I want to walk around the rest of the house briefly. Can you wait a moment here in the main room?” Aleron asked.

  “Certainly. I’ll sit in this chair until you return.”

  He stepped lightly down the hall toward the leader’s quarters. He peeked in the study, but it was dark and empty. As he started in the door to Mitch’s bedroom, he stopped. The back door was opening. Swiftly, he ran back toward the main room then slowed and walked to Nanna, who’d already stood when she saw him rushing to her.

  Leaning down, he took her arm. “Have you enjoyed looking outside long enough? Mitch will wonder where I’ve taken you.”

  When he turned, Phillip was a short distance behind him.

  “Hello, Phillip. Nanna wanted a piece of cake and to see the outdoors. She hates being cooped up, as she says.” He smiled at Nanna. “She bribed me to bring her upstairs and let her see out and have her sweet. Of course, then my prize for the bribe was a big piece of chocolate cake.”

  Nanna patted his cheek. “He’s a good boy. How are you, Phillip?”

  “I’m fine, Nanna. I stepped outside to check around the house.”

  More likely to send messages to your cohorts. “It is a good idea to check inside and out. Did you see anything or anyone suspicious?”

  “No. No one was around.”

  Aleron took Nanna’s arm and started to the elevator.

  “Good-bye, Phillip.” Nanna waved as she got in the elevator. Once the door closed, she faced Aleron.

  “Who do you think is our enemy?” Aleron asked.

  “Phillip. I smelled a strange odor in Mitch’s office, and the same scent clung to him. Also someone has handled Mitch’s map since him.”

  “I agree with you. It’s Phillip.” The door opened and they stepped out but stood in the hall.

  “It will be very difficult to convince Mitch and Daren without more evidence. I have an idea. Support what I say,” Nanna said.

  “Always.” Aleron grinned and kissed her hand.

  “Ah, you are a wonderful, charming, crafty warrior. Your lady is very lucky.”

  He took her arm as they walked to the conference room. “No, Raoul and I are the lucky ones.”

  “Spoken like a true gentleman.”

  “But maybe you could tell her she’s lucky.” He grinned. “We can use all the help we can get.”

  * * *

  Garth motioned Aleron to the seat by him and Lann. Mitch held a chair back for Nanna.

  “Did you succeed in convincing Nanna of your belief?” Garth asked quietly.

  “She figured it out on her own. Follow her plan.” Aleron faced Mitch.

  “Nanna, what did you discover on your outing?” Mitch smiled at her.

  “There is evil in this house, and I believe it may lurk upstairs and down. Scrap any plans you have. I am going to write my suggestion. Give me a pen and paper.” Mitch handed her a pad and his pen.

  Garth glanced at Aleron then back at the front. Aleron had an idea of where Nanna was going with this. His admiration for her increased. She, like Garth’s mother, was truly gifted.

  Mitch took the paper Nanna handed him and read it. He looked across at Nanna and Aleron, then reread what she’d wrote.

  “You’re sure this is necessary?” Mitch asked.

  “Absolutely,” Nanna said.

  “You have always led us right, Nanna. We’ll do as you say.”

  He passed the note around to the others at the table.

  When it got to Aleron, he held it where Garth and Lann could also read it.

  I fear the enemy knows your plan and when you are going to attack. Wait until tomorrow and go at dawn. They will be confused when you don’t strike tonight and tired from waiting for the attack. Do not tell anyone other than your most trusted warriors and your wives. Absolutely no one else.

  “Clever,” Aleron mumbled.

  “I agree,” Lann said. “I think I’ll go talk with my warriors. I’ll tell them our plan is for tonight. We won’t let the real time be known until midnight, and then to only the lead warriors.”

  Mitch and Daren nodded their heads. “We’ll have our men ready for the midnight strike. And we will tell no one outside of this room, other than those few trusted warriors and our wives, the real time until absolutely necessary.”

  “I’m stopping by the hospital,” Aleron told Lann and Garth. “I’ll meet up with you all later.”

  Daren signaled to Mitch. “Let’s go talk to Nate.” They followed the others out.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jewel smiled when she saw Aleron rush into her room. Raoul sat close beside her holding her hand. She pulled away and put both arms out to Aleron.

  He took hold of her hands. “Can I hug you without doing any damage?”

  “I’m almost well.” She raised her gown and showed the faint, long scar along her right side and other scars from the smaller wounds they’d sewn up. “The first bite did most of the damage. In fact, Mom and Dad were so reassured they went on home. And Mom said she forgave me, but no more secrets. Hearing her say those words made me feel even better.”

  “Our surgeon and Jack are amazed at how fast she’s recovered. We can take her home in the morning, and the only restrictions are she can’t shift until the doctor checks her again.”

  “I can manage that,” Jewel said. “I’ve had years of suppressing my desire to shift.”

  Still being careful, Aleron bent down and put his arms around her. Jewel ran her hand along the side of his head and whispered directly in his ear, “I’m fine. I love you and Raoul, and I’m going to live to marry you. Then I’ll boss the two of you around.”

  He chuckled in her ear, sending a sizzle of pleasure down her spine. “We’ll see about who bosses who.”

  Before sitting on the chair beside Raoul, Aleron kissed her lips and took a nibble at her lower lip. Then he joined Raoul at her side.

  “I feel so much better having you both here with me.”

  “I wanted to be here sooner, but the pot is boiling, and we have to strike while we have the element of surprise.”

  “When do we go to battle?” Raoul asked.

  “Tonight at midnight.” Aleron glanced around the room. “I don’t guess they have a microphone hidden here to catch our conversation.” Meanwhile he handed Raoul a paper. He’d written down what happened and the true time of the attack.

  Raoul looked surprised but folded the message and put it in his shirt pocket. Jewel started to speak, but Raoul put his finger across her lips.

  “Don’t ask again to go home tonight. We’ll be busy, and you aren’t going to be alone.”

  “I knew that when Aleron told you the plan. I could go to the ranch house with the others, but I hate crowds.”

  “We know. You’re going to love our honeymoon in Oregon. We’ll get married as soon as this is all over. After tonight hopefully we can start planning our wedding.” Raoul winked at her and curled her toes with his sexy smile

  “In the meantime, lock my door. If you’re going into battle, I want some loving before the two of you head out.”

  “I don’t think we’d better,” Aleron cautioned.

  “Raoul”—Jewel nodded at him—“had the nerve to ask the doctor specifically. I was so embarrassed. Thank goodness my parents had left.” She gave Raoul a fake frown. “But the surgeon laughed and said go for it. He said his stitches were good and tight and with my scar so faint he was certain I’d healed inside as well.” She grabbed Aleron’s hand. “Come here.”

  Laughing, he let her pull him to her side. “Lean down.”

  Aleron did as she said. “Raoul and I already tested it out right after he left.” He glanced at Raoul.

  “I was hungry. You strike when the time’s right. Anyway, I need some exercise. I’m going down to the cafeteria to leave you two alone. I don’t think she’s up to both of us at once.”

  After the door shut behind Raoul, Aleron hooked his belt around the door handle and a safety bar nearby. If someone tried to come in the room the door would only open a small crack giving Aleron enough warning to quickly dress. He took off his clothes and laid them on the bedside chair. “Move over, darlin’.”

  * * * *

  Jewel scooted the little bit she could on the hospital bed. “These beds weren’t intended to hold two people.”

  “We’ll be careful,” Aleron said. “I don’t want to break it or you.” He pulled her against his warm body and held her gently in his grasp. “I’ve never been so scared. I had to keep busy or go crazy. I’d rather face an army of warriors than see you hurt.”

  “I know. Raoul said the same thing. I must admit I did think, for a while, that I might die. What I regretted most was thinking I’d never have the chance to be your and Raoul’s wife. I want years to spend loving you two.”

  “I couldn’t believe we were going to lose you right after finding you. I refused to accept the idea.”

  “I’m sure you and Raoul helped pull me back. The doctor said another few minutes and I would have lost too much blood.”

  Aleron kissed her mouth. “When we finish getting rid of the rest of our enemies, we’ll have that big wedding and enjoy a nice long honeymoon in Oregon.”

  “It sounds like heaven.” Her hand curled around his hard cock. “Aren’t you tired of talking?”

  “I am. But I’m also afraid of hurting you.”

  “You won’t.”

  “No, because we’re going slow and easy.” He kissed her lips, and when she opened her mouth his tongue slid inside and ran along the edges of her teeth then licked all over her mouth.

  He pulled back and stared into her eyes. “So sweet, I could taste you all day.” Gently, his lips explored her face, kissing her eyelids, her cheeks, her chin. When he brushed across her neck, she shivered.

  “That tickles.”

  Aleron did it again and pretended to nibble at her throat. Jewel scrunched up her neck. But when he got to her lush breasts, he stopped teasing. He kissed the sensitive skin around her breasts and sucked on her tight, rosy nipple. A zing of pleasure went straight to her core, starting a fire of desire.

  Jewel grasped his hard cock and moved her hand along his length. She heard his soft groan. “I want him in me.”

  “Not today. I’ll pleasure you with my mouth.”

  She pushed him on his back and straddled his body. “I’m heale
d. I can feel it inside. We’ll go easy, as you said.”

  “You don’t know how to obey. This is important.” He rolled her back under him.

  “No fair showing how strong you are. I’m still going to win.”

  Aleron grinned at her then slid down her body and separated her pink folds. He licked across her clit and Jewel moaned. He continued licking all along her lower lips then his tongue flicked into her pussy opening.

  “Take me, please.”

  He put two fingers inside her hot pussy and moved them in and out. Her hips moved restlessly, and her head tossed about on her pillow. Her pussy clenched against his fingers, and he rubbed against her sensitive spot.

  Elation spiraled through her body. She leaned her head back and cried out his name. Aleron put his mouth over her clit and sucked, and another orgasm sent a wave of euphoria rushing in her veins. He moved upward and to the side and held her trembling body in his arms.

  “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “No, but I missed your big cock pulsing inside me. And you’re not satisfied. Lay back and let me do the same for you.”

  Aleron lay flat on the bed and Jewel kissed him, his face, his mouth, all along his body. She deliberately stayed away from his cock but teased him by kissing all around his dick and his inner thighs.

  She glanced at his face. He held his jaw tight, and his midnight-blue eyes flashed with fire.

  Jewel finally grasped his cock in her hand. He gasped.

  She ran her finger across the drop at the crown of his cock and then licked the saltiness from her fingertip while she stared into his eyes. She leaned back down and licked and kissed all over his rigid cock.

  Jewel ignored his groans and tormented him more. Then she took him inside her mouth all the way and cupped his sac. She gently moved his balls then moved back up and sucked on his dick.

  “I can’t hold back much longer.”

  Moving swiftly, before he could stop her, Jewel straddled his body and sank down on his cock. Her pussy walls clenched in joy to feel him inside her. He groaned loudly as she took him in fully.

  “You cheated.” He groaned. “I don’t want to hurt you.”


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