Splendor (Inevitable #2)

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Splendor (Inevitable #2) Page 10

by Nissenson, Janet

  Her good fortune, however, wasn’t to last for long. After dinner and dessert, the dancing started. No expense had been spared for this lavish party – from the open bar to the expensive wines to the beautifully prepared sit-down dinner – and that included the excellent seven-piece live band. They played a wide variety of music, from big band and standards to current pop and rock songs.

  Tessa loved to dance, often doing so around the apartment with the music blaring, and she missed having a partner of her own tonight. Kevin and Terence had each taken her for a spin on the dance floor, but mostly she had just remained sitting at the dinner table, wistfully watching all the other couples having fun. Alicia’s date Ross – who’d kept glancing Tessa’s way on numerous occasions this evening – had asked her to dance once, but Alicia had glared at her with such malice that Tessa had quickly mumbled some excuse and declined.

  She was alone at the table – everyone else either on the dance floor or at the bar – when someone sat down next to her. Tessa glanced up in alarm into the smirking face of Jason Baldwin, and immediately tensed up.

  He was also wearing a tuxedo, his dirty blond hair slicked back, and she supposed most women here tonight would find him extremely attractive. Tessa, however, couldn’t shake off the revulsion she felt at his unwanted presence.

  “Good evening, Tessa. You look smashing tonight, by the way.” His voice was low and deliberately husky, and each word out of his mouth made her skin crawl.

  When she refused to reply or even look at him, Jason persisted. “Where’s your husband tonight? I can’t imagine any man leaving someone as tempting as you are alone this way.” He leaned closer to murmur in her ear, “After all, another man might not be able to resist the temptation and try to steal you for himself.”

  Tessa subtly moved her chair over a couple of inches, desperate to escape from him but not willing to make a scene in front of this large group of people. “My – husband is out of the country working,” she stammered.

  It wasn’t precisely a lie. Peter was indeed working and currently in Egypt. And technically he was still her husband, at least for a short while longer until the divorce was final.

  Jason trailed his fingers up her bare arm, and she quickly jerked it away. He made a low, snarling noise at this obvious display of her revulsion. “So, no one here to protect precious Tessa this evening then, hmm? Your husband has foolishly left a prize like you alone, while your avenging hero Ian is occupied with his current fuck buddy. He’s smart, I’ll give him credit for that, and with the patience of a fucking saint. But he doesn’t fool me one bit. His shipping me off to that bloody hotel wasn’t just a punishment for breaking his little rules – it’s because he wants to fuck you himself.”

  “What?” Tessa’s head jerked swiftly back in Jason’s direction, not at all certain she’d heard him correctly or believed a word he said.

  Jason chuckled. “Ah, got your interest now, do I? I suppose you’re attracted to him, aren’t you? Most women are with his sort of money and power. But you’re way out of your league with him, little girl. A man like Ian would take what he wanted from you and then move on to the next woman without missing a beat. Trust me, you’d be much better off with me. I’d hang onto a prize like you for a long time.”

  Tessa’s anger was slowly beginning to overtake her fear. “And what would your wife have to say about that?” she snapped.

  He looked at her in amusement. “Ah, so the sweet little kitten does have claws after all. I’d love to make you purr, little kitten. But don’t worry about my wife – she tends to turn a blind eye to my little – er, friendships.”

  Tessa shook her head in disgust. “That’s horrible. And I’m not interested in being your friend. Or ever speaking to you again for that matter.”

  His good humor faded rapidly, his fingers clamping viciously around her upper arm. “Someone is getting very brave, isn’t she? But your would-be knight in shining armor wouldn’t dare sweep in to save you tonight – he won’t show his hand in front of all these people and especially to his very charming companion. So I’d advise you to be a little nicer to me, kitten.”

  “Or what?” she challenged defiantly. “You wouldn’t dare try anything in front of all these people, either – including your wife.”

  Jason’s handsome face contorted into an ugly, snarling mask. “You little bitch. It’s all your fault that I’m stuck down in fucking Scotts Valley. Do you know I have well over an hour’s drive each way every day? You’ll pay for that one of these days, Tessa, and pay dearly.”

  She jerked her arm away. “Go to hell. And leave me alone. I’m not interested in you, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself, being a married man.”

  “You’re damned lucky there’s so many people here tonight,” hissed Jason. “Otherwise I’d be teaching you that lesson you need to learn so badly.”

  “It sounds like you’re the one who hasn’t learned his lesson, Jason. Perhaps Mr. Gregson ought to ship you to another continent next time.”

  Tessa whirled around at the sound of the familiar – and very, very welcome – voice of Andrew. He was standing behind her chair and glaring icily down at Jason.

  Jason grimaced. “I was wondering when Tessa’s guard dog would show up. Your boss send you over here to do his dirty work for him again?”

  Andrew’s mouth tightened grimly as he and Jason continued to glare at each other. “That’s none of your business, Jason. And neither is Tessa. In fact, she’s promised me a dance that I’ve come to collect on. Oh, and I believe Mrs. Baldwin is looking for you so you’d best run along back to your own table. Tessa – if I may?”

  Tessa surged to her feet and gratefully placed her hand on Andrew’s proffered arm. Without a backwards glance, she allowed him to guide her onto the dance floor. A slow song was playing as Andrew held her lightly at a casual distance from him.

  “Thank you,” she told him in a meek voice. “I – he was saying -”

  “I can imagine what he was saying, Tessa,” stated Andrew rather matter-of-factly. “You’re not the first female employee he’s harassed, after all. Jason Baldwin is a menace and no one was happier than I was when Mr. Gregson kicked him out of headquarters.”

  Tessa attempted to lighten the mood by joking, “Maybe we should have had a farewell party for him – without his being in attendance, of course.”

  Andrew never laughed, and really didn’t smile, either, but she was certain she saw the corner of his mouth tilt up slightly. “That’s the general idea, yes. Your husband wasn’t able to attend this evening?”

  Tessa was a bit taken aback by this abrupt change of topic, and hesitated before replying. She figured that since she had told her co-workers the truth about her marriage that she owed Andrew the same consideration. “Peter and I – aren’t together any longer, Andrew. Our divorce will be final in a few weeks.”

  She didn’t think she’d ever seen Andrew shocked – or speechless – but apparently her news had had that precise effect. It took him a little while before he told her in an oddly gentle voice. “I’m so sorry, Tessa. When did this happen?”

  “September. I – I haven’t said anything until very recently. The only ones in the office who know are the rest of the team. I just – couldn’t’ -” her voice lapsed off weakly.

  “You just don’t believe in broadcasting all the details of your personal life around the office,” finished Andrew in his usual brisk manner. “And I’ve always appreciated that, Tessa. But you should have told us sooner. I’m sure you could have used the moral support.”

  She gave him a small smile. “I suppose I’ve just grown used to depending on myself. Well, and Peter, of course, but now it’s just me.”

  Andrew frowned. “We’ve never really discussed this sort of thing, but where’s your family? Aren’t they around to help you through this?”

  Tessa shook her head. “There’s no one. My mother died when I was still a teenager. Peter was all I had and now he’s left, too.”

nbsp; Andrew looked dumbfounded and stumbled a bit, stepping on her toe. “Sorry,” he murmured as she uttered a low yelp of pain. “I’m not a very good dancer, I’m afraid. Thank God this is a slow number.”

  “It’s okay,” she assured him. “You can step on my toes for the rest of the evening if it means I don’t have to see Jason again.”

  “Yes, well, not to worry. I think he’s got the message loud and clear. Mr. Gregson was adamant that I get you away from him, and assured me he’d make certain Jason stays away after that.”

  Now it was Tessa’s turn to be startled. “Mr. Gregson sent you after me? Has – is that why you’ve always seemed to be nearby whenever Jason was bothering me?”

  Andrew shrugged. “Mr. Gregson didn’t want a repeat of what happened with Sarah to occur with any more employees. So, yes, I was asked to keep a discreet eye on him. As for this evening – well, Mrs. Baldwin is in attendance as are Mr. Gregson’s parents. He wanted to make sure there wasn’t any sort of potentially ugly scene.”

  “Oh. Of course.”

  Tessa tried to mask the disappointment she felt at this revelation. Somehow, she’d assumed that Ian had sent Andrew to rescue her because he was worried about her personally. But of course it made all the sense in the world that his real concern was for his family, and to make sure they weren’t embarrassed or upset with Jason’s very blatant flirting.

  The song ended at that moment and Tessa took a step backwards as Andrew released her. “Thank you for the dance, Andrew. I hope your girlfriend doesn’t mind.”

  He made a dismissive motion with his hand as he escorted her back to the table. “Not to worry. Even if Isobel was here tonight, she wouldn’t care. But she despises these sort of events so I’m usually here alone.”

  “She’s an artist, isn’t she?” Tessa had only met Andrew’s long-time girlfriend once, when she’d run into the couple at a coffee shop near the office. She had been startled to meet the pierced and tattooed Isobel with her purple-streaked hair and funky clothes, never in her wildest imagination having pictured the straight-laced Andrew with someone like her.

  “Yes, she’s a sculptor. And when the inspiration hits, she can work for hours and hours at a time. When I left tonight she’d been at it since noon, and will probably keep on working until three or four in the morning.” He shook his head in mild disgust.

  “My mother was like that, except she could literally go for two or three days at a time without any sleep.”

  Tessa wasn’t sure who was more shocked at the words that had just slipped so unthinkingly out of her mouth – herself or Andrew. She never talked about her mother, except perhaps to Peter and then only sparingly. It had just seemed like the most natural thing in the world, sharing confidences with Andrew, and she had zero idea why.

  Andrew stood by her chair as they reached the table and regarded her curiously. “Your mother was an artist?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “A writer. At times a brilliant one but in later years she mostly wrote a bunch of gibberish.”

  When she didn’t offer up any additional information, Andrew tactfully changed the subject. “Well, thank you for the dance, Tessa. I see some of your tablemates starting to return, so I doubt Jason will bother you again tonight.”

  She smiled at him gratefully. “I’ll probably be leaving soon, anyway, it’s getting a little late. Thank you, Andrew. I’ll, um, see you on Monday.”

  He gave her a little nod. “Bright and early as usual. Good night, Tessa.”

  Kevin and Terence arrived back at the table mere seconds after Andrew left, with Kevin gaping in astonishment.

  “Were you really dancing with the Ice Man?” he asked in disbelief. “My God, I think I might have just witnessed one of the seven signs of the apocalypse.”

  Tessa smiled indulgently at his usual high drama. “He was just being nice. Though he could admittedly use a few dance lessons.”

  Kevin gave an eye roll. “And a personality transplant. Maybe surgery to remove that stick wedged up his ass, too. At least he looks halfway decent in that tux and he actually bothered to style his hair tonight.”

  “So what you’re saying is that there’s hope for him?” teased Tessa.

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” sniffed Kevin. “Ooh, here’s the girls. I’m dying to hear what they’ve got planned for the rest of the evening. You have to go with us, Tessa.”

  “Go where?” she asked in confusion.

  As Gina, Alicia and Shelby returned to the table with their dates, they were chattering excitedly about the round of clubs they wanted to make after leaving the party. Marisol and her husband had left after dessert since their younger child was ill with a cold, and they felt obliged to get home and tend to her. Terence did not appear terribly thrilled at the idea of going clubbing with a group who were all a dozen or more years his junior but Kevin was doing his best to sweet talk him into it.

  Tessa, meanwhile, was trying desperately to think up a valid excuse for not joining them. Not only did the thought of drinking heavily and dancing with a bunch of groping strangers repel her, but she simply didn’t have the money to pay for cover charges and drinks. The cash tucked away in her clutch would barely cover her cab fare home, but she was too proud to admit this to her co-workers. Instead, she decided to play the sympathy card.

  “I’m sorry, it sounds like a lot of fun, but – well, I’m just not ready for all that,” she confessed almost tearfully. “It’s still too soon after my breakup with Peter, you know? You guys understand, right?”

  Kevin put his arm around her shoulders. “Oh, honey, of course we do. God, we don’t mean to be insensitive.”

  “You’re sure, Tessa?” asked Gina. “Maybe it might get your mind off things if you joined us.”

  “You can ride with Alicia and me,” offered Ross. “We’ll even drop you off at your place afterwards.”

  Alicia gave him a not so subtle look of displeasure before smiling at Tessa with an almost sickly sweet expression. “Sure, we could do that. It’ll be fun, Tessa.”

  Tessa shook her head, standing as she picked up her clutch. “Thank you all for thinking of me, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t be much fun. You guys go have a great time and I’ll see you all on Monday. Don’t get too crazy, okay?”

  Kevin gave her a hug goodbye, and this time she did have to turn her head away, for his potent cologne was now mingled with the strong scent of vodka. “You want one of us to walk you out?”

  “No, thanks. I’ll be fine. I’m sure there are plenty of cabs right outside the front entry.” She smiled and waved good night to everyone at the table before exiting the ballroom.

  Tessa was waiting for the attendee to retrieve her coat when she heard an achingly familiar voice from just behind her.

  “You’re leaving already, Tessa?” asked Ian Gregson in his deep, crisp British accent.

  She whirled to face him, her heart thudding rapidly when she realized he was standing mere inches from her. “Yes, sir. I, um, the others are going to head out to some clubs and I wasn’t really in the mood to join them, so I figured I would just go home.”

  Ian frowned. “A wise move. Some of your co-workers have been drinking a bit too much this evening so I’m relieved to see that you’re being sensible at least.”

  “Here’s your coat, miss.”

  Tessa turned but before she could take the coat Ian had already done so and was holding it open for her.

  “Allow me.”

  She was torn between being embarrassed at how old and worn her coat was, and enjoying the little thrill that traveled up her spine at his gallantry. She closed her eyes briefly at the feel of his big, powerful hands glancing over her arms and shoulders as he helped her into the coat.

  “Thank you, Mr. Gregson,” she murmured, turning to face him once again but keeping her gaze downcast this time.

  “Your husband wasn’t able to attend this evening?” he inquired politely.

  Tessa paused yet again this evening at the mention
of Peter. But, after finally telling her co-workers and supervisor the truth, she couldn’t in all good conscience not be honest with her boss at this moment.

  “Um, no. That is – my husband and I – we aren’t together, sir. We’re in the process of getting a divorce.”

  She didn’t know who was more shocked – Ian at her announcement or herself at his reaction to the news. He was staring at her in obvious disbelief, and Tessa could swear his tanned skin had paled a shade or two.

  “Divorce.” His voice was barely above a whisper. “You’re – you’re getting a divorce.”

  Tessa frowned, completely perplexed by his odd behavior. “Yes, sir. We, um, separated in September but the divorce will be final next month.”

  “Christ.” He ran a hand over his face, giving his head a shake as if to clear his thoughts. “I’m so sorry, Tessa. I had no idea or I certainly wouldn’t have been so rude as to ask about your husband.”

  “No, it’s fine,” she assured him. “I didn’t tell anyone at the office until very recently. Andrew just found out tonight himself.”

  “Ah, well that would explain things.” He gave her an assessing look. “Are you all right, Tessa? Especially considering the unexpected encounter with Jason this evening. I’m very sorry you had to be subjected to his appalling behavior yet again.”

  “I’m okay, thank you. Andrew came to the rescue again. It seems that one or the other of you is always there to make sure Jason doesn’t bother me.”

  Ian smiled. “Yes, well, that’s the plan after all.”

  Tessa felt her knees grow weak at the force of his dazzling smile. She couldn’t ever remember him smiling at her in quite this way before. She could feel the awareness that flared up between them like an electrical surge, and very nearly had to put her hand against the wall to support her suddenly wobbly legs.

  “Well, thank you, sir. For watching out for me and all, that is. I’d better be on my way now. Good night.”


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