The Awakening of Alexandria

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The Awakening of Alexandria Page 11

by Mariella Starr

  Soon they were making love in the heat of the water and the pulsing jets. Nicholas lifted Alexandria, positioning her hands on the metal clasp bars and bent her over slightly. His hand slid between her legs and he began to work her clitoris. Then with his other hand, he pushed one finger into her bottom. He could feel her resistance but he kept working that finger while giving her pleasure with his hand. After her first orgasm, he positioned himself behind her and pushed his penis into her bottom, pushing gently, gently, listening as she gasped with each additional inch. God, she was so tight, so gloriously fitted around him.

  She moaned and gasped as the circular sphincter muscles stimulated the nerves of her vagina.

  Nicholas began to rock, continuing to stimulate her clitoris, and then began to pump harder and deeper. It was agony trying to time his coming with her orgasm, but when her muscles spasmed out of control, she took him. Alexandria’s screams echoed throughout the pool area.

  Standing under the showerheads, Nicholas supported most of Alexandria weight. She was limp and unsteady. He pushed her back against the tiles and feasted on her breasts and moved downward.

  Allie moaned. “I don’t think I can take any more,”

  “There is always more,” Nicholas growled and he picked her up carried her into the dressing room. He laid her back on a padded dressing bench, pushed her knees up and out, and devoured her again and again. Then, he reversed positions and he lay back and guided her down on him, impaling her with his rigid cock until she finally was able to take his full length and then she took control and rode him until there was no more.

  Nicholas dropped Alexandria onto her bed and crawled in beside her. “I feel like I’ve been beaten,” he moaned.

  Allie curled up beside him and bit him on ear. “Now I know why women think Greek men are Gods!”

  “Ha! I am not a God. I am a broken and exhausted man, and you are the shameless love goddess that has did this to me! How I love you, woman!”

  Chapter 12

  Allie stood on the scale as the doctor tapped and adjusted, tapped and adjusted, and finally the needle stopped. She looked over her shoulder at Nicholas who was hovering over her.

  His smile was pure satisfaction. “One hundred and two pounds! You have done it! You have gained seventeen pounds. Aren’t you proud of yourself?”

  Allie grinned. “Finally, you can get off my case,” she exclaimed.

  Nicholas grinned. “I will never get off your case,” he teased. “Your case belongs to me. We should celebrate.”

  “I have a better idea,” Allie said. “You should crew on Macland’s boat for the yacht race or that regatta thing he’s been talking about.”

  “What do you know about races?” Nicholas teased.

  “Absolutely nothing except that Macland keeps after you to do it, and I think you want to do it. Regina has asked me to have a girl’s day out with her. I’m not sure what that is exactly, but I’m willing to try it. She says it’s shopping, and doing girl stuff. We could go into the city. Regina and I could do what she wants while you and Macland do the race.”

  Nicholas considered it. “Do you really want to spend a whole day with Regina? She can be a bit of a spoiled princess.”

  Allie nodded. “I know, but I still like her. She can also be a wonderfully kind person. Do you ever notice that she can’t walk by anyone in need without dropping money into their hands? Besides, I want to shop for some shoes.”

  “Not hoyden shoes,” Nicholas growled.

  “Girly shoes,” Allie promised. “I’m also hoping to find a place that sells negative sizes.”

  Several days later, the girls waved the men off at the marina and headed for Regina’s convertible.

  “This is going to be so much fun!” Regina exclaimed. “What do you want shop for first?”

  “First, I have to go to the bank on this street,” Allie said handing her a card with an address on it. “I’ve opened an account there and I transferred some money into it. I have to go by there and sign some papers, and pick up a Visa card and some euros.

  “Nicholas has already given me some cash for you,” Regina said.

  Allie paused for a second. “Give it back to him. I don’t need Nicholas to buy things for me. I’ll use my own money.”

  “Okay,” Regina giggled. “He’s your saber-toothed tiger.”


  Nicholas and Macland entered the lobby of the hotel in a happy mood. They hadn’t won the race, but it had been a good day on the sea. The manager intercepted them wringing his hands in annoyance.

  “Mr. Dyonysus, Mr. Bassinger, you must come. You must get them out. They are creating a disturbance.”

  “Who’s making a disturbance?” Macland asked.

  “Your lady friends,” the manager said indicating the bar lounge.

  The two men went to the lounge and immediately heard loud giggling and laughter. Several swear words immediately identified Allie. A scream of laughter identified, Regina. They took in the scene, three empty wine bottles, and a pyramid of mixed-drink glasses - two decidedly drunk women.

  “They’re shit-faced!” Macland said with a grin.

  “I think that describes it perfectly,” Nicholas said. “Alexandria!

  “Nich-o-las!” Allie squealed loudly. “I have decided that I like being a girl! I bought you a present today!”

  “I am glad of that and I will see your present later,” Nicholas promised. “Come, Alexandria, you need go to our room.”

  “Good, then you can play dress-up for me,” Allie gushed as Nicholas pulled her to her feet, on which she swayed immediately. “Nich-o-las! Tell the room to stand still!”

  “I will,” Nicholas said patiently. “Come now, love.”

  Allie leaned toward him and in a not so quiet whisper said. “I bought you a pair of thong underwear. You like to see my ass in them. I want to see your ass in them!”

  “Dear God!” Nicholas hissed as he heard several people in a nearby booth laughing. He hoisted Alexandria over his shoulder and carried her out as fast as he could.

  Macland was having his own problems with Regina who didn’t want to leave her wine. Finally, he followed his friend’s example and just put her over his shoulder and carried her out too.

  They carried their women into the elevator as they endured amusement, laughter, finger-pointing, and disapproving looks from the hotel patrons, and the management. When the elevator stopped on their floor, they went in different directions, but each with the same plan. Strangle their women!

  Nicholas dumped Alexandria onto the bed and let her close her eyes for a few minutes, as he ordered room service for a cocktail of juices and ipecac that was foolproof to make someone empty their stomach. When it arrived, he took her into the shower, undressed her, and pushed her under cold water. After a few minutes of screeching and moaning, he made her drink the concoction. Within seconds, he was holding her as she vomited up the entire contents of her stomach including whatever alcohol was left. He got her to drink as much water as he could, wrapped her in a blanket and lay down beside her as she moaned that she was sick.

  “Nicholas,” Allie whined as she clutched his sleeve. “I think I’m sick, really sick.”

  “You’re not sick. You are drunk!”

  Allie shook her head and then regretted it. “I don’t drink,”

  “Well you did. You and Regina made quite a spectacle. Here drink this and take these aspirin.”

  Allie did as he requested and curled up in a miserable ball. “Stop yelling at me!”

  Nicholas had not raised his voice. His was tempted to spank her but ignored the temptation. It would do no good until she was sober enough to realize why she deserved it.

  * * * * *

  Nicholas was answering e-mails on his cell phone when there was a sharp knock on the hotel room door.

  It was Macland with his physician’s bag. “Does she need medical help?”

  “Not yet,” Nicholas growled stepping aside. “She thinks she dying and I
’m being mean because I won’t take her to the hospital. I got as much alcohol up as I could but she’s going to have a hell of headache in the morning.”

  “Regina is stupid drunk. She had more than a few highballs before she switched to wine. She was past the point of bringing any of it up. I’ve been pouring coffee into her. You should know Regina told Allie that she couldn’t get drunk on good wine. She said Allie was too uptight and needed to cut loose. If Allie isn’t accustomed to drinking, this hangover may be whopper. About midday tomorrow, Regina is getting a hiding!

  Nicholas was quiet—thinking.

  “What?” Macland asked.

  “Nothing, I was trying to think how I could land a few well-earned wallops myself, but that is not appropriate. Regina is your problem, not mine.”

  Macland grinned. “So, so true. I’m going to give a quick look-see at Allie. I’m dragging Regina’s butt out to the yacht to take her back. I’m kind of hoping we get eight to twelve foot swells, that would teach her. I snagged her car keys if you want to drive her car back.”

  “That sounds good. I will leave her car at the café parking lot and we’ll take the ferry back to the island.”

  * * * * *

  Allie woke up but she couldn’t open her eyes. She knew if she did, they would fall out, so she lay perfectly still. No, that wasn’t working either because the bed was rolling. Oh God, it must be a tidal wave. With a hard thump, she rolled off the bed and landed on very thick carpet. She felt hands pick her up, and set her on her feet, but she swayed.

  “I can’t feel my feet. Are my feet still there?”

  Nicholas gave her a look of exasperation. “You’ll feel everything in a little while, magnified. Do you feel sick?”

  Allie wagged her head but blanched white and emptied her stomach in the bucket that miraculously appeared in front of her.

  Nicholas led her to the bathroom, again. This was third time, although the ‘missing feet’ symptom was new.

  At checkout time, Nicholas called and reserved the room for another night. He would personally see to it that Alexandria never got into alcohol again. And regardless of Macland ministrations to Regina Saunders, he would put the fear of God in her for leading his Alexandria astray. Although to be fair, he would have to find out first, whose idea it had been to drink the wine. He knew his Alexandria was perfect, but Allie the hoyden, was another matter altogether.

  At mid-morning of the following day, Allie was awakened and put into the shower. She still didn’t want to get up, but Nicholas was insistent. After breakfast, she did feel better, so she searched through what seemed like a hundred shopping bags and found one of the new outfits she’d bought.

  “Don’t get dressed yet,” Nicholas warned.

  Allie gave a sign and dropped what she had in her hand and collapsed back onto the bed. “Good, I’m going back to sleep.”


  The name snapped out so sharp and harsh it reverberated inside her head. Allie opened her eyes again. “Nicholas, I’m sick!”

  “No, you are not sick. What you have is the remains of a monumental hangover. What were you thinking? You made a fool of yourself. You have embarrassed yourself and me.”

  Allie put a hand to each side of her head. “Oh, the wine.”

  “Yes, the wine!” Nicholas said unsympathetically.

  “Was I singing?” Allie asked beginning to remember a little bit.

  “I personally did not witness the singing, but I did witness the foul language and you talking about me wearing thong underwear in public!”

  “Oh.” All thoughts of her hair, skin and her teeth hurting flew out of her mind. She looked over at Nicholas’ uncompromising expression and she knew. Never in her life had she wanted to be wrong more, but… she was right.

  Flipped across Nicholas’ knees, her bottom bared for his punishment, his hand felt like it was made of hot iron as he waged war against what he said was inappropriate, disrespectful, ill-mannered, foolhardy, rude and unladylike behavior. When he finally ran out steam and adjectives, he started up again and gave her twenty more even harder whacks for her disreputable language.

  After an hour-and-a-half drive in a small car where she couldn’t get comfortable and a two-hour launch trip to the island, Nicholas didn’t have to tell Allie to rest. She went straight upstairs and collapsed on her bed facedown, and went immediately to sleep.

  * * * * *

  Nicholas peered into her bedroom an hour later, pulled off her shoes, and tucked her under the covers. He went into his office. He needed to call his parents and he wasn’t looking forward to it. He knew he was being unreasonable to both his parents and the rest of his family. He needed to apologize, but he also needed to make it clear that if given a choice he would chose Alexandria over his work. His family was his family. He knew that at some point, he would have to incorporate her into their lives, but he wasn’t ready to share yet. He loved her, but he could be an intractable man. He didn’t know was if she was ready to commit her life to him yet.

  Several hours later, Alexandria knocked on his door. She stood there dressed for bed, so fragile, so pale, with bluish traces under her eyes. She looked at him with pure trust.

  “They’re coming.”

  Chapter 13

  Twelve days. Twelve days, of uncompromising trust. Nicholas searched through every bedroom to find the softest of the pillows for Alexandria to sit on. He had been very hard on her and he knew she was tender, but her personal discomfort was shifted to the last of her priorities. When they spoke, her full focus was on what her mind was releasing in the form of a novel.

  It was his job to worry about her personal comfort, and it was easier this time. When he broke her concentration for food or rest, she no longer fought him. Sometimes she was distracted, sometimes barely coherent, but he knew her mind was focused elsewhere. He made sure she ate and drank periodically, and she slept in his arms every night. One night she even initiated their lovemaking, and that surprised and pleased him because that meant the process was being relegated as a secondary focus.

  When Alexandria made love with him, her focus was totally on him and their mutual pleasures. For one so small, she was a lusty, active partner. Afterwards, her focus shifted again.

  While she worked, Nicholas worked on his projects - always keeping an eye on her. When it was over, they retired to his bedroom and slept. .

  Allie lay in Nicholas arms. She was awake, her mind going over details and incidentals of the latest rendering of a novel.

  “Why are you not asleep?” Nicholas asked gruffly.

  “I was trying to figure out how I get just as much done, in basically the same amount of time, with all the stopping and time out for everything,” Allie answered.

  “Because you are not exhausting yourself,” Nicholas said. “The mind and body needs rest. If it gets it, the time when you are working is probably more focused and clearer. Before your brain was probably disoriented because you were passed out over your keyboard.”

  Allie turned to him. “Don’t get upset.”

  “Kardia mou, it does upset me, it will probably always be a nightmare that I cannot forget. Go back to sleep and don’t give me a reason to have to spank you again. I have great plans for your luscious bottom, but I am human and I need to regain my strength.”

  * * * * *

  The next day, while Alexandria was spending some time editing her latest effort, Nicholas was finally on the phone with his family. He called Heracles and apologized for being short with him, knowing he was the twin that could hold a grudge. Heracles would pass along the apology to Galen who was the most even-tempered of the brothers. He spoke to his Mitera and Pateras for a long time, soothing his mother and reassuring his father. Then, he called his oldest brother Dimity. Of all his brothers, Dimity was the one who had the most on his plate at any given time in both his business and private life. He was the head of all the combined industries of the Dyonysus Empire. He also, successfully managed a marriage and sev
en daughters. After allowing Dimity - as his older brother - to verbally beat up on him for a while, he listened carefully. Dimity was always good for advice.

  Nicholas was in love and it was time to make a commitment. It was also time for some truth, and that truth might very well destroy him. He went to Alexandria’s room.

  She whirled around in her chair and looked at him seriously. “You look worried. Is something wrong?”

  “Are you at a place where you can stop?”

  She whirled around again, saved several files, and shut down. “What’s up?”

  “Reality is intruding upon my paradise,” Nicholas said. “Would you like to go for a walk and a talk?”

  Allie nodded, but part of her froze up inside as she walked beside him. This was it. She’d known it couldn’t last. Nicholas was going to cut her loose. They walked to the sea cliff wall and a sob escaped her before she could stop it.

  “What?” Nicholas asked immediately concerned. “Tell me what is upsetting you?”

  Allie shook her head. “Are you going to tell me it’s over because you can’t deal with me anymore?”

  “Kardia mou, no. That is not it. ” Nicholas said sitting down on a bench and pulling her into his lap. “Alexandria, I am not letting you go. You are mine. I do need to confess something to you and after that you may feel differently. How much do you know about Dyonysus?”

  “It’s your last name,” Allie said.

  He looked at her with surprise. “You have not Googled it?”

  She shook her head. “That would be an invasion of privacy. You, of all people, should know how much I value my privacy. I hate the idea of personal information being out on the web and the individual it’s about can’t control it.”

  Nicholas expelled a deep breath. “Then your love is going to turn to hate. I have not valued your right to privacy. When I saw you, kardia mou, the very first time, I became obsessed. I have invaded your privacy in the worst way. I had investigators find out who you were and everything known about you, and it wasn’t enough. I wanted more. I needed more. When you nearly fell from that balcony, I think I went into some kind of madness. I told the hospital I was your fiancé, and I ordered the manager of the hotel, which is a Dyonysus property to violate the law in order to assist me in bringing you here. The obsession became abduction when I brought you here. I needed you to be under my protection.”


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