Love Intertwined Vol 2

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Love Intertwined Vol 2 Page 4

by Pepper Pace

  "And no other women. At least while we're doing these lessons."

  A slight frown crossed his brow. "No other women while we're doing the lessons...and maybe there should be no other sex while we're special friends. Period. And that includes no other men either." He gave me a straight look.

  I smiled. "I've been celibate much longer then chance of that happening."

  "So, when do we start—with the lessons?" He asked.

  "How about Friday? After the kid's father picks them up for the weekend."

  "Fine. I'll put these in the fridge." He carried the beer away and when he came back to the living room he gave me an innocent look. "Do you think we should seal this with a kiss?"

  Kiss?! Oh wow. I licked my lips and stood up. "Okay."

  After a moment of watching me Todd leaned in and placed his lips on mine. When I thought he was going to pull back his lips parted and he drew mine into his mouth.

  My breath caught in my chest. I was kissing Todd. I can't believe it...

  He reached up and cupped my face with one hand. The other he placed lightly on my hip. It made me bring my hand up to his shoulder. He moved forward until our bodies were touching.

  I stepped back when I felt him grow hard against me.

  My cheeks felt like molten lava.

  "I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow." He left with no wise cracks.

  Being an ex-fat girl who hadn't been sexed since about a fifty pounds ago can be pretty intimidating.

  I took off my clothes Friday evening and stared at myself in my full length mirror. I had big thighs, round hips and ass, a flat stomach and heavy breasts. I wasn't fat anymore and I had the stretch marks to prove it. I smiled to myself. I looked damn good.

  I ran a hot bath and did all the things a woman does when she knows there's going to be some intimacy.

  I slipped a sundress over my nude body and put on flip flops. Then I spread a comforter on the floor of the living room. I lit candles for atmosphere and turned the stereo to a mellow jazz channel.

  When the doorbell rang, my belly flipped. Todd and I hadn't seen each other since we'd kissed, although we'd talked over the phone every day.

  He was wearing Khaki Bermuda shorts and a baseball jersey. A khaki baseball hat sat on his head its bill turned backward. He was carrying a bottle of my favorite wine.

  "I know you said I shouldn't drink-"

  "No, this is good." I needed to loosen up.

  I poured us some wine. "Sit down, let's chill for a bit."

  "Can I take off my shoes?"

  "Yeah, go ahead." Todd got comfortable. I picked up the infamous book. "You read this?"

  "Most of it." He sat back sipping his wine. "I find chapter 12 particularly interesting."

  I smiled. "We will be starting with lesson one. Keigle exercise."

  "That's for women."

  "No. Men can do it as well. They should if they want to control their orgasm." I took his hand feeling bold by the wine and stood. I led him to the comforter spread on the floor. I kicked off my flip flops one at a time. Swallowing any last residue of shame, I wiggled one shoulder then the other out of my sundress and watched him as I let it pool at my feet, standing nude in front of him.

  Immediately he reached out to touch my breast.

  "Uh uh." I said stopping him. "Lesson one is no physical contact." I watched his brow knit. Then he pulled off his shirt, tossed it on the couch. He undid his shorts and removed them and his underwear in one movement. This he also tossed on the couch. This time he watched me look at him.

  Oh my...His penis was huge and he wasn't even erect! I looked him in the eye doubtfully. Then noted just how great his body looked when out of clothes. His muscles were wiry and tight, his torso lightly covered with fine hair. His thighs and arms were booming!

  "Let's lay down side by side but no touching." Wordlessly he did as I said. I noted his penis lying heavily across one thigh and instantly my coochie came to life. I closed my eyes and felt my nipples tighten. When I opened them again Todd was watching and his penis had lengthened by about an inch. I felt my clit swell.

  "Can you make it move?" His belly tensed then his penis rose off his thigh for a moment before dropping again. "That's it. That's the keigle move for men. Squeeze and release, squeeze and release."

  "Are you squeezing and releasing?" He uttered.

  "Uh...okay. I'll do it with you."

  His penis was getting bigger and my pussy was getting wetter. He watched me and I watched him.

  "Now change the way you're breathing. Like when we exercise and you tell me to inhale and exhale." My words sounded husky to my ears. Todd nodded wordlessly. Then I noted his breathing change as he continued the keigle exercise.

  After a few moments, I told him to stop and rest. I sat up. His eyes were glued to my breast. I retrieved our wine and we sipped and watched each other. I gestured to his groin.

  "That doesn't look broken."

  "It always starts off okay."

  "What if I told you not to have an orgasm at all tonight?"

  "Then I'd say it would be a typical night."

  I took his glass and put it on the cocktail table.

  "Lesson two. Touch me. Anywhere you want but not my sex organs. And I can touch you. the keigle if you get real excited." I lay down on my back.

  Todd came down on his knees beside me. I saw him chew his lip lightly as he contemplated me. Then he moved down to my leg.

  I felt a light touch on my knee. I closed my eyes. The touch glided down to my calf. He bent my knee gently. I felt him palm my calf. I peeked at him. He stroked my leg, my ankle, my toes and then back up past my knee, slowly across my thigh to the far leg. When he leaned over me I felt the light brush of his penis on me and I shuddered involuntarily, my nipples ached from being so taut.

  I felt finger tips circle my belly button. I shuddered again and gasped out loud. The light touch stroked down my side, over my hips and back up to my stomach.

  My skin felt so sensitive. It was as if electricity were zapping me. My skin felt like it had never teen touched before. I tried to hold my breath so that I wouldn't pant. I felt as if my heart was beating out of my chest.

  I can't remember being so aroused. I turned my head away from him and sighed.

  He touched my face, gently turning my head to his direction again. He stroked my cheek until I opened my eyes and looked at him then he took my hand and placed it on his chest. I spread my fingers wide as he slowly moved my hand down over his rock abs, and down further to the crisp tight curls of his pubic hair. And just when I thought I was going to be holding much more, he guided my hand into a different direction over his tight thigh. Bringing his knee up to rest lightly on top of my leg allowed me to explore his thigh and inner leg. I came up on my elbow so that I could stroke his muscles as they quivered uncontrolled under my touch.

  His penis strained in my direction as Todd adjusted his position to give me better access to his body. I stroked his belly and it jumped and he gasped.

  He reached across me and stroked my ass, his penis finally making quick contact with my belly. My fingers gripped his inner thigh in response.

  Suddenly, Todd rolled over onto his back and began breathing heavily. I noted his cock trembling at regular intervals and then it dawned on me that he was doing the keigle. His fist gripped the comforter and he threw his head back in concentration. I didn't think he was going to make it, but eventually his breathing calmed and his penis stopped trembling.

  I watched it amazed while his eyes were still closed. He was about as thick as a soda can and had to be a good ten inches long. My ex was not anything close to this! I could not see that ever entering my body.

  “It's not as scary as it looks." He said breathlessly. I jumped and looked away quickly, embarrassed at being caught staring.

  "You can touch me."

  I shook my head. "That's lesson number 3...and that's another day."

  "No." He sat up. "Lesson 3 should be

  "It doesn't help to do all the lessons in one day-"

  "Did you see how close I was to coming? I almost didn't want to stop myself, it's been so long. But I did it. I'm ready for lesson number 3...and so are you."

  I looked at him sharply, but he was speaking the truth. I decided to speak the truth too. "I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from coming if we do lesson number 3 right now. And neither will you."

  He retrieved our wine glasses and refilled them handing me mine." We can take a break, let things calm down." He glanced down at himself. "And then we'll see what happens."

  I rolled onto my stomach and after a moment of careful adjustment, Todd did the same.

  "I can't believe your husband would ever cheat on you."

  I smiled slightly. "Remember, that was fifty pounds ago."

  "Well, I bet he's dying to get back with you now."

  "He's tried. But I don't feel that way for him anymore. What about your ex? You ever think about getting back together?"

  "Yeah. I used to think about it a lot whenever I'd get lonely. But, it's not the same. I love her. I'll always love her, probably. But I'm not in love with her anymore. I think about it, though because I think I'm best at being a part of a family." I stared at him.

  "I can't believe she'd ever cheat on you."

  He sipped his wine. "I don't blame her for it. Not anymore. The guy she's with now is good for the kids and seems to be good for her...and that's what we all deserve."

  "You cheated on her, too. Didn't you?"

  He paused. "The first year we were married. And it only happened once."

  "Did she ever know?"

  "No. But...I took...something away from our relationship when I did that. And it never returned. I'll never do it again. I'll never cheat on the woman I love, because that shit hurts."

  "I can at attest to that." I looked at him again. "Why do you think we never..."

  Todd shrugged. "I don't know. Why do you think?"

  I had some ideas, but I didn't want to share them. "I don't know either." I think we both had our own private thoughts that the other may never know.

  Todd sat up and took the glasses, now empty again, back to the cocktail table.

  His erection was now only at half mass, I noted.

  "What's lesson number 3?"

  I hesitate. "You can touch any part of my body, but you can't have an orgasm. And you can't have intercourse with me." I sat up, also. "But this time, I get to touch first."

  Todd got comfortable on his back and closed his eyes.

  I started with his eyebrows. I smoothed them with my thumb. My finger tip ran over the length of his nose and he wiggled it which made me giggle. He giggled, too.

  I stroked his smoothly shaved cheek and it tensed reflexively. With my thumb, I followed the contour of his lip, and then down over his chin to his adam's apple.

  I leaned over and my tongue found that delicious space between his neck and shoulder, leaving a wet trail from one side to the other.

  Todd's skin broke out in goose pimples and I felt his hands cup my head and bring my face up to his. His lips parted and he drew my head down to meet them. And then I was kissing him. It was different then the first time. Maybe because I wasn't afraid. Maybe because I didn't pull away.

  "Kia..." He groaned into my mouth as he began to explore me with his tongue, lapping my lips and teeth and my whole being. My mouth sucked uncontrollably at his lips and lapped at his tongue and we were groaning into the hollows of each other’s mouth. I heard myself whimper when he palmed my breast, and then he plucked my nipple and I sucked my breath in spasmodically, panting and moaning.

  I allowed my fingers to trace the path to his waiting cock and Todd paused in his suckling until my fingers gently grasped what I had been admiring all evening.

  "Ohh..." He moaned in a rush of breath then threw his head back suddenly while his hand squeezed over mine, forcing me to jerk him quickly. Alarmed I made to pull back. "I'm going to cum, Kia!" He yelled as he forced my hand to quicken its manipulation. No no no! It wasn't supposed to be like this. I felt his body grow taut and without thinking I squeezed his shaft hard.

  "Owww!" His body jerked and he was in a sitting position gripping my wrist. "Let me go!" He yelled. I yanked away from the firm grip he had on my wrist and slid backwards on my ass until I was out of his reach.

  He cupped his injured appendage and then looked at me. "Why did you do that?"

  "I-I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to cum-"

  He shook his head. "No, not that. Why did you back away like that?"

  "I...thought you'd be mad at me."

  He huffed humorlessly. "Gee, what would make you think that?" He met my eyes calmly. "You flinched like you thought I was going to hit you. I would never hit you. Is that what you thought?" I didn't answer. "Come here, Kia." I hesitated and moved towards him. He reached out and cradled my face gently. He looked deep into my eyes.

  "Did your ex hit you?" Quickly I shook my head. I was so embarrassed that he could see the lie. Truth was that he had hit me once or twice. To my shame, I had accepted it.

  "Aww, Kia. Your ex was a real piece of shit. But you don't ever have to worry about that with me." He stood up and started putting on his clothes. I slipped on my sundress, speechless, and still embarrassed.

  "Sorry about squeezing you."

  "It's ok. You were right to do that. It's not the way it was supposed to be." He walked over to me and touched me lightly and then he kissed me softly. "Can I see you tomorrow, after you get home from work?"


  He inhaled deeply. "Tonight was…amazing. I never said that to a woman after a sexless evening." We both laughed. He kissed me good night but I stopped him before he could go.

  "Todd, I don't want you to think less of me because you think I was an abused wife. Tony hit me on two occasions and I'm ashamed that I stayed. But I think I'm equally ashamed that I allowed him to cheat; that I stayed in a loveless marriage. You asked me why I didn't meet men. That's why."

  He nodded. "I have not lost an ounce of respect for you. I've just gained a hatred for your ex." He turned away abruptly and left.

  That night I tossed and turned, and at 2:00 am my phone rang. I jumped up immediately. There was no doubt in my mind who was calling.


  "Kia? Did I wake you?" Todd asked.

  "I couldn't sleep."

  "Me neither. I kept thinking about lesson one and lesson two...and half of lesson three." I laughed with him. "I'm so horny." He said seriously. "I can't sleep because I keep thinking about your breast and your lips and...the way you touched me."

  I closed my eyes and sighed. "I made myself cum after you left; just remembering your touch on my nipples and your mouth on me..." I swallowed. Being frank with him was easy, but being truthful about how I was feeling—not so easy.

  "That's the problem, Kia. I can't cum." My brow knitted in confusion. It hadn't seemed to me that he had any problems in that department.

  "When I picture this past evening, I get so hard." He sighed. "I'm hard as a rock now. But nothing does it for me anymore, Kia; only the sound of your voice."

  I was quiet at the revelation. "I've tried with other women but anymore, I can't even fake interest. I got home tonight and thought it wouldn't be any problem to cum. I can't and I desperately need to cum because...I'm like...sore."

  "Aww poor baby. You should have told me that." He had a wicked case of blue balls! Poor thing.

  I heard him groan softly. "Kia...Just keep talking. Please." He said brokenly. I knew he was stroking himself. I wished it was me stroking him. And then I was getting wet all over again.

  "Todd. I have a question for you...why didn't you touch my pussy when you were here? I would have let you." I pressed my fingers inside of my slick opening as I spoke.

  I heard him gasp suddenly. He must have dropped the phone because from a distance I heard him wail loudly. My fingers went to work rapidly in and
out of my pussy at the sound of his orgasm. Todd yelled out in the distance while I called his name into the phone in the midst of my own climax. I shuddered as my second orgasm of the night ended.

  "Todd?" My voice came out hoarse. "You there? Todd?"

  He finally picked up the phone. He was panting as if he had just been out jogging. "I never came so hard in my life. I never came so much..." He heard him reposition. "Thank you, Baby. Thank you. It's been so long and I needed it so bad." I chuckled. I never had anyone sound so grateful for two sentences of phone sex. But I understood. I had needed it too.


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