Splendor (Inevitable #2)

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Splendor (Inevitable #2) Page 7

by Nissenson, Janet

  “Wise move. I wouldn’t trust those two evil bitches for twenty seconds. And I know how fast office gossip can spread. My boss is a huge blabbermouth, I can’t tell him anything really confidential or it would be all over the place within five minutes.”

  Tessa paused before asking her next question. “What did you mean about Mr. Gregson? The part about him making an exception to his rule.”

  “You really have no idea?” Julia regarded her curiously. “Well, our Mr. Gregson would deny it, of course, being that he’s so prim and proper and always plays by the rules. But I’ve caught him more than a few times looking your way when you didn’t notice and – well, let’s just say I think he’d be very interested to know you’re going to be a single lady soon.”

  Tessa stared at Julia in shock, her mouth hanging open in surprise. Slowly, she shook her head. “You’ve got to be mistaken. Badly. Mr. Gregson barely even speaks to me. And he is definitely not attracted to me.”

  Julia took a sip of her coffee and grinned wickedly. “If you say so. But I’d be willing to bet he’d speak to you a whole lot more if he got wind of your impending divorce.”

  “Please don’t tell him,” pleaded Tessa. “Not just him but anyone in the office. I’ll tell them when the time is right but – well, it’s just hard for me to confide in people. And even harder to talk about something as painful as this.”

  “I get it. And I won’t say anything, even to Nathan. I swear, sometimes I think men are even worse gossips than women.”

  Tessa offered to split the check but Julia was adamant that this was her treat, plunking down a credit card casually.

  “Thank you, Julia. Not just for lunch but for letting me cry on your shoulder. Not literally, of course,” added Tessa with a little smile.

  “But pretty close, huh? It was my pleasure. Look, I want to give you my cell number, okay? And I really do want you to call me if you ever need to talk or want to hang out. We can go have coffee or get a drink or just take a long walk. Do you like yoga?”

  Tessa took the business card Julia handed her, the cell number written on the back. “I love yoga. I can’t really afford it, though, so I mostly look for places that offer free or demo classes. What about you?”

  “Yeah, it’s kind of my obsession. I go to class almost every day. You should come to my studio with me some weekend soon. My weekend teacher Sasha is awesome. She kicks my ass every single time I take her class. I can get you a complimentary pass if you’d like.”

  “I’d love that,” beamed Tessa. “I, um, don’t really have any girlfriends so I appreciate your offer to – you, know, hang out.”

  “Well, I don’t have very many myself,” confessed Julia. “So I’d really, really like to call you my friend. Okay?”

  Tessa felt just a little bit less lonely as she smiled at her new friend. “Okay.”

  Chapter Five


  Despite the fact that her abs were already quivering in protest, Tessa forced herself to do another set of crunches on top of the hundred she’d already completed. She was using the slant board today, which was always tougher for her than the fitness ball, and thus had to push herself hard to finish the grueling workout. Besides the core work, she’d done an hour of cardio, split between the stationary bike and the elliptical machine, then lifted weights, focusing today on her biceps and shoulders.

  She’d always liked to exercise in some form or another, even though her mother had never been able to afford the various fees and equipment involved in playing organized sports like soccer or softball. Not to mention the fact that she couldn’t be counted on to remember to actually pick Tessa up from practices or take her to games. From the time she had been a small girl, Tessa had more or less been responsible for getting herself to and from school, in addition to all of the other daily tasks she’d had to perform for herself.

  At least she’d had the good fortune to attend some highly rated public schools over the years, all of which had offered excellent physical education classes and facilities. P.E. had always been one of her favorite classes, perhaps because it was one that she excelled at, and didn’t feel far behind all the other students in class. Whether it was swimming, tennis, basketball, modern dance, or running, Tessa had looked forward to that class every day.

  She’d been thrilled to discover the small but well equipped employee fitness room here at the San Francisco offices. Back at the Gregson resort in Tucson, employees had been allowed use of the expansive fitness facilities, so long as it was during off-peak hours when the hotel guests weren’t availing themselves. Tessa was very disciplined about her workouts, rarely missing a day. Five days a week she exercised here at the office, always doing some sort of cardio – bike, elliptical, treadmill or stair climber – plus weight training and core work. She couldn’t afford to belong to an outside gym, so she was extremely thankful to have use of this room. On weekends, she scoured the Internet to find the free or demo yoga classes she’d told Julia about, and also took long walks and hikes around the city. Peter had often accompanied her on these excursions when he’d been in town, and Tessa figured they had explored nearly every trail or pathway in San Francisco.

  The thought of her soon-to-be ex-husband made her sad, as it always did these days. It had been over two months now since he’d left, and she was still miserable and lonely. She had to force herself not to contact him too often, to limit her emails to no more than twice a week. At first, Peter had always answered her promptly, telling her in detail about what he’d been doing, how he was settling in, and asking how she was adjusting. Lately, though, it was taking him just a bit longer each time to respond, and his replies were getting shorter and shorter. Tessa knew that this was Peter’s way of gradually cutting her loose, and nudging her to look after herself.

  She finished her crunches, now too wiped out to consider doing even one more, and reached for a towel to wipe the sweat off her face and neck. As she drank from her water bottle, Tessa fought off the guilt she always experienced when thinking of how much Peter had sacrificed for her sake over the years. If he hadn’t felt obligated to take care of her and make sure she was financially and emotionally stable, he would have likely traveled more than halfway around the globe by now. Instead, he had stayed in Arizona with her to finish his college degree and make sure she had the job training and experience she would need to one day support herself. By then they had just grown used to being together, and Tessa had been prepared to follow Peter anywhere he wanted to go in return for his protection. All the while, she’d known that what he really wanted was to travel freely wherever his whims might take him, following one story after another, and she had felt responsible for holding him back.

  She was happy for him – that he was finally getting to live his dream – and she was really trying hard not to resent him for it. She couldn’t be Peter’s responsibility any longer, the weight that dragged him down, and was determined to finally grow strong enough to stand on her own two feet and not depend on anyone else to take care of her. It was hard, the toughest thing she’d ever had to do in a life that had been filled with hardships, but she was getting through it a day at a time.

  The loneliness was the worst – the nights when she was all alone in her tiny apartment with no one to talk to or hang out with. Julia had been wonderful, calling several times a week to chat, and they’d met for coffee a few times already. But at present Julia was still recovering from a near-tragic assault she’d suffered at the hands of Nathan’s ex-fiancée. Tessa had wanted to drop by her new friend’s flat for a visit but hadn’t wanted to intrude, especially when Julia’s parents had arrived for a visit.

  And now Thanksgiving was only about ten days away, and she knew Julia was flying to Michigan to spend the holiday with Nathan’s family. Tessa hadn’t even begun to think about what she might do herself, since she’d always spent holidays with Peter. Last year they had gone to dinner at the home of one of his former co-workers at the news agency, but this year everything
was different. She would most likely be alone on Thanksgiving, just as she was every other day now.

  The punishing workouts she’d been putting herself through these past weeks had helped some – at the very least filling those empty hours after work so that she didn’t have to sit around her apartment longer than necessary. And all the exercise had helped make her legs even more toned, her abs tighter and more defined, her muscles leaner. Not that she cared very much about how she looked these days. After all, it wasn’t as though she had a man in her life, or any real desire to find one.

  Before meeting Peter, there had been a couple of boys in high school that she’d flirted with, and even made out with a little, though it had never gone any further. And then when things had gone to hell with her mother and her entire life changed overnight, there hadn’t been time for boys or any of the other pleasures girls her age normally enjoyed. Life quickly became about day to day survival and nothing more.

  Tessa knew she was considered pretty and had a good body, but she’d never been vain about her looks. Still, she was fairly certain she wouldn’t have a problem in meeting men and going on dates if she were so inclined. But her almost crippling shyness stood firmly in the way, and she wouldn’t have a clue on how or where to begin. She’d only been to a club, for example, once or twice when she and Peter had rather reluctantly been persuaded to go out with her co-workers. Gina, Alicia and Kevin had spent the better part of the evening getting completely plastered, and Peter had made her promise to never go out with them again, calling them a bad influence. Plus, from what she’d observed of the scene inside the clubs, Tessa highly doubted she’d ever want to try and meet men in a place like that.

  As usual, she’d had the fitness room pretty much to herself. One of the women from Accounting had been here when she’d arrived, walking on the treadmill, and then two geeky IT guys had stopped in to use the weight machines for a few minutes. The room had been empty for the last forty-five minutes, the only audible noise coming through the earbuds of her tiny iPod shuffle. Peter had bought the device for her in Japan for her last birthday, and had loaded a bunch of songs he knew she liked. It was one of her most cherished possessions, despite the fact it was really only worth about fifty dollars. Even now as she was cooling down before heading off to take a shower, she was tempted to sing and dance along with the throbbing beat of Bruno Mars’ Locked Out of Heaven.

  She had the volume of the iPod cranked up so loud that she didn’t hear the door to the fitness room open. It was only when she turned away from the water cooler that she realized someone else was in the room, and gulped in alarm when she saw who it was.

  Jason Baldwin was smiling at her in what he likely thought was a seductive manner, but to Tessa it more closely resembled a leer. Reluctantly, she turned off her iPod and removed the earbuds, all too aware of how close he was standing. A shiver of alarm traveled rapidly up her spine, and she instinctively took a step or two backward.

  But Jason wasn’t easily deterred and merely moved even closer, enough that she could smell the lingering scent of alcohol that clung to him. Tessa belatedly remembered that there had been some sort of cocktail reception on the schedule today, with most of the management team in attendance. In addition to the fitness room and showers, this floor held the employee lunch room, a few smaller conference rooms, and a large reception room complete with its own kitchen and bar that was used for entertaining clients.

  “Well, if I had known the most beautiful woman in the office was in here working out alone, I would have left that god-awful party a long time ago and joined you,” Jason told her in a deliberately seductive voice.

  Jason was also British, as were quite a few of the upper management team, but his accent had no effect on Tessa whatsoever – not in the least like Mr. Gregson’s smooth, cultured tones. The only effect it had was to give her the creeps, and make her very anxious to get out of this room as quickly as possible.

  Tessa tried to brush past him without being too obvious. “I’ve actually just finished, Mr. Baldwin. If you’ll excuse me, please.”

  He wrapped a restraining hand around her bare upper arm. “What’s the rush, honey? You’re always running away from me. Or else that damned guard dog Andrew is hovering somewhere in the background like he’s your nanny or something.”

  She attempted to pull her arm free but Jason’s grasp was unrelenting. “Please let me go, Mr. Baldwin. I – um, need to change clothes and then get home. My – husband will be expecting me.”

  But he refused to release his grip and instead raked her up and down with his heated gaze. She tried not to quiver in fear at the very obvious lust she saw in his eyes, and wished fervently that she hadn’t worn such skimpy workout attire – tiny gray terry gym shorts and a bright pink racerback tank that clung a little too closely to her breasts.

  “You don’t have to change on my account, Tessa,” he told her in a husky voice. “In fact, I’m very much enjoying the view. Mmm, someone’s been working out hard, haven’t they?”

  This time she couldn’t help the quiver of alarm that rippled through her entire body as Jason traced the beads of sweat that had gathered in the base of her throat down between her breasts. She gasped in outrage when his finger dipped into her cleavage before his thumb brushed over her nipple.

  “I’d like to get you even sweatier.” He bent forward to murmur in her ear. “I’ve wanted to fuck this gorgeous body of yours since the first time I saw you. Why don’t I join you in the shower and we can have ourselves a real good time?”

  Now Tessa was beginning to panic a little, and struggling to control her fear as she once again tried to break free. “Mr. Baldwin, this isn’t appropriate. Both of us are married and -”

  Jason interrupted her with a hoot of laughter. “I don’t give a damn about that, honey. All I care about is finally seeing this hot body of yours. Especially these nice big tits.”

  She cried out in alarm as his hand closed over her breast, squeezing it painfully. And then she gasped in shock as a larger, stronger hand clamped forcefully over Jason’s wrist.

  “Let go of her immediately, you fucking little bastard.”

  Tessa didn’t know whether to be greatly relieved or completely mortified at the sight and sound of an enraged Ian Gregson. He practically dwarfed the shorter and slighter Jason, and there was no question as to which man was more powerful – or more fearsome.

  She had never seen or heard him this angry before. His hazel eyes were flashing, his cheeks flushed red, and his sinfully full mouth a tight, narrow line. Tessa could see he was almost shaking with rage as he forcibly yanked Jason’s hand away from her breast.

  Jason’s fear was obvious but he foolishly still tried to make light of the situation. “Aw, come on, Ian old chap. I was just having a bit of fun with the girl. No harm done, just a little innocent flirting. Isn’t that right, Tessa?”

  Tessa was shaking so badly that she had to lean against a wall to steady herself. She felt the sheen of tears in her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip to keep it from quivering. Speech was not something she felt capable of, so she merely shook her head vehemently in protest.

  Ian’s hand tightened around Jason’s wrist until he yelped in protest. Even then Ian refused to release him, his voice icy cold and filled with barely restrained anger as he bit out, “Shut your foul mouth, Jason. I want to see you in my office at once. Get your sorry arse up there right away and wait for me.”

  “But – but Charlotte is expecting me,” protested Jason weakly. “We have an event to attend.”

  “Then you’d best call and let her know you’ve been unavoidably detained,” retorted Ian sharply. “And our conversation won’t take long. Now get out of here.”

  Jason rubbed his abused wrist as he exited, wisely not looking back on his way out.

  Ian turned to Tessa, his voice and facial expression taking a complete 360° turn as he did so.

  “Are you all right, Tessa?” he asked in the gentlest, most compassionate
manner she’d ever known him to exhibit.

  She was instantly enthralled by the tenderness in his gaze, the obvious concern in his voice, and nodded. “Yes, sir. He didn’t hurt me. I was just scared.”

  Ian grimaced. “Is this the first time he’s harassed you? And be honest, Tessa. That bastard doesn’t deserve to be defended.”

  Tessa hesitated for a few brief seconds before replying. “It’s – the first time he’s ever – well, put his hands on me that way, sir. But, no, it certainly isn’t the first time he’s said – um, inappropriate things.”

  “I surmised that.” The stormy look was back on his face but she knew it wasn’t directed at her. “Why didn’t you file a complaint about him with Human Resources?”

  She was startled at his question. “I never considered it, Mr. Gregson. I mean, he’s a manager. And part of your family. And I – well, I need my job, sir. I would never do anything to risk being dismissed.”

  He stared at her in mingled surprise and alarm. “Good Lord, why on earth would you think you’d be fired for something like that? Especially when it’s common knowledge that this isn’t the first time that weasel has done something like this.” Ian’s expression softened, and she was taken aback by the almost tender look on his face. “You’re my most valued employee other than Andrew, Tessa. I would never allow you to be dismissed just for speaking up for yourself. And I certainly won’t allow Jason Baldwin to put his stinking hands on you ever again, or utter one more inappropriate word. He’ll be taken care of swiftly, I assure you.”

  She found herself speechless at the fervor in Ian’s voice and the ferocity of his features. She had no idea what to say in response save for a hastily stammered, “Um, thank you, sir.”

  An awkward silence hung between them for several seconds, until Ian’s gaze flickered over her miniscule gym shorts and clingy workout top, and she cursed beneath her breath as she felt her nipples begin to peak. Whereas Jason’s amorous regard had made her skin crawl, her body evidently had no such problem with Ian Gregson looking at her in much the same way. Tessa just hoped he wouldn’t notice her rather obvious reaction to his proximity.


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