Splendor (Inevitable #2)

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Splendor (Inevitable #2) Page 43

by Nissenson, Janet

  She nodded, her eyes lowering to the huge bulge of his erection against his trousers. “Is it – will this be private enough? I would be – mortified if your parents heard me, you know - ”

  He laughed wickedly. “Moan? Pant? Make all those wild noises you love to do when you’re aroused? Well, you might want to tone it down a bit, but I don’t think they’ll hear us in here. Of course, if you really want to make sure, I’ve got a solution.”

  Her head fell back against one of the walls as he deftly unhooked her bra, his hands cupping her bare breasts. “Ah, oh. What – what’s that?”

  As Ian bent his head and began to lick her right nipple, he grabbed one of her silk scarves from the rack and dangled it in front of her. “I would be very happy to gag you.”

  As he moved his attention to the other breast, she let out a long, low moan and panted. “Um, maybe that’s not such a bad idea.”


  “You’re sure I look all right? I would be so upset if I embarrassed Ian tonight.”

  Tessa looked at herself critically in the full length mirror for perhaps the fourth or fifth time, worrying that the gown was too over the top, or that her heels were too high, or her hair not quite right.

  “You look absolutely perfect, dear. Stunning, in fact. You and Ian will definitely be the handsomest couple there tonight by far. Turn around once more.”

  Tessa obeyed Joanna’s instructions and did a slow, 3600 turn. The two women had commandeered the master bedroom and bath to get ready for the symphony ball, banishing Ian to use one of the spare bedroom suites. At Joanna’s prodding, they’d had lunch earlier today at Neiman Marcus followed by a mani-pedi and a blowout at the in-store beauty salon. Tessa had initially resisted the idea, insisting she could easily do her own nails and hair for this evening.

  Joanna had regarded her curiously. “Why on earth would you want to do that, dear? In case you weren’t already aware, my son can definitely afford to pay for a few spa services for you.”

  Tessa had shrugged, always uncomfortable when the subject of money came up. “I know he+ can. But I don’t like to take advantage, especially since I don’t have an official job, or bring in any income. And, well, you’ve seen how much he’s already done for me. I don’t like feeling like a useless, frivolous girlfriend.”

  “Well, now you’re just being silly,” Joanna had declared. “Trust me, dear, Ian adores taking care of you. And after what you’ve told me about your childhood – all the sad things that happened to you – well, you can begin to understand why he’d want to do that.”

  “I do, yes. But he doesn’t have to keep trying to make it up to me. Especially not with things. If I’m being truthful, I have to say there are times I wish he was – oh, I don’t know – let’s say a truck driver, and that we lived on a houseboat. That way he’d know for certain that it’s him I love and not these – things.”

  Joanna had given her a gentle hug and patted her on the shoulder. “My dear girl, don’t you think he already knows that? Besides, it would have to be an awfully big houseboat – he’s not a small man, is he?”

  After they’d shared a little laugh, Joanna had told her earnestly, “Let the man indulge you, all right? It obviously makes him very, very happy to do so and I’ve never see my son like this before. And don’t forget, Tessa, that it goes both ways. I see all the little ways you take care of him, and it does my heart good to know how much you adore him. God bless you, dear, for loving my boy so well.”

  Tessa had given in graciously after that and allowed herself to enjoy the bit of pampering she so seldom let herself indulge in. She knew it drove Ian a little crazy whenever he noticed her doing her own nails, or when she insisted she didn’t need another new dress for an event and could wear something already in her closet. Joanna had given her a bit of a lecture on that subject as well.

  “Ian’s quite right,” she’d said bluntly. “He’s a very important man, Tessa, and like all of the family he gets a lot of coverage in the media. If you’re going to be seen out with him, you really must dress the part, top to bottom. You have some lovely pieces in your wardrobe but that’s truly only about half the number of things you really need.”

  With Ian’s fervent blessing, Joanna had done her damndest over the past week to start filling in what she deemed the gaps in Tessa’s wardrobe. Tessa was worn out from so many days of shopping with her, but at the same time she’d been grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Ian’s mother and get to know her a little. She felt infinitely more comfortable around her now than she had at their first meeting.

  Even though Marlene Brennan had selected an even dozen gowns for her to try on, Tessa had known immediately which one she wanted. Another Marchesa – she admittedly loved the elegance of the designer’s brand – this one a sumptuous ball gown of sapphire blue tulle, the strapless bodice lavishly embroidered with gold beads, crystals and sequins. It had fit like a glove, not requiring even the slightest alteration, and both Marlene and Joanna had oohed and aahed when she had tried it on.

  Metallic gold Jimmy Choo sandals, plus the sapphire pendant and earrings Ian had given her on their first date completed the outfit. Her blonde hair had been swept into an elegant French twist, and she’d kept her makeup minimal, going for class rather than flash.

  “You look like a young Grace Kelly,” Joanne told her with a satisfied smile. “Beautiful, elegant and classy. Blue is definitely your color, my dear, and that dress is fabulous. I only wish I was thirty years younger and several inches taller so that I could borrow it sometime.”

  Tessa smiled at the thought of trading clothes with Ian’s mother, admiring Joanna’s own gown of pale mocha silk, with its draped neckline and elbow length lace sleeves. “You always look lovely, and like it’s effortless to do so. Have you always liked beautiful clothes?”

  Joanna made a rather undignified sound. “Good heavens, no. I grew up with three very rowdy brothers, my dear, and was determined to tag along everywhere with them. My poor mother would nearly tear her hair out when it came time for us to attend an event, for I would usually refuse to even consider wearing a dress. So, the answer is a most emphatic no – I was quite a tomboy until I went to university.”

  Tess tried in vain to picture the elegant, refined woman standing in front of her looking anything but perfectly put together. “What changed?”

  Joanna winked. “I met Edward and was instantly attracted. And I could tell right away he came from money – a great deal of it – so I knew I’d need to change my image very quickly if I wanted to keep his attention. My mother actually wept with joy when I begged her to take me shopping and have my hair done.”

  Tessa was still laughing at the story when she and Joanna descended the staircase to the foyer, where Ian and Edward were waiting for them. Both men were wearing tuxedos – Ian in his custom made Brioni – and her pulse rate picked up considerably when she saw how magnificent he looked. And then she saw the way he was staring at her, his eyes raking over her body, not missing one single detail, and she felt a different sort of thrill.

  Ian kissed his mother’s cheek as she reached the landing, mouthing a silent “thank you” before handing her off to Edward. He didn’t wait for Tessa to descend the final few stairs, meeting her halfway as his arm curled about her waist, crushing her against him.

  He murmured “Hello, beautiful,” just before taking her mouth in the sort of deeply passionate kiss that one normally would not want one’s parents to witness. Tessa made a feeble attempt to break away, but his arm was like an iron band around her, holding her firmly in place as he kissed her thoroughly.

  It was only the sound of Edward rather loudly clearing his throat that made Ian finally lift his head with an impatient sigh.

  “Ian, my boy, if you thought the girl looked ravishing all you had to do was tell her so,” admonished Edward sternly. “Your mother and I didn’t need to, er, share an intimate moment with you.”

  “Speak for yourself,” chided Joanna te
asingly. “I don’t blame Ian for getting a bit carried away. Tessa looks – breathtaking, there’s really no other way to describe her.”

  “I can think of several,” Ian declared. “Gorgeous, stunning, just like Cinderella. She is simply – splendid.”

  Tessa’s eyes got misty as he whispered the last word to her, the exact same one she’d once used to describe him. But as soon as Joanna saw the shimmer of tears, she clucked in disapproval.

  “Ah, no tears, Tessa. You’ll ruin your eye makeup. And thanks to my very amorous son, your lip gloss is already mussed. You’ll need to fix it in the limo, dear.”

  But as Ian escorted her out the front door and into the waiting limo he’d hired for the night, he whispered to her in a wicked voice. “I’ve got a feeling you’ll be reapplying that lip gloss all night long, love.”

  The benefit ball for the symphony was being held in the grand ballroom of the Gregson Hotel, the same venue where the office Christmas party had taken place. Tessa was both thrilled and terrified at what was really her first major appearance out in public with Ian. They had been out numerous times together, of course, to dinner and shopping, the gym, and even to a few business dinners. But Ian had very intentionally been declining a number of invitations to events like tonight’s ball, wanting to give Tessa some time to get used to his lifestyle, and also somewhat selfishly desiring to keep her to himself for as long as possible.

  Tonight, though, it would have been nearly impossible for him not to make an appearance. The ball was being held in the hotel he owned, he was a known patron of the symphony, and his parents were old friends of the conductor. So it had been decided that this would be Tessa’s unofficial introduction into San Francisco society, and she was extremely grateful she’d had both Joanna and Marlene to give her the sort of advice she would need to successfully navigate her way through the evening.

  Ian remained glued to her side from the moment they arrived, and seemed more than content to let everyone else in the room come to them, rather than seek others out directly. He kept an arm wrapped possessively around her waist, his fingers splayed over her hipbone, silently sending out the message that she was most definitely his woman. Tessa sipped expensive champagne, smiled politely until her jaw ached, and instantly forgot the name of every person she was introduced to.

  “How do you do it?” she murmured to Ian in a dumbfounded voice. “I don’t remember the name of the last person we just met, much less the first one.”

  He laughed softly, pressing a kiss to her temple, ignoring the flash of the photographer’s camera that captured the image. “Practice, my love. Years and years of practice. You’ll learn soon enough, especially as you tend to see the same group of people at most of these events. Speaking of which.” His hand gripped her hipbone just a bit tighter. “I was hoping to avoid them, blast it, but unfortunately Alicia’s parents are making a beeline for us. It had to happen sometime, darling, so it may as well be now.”

  Even if Ian hadn’t told her who they were, Tessa would have recognized Alicia’s mother instantly, for the two women bore a very strong resemblance to the other. Claire Spencer had the same pale blonde hair, slender build and fake smile that her daughter did, her voice sickeningly sweet as she greeted Ian. Claire’s smile seemed to freeze in place when he introduced Tessa, especially when she spied the possessive manner in which he was holding her close to his side. Still, good manners insisted that she take Tessa’s proffered hand and give it a brief, polite shake.

  Alicia’s father – Bradley – was considerably friendlier, and Tessa wondered if the rather obvious scent of bourbon on his breath had anything to do with that. He took Tessa’s hand in a very firm grip, even bringing it to his lips. Tessa had to suppress a shudder at the feel of his cold, clammy lips on her skin and she drew her hand away as quickly as possible.

  “So you’re the pretty young thing we saw Ian with at dinner that night,” teased Bradley in a booming, jovial voice. He was an attractive man – or had been before age and too much booze had given him a paunch and the sort of florid complexion that came from overindulging. “I was all set to come over and introduce ourselves but Claire here thought you looked a bit – er, occupied.”

  Ian’s fingers bit into Tessa’s waist, betraying his annoyance. “Well, I appreciate your consideration, both of you. And you’re quite right – Tessa and I were rather intent on having our privacy that evening.”

  He diplomatically excused them after a few more minutes of polite chit chat, murmuring in Tessa’s ear as they walked away, “Now you can see why I prefer to avoid them at these sort of events. That fat bastard Bradley never took his eyes off your breasts the entire time. Rather revolting, considering his own daughter is several years older than you.”

  This time Tessa didn’t even try to suppress a shudder. “Revolting is the word for it, all right. Ugh, he reminds me of one of those fish with the huge lips. What are they called?”

  Ian burst out laughing, not caring a whit that he instantly drew the attention of a dozen or more couples in the area. “I believe the species you’re thinking of is a grouper. And yes, I do see a vague resemblance now that you mention it. But if he dares to kiss your hand again, I’ll very happily shove my fist into those fish lips of his.”

  She grinned, resting her head on his shoulder as he plucked two more champagne flutes off a passing waiter’s try. “I wonder how long it will take Claire to spread the news about me to Alicia. She’s probably texting her as we speak.”

  Ian’s hand slid to her bare shoulder, giving it a squeeze as he murmured, “Actually, darling, I’m afraid Alicia’s already figured it out for herself. Stay with me now, all right? The little witch wouldn’t dare say anything nasty in my presence.”

  But Tessa couldn’t prevent the cold fingers of dread that crept up her spine as she glanced up to meet the murderous glare of her former co-worker. Alicia’s normally pretty face was scrunched up into an angry, ugly expression, and if looks could kill, Tessa would have suffered a mortal wound by now.

  As he’d been doing all evening thus far, Ian didn’t go to Alicia and her date, but let them come to him. Tessa noted that Alicia had paled significantly, and was still staring at her with a shell-shocked expression.

  Ian quite deliberately chose to act as if there wasn’t the slightest thing unusual about Tessa being here this evening, and on his arm nonetheless. “Good evening, Alicia. A pleasure to see you as always. And of course, I’m sure you’re delighted to see Tessa again.”

  Alicia’s mouth opened but she seemed to have great difficulty in speaking as she stared at Tessa in disbelief, taking in her gown, her hair, the sapphires.

  Tessa, desperate to fill in the increasingly awkward silence, extended her hand to Alicia. “It’s good to see you, Alicia. How have you been?”

  Alicia stared at Tessa’s outstretched hand like it was a coiled snake. “How – why are you here?” Her voice was a hoarse whisper, barely audible.

  Ian swiftly interceded. “I would have thought that the answer to that was quite obvious, Alicia. Tessa is here with me this evening as my guest.”

  Alicia was almost shaking with suppressed rage. “You’re dating her?” she hissed. Her fists clenched as though she’d love nothing better than to pull Tessa’s hair out of its intricately arranged twist.

  Ian smiled, but it wasn’t a particularly pleasant expression. “Tessa and I are together, yes. In fact, she’s moved in with me.” Not waiting to see how Alicia reacted to that bombshell, Ian extended his hand to her date. “Hello, I believe we may have met at our office Christmas party. Ian Gregson – Alicia’s employer. Have you met Tessa before this evening?”

  While Alicia’s date Ross exchanged pleasantries with Ian, Tessa dared to glance up at Alicia and almost recoiled from the icy cold rage stamped on the other woman’s face. Tessa was very well aware of how long Alicia had plotted and schemed to one day attract Ian’s attention and date him herself. Tessa also knew that Alicia had never liked her, had overhe
ard the scathing comments and thinly veiled insults she’d made about her. She shuddered to imagine what horrible, nasty thoughts must be going through Alicia’s mind right about now.

  Fortunately, Ian was very well aware of the animosity being directed Tessa’s way and suavely steered her away to greet another couple. As they walked in the opposite direction of Alicia and Ross, Tessa released a long sigh of relief.

  Ian rubbed the back of her neck in his usual soothing manner. “All right there, love?”

  She grimaced. “Glad to have that over with, that’s for sure. But can you check my back for claw marks? And I’ve got a terrible chill all of a sudden – must be that case of frostbite I just caught.”

  He snickered and caressed the bare skin of her shoulder blades. “She was green with jealously, love. Not only are you ten times more beautiful than she is, but her own date couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Maybe I should have security check her bag for any sharp objects.”

  Tessa shook her head. “You know, I should have expected something like this to happen. I had that bad feeling I get sometimes when I have these premonitions. And of course it just happens to be a Wednesday.”

  “Darling, I’ve told you a dozen times. That’s just a coincidence. I refuse to believe that bad things haven’t happened on other days of the week. Or that good things haven’t happened occasionally on Wednesdays.”

  “Not very many,” she replied somewhat grudgingly. “And I still say it’s some sort of weird curse.”

  Tessa’s good humor was restored a couple of minutes later when they met up with Ian’s good friend Matthew Bennett and his wife Lindsey. Tessa had never met Lindsey before, but knew Matthew from the gym and liked him a lot. He was kind and friendly, and she found it hard to believe he was actually a billionaire, for he seemed like one of the most genuine, down to earth people she’d ever met. Not as classically handsome as Ian, Matthew was nonetheless a very attractive man – a little shorter and leaner than Ian, his light brown hair cut in a short, slightly spiky style. And though he wore his tuxedo well, he didn’t seem like the sort of man who liked wearing formal attire or even a suit. He also didn’t seem especially thrilled about attending this ball tonight, unlike his wife who appeared to be having a wonderful time.


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