Captured by the Bodyguard

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Captured by the Bodyguard Page 3

by Dez Burke

  Alexandra sighed and shook her head, not really liking the direction of her thoughts. It was so unlike her to get tripped up by a handsome face. But something told her it was more than Cane Hutchinson’s hot looks that got to her so easily. More reason, she told herself, that she should keep on her guard. Alexandra had learned the hard way never to let people too close, especially when it had anything to do with her father. She could never be sure of their motives and the more she felt drawn to them, the more she pushed them away.

  It was a defense mechanism that had spared her further heartache so far and she didn’t want anything finally cracking through her shell. And although Cane making her breakfast had been a nice touch, she was determined to keep her distance. Anything but that would turn her bodyguard into a risk factor she couldn’t very well afford.

  Chapter Four

  After a few days, Cane was well into the routine of Alexandra’s everyday life. Whether it was her early morning run, the gym, her classes at FIT, or her social events, he was getting more and more insight into what made her tick.

  Not that she ever let down her guard enough to ever really have a real conversation with him. All their interaction remained on a professional level - but he was still able to see beyond her remote façade to glimpse how vulnerable she really was inside.

  Yes she had friends; had a highly sociable life when she wasn’t working on her designs or taking classes, but there was no doubt that beneath it all, Alexandra wasn’t all she seemed to be. The confident, talented and beautiful young woman held a secret that flickered just behind the chocolate orbs of her soulful eyes. Had she been hurt in the past? Was that why she seemed to have no love life to speak of?

  Not that he was the one to judge. He hadn’t been in a serious relationship in years, and he wasn’t going to count those few flings that had been all physical and no substance. No woman held first place in his heart; all Cane cared about now was his job. He had no real family; he’d been adopted as a child and had lost his adoptive parents when he was sixteen. By seventeen he’d signed up with the Navy and it was the military that had shaped him into the man he was today.

  He wasn’t looking for love or romance and wasn’t sure he even believed in it. And yet there was a part of him that wondered if out there was a woman who could make him feel complete; fill the void that even his successful career in the Navy Seals as well as his job in close protection could never do. He knew something was missing but he just couldn’t be sure he’d even know it when he found it.

  He settled in the back of the hall where Alexandra was taking her classes that day, keeping busy on his laptop with the news updates and current affairs online while the class discussed about the history of worsted wool or some such. His eyes kept getting drawn to Alexandra, and he couldn’t help but notice that although she seemed as engrossed in the class as the others, there were times she scribbled in her notebook and let her mind wander. A part of him wished he knew what she was thinking and if she’d ever let anyone close to the real her. The Alexandra she hid away from the outside world, kept well wrapped in protective covering.

  Only yesterday he’d called Noah for a progress report.

  “Still want out of the gig?” Noah had asked a few minutes into the call. “Because Halliday is back from his assignment traipsing around Europe protecting that rock star’s son on vacation. He wouldn’t mind taking over for you.”

  Instead of giving a direct answer, Cane asked, “Do you really think there’s any authenticity in the belief that Alexandra could be in danger?”

  “Her old man seems to thinks so,” was Noah’s thoughtful reply. “It was something about what the competitor said when they had their last negotiations. The man’s name is Pat Vincent and to some he’s considered no more than a hood dressed in a Saville Row suit. The guy’s bad news and isn’t always known to play by the books even in the confines of corporate gentility.”

  “So what have we got?” queried Cane.

  “Well, according to Duke, Vincent made a few offhand comments advising Duke to start to pay more attention to family and not just the business since everyone knows how driven Duke is when it comes to his corporate pursuits. Duke wasn’t comfortable with those statements and he’s not taking chances. Vincent could use underhand means to see to it that Duke loses his winning stance on a recent billion-dollar merger and acquisition their companies were competing for.”

  “I’ve heard of Pat Vincent; Duke’s right to be cautious,” Cane replied. When money and power were involved, he wouldn’t be surprised how far some people were willing to take their business rivalry. Vincent was every inch a gangster who’d shouldered his way into Wall Street and now was doing his best to win respectability within the esteemed commercial environment.

  Which meant that going after the daughter of his business rival would not only prove a stupid move, but detrimental. Cane didn’t think that even Vincent would be that dumb.

  “Duke’s got private investigators following it up on Vincent, just in case. In the meantime, Alexandra is to be closely watched,” Noah said.

  Cane had wanted to assure his friend and boss that he had no problems at all watching Alexandra – all day. But he wasn’t sure it would sound appropriate. If Noah got even an inkling of the things that went through Cane’s mind where Ms. Duke was concerned, Cane knew Noah might just be shocked.

  Alexandra was nothing like the women Cane had dated in the past. Since he didn’t really put much stock in love, he’d never really been that discerning when it came to his female liaisons. So long as she fulfilled his physical needs, he required nothing else. And offered nothing more. Why was he now beginning to see how shallow that existence seemed? What was it about his new job as Alexandra’s bodyguard that was opening his eyes to new, dangerous possibilities?

  Alexandra was beautiful in ways unique from what Cane interpreted as beauty in the past. The skinny, blonde types or those whose assets mostly came from silicone implants usually found their way into his bed way too much. Alexandra could in no way be called fat but she did pack some serious curves. And boy did they make his fingers itch for things he’d never known he could wish for. Like grabbing that luscious ass in his palms and squeezing so hard he’d leave imprints.

  Her body oozed sensuality even when she was just in a t-shirt and jeans. Her solid, toned hips and magnificently formed grapefruit-sized breasts told him she was all woman; but when you looked into her big, brown eyes you could almost believe she was like the girl next door just on the verge of going from nice to very, very naughty.

  He wasn’t sure how long he could play the game of acting immune to her looks. Even her dismissive attitude could not really keep him from wondering what it would be like, having a woman like Alexandra Duke tumble into his arms – or into his bed.

  Cane could toy with the idea as much as he wanted in his head, but even he knew it would never work out. For one thing, she probably hated his guts. And for the other, he never mixed work with pleasure. Everyone in his line of work knew that distractions were a recipe for disaster. Cane just had to decide how long he could keep himself within line of temptation, and still manage to keep his hand out of the cookie jar…


  Alexandra was staring steadily into the camera at the top edge of her laptop as she addressed the image of her father who was presently halfway across the world at some business conference. “Dad, seriously. I don’t need to be so closely watched. You and I know I’m in no real danger. It’s been two weeks now and I still maintain that the last thing I require is a personal bodyguard cramping my style and making me look like some over-pampered twat.”

  “Language, sweetheart,” her father said warningly, then sighed. “And we definitely don’t know for sure about anything – so I’m not about to take any risks when it’s so easy to be careful. Hutchinson stays.”

  Alexandra muffled a curse. “Dad, please! It’s really becoming unbearable. I can’t handle this on top of everything else especially this being m
y last few months before I finish with my Master’s program…”

  “Alex, it’s not my wish that you should feel in any way stressed. But this is necessary to my peace of mind if nothing else. You’re all I have in this world and it’s my duty to ensure that no harm comes to you.”

  Alexandra sighed; there it was again. Her father liked playing that ‘you’re my baby’ card too much. She was a fully grown woman, and he had to stop treating her like a kid. “I know I’m your only child but I hardly think I’m all you have,” she said wryly. “I mean, considering you own a third of the city and have your finger in every pie from energy to manufacturing and computers…”

  “You know none of that means anything compared to you, my dear. You will always be my daughter and so long as I have the means to keep you safe, then I will. What’s the problem you have with Hutchinson anyway? Has he acted in any way that’s inappropriate?” Donel Duke asked with a sharpened tone.

  Alexandra rolled her eyes, turning away slightly. “No Dad; he’s been the consummate professional at all times,” she said with a thin smile. Which was the truth; Mr. Ice Cube had never done anything out of place or even looked at her the wrong way even once. She had to have imagined the few times his moss-green eyes with those amber flecks had darkened when they fell on her but that was it. He was always cool, calm and collected.

  No; the problem’s all me, Alexandra thought with inner self-anger.

  If she was in any danger, then it was the danger of falling in hot, pounding lust with her damnably attractive bodyguard.

  He only had to get within five feet of her and her body started humming. And even when he touched her lightly, be it to guide her with his hand planted on the small of her back, or taking a gentle hold of her elbow, the impression of that contact lingered on for hours after. Alexandra had never ever felt so drawn to a man and it was frustrating- and quite frankly, pathetic.

  Especially when she had no clue what went on in his mind about her. Did he feel the same pull? Judging by the way he acted around her, probably not, she mused with hidden annoyance mixed in with amusement at her conflicting thoughts.

  Her father looked pleased after her last statement, rubbing his palms together. “Then we’ll have no more talk of letting go of your personal bodyguard. Cane Hutchinson will remain in charge of your security and you’ll listen to him and do just as he tells you. You’ll be under his control until I can be sure there’s no more threat to you.”

  Alexandra’s eyes were snapping as she declared angrily, “I agree to let him do whatever he needs to do as far as the job is concerned but no way will I be under his control!” She knew she was acting childish a bit but she was getting sick of not getting her way. Bit by bit she was losing hold on her own life and it was irksome. “And why on earth did we have to Skype instead of talking on the phone like regular folks?”

  Her father merely shook his head at her tantrum. “Just don’t put yourself in danger, that’s all I ask.” He paused, then added quietly, “You do know I love you?”

  Alexandra sighed, the anger in her chest easing. “Yes, I do. And I love you too.”

  Her expression was sober when she finally spun from the blank screen. She had to go with the mess her world had become and hoped it would get back to normal, and not too soon.

  Chapter Five

  Cane stepped out on the balcony his room shared with Alexandra’s, doing some last checks and catching the soft breeze. He found himself looking to the side at Alexandra’s windows - when he noticed her walk into her room and turn on the lights.

  Outside was dark so he was sure she couldn’t see him. Cane paused as he realized he had a clear view through the big windows thanks to the open blinds. How many times had he warned her about closing the fucking blinds?

  He bit down an angry sigh as she walked into her bathroom and he could hear sounds of her turning on the shower. Then she returned to the bedroom, sat in front of her dressing mirror and was soon taking off her jewelry.

  Cane was about to walk back into his room when Alexandra stood, quickly unbuttoned her white jeans and wriggled out of the clinging fabric.

  Suddenly, Cane’s brain misted over.

  Alexandra was facing the mirror with her back to him which gave him the perfect view of her ass bared by the skimpy white lacy thong. Her fleshy orbs were ripe and smooth, and the most rounded bottom he’d ever seen. She kicked the jeans off her feet carelessly as she tugged her white shirt over her head. He had a glimpse of her incredibly tiny waist and a hint of side boob as she tossed the shirt on a nearby chair.

  Fuck and double fuck! Cane knew he should move, walk away from the sight of Alexandra in just her bra and panties as she gathered up her springy curls into a band at the top of her crown. But Cane found himself rooted to the spot. This woman with the sexiest body he’d ever seen was no more than thirty feet away and giving him the most painful hard-on he’d ever had. Shit! She had flawlessly even-toned café au lait skin and the figure of a goddess; ample curves where he liked them yet slender in the middle coupled with long, toned legs he was twitching to place on either side of his head as he…

  Something moved in the corner of his eye. Cane’s head snapped around but he could hardly see a thing. He swore under his breath; here he was acting like a rookie by staring into a lit room from his dark position which made it harder for his vision to adjust as he scanned the quiet, dim grounds around him. His mind raced.

  Not wasting time to think further, he slammed a fist on the panic button just inside his room. And then he swiftly swung over the partition between their balconies and sped into Alexandra’s bedroom through her balcony entrance. His shoes made his movements silent and the young woman only became aware of him when he gripped her from behind, wrapping an arm around her waist as he swiftly backed her into the bathroom with him.

  Cane could feel her body go rigid in shock at this sudden invasion. Before she could speak or let out a scream, Cane closed his hand over her mouth while he kept his ears trained for any sound from outside. What he didn’t see coming was Alexandra turning the hell cat on him, twisting her body and ramming her elbow into his side. Normally a woman landing him with a body blow wouldn’t rattle him for even a moment – but as luck would have it she caught him just on the almost-healed injury still covered with stitches.

  Cane’s teeth gritted as he felt it split, and just for the one second that he released his hold, she shoved off him and made a run for it. He could hear her scream beginning to form and he swore, lunging forward and catching her before she could get past two feet. The sharp bite in his side didn’t slow him down as he was able to catch hold of her hair and pull her back with enough force to have her freezing from the sudden pain. Her legs were trailing forward in front of her as he drew her upper body back towards him into the now steam-filled bathroom.

  The running shower got even the tiles slippery, so when Alexandra’s frame connected heavily with his it got Cane losing his balance as they both fell backwards into the open shower with her on top of him.

  They landed in a heap on the shower floor and Cane felt another stinging pinch in his side impact as they both hit the floor of the shower. Unable to hold off another bout of swearing, he quickly placed his hand over her mouth again and whispered in her ear through gritted teeth, “It’s me, Cane your fucking bodyguard! Now shut it, there’s an intruder outside – “

  He let out a muttered curse as she actually had the audacity to bite his flipping hand. But still he could feel her body go limp as she calmed down. Cane strained his ears to listen above all that falling water even as he suddenly became aware that Alexandra’s underwear had become transparent.

  He glanced down at her whole body stretched out atop him, and he could clearly see the shape and color of her areolas and the shadowy, plump patch beneath her panties. With all that water rushing down on them, they were both getting soaked to the skin and with her spine pressing into his chest and her ass against his groin, there was no way he could conceal
his erection. She had to feel that rigid stalk prodding her in the back and Cane swore to himself at his lack of self-control.

  The next moment, he heard one of the house security calling from the next room. Cane quickly yelled back that they were okay and that he was here with Alexandra.

  It was only then that Cane put Alexandra from him before helping them both to their feet. She snatched her hands from his immediately and stalked out of the slippery, steam filled bathroom as she quickly shrugged into a robe before the other guards could come in.

  Cane could hear Marcus enter the bedroom and Cane shook his head as Alexandra immediately began to rave about the crazy bodyguard who nearly had her killed and so on. Cane straightened only to feel the stitches beginning to open up further, so he leaned back against the wall and simply turned off the water. He could hear Alexandra going on and on in her rant about how she wanted Cane gone, and it was only when she finally took a breath that Marcus was able to inform her that someone had broken into the grounds but had got away, which cut off her swearing.

  Moments later, Marcus moved into the bathroom obviously checking where the heck Cane had vanished to. Marcus found Cane seated on the edge of the bathtub close to the shower, the floor wet. At the sight of Cane slightly hunched over with blood streaming down the sides of his soaked clothes, Marcus was stunned into silence just as Alexandra walked back in and then nearly went into a faint at the sight of the bloodied Cane. Marcus was already radioing for the other guards to come into the bedroom while he ran out of the bathroom to call the doctor.

  Cane wasn’t hurt, he was just really mad. Someone had broken in. How the fuck did that happen? He didn’t even feel the annoying twinge from the stitches in his side anymore, so he was surprised to see Alexandra walk in looking concerned but keeping mute.

  Deciding to ignore her, Cane started to take off his wet, bloody shirt. Once again she surprised him and without a word, she helped him out of it.


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