Secret Energy (Shifters Book 2)

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Secret Energy (Shifters Book 2) Page 7

by Kat, Chris T.

  Peter keened when Robin squeezed his muscles around his cock, milking him. “Are your eyes open?”

  “What?” Robin asked.

  “Your eyes, are they open?”

  Robin drew in a sharp breath. Why was it so important? “No.”

  “I want you to open them,” Peter said, his voice soft yet firm in a way Robin responded to.

  Swallowing hard once, Robin lifted his head and also pushed back against Peter, lodging Peter’s cock even deeper in his ass.

  “Ah!” Robin gasped when Peter’s cock pulsed within him. “I-I can f-feel you. I m-mean, I can feel your pulse, I think.”

  “You’re very perceptive,” Peter said. “Now look.”

  Robin gazed around him. At first he merely recognized a mist surrounding them. The moonlight seemed to be muted, but the mist wasn’t accompanied by any kind of dampness Robin could smell. Still wondering what he was supposed to see, Robin jerked when Peter slid his hand through the mist, setting off a small, multicolored sparkling firework.

  “Energy lines,” Peter explained. “Look for yours. You should be able to see them. They might seem dull, hazed at the moment, but they are there.”

  Robin scrunched up his face in concentration, the irony not lost on him. Here he was, during his mating with a thick cock up his ass—the first time he’d ever allowed another man to breach him this intimately—and he tried to find traces of energy lines.

  Peter pulled almost all the way out, then pushed back in, hitting Robin’s prostate spot-on, ripping a pleasured yell from Robin’s throat.

  In the surrounding mist, Robin discovered a bright red flame sparking up to the ceiling of the cave once before it vanished in the thick haziness around them.

  “Sheesh!” Robin exclaimed.

  “Good, you saw that. Now search for the rest of them.”

  Now that he knew what to look for, they were easy to discover. “I see them but… it seems as if those lines belong to two different people. Wait! Is that us? I mean, are those yours and mine?”

  “Yes. Do you see the blue one trying to wind its way into the turquoise ones? That’s me, trying to establish our bond. You have to accept me—and yourself.”

  “I am accepting you!”

  “I know you are. But what about accepting yourself?” Peter asked.

  “I know how I am.”

  “That’s not the same as accepting yourself.”

  “You’re asking the impossible!” Heat spread through Robin, and not the good kind of heat.

  “Robin,” Peter sighed. “My beautiful, spirited angel. What is troubling you?”

  Robin blurted, “Other than wanting you to be in charge and take care of me, which in return converts me into a weakling? Nothing.”

  “I’m delighted by your honesty,” Peter replied. He shifted his weight slightly to one side while he circled his hips, sometimes brushing over Robin’s prostate and causing him to gasp in appreciation. “Do you think it’s possible for you to accept what you believe is a failure for just a few minutes so we can establish our bond?”

  After clearing his throat, Robin answered, “Maybe. Even though it’s….”


  “I was looking for a different word. Repetition is frowned upon, you know?”

  Peter chuckled, which moved his cock inside Robin in tiny up and down movements. Robin gasped and shuddered when the realization that this man lodged deep inside him wasn’t only his mate, but also someone kind and empathetic, someone Robin could have fun with despite the antiquated phrasings.

  Something deep inside Robin melted, and the thick blue line flared up once, then swooshed into the whirling net of turquoise lines, joining them. It wasn’t a one-way street, though; the turquoise lines reached out for the blue ones, merging and whirling together in a cascade of shades of turquoise and blue.

  Tears welled up in Robin’s eyes at the beauty around him. His heart hammered against his ribcage, and his whole being brimmed with emotions that, until now, he hadn’t experienced. It was as if he was filled with the emotions of two people at once.

  “Peter, I think… I think I can feel you. As if we’ve become one.”

  “I feel you too,” Peter replied, his voice barely above a whisper. “I never thought I would.”

  Robin didn’t ask for a clarification of Peter’s words. He knew some wolves searched forever for their mates. Some never found them. It was most likely the same for were-bears.

  Peter shifted behind him, resulting into a tap against Robin’s prostate, setting off a firework inside the web of energy lines and Robin’s body.

  Peter groaned and clasped Robin’s hips before he thrust in earnest. Each stroke rocked Robin forward until he hoisted himself on his hands to get more leverage to be able to keep his position.

  Peter’s thick cock glided in and out of him in a frenzied rhythm, each thrust nudging his prostate and sending hot surges of pleasure through his body. Wide-eyed, Robin stared at the gleaming energy lines around them, their whirling and entwining intensifying till Robin couldn’t tell one line apart from the other. Total unison, two halves completing each other to one.

  Robin keened, a primal sound echoing from the cave walls, sounding as if a whole clan howled its delight for the entire world to hear. Peter cried out, a long-drawn-out moan, while he clutched Robin’s hips, immobilizing him as his movements became erratic.

  The first spurt of Peter’s semen flooded Robin’s insides, coating his channel with warm liquid that seemed to spread out through Robin’s whole being.

  Peter kept moving inside him, releasing himself, gasping and chanting Robin’s name. Scorching heat coiled in Robin’s lower abdomen until their energy lines flared and illuminated the cave in a bright shimmering of blue and turquoise. Then his climax roared through him, scattering all conscious thought.

  When the real world came back into focus, Robin couldn’t look at the still glimmering energy lines, their brightness too much for his oversensitive system. Closing his eyes, he fell into an abyss of feelings, some strange and unknown, some familiar. Most prominently, he felt safe, so safe his heart seemed to burst with joy.

  Peter had stilled inside him and gently turned them over so they lay on their sides with Peter spooned around him.

  Exhausted, Robin asked, “Is this heaven?”

  “It is for me.”


  ROBIN DOZED off, content to be in Peter’s arms. After a while, Peter slipped from his body, resulting in an annoyed grumble from both.

  “Will I ever be able to move normally again?” Robin asked.

  “What?” Peter pushed himself up on an elbow, alarm audible in his voice, and flipped Robin onto his back. “Did I hurt you? I don’t see any traces of pain in your lines.”

  “You can see traces of pain in my energy lines?” Robin echoed. “No, wait, that was a stupid question. I should have figured that on my own. No, you didn’t hurt me. It’s more like a pleasant ache in my backside.”

  Peter traced a finger along Robin’s cheekbone. “Ah, yes, I understand. I shall be happy to reawaken the pleasant ache every time it begins to fade.”

  Despite his total exhaustion, Robin’s cock twitched. Peter’s smile changed into a full-fledged grin, giving him a youthful appearance. “It seems to me you like this idea.”

  “I do. Kiss me?”

  Peter climbed over Robin to sit astride his hips, then stroked his thumbs along Robin’s cheekbones. Gently, he pressed his lips to Robin’s. After the kiss, he smiled and asked, “Is that sufficient?”

  “Hmm, I’m not sure. You might have to repeat it.”

  “It will be my pleasure,” Peter said.

  He sucked Robin’s lower lip in his mouth, released it, and then flicked the tip of his tongue against Robin’s. Peter tasted sweet, like berries mingled with something else Robin couldn’t pinpoint.

  Robin mapped the muscles on Peter’s shoulders and upper arms while he twined his tongue around Peter’s. He was so lost in
the sensations that the color change in their energy lines didn’t register with him right away.

  Prying his mouth away from Peter’s, he pointed at the web around them. “Peter! What happened?”

  Peter looked at him with a dazed and uncomprehending expression. Sliding one hand from Peter’s shoulder to his cheek, Robin pushed Peter’s face away from him.

  “The energy lines? Yours were blue and mine turquoise. Now the lines are either mingled together or… or like there!” Robin pointed at a blue line languidly twirling next to Peter’s left shoulder. “Your energy line is interspersed with dots of my color. See? Oh, and there! It’s the other way around. What does that mean?”

  Peter blinked, lifted himself off Robin, and stood. He stared down at Robin, then tore his gaze away to his own hands. Peter spread his arms, the spider-like web stretching out, the turquoise shimmering while the blue pulsed slowly back and forth, as if feeding the turquoise.


  Robin rolled onto his knees, wincing slightly at the twinge in his butt. Slowly he got to his feet, unsure whether he was supposed to go to Peter or keep a safe distance. A light breeze that swept in through the hole in the cave startled Robin. His skin prickled and Robin wrapped his arms around his torso.

  Peter’s silence unnerved him. The content, safe feeling from earlier evaporated, leaving Robin anxious.

  He gasped when strong arms engulfed him, pushing his own arms away. Robin wound his arms around Peter’s waist, rubbed a cheek against Peter’s, and sighed.

  “I apologize for not paying attention to your need. I was distracted by your revelation. It shall not happen again.”

  Robin laid his head on Peter’s shoulder and, soothed by the rippling muscles underneath, said, “I might have mentioned this before, but you are a very odd guy.”

  “Your odd guy,” Peter said.

  “What’s the meaning of the changed energy lines? You looked shocked.”

  “I didn’t expect the rapid mingling of our colors because normally it takes a few days before the energy lines merge together. Our bond is strong, very strong.”

  “Uh, that’s cool, um, awesome, I mean.”

  “I would prefer it if you don’t tell anyone about the energy lines. Pure-blooded werewolves usually are incapable of detecting energy lines, and it might upset anyone else if you talk about them.”

  “But I’m pure-blooded.”

  “You are exceptional. Did you understand what I said? Please, don’t tell anyone about the existence of energy lines, do you understand?”

  “What? I’m not allowed to tell my brother all the juicy details of my mating session?” Robin teased.

  “No!” Peter’s voice rose.

  The grin slipped from Robin’s face at the urgency behind the one single word. “Okay, I won’t tell anyone. Promise.”

  “Thank you, my angel.”

  Robin lowered his head to suck Peter’s right nipple into his mouth. Licking around the areola until the nub stood erect, Robin said, “I expect a thorough explanation.” A heartbeat later, he added, “But not now. For now, I want you to hold me and see to it that I stop shivering.”

  Peter’s laugh reverberated through his chest, eliciting an answering grin from Robin. When Peter stopped laughing, he cupped Robin’s face in his hands, stroking his thumbs along Robin’s cheekbones, a gesture Robin found equally soothing and arousing.

  “Neither of us is equipped for another mating session. I’d advise you to shift to be better protected against the cold.”

  Robin froze, his mouth suddenly going dry. “I… I should probably confess that I sometimes don’t want to shift back into my human form. Usually it’s okay if another wolf keeps me company but since you’re not a pure wolf….”

  “Thank you for alerting me. I know of what you’re speaking. Rest assured you have nothing to fear since you’re with me.”

  “Because you’re that awesome?”

  Peter’s eyes twinkled as he gave Robin’s ass a squeeze. “Was there any doubt about it?”

  “No, not really.”

  “I’m your mate, Robin. You’re in no danger of losing yourself to your wolf nature as long as you’re with me. Trust me.”

  Trust Peter. He could do that.

  IN THE next few days, Robin and Peter mated several times, either in their human or animal forms. They didn’t talk much. When they were in their human forms, they were too busy with mating, and in their animal forms, the talks were one-sided, so Robin quickly gave up on them. They explored the forest, hunted small animals, and sometimes tussled around like two young puppies. Peter always won, of course, and Robin could tell he barely used a fraction of his strength in their play fights.

  Still, it was fun, especially when he outran Peter—an easy thing to do really—and waited for Peter to catch up with him. Robin hid under thick bushes and attacked Peter in his huge, dark bear form when he was close enough. Moments later, he was on his back, presenting his belly in submission and yipping. Most of these encounters ended with Peter guiding Robin back to the cave.

  What would anyone say if they saw a black bear and a much smaller white wolf walking next to each other, making moony eyes?

  Back in the cave, Peter was always the first to shift. Robin had gotten used to the slow shift by turning his back to it. As soon as Peter was done, he came to Robin, cradled him in his arms, rubbed his nose in the scruff of his neck, and carried him over to the mattress. There he demanded of Robin to shift. Immediately afterward, he claimed Robin as his. That mating session was always short but intense, leaving Robin aching for more thorough lovemaking later.

  Robin loved their happy bubble. There were no worries about pack members killing others; it was just him and Peter getting to know each other, at least getting to know each other on a primal level. Robin’s wolf was satisfied with what he knew, and Peter’s bear seemed content too. Peter always made sure to keep Robin close except for the times Robin played hide and seek.

  Whenever they left the cave, Peter went first, making sure it was safe for Robin to come out. With anyone else it would have been suffocating, patronizing, and Robin would have fought it. When Peter did it, though, it felt right and safe. Robin never asked once if he could go out first. Peter wanted him safe, and he wanted to feel protected, so there.

  At night, after their extensive mating sessions, they always shifted into their animal forms to keep warm. They vacated the mattress and lay down next to it with Robin nestled up against Peter’s huge form. With gratefulness, Robin registered what he’d believed to be solid rock on the ground was indeed packed earth. It still made for a hard lying area but was neither as cold nor as damp as he’d feared.

  Sometimes Peter turned on his side, pulled Robin as close as possible, and rested one big paw on Robin’s flank. Robin loved it when Peter curled his much larger frame around him, as if he was in a warm, cozy cocoon. But whatever position they chose to sleep in, it was all good for Robin, as long as he was close to Peter.

  He even got used to the blue and turquoise energy lines swirling around them. After a while they barely registered with him anymore. At first, he’d been freaked out because energy lines surrounded every tiny animal as well. Peter taught him how to ignore most of them, but he also explained how to read them.

  On the third day after their initial mating night, Robin and Peter were strolling through the forest when the disrupted energy line of a mouse caught Robin’s interest.

  He shifted back into his human form to ask Peter, “What’s up with the weird looking line of the mouse?”

  Peter shifted too, while Robin kept an eye on the small mammal. He assumed the mouse was injured, especially because it didn’t run away, but couldn’t pinpoint where. He’d never been good at discovering small animals’ injuries, and quite frankly, he hadn’t cared.

  “This is a severed lifeline,” Peter said after he’d shifted. He stood behind Robin, wrapped his arms around him, then pulled him against his body. “It will die soon.�

  “What? Can’t we help it? I probably could. I’m a healer. Not a very good one, but I bet it’ll do for a mouse. You saw what I did for Jay, right?”

  “Yes, I saw. You’re very powerful.”

  Robin pushed out of the embrace and approached the small gray mouse, which seemed too weak even to attempt to run away. Robin caught it, amazed at how still the mouse was although he could feel its heart thundering in its little chest.

  Robin concentrated to find the source of the disrupted energy line but couldn’t find any sign of an injury. “Peter? I think you’re wrong. I can’t detect an injury.”

  “It isn’t injured.”

  “But you just said it is,” Robin protested.

  “No, I explained the skewed energy line you saw. It is a severed one.”

  “But there has to be a reason for the disruption! I can help it!”

  “No, my angel, you can’t. Sometimes you have to accept nature’s decision. Nature decided this mouse would only have a short life span. Its life won’t be in vain. It’ll help feed some other animal. This is how it works, you know that,” Peter replied softly. He came up behind Robin and slung one arm around Robin’s waist.

  “Nature sucks.”

  Peter brushed strands of hair from Robin’s face before he kissed him. Robin leaned into the touch, his eyes fluttering shut. He opened them when Peter said, “I know you’re displeased about this fact. The ability to see and read the energy lines around us is a gift. You’re special because only hybrids are usually capable of detecting these lines. It allows them to access some situations in a superior way.”

  “Superior way?” Robin snorted. “I don’t feel superior.”

  Peter tucked a stray lock behind Robin’s left ear. “I don’t know how to explain it better. Seeing and reading energy lines can give you an advantage in certain situations. You might be able to see the real intentions of an opponent, which might give you the chance to survive.”


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