Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6]

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Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6] Page 15

by Paige Cameron

  “Raoul told me what happened. We understand you will need to join in and help when you feel it’s necessary. We don’t like it, but we understand.”

  “Neither of us wants to lose you,” Raoul said. “And when we have children, we feel the loss would be even worse. They could lose their mother.”

  “I told you I’m not ready for children yet.”

  Raoul flashed his wicked grin that made her knees weak. “We hope to change your mind in the near future.” He told her about Caitlin. “I’d love to have a daughter or a son.”

  The soft look on his face almost made Jewel weaken and say “all right.” Instead, she frowned at him.

  “Sweetheart, we’ll hire a lady to help with the housework and to be sure you have time during the day to paint. We’re going to build a house big enough for us and our future children. There will also be a large room for your painting,” Raoul emphasized.

  Jewel visualized having a son and daughter. Her men were so handsome the children would be lovely, and she did like children. She just wanted assurance she’d still have time to paint. They certainly seemed determined she would.

  “I’ll think about it,” Jewel said.

  “Good. Why would we want you to stop painting? You’re very talented. And I want to see the paintings you do of us,” Aleron said.

  She couldn’t keep the smile back. They were so earnest and had worried expressions on their faces until she grinned.

  Aleron had one hand behind his back. Jewel looked at his arm and then him.

  “What are you hiding?”

  “Before I give you this box, Raoul and I have something to ask you again.” Aleron and Raoul went down on bended knee. “Will you make us the happiest of men and marry us soon?” Aleron asked.

  Jewel blinked the tears away and sat on the edge of the sofa. “I most definitely will,” she said.

  Raoul whooped, and Aleron picked her up in his arms and swung her around. When he sat her back down, he gave her the white satin box.

  “We asked Cad to do this special for us,” Raoul said. “If you don’t like it, we’ll get something else.”

  She popped the lid up, and inside was a beautiful, large, yellow diamond with a line of smaller rubies on each side. Raoul took the ring out and slid it on her finger. It fit.

  “It’s the most beautiful and different ring I’ve ever seen. I love it.”

  “We asked Cad to use those stones. They were the closest we could get to the brilliant colors in your hair,” Aleron added.

  “When’s the wedding?” Jewel asked.

  “Tomorrow if we can arrange it,” Raoul said. “Then we’ll head off on our honeymoon.”

  “I’m all for that.” Jewel stood and hugged first Raoul and then Aleron. “The doctors said I’m all well. We’ll have to hurry with our planning if we want our special day to be tomorrow.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mitch and Daren were greeted at the door by Sara holding their son and Caitlin hanging on to her leg. They all hugged each other tight.

  “We can’t ever thank Raoul enough. He brought Caitlin right to me,” Sara said. Tears ran down her face.

  “It’s all right, Mommy. I loved riding on the doggy.”

  Mitch squatted down to face his sweet daughter. “You weren’t scared?”

  “I was scared of Mr. Phillip. He was a bad man.”

  “Yes, he was at the end. He had been our friend.”

  “My doggy told me he’d take me home to Mommy. I liked him.”

  Daren squatted down beside Mitch. “How did he tell you, honey?”

  “I heard him in my head.” She glanced from Mitch to Daren. “Is that bad, Daddy?” she asked them.

  “No, darlin’.” Daren picked her up in his arms, and Mitch stood upright beside them. “That’s good. It means you are very smart.”

  Mitch took his son in his arms. “Are you doing all right, buddy?”

  His son hugged Mitch’s neck. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “Can we go riding, Daddy?” Caitlin asked Daren.

  Daren, Mitch, and Sara all laughed. “It’s wonderful how children can bring us back to reality,” Sara said.

  “We have to leave you all for a few minutes, but later we’ll see about riding. We’ll be in the office,” Mitch said. He and Daren put the children down, and they ran off toward their playroom.

  Sara shook her head. “I’m still a mess, but she seems fine.”

  Mitch hugged her, and Daren kissed her cheek. “We’re expecting some of the men. We need to have a debriefing meeting. Come get us if you need us,” Mitch added.

  Once in his office, Mitch sat at his desk and Daren sprawled in one of the lounge chairs. Mitch still had trouble accepting Phillip as the leader of their enemies. He’d been like a member of their family, and his father and grandfather before him.

  “Phillip was good at disguising himself,” Mitch said. “I never had a hint he was not our loyal friend.”

  “I don’t think he was our enemy all those years. They must have gotten to him somehow. Maybe through Nate’s wife,” Daren said.

  “I’ll never understand.” Mitch looked off in the distance for a minute. He tried to picture what they had missed. “I have mixed emotions about his death. On one hand I’m certainly glad, because it saved Caitlin, but on the other I feel some grief over the loss of the friend I thought he was.

  “You know, I believe Nanna and Aleron suspected him the other day. I don’t think they told us because they knew we’d never believe he was our traitor. That’s why Nanna wanted the time of the attack changed and why she instructed us about who to tell and who not to. But how did she know we still wouldn’t mention it to Phillip?” Mitch asked.

  “She knows we’ve always followed her suggestions to the letter. She and Aleron took a chance we’d do the same this time.” Daren shrugged. “We wouldn’t have believed it was him. We’d have confronted him, and he would have given us a satisfactory explanation.” Daren shook his head. “I understand your feelings. I’m experiencing the same discord inside me. Anyway, I’ll have his rooms searched, and maybe we’ll find something that gives us an idea of why and if we have anything else to expect.” Daren looked toward the door. “I think I hear our men.”

  “Yes, it’s time to relax for a few minutes and celebrate, then we’ll do the debriefing.” Mitch stood, and he and Daren headed toward the large foyer.

  * * * *

  Gala stood at the kitchen door and watched as Tessa greeted the conquering heroes. They were laughing and slapping each other on the back. She’d overheard one of the men tell Mitch that Phillip, her father, was in the morgue at the hospital.

  Silently, she promised to get revenge on his killers. Luckily, she’d had time to get in his rooms earlier and remove his papers and his journal, as he’d told her to do if things went wrong. With all the excitement about Caitlin’s return, no one noticed her slip off to get them. She’d known her dad had to be dead for Caitlin to be brought back by someone other than him.

  She’d wait and bide her time, but eventually she’d have her revenge. They’d never know who took them down. She especially wanted to get the two sharpshooters. Everyone was bragging about their excellent shooting after one of the shifters, Aleron, distracted her father. Gala heard Mitch tell his wife how Jewel and Raoul saved all of them in the tent, especially Daren, who had a gun pointed at him.

  Oh, yes, Gala had patience, and best of all no one knew she was Phillip’s daughter. Her mother’s affair had gone undiscovered all these years.

  She’d start with that woman sharpshooter, and then Payton. But, before she was finished, she’d kill all the ones who ruined his plans and helped kill him. She didn’t care if she died in the process as long as she got the last one of them first.

  Gala went back in the kitchen. She’d love to put poison in their coffee. But she’d wait. She wanted them to worry and suffer first.

  * * * *

  Jewel called the Priestess right after getting her
ring. “Aleron, Raoul, and I would like to be married tomorrow. Would that be possible?”

  “You aren’t in a hurry, are you?” Elle teased.

  “Yes, I am, because then we can leave on our honeymoon, and we have the perfect spot picked out.”

  “I know Mitch wants to have a big celebration party and discuss all three tribes joining together. I don’t see why we can’t start the party with a wedding. I’ll check with him, but I expect he’ll agree. What will you do about a dress?”

  “I’m going to ask the dressmakers if they can get one done real quick. Maybe several of them will work together and I’ll pay them extra.”

  “See what you can do. I’ll get back to you.”

  Jewel snapped her phone shut. Aleron and Raoul were giving her a hungry look. “No fun today. I have to get tons done so we can marry tomorrow.”

  “You mean we have to wait until we get to Oregon?” Raoul asked.

  “If you want the wedding in one day, or we can take this day to relax and marry next week.”

  “No way,” they both protested.

  Jewel grinned. “That’s what I thought. I’m on my way to the dressmakers’. Aren’t you expected at the ranch house?”

  “I suppose we might as well join the others.” Raoul pulled her into his arms and thoroughly kissed her. Her face flushed with heat. Raoul smiled. “Now you’ll really miss us, too.”

  Aleron took his turn and wrapped his arms around her. He cupped her butt in his hands and brought her abdomen close against his hard cock. “Feel what you’re missing?”

  Laughing, Jewel stepped away. “You two are bad.” She waved and went toward the truck. “Aren’t you going to drop me off on your way?” she called out.

  Grinning, they swaggered out and got in the truck. “Anything for you, sweetheart,” Raoul said as Aleron drove toward the main street.

  When they let her off, Jewel waved good-bye and headed into the dressmakers’ shop. She knew just the color she wanted for her dress. She was filled with excitement. Who would ever have believed she could change her mind so quickly in regards to marriage? Rae had warned her, and she’d been right. Once Jewel found the right men and quit fighting her feelings, saying yes had been easy. And they were all shape-shifters. They’d understand her need to shift and be alone at times.

  After some fast talking, Jewel convinced the seamstresses to make her dress in one day. She stepped outside in the bright sunshine. Fluffy white clouds floated on a cool breeze. It was difficult to believe twenty-four hours ago they feared for the lives of the people on the ranch.

  With a light heart, she took off, walking briskly toward Rae’s house. Rae would help her with the rest of her plans for her men.

  “I’m so glad to see you,” Rae said when she came to her back door. “Come on in. I guess Aleron and Raoul are at the debriefing meeting, too.”

  “They are.” Jewel held out her hand.

  “Wow, you’re engaged. Your ring is beautiful.” Rae hugged her tight. “I knew they were the ones for you, but like me you needed to discover it for yourself. Sit and have a cup of coffee.”

  Jewel waited for Rae to sit and join her. “I’m so excited. We’re trying to arrange the wedding for tomorrow. I’ve just been to the dressmakers’, and several of them are going to work together to get my dress done. Next, I’d like to see Cassie. She makes exceptional jewelry.”

  “She does. Cad taught her.”

  “Cad designed and made my ring.”

  “I know. He swore me to secrecy. He worked on it every spare moment he had.”

  “I love it, and I want to have something made special for Aleron and Raoul. I’m not sure just what, though. I know Cad is busy, but I hoped maybe Cassie could make something for me to give them.”

  “I’m sure she can, but if you want to be married as soon as tomorrow and want it for a wedding gift, you may have to choose something she’s already done.”

  “Can we go to her shop?”

  “She does a lot of her work at her workshop in her house. I’ll call and see where she is and the best place to meet.”

  Rae dialed Cassie’s number. “Hi, I’ve got Jewel here with me. She’s just gotten engaged to Aleron and Raoul. She’d like a piece of jewelry for each of them. Should we come to your house? We’re on our way.” Rae shut her phone.

  “She’s at home. She said she has a few pieces you can look at, but, as I said, she wouldn’t have time to do anything new before your wedding.”

  “Let’s go. I’m interested in seeing her workshop. Aleron and Raoul assured me the home they build will include an area for me to paint.” She got in the car beside Rae. “They want children right away. I’ve been hesitant, mainly for fear of not being able to continue with my painting. They’ve reassured me I can.”

  Rae headed away from the main part of the ranch. “All of our men understand we have talents we want to continue to pursue. Cassie and I have our decorating business, and she continues with her shop and jewelry.”

  “I know. I’m anxious to see how they integrated her space with the rest of the house.”

  “They built a beautiful home in a private spot.”

  Jewel had met Cassie briefly before. Cassie warmly welcomed them into her house. Jewel glanced all around the beautiful great room.

  “I love the eagle on the fireplace. It’s a lovely piece of work. Did you do it?”

  Cassie grinned. “Thank you for not immediately assuming it’s Cad’s work as most people do. But I have to give him credit for teaching me. Yes, it’s one of the few sculptures I’ve done. But Lang and Nick have promised to build a separate place out back so I can do more.”

  “Can I see where you work on your jewelry?”

  “Sure, come this way.”

  She took them down a hall and through a bedroom. “This will be a room for more of our future children. Right now, my son keeps me busy enough. He has the front bedroom, and he’s taking a nap. I love being a mom, but I want a year or two in between my children.”

  “You still find time to do your work?” Jewel asked.

  “Yes, I do. I’ve heard you are a talented painter. Rae told me. You’re worried about not being free to continue to paint?”

  “I am. But Aleron and Raoul have promised I’ll have help with the house and children, and they’re going to build me a studio. That’s why I wanted to see yours.”

  They walked through another large room. “This is a playroom, and”—she swung open the double doors to the right—“this is my playroom.”

  Jewel walked all around. “It has everything, even a sitting room to the side.”

  “And from there I can go right into my bedroom.”

  “It’s perfect. Would you mind if I had an area built on our house similar to yours?” Jewel asked.

  “Not at all. Nick is the architect for our people. I’ll ask him to draw up some plans to show you.”

  “Well, that makes me feel much better to actually have an idea of how we can design our home. Thank you. Even if you don’t have any jewelry for them, the trip here was worth it.”

  “I believe I can find something you’ll like. Both your men are shifters?”

  “They are. But jewelry falls off of them along with their clothes as they shift. They shift so fast all anyone sees is their clothing and jewelry left behind and the animal in front of them. Something made of metal won’t break when it drops to the ground.”

  “Then you have a choice. I have some rings, bracelets, and some gold chains with blank medallions. I can etch whatever you want on them or the bracelets. I gave my husbands the necklaces.”

  “I like the medallions.” Jewel picked up a yellow-gold one and a white-gold one. “Can you put an eagle on the yellow-gold and a wolf on the white-gold one?” she asked.

  “Yes, what do you want on the front side?”

  “An infinity design with my name over the center and theirs on either side. But that’s a lot of work for a short length of time.”

��ll call the lady who helps me with my son on my busy workdays. She’ll take care of him, and I can work steady on your medallions. I may have to slip them to you at the reception after your wedding.”

  “No problem. What do I owe you?”

  Cassie told her an amount. “That doesn’t seem enough for a hurried job.” She pulled her checkbook out of her pocket and wrote a check for a third more.

  “This is too much.”

  “No, it isn’t. I hate to rush, but I have to see Sara and Elle about the rest of the arrangements.”

  Rae drove her quickly back to the ranch house. I’ll go in with you and assist where I can with the plans.” She grinned at Jewel. “In less than twenty-four hours, you’ll be a married lady.”

  * * * *

  Jewel stepped onto the white satin runway leading to the circle of trees. It was amazing what all the women had done to help her have her wedding this morning. She smoothed her hands down over the rose-red gown. When she entered the circle of trees it was still dark. She heard the rustle of people. They hadn’t been able to accommodate all of the ones from the three tribes who had wanted to attend, but they’d all be at the reception.

  Rae came to her side and handed her a bouquet of yellow roses. “From your men,” she whispered.

  Aleron’s parents, who she’d met briefly the night before, and Raoul’s mother came to stand behind her. At that moment, the sun came across the horizon and voices joined in a joyful song.

  Startled birds flew into the sky from the treetops.

  Jewel saw the white pavilion at the end of the long aisle. It gleamed in the light, and it had been decorated in flowers of yellow, white, and red. Elle wore her red-and-gold gown, a symbol of happiness and prosperity for the wedding threesome.

  Jewel’s father and mother walked beside her down the aisle as the flute and guitar players sent soft music soaring into the air. Jewel’s heart felt so full she feared it might burst with happiness.

  Aleron and Raoul wore dark blue suits and stood on either side of the Priestess. They both smiled at her as she walked toward them.


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