Buried Treasure

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Buried Treasure Page 7

by Jools Louise

  Callahan seduced his lover tenderly, using every bit of skill he had to bring his mate closer to the edge. He watched Drew’s changing expressions, observing the myriad of emotions flashing across Drew’s gorgeous face. Drew’s golden eyes were slitted with pleasure, his face a deep pink, his forehead dewy with sweat. His lips were swollen from kissing, his face contorted in ecstasy. Callahan thought his mate looked sexy as hell but needed to witness the moment Drew tumbled into orgasm. He explained what he wanted to happen. In detail.

  “I want this to be so good for both of us,” Callahan murmured. “And I want you to claim me first. You’ll sink your fangs into me as your dick sinks into my ass, over and over. I need that fat cock of yours inside me, fucking me hard, making me forget everyone else but you. When you come, I want to taste it. You’ll come so hard you’ll shoot right up into my mouth…from the inside.” He nipped Drew’s lower lip sharply, then sucked erotically on the plump pillow. “I want to feel you for days.”

  Drew gasped aloud, then came with a shrill cry, painting their abs with cream. The scent of his climax edged Callahan closer to his own, then he cried out, closing his eyes against the intensity of his orgasm, and kissed Drew’s moans of pleasure, drinking from the man’s sweet lips over and over, never sated.

  “Darling, you’re incredible,” Callahan said, gathering his mate closer, content to just hold his lover as they lingered in the aftermath.

  “This is our night, Cally,” Drew said, using his mother’s nickname, which Callahan liked immensely. It was a nice touch. He’d never had his name shortened before. “I’d be proud to claim you.” He grinned. “You’ll have to show me how, though. I know the semantics, just never, you know, done it before.”

  Callahan tugged his lover’s hands down so they covered his ass. “Anal sex 101, coming right up,” he teased. “Lots of lube, be gentle at first since it’s been a loooong time for me, and prepare me well.” He sniggered. “Just do what you’d like me to do to you.”

  Drew eased away slightly, the look on his face one of wonder. “You humble me,” he said. “I can’t believe you’re trusting me like this.” He grinned suddenly. “Where’s the lube?”

  Callahan laughed at the question and reached beneath his pillow. “Been dreaming of this for a while,” he said, laughing at Drew’s surprise.

  “Yeah, I have to make do with a quick wank in the shower…and not make any noise. Little ears, big mouths, way too much sass.” Drew chuckled, smearing lube over his fingers and cock. “Assume the position, dude,” he commanded teasingly.

  “Oh yeah,” Callahan drawled, lying on his back and dragging his knees up to his chin, baring his ass for Drew’s perusal. He actually felt nervous. This mattered. So much. Almost too much, considering his experience. He was so grateful that Drew hadn’t batted an eyelid over his past. Drew’s easy acceptance had done more for Callahan’s self-esteem than any therapist ever could.

  “Just slide one finger in first,” he said, groaning as Drew obeyed willingly, inserting one thick finger just inside Callahan’s hole, to the first knuckle. “So good,” he moaned.

  “Is that okay?” Drew asked worriedly. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Not hurting me,” Callahan gasped. “Now wiggle around a little, start stretching me slowly.” He dragged Drew down for another kiss, needing the succulence of Drew’s lips again like he needed air. Drew was a quick study, getting the drift easily, and soon had Callahan on the edge of a precipice, fighting not to come again.

  “Now?” Drew asked after inserting a second, and then a third finger, loosening Callahan with so much care, Callahan thought he’d cry. This was making love. It was an incredible feeling, knowing that Drew’s feelings matched his own.

  “Now, baby,” Callahan begged, whimpering as he felt the slick slide of Drew punching past his clenching sphincter, then thrusting deep, bottoming out in one, smooth stroke. “Oh, god, that’s amazing.”

  Clinging on, Callahan felt Drew begin to surge, stroking in and out of him almost languidly, his thick cock caressing Callahan’s walls, a velvet-clad rod that drove him crazy with need. This was no quick, mindless fuck in some dingy back room. It was everything he’d ever dreamed of when finding his mate. He melted, feeling so connected to Drew. Just then, he didn’t know where he ended and Drew began. Magical.

  “I love you,” Drew murmured, thrusting over and over, his eyes almost closed in bliss. “I’ve never felt anything like this. Thank you for trusting me, Cally.”

  He built up the tempo, surging faster now, his balls bouncing against Cally’s ass as Drew’s passion raged tempestuously. Callahan hung on, the power of his lover’s thrusts moving him up the bed, the feel of Drew deep inside him enough to have him crying out with each masterful stroke. Over and over, different angles, differing depths. Callahan lost all sense of time and space, focusing only on the man in his arms. The man who was already the center of Callahan’s world.

  “Cally!” Drew cried, arching his back, fangs bared as he came, sinking his gnashers deep as he unloaded about a gallon of cum. Callahan moaned softly, grinding against his mate, then exploded, as well, spattering seed, then marking Drew with his fangs as well as his scent, needing to make Drew his in every way.

  Still joined, their breathing slowed finally, and they shared languid kisses, the afterglow soothing after the intensity of the passionate inferno.

  “You know, for a rookie, you’re not too shabby,” Callahan said drowsily.

  Drew chuckled. “Thanks, dweeb,” he retorted. “The lesson came in handy.”

  “Like you needed it!” Callahan scoffed, stroking Drew’s back gently, swirling patterns with his fingertips. “You’re a natural cocksmith, gorgeous man.”

  “My dick just seems to perk up when you’re near.” Drew grinned, then frowned. “Although I have no clue why it took so long to notice you.”

  “You’re always distracted when you come into the café.” Callahan laughed. “That tablet is glued to your hand.”

  “Not always,” Drew said dryly. “But you’re not far off.”

  “We should shower,” Callahan suggested after a long moment of silence, interspersed with succulent kisses.

  “Hmmm, not yet,” Drew protested sleepily. Callahan snuggled closer, content to remain for a while longer.

  Moments later they were sound asleep.

  * * * *

  Vince picked the lock to Callahan’s apartment easily enough. The security system had been a little trickier. Evading that mad elephant shifter had been worse. He half expected her to show up, even now, and wrap that trunk around his neck. The woman was certifiably fierce. He grinned smugly. He was just better at escape and evade.

  Silently, Vince eased open the door, sliding inside quickly, then closed it just as quietly behind him. He sniffed the air, scenting sex, and bit back a moan. Callahan and Drew smelled…delicious. Following the heady aroma, he tiptoed through the front room, holding his breath. This would not end well if his targets woke up and screamed bloody murder.

  “Going somewhere, asswipe?” Maizie! Fuck! “About face, big guy, and open that door again, or I’ll squeeze the life out of you. This is not the time to pay those boys a visit. They’re bonding. You aren’t even close to earning the right to be within a mile of them, yet.”

  A large trunk wrapped around his throat, lifting him clean off his feet. He struggled against her firm grip and grunted as he was carried back the way he’d come. With no other options, he opened the door again, then yelped as Maizie flung him out like a bag of trash. He landed with a thump, wincing as his bruises made themselves known. John Hastings had some moves, all right, and was hell on wheels at hand to hand combat. Both wore the scars from their earlier battle.

  The door shut behind him sharply. Fuck. He just wanted to talk to his mates. He knew they were his mates. Why was everyone trying to stop him?

  “Probably, given your recent history, breaking and entering wasn’t your brightest move,” John drawled behind h
im. Fuck! Two crazy-ass bodyguards protecting Drew and Callahan. “You couldn’t just meet them somewhere public?”

  “I just wanted to talk,” Vince replied, somewhat lamely.

  “Does your dick know that?” John asked wryly. “Because you don’t seem to be thinking with your brain right now.”

  Vince snorted. No, his dick had a will of its own.

  “They’re my mates.”

  “Really? Is that why you’ve spent the past few days stalking both of them, still working for Daniel. It’s not too long ago that you visited the bastard in prison to tell him you’d deliver the goods in your own time.” John didn’t sound convinced of Vince’s assertion.

  Vince sighed. “I had my reasons,” he explained while giving nothing away.

  “Until you explain your reasons, Drew and Callahan are out of bounds,” John warned. “And if I have to repeat myself, I’ll do more than talk to you about it.” He bared fangs warningly. His deadly quiet tone had even Vince taking note.

  “Understood,” Vince replied, raking a hand through his hair. “This is fucked up. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.”

  “What way?”

  “I wasn’t supposed to find my second chance,” Vince said, leaning his back against the wall. “I haven’t had any inclination to since my husband was killed. Our boys were so young, so vibrant. And then they were all gone. I tried to drink myself to death, but I couldn’t even manage that. So I went after Daniel. Only he’s a tricky fucker. I heard what he did to his sons, after I took the job. Told him I’d finish the job my own way.”

  “Why not tell him to stick it?”

  Vince looked up, meeting those cold green eyes, almost shivering at John’s deathly stare. “I need proof, don’t I? Evidence of what he’s been doing. No way are the authorities going to believe he’s capable of anything while he’s incarcerated. If they admit they have a shifter who’s calling the shots from his cell, that raises a lot of questions about how secure those facilities are. And fingers will be pointed at the wrong people. Scapegoats.”

  “Do you have proof?” John sat opposite, arms looped casually over his knees. Vince didn’t for a second imagine he was feeling casual at all. He looked ready to rip someone’s throat out.

  “I have a trail,” Vince admitted. “Linking him to all sorts of crimes. I need this, though. A confession, admitting to what he did to my family. And his own. He doesn’t trust me, though, especially now. I doubt I’ll get any more from him. He’s smarter than he looks.”

  The apartment door opened, and Vince scented ambrosia again. “You might as well come in,” Drew said, standing in only a towel, looking lickably delectable.

  “I really do want to talk,” Vince said for the third time, eyeing John warily.

  “Do anything else and I’ll let Maizie throw you off the roof.” Drew went back in, leaving the door ajar.

  John curled his lip, rising. “And I’ll kick you in the head when you reach the ground,” he added, gesturing for Vince to precede him.

  Vince rolled his eyes, got to his feet, then followed Drew inside.

  * * * *

  Callahan eyed Vince intently as he brewed up some coffee. It was four in the morning, and he was due at work in another hour. Bread making waited for no one. He’d heard Maizie knock and let her in, grinning when she’d told him about Vince’s antics to evade her. They’d set the trap perfectly, and Callahan couldn’t help but chuckle at Vince’s face, totally startled that he’d been outwitted. He must think they were amateurs.

  “Is there a reason you don’t knock?” Drew asked Vince, bristling with attitude, arms folded across his chest. “You say you ‘just want to talk,’ but you haven’t, have you? You attack first, then bleat about crap without telling us the whole truth. So why don’t you just spill it? Come clean.”

  Vince frowned at Drew’s pissy tone, and Callahan smirked at his irritation. Fucker thought this would be easy? They weren’t going to let him off the hook that quickly. Despite both of them knowing where this would end up. With Vince, and both of them, k.i.s.s.i.n.g.

  “What’s to spill? I told you. I’m trying to trap Daniel.”

  “Really?” Drew asked mockingly, drawing out the word. “How?”

  “I need to get proof.”

  “What proof?”

  “A confession. On tape. Of his crimes,” Vince bit out, scowling now, obviously not used to being interrogated this way. He was alpha all the way. Callahan’s grin widened. Shouldn’t have attacked your mate, then, should you, fucker?

  “How? Who? When?” Drew seemed to be enjoying himself, his eyes glittering with malicious delight. Payback.

  “I don’t answer to you,” Vince gritted.

  “You do if you want to be mated to us,” Drew snarled angrily. “So start talking, or walk right out of here. We don’t need you.” He turned his back, only to be hauled back around by Vince. They stood nose to nose, the tension rising dramatically.

  “I’ll talk when I’m good and ready,” Vince growled back.

  Drew kneed him in the groin, following through with a jab to the solar plexus as Vince folded, then brought his knee back up to send him flying into the couch.

  “You’ll talk now!” Drew exploded furiously as the couch teetered backward for a moment before righting itself. “This isn’t some fucking game. Our lives are at stake. We’ve all suffered because of Daniel. So stop acting as though your grief is the only thing of value.” He snarled bitterly. “At least you have memories of a loving husband to cling to. So quit taking out your loss out on everyone. And start acting like a shifter should. You have allies here if you want. And two mates. But put your damned hands on me again in anger, and you’re out of here.”

  John slow clapped, he and Maizie grinning widely. “You go, Drew!” he cheered. “Show him who’s wearing the big boy pants.”

  Vince glared at him. “You aren’t helping.”

  “Not here to help, my man. Here to make sure you play nicely. Remember, Maizie and I have no desire to get jiggy in the sack with you, like these two, so we don’t care if we hurt your feelings or not.” John was on form. Callahan liked to see him this way, his usual irrepressible self. He’d been too quiet lately.

  Drew’s tablet dinged, drawing Callahan’s gaze. Since Drew was busy giving Vince sass, Callahan turned the thing toward him. They’d been looking at it before Maizie showed up.

  “Drew, we got a hit,” he said. “They took the bait.”

  That got everyone’s attention. “What’s going on, Drew?” John asked, all business now.

  “Remember the website?” Drew said, and John nodded. “It’s up and running as of last night. I woke up and had a brainwave.”

  “Yeah, his brain works in mysterious ways at two in the morning,” Callahan said lightly, pouring coffee for them all. “Toast, anyone?”

  John grinned at him. “Two pieces for me. Lashings of butter and jam.”

  “On it, boss.” Callahan saluted.

  “Not for me,” Drew said. “I’ll wait for one of those breakfast muffins. Maizie got me hooked on eggs, bacon, and sausage in a toasted bun.”

  “Got me a sausage, right here,” Callahan drawled salaciously, cupping himself.

  “Save it, cupcake. Too many witnesses.” He and Drew laughed together at John and Maizie’s pained groan. Vince looked almost wistful at their banter. Still wasn’t getting off the hook, though.

  “How does the site work?” Vince asked, rolling his eyes at Drew’s sour look. “I’m not the enemy.”

  “Aren’t you?” Drew asked bitterly. “Because it seems that way to me. My brothers weren’t much older than your sons when Daniel kidnapped us. His own children. Which makes me question the word of anyone who would attack us again. For whatever reason.”

  “I wouldn’t have hurt you,” Vince said quietly.

  “You already did!” Drew picked up the small computer and headed toward the bedroom. The door slammed soon after, leaving a ringing silence.

p; Callahan watched as Vince seemed to finally realize something. Probably how far he’d sunk. The big shifter got to his feet without looking at anyone and left the apartment as silently as he’d first entered.

  John, for once, refrained from commenting. For about a second. “Well, that went well.”

  Callahan sent him a chiding glance and followed his mate. He’d seen the pain in Drew’s eyes. The man had been through far too much, at his own father’s hands. Having the likes of Vince come after him, aggressively, must be triggering some nasty memories. And for that, Vince could just go fuck himself. Drew was right, they didn’t need Vince. If he proved that he could change, and yank that giant chip from his shoulder, then maybe there’d be a way for Vince to fit into their relationship. Otherwise, sayonara, baby.

  Chapter Seven

  Vince stalked toward his truck, head down, feeling a burden of grief bearing down on him. It was worse than anything he’d experienced after Sammy’s death. Here he stood on the precipice to happily ever after, and he was fucking it up in new and exciting ways. Why did he keep on hurting people? Maybe he was better off alone. He hadn’t protected his husband and sons. What business did he have entertaining any ideas of a second bite of a family life?

  His truck was situated close to the park in the center of town. At this time of the morning, with the sun not quite ready to show its face, the silence was interrupted by the occasional vehicle as people went to work. It was nearly five thirty, and he’d spent most of the night trying to avoid Maizie. Should have known they’d be smarter than that.

  He glanced up as he neared his vehicle, and frowned as he spied a figure standing beside it. The same guy who’d been photographed aiming a rifle at his head. Gopher. What the fuck? What was Crash’s brother doing here? He found the answer when he belatedly saw the barrel of a pistol, silencer attached, directed at him. Two short bursts and he fell to the ground, gasping for breath as his lungs received two new airholes.


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