Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series

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Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series Page 29

by Sebastien Woolf

  Siobhan and Gerard leaned forward to eye the way ahead. “So where does that take us?” asked Gerard.

  “Straight through to Lincoln Avenue. Then it should be a clear run to the Oasis.”

  Raj’s fingers continued to tap on the steering wheel as he too gazed into the distance, taking stock of what was being asked of him. Slowly he moved his hand to the gear lever and slid the knob into first gear, tapped the accelerator again and sent them speeding off towards the alleyway.

  The passengers in the back seat were tossed from side to side as Raj worked the wheel hard to negotiate the foot traffic on the road. Despite colliding with a rubbish bin and clipping several abandoned cars they still made good progress, all thanks to their very competent driver.

  As a creature lurched towards the car Raj tugged at the wheel in order to collect it with the front bumper, sending the bony figure careering high into the air. The next two were not so lucky and bore the full impact of the speeding vehicle head on. One bounced up, rolled off the windscreen across the roof and then fell onto the ground below. It lay there in a disfigured and twisted heap. The other remained pinned to the front grill and it eyed the occupants as it clawed at the hood in a futile attempt to reach them.

  “Hold on!” Raj yelled. In one fluid movement he slipped to manual mode, changed down a gear, then another and accelerated before slamming on the handbrake. Spun the wheel hard sending the white BMW sliding sideways. With a thud they collected dozens of creatures, showering the paintwork in blood.

  Gerard’s window was the closest to the action and he placed his open palms onto the glass to try to prevent it from shattering. He could feel the impact of the skulls of the creatures slamming against the glass as the car collided with them. Eventually it gave way and a skeletal head appeared through the shattered window.

  Releasing the handbrake Raj depressed the accelerator and sent them lurching forward once again, bouncing over fallen bodies as they entered the laneway. This made it difficult for Gerard who was fighting off the creature that had emerged through his window. He was desperately trying to avoid being bitten as rotted, rancid teeth gnashed at him. He did all he could to drive it back, but it lay half inside the car with its legs hanging outside, dangling in the air.

  Raj pressed the accelerator all the way to the floor and they headed off down the narrow path ahead. In the rearview mirror he could see Gerard struggling to hold the creature at bay, both his hands were wrapped tightly around its throat. Next to him Siobhan was frantically searching for a weapon she could use to kill it, her sword being far too big for her to draw it in such a confined space.

  Sensing the urgency in the back seat Raj swung the wheel, violently veering to the left. Sparks flew as the vehicle collided with the brickwork of the wall that lined the alleyway. As Raj corrected the steering wheel he glanced in the side mirror to see that the creature had been cut in two, its lower torso was bouncing along the laneway behind them.

  Gerard immediately felt his attacker become lighter. Slowly and ever so carefully he began pushing what remained of his ghastly attacker out of the window, managing eventually to force it fully outside of the car. He was not about to release his grip though, there was still a huge risk of him being bitten.

  They continued on, traveling half the length of the alley in this predicament, both passengers in the rear were filled with panic. Gerard maintained his tight grip, desperately trying to avoid the savage teeth that were still trying to bite him, whilst Siobhan continued her search for a weapon.

  Raj on the other hand maintained his composure - as a cucumber. Reaching inside the glove compartment he pulled out a CD, inserted it into the player mounted on the center console. The Bose sound system came to life as the sounds of bhangra Indian music courtesy of Punjabi MC belted out inside the car. Raj smiled and his fingers continued to tap the wheel.

  “What the fuck Raj!” yelled Gerard, as a bony hand grasped his arm.

  In the rearview mirror Raj smiled at his friend, who in return was glaring at him in disbelief. “Get ready,” he said, sounding confident.

  Seconds later there was a loud metallic clunk. Gerard screamed retracting his arms from outside the window in pain. There was a small gash over his knuckles, but the creature that had been tormenting him was now gone. Rubbing his sore hand he turned to see the creature laying on the ground behind him, vanishing quickly into the distance. Beside it stood a green dumpster which was now slightly askew.

  “Thanks for the warning Raj!” Gerard said, sarcastically.

  Fingers continued to tap on the wheel as Raj bobbed his head from side to side as if nothing had happened, this was his favorite song and he was enjoying it. Through his thick beard his pearly white teeth appeared again as a huge smile lit up his face.

  Nearing the end of the alleyway Raj slowed to a crawl, eventually stopping just short of the intersecting road. Slid the car into neutral then reached for the stereo and turned the music down. “Which way Mr. Josh?” he asked.

  “Left. It’s a straight run to the Oasis, providing there are no more obstructions.”

  “Ok, is everyone alright?” Raj turned to look at the others in the back seat.

  No-one said anything straight away. They were still in a state of shock.

  “Sorry, Mr. Gerard. I had no choice.”

  Gerard rolled his eyes as he continued to rub his aching hand.

  “Ok then, off we go.” Raj flicked on the indicator just for fun, turned up the music and then proceeded to turn left onto Lincoln Avenue.

  Lost in the shadows of the towering and foreboding skyscrapers deep in the heart of the deserted central city, two vehicles meandered their way slowly through the streets. The sounds of their engines echoed in all directions, giving off the effect that a convoy was rolling through.

  Colin steered the lead vehicle, a station-wagon laden with supplies meticulously following the route given to him by his navigator. Jon was tracing the map with his finger on the open map on his lap. In the back seat Olivia and Nikita sat lost in thought, nervously surveying their surroundings as they crawled their way through the dark gloomy and somewhat eerie empty city.

  Eric, who was driving the trailing vehicle had been conscious to leave a decent space between his sedan and the station-wagon ahead of him. This allowed Tyler, who was sitting through the open window and leaning on the roof, an unimpeded view of their surroundings. In his hands he held his rifle at the ready panning around the cityscape in search of any movement.

  As the vehicles rounded a sweeping bend Tyler tapped sharply on the roof. Both Colin and Eric braked and slowed abruptly. Up ahead in the distance a line of fully armed, black-clad troops stood in front of them, weapons drawn and pointed at them.

  A man at the head of the pack emerged with his open palm outstretched. With no other options available to them, the two vehicles came to a halt.

  Siobhan gazed out of her window at the empty shops at street level as they passed by, amazed somewhat by the number of upmarket clothing stores that now stood in ruin. She pictured what it once must have been like here before the turn, imagined bustling pavements, busy traffic and crowded malls with people streaming everywhere. The noise would have been deafening with the hustle bustle and hubbub of this once vibrant and thriving city creating an enormous buzz.

  Snapping back to reality she was greeted by the deafening sound of silence all around her. Raj had long ago turned off the stereo and the only audible noise was the quiet hum of the BMW’s engine. No-one had spoken for a while as the four travelers had sat in silent contemplation.

  There was still an air of confidence about them as they pressed on towards the Oasis, confidence and expectation were high. This had caused them to became somewhat complacent, especially as they were feeling pleased to have earlier made their getaway from the 4Horsemen earlier that day. Each of them believed they had made it.

  Suddenly, from out of nowhere came the roaring sound of a truck engine. Loud and shattering the silence like a t
rain emerging from a tunnel at speed. Raj turned his head to look just in time to see the grill bearing down rapidly, the impact came seconds later landing flush against his door. The sedan stood no chance against the army transport vehicle and it was shunted sideways across the street.

  Taking the full force of the blow on the driver’s side the car was tipped onto its side, windows shattered and glass went flying in all directions. Sparks flew as the truck continued to shunt the upended vehicle until it finally came to a halt on the sidewalk. For a brief moment the car wobbled and threatened to roll onto its roof.

  Eventually the dust settled.

  Inside, Josh turned to see if everyone was alright. Blood streamed down Siobhan’s face from a cut on her forehead, but she insisted she was fine. Gerard was unscathed, aside from the swollen hand from the incident with the dumpster. As Josh turned to Raj, his heart sank in his chest.

  Their driver was the only one who wore a seatbelt, it was something he had insisted on every time he was behind the wheel – force of habit. Using his index and middle fingers Josh checked the pulse of the tall dark-haired Indian man, who now hung limp in his seat. Blood leaked profusely from a deep gash across his temple.

  “Raj is gone,” Josh said, removing his fingers from Raj’s neck

  There was no time for mourning of any kind as the sound of the truck’s engine revving signaled the imminent threat that still loomed large. The three survivors acted quickly, searching hastily for their weapons. Josh kicked the cracked windscreen until it gave way under his shoe and they scrambled quickly through this makeshift exit, darting for cover behind their upturned vehicle.

  Grief was not a luxury that was afforded survivors in this new world. To grieve or mourn was to drop one’s guard, thus becoming exposed and vulnerable. Each survivor had become hardened to the reality of death and they had all experienced the pain of losing someone close at some time since the turn. They were accustomed to moving on very quickly in order to stay alive, but that still did not make it any easier or any less sad or difficult, it was just a simple necessity of life.

  A voice cut through the air life a foghorn, sending shivers down Siobhan’s spine. She recognized it immediately and it took all her strength not to draw her sword and leap out into the open and charge straight for him. Sensing her angst Josh placed his hand on her arm to calm her.

  “You can run from me all you like,” bellowed Martin from across the street, “but you cannot hide from me.” There was a momentary pause. “No matter where you run to, I will always find you. Our Lord God sees all.” There was a menacing tone to his voice that bordered on evil.

  Siobhan lifted her shirt and wiped away the blood from her face. Slowly, cautiously she peered around the front of the upturned car. The radiator of the truck snarled at her with each tap of the accelerator from the driver. Flanking the green army transport carrier were a dozen armed men, spread out evenly on each side. Atop the cab stood Martin resplendent in his robe, confident in his stance.

  A shot rang out. Siobhan dived back behind the car and took cover as the bullet struck the headlight in front of her. Shattered glass shards flew in all directions. Composing herself she let the others know who and what was out there. Josh sighed.

  “I gave you a chance and you ignored me,” Martin yelled. “Now, there are no more options for you. I shall show you no mercy as you face my wrath and the wrath of God almighty. You will not live to see tomorrow.”

  Josh had had enough. It seemed that all they were doing today was escaping, running and fleeing. He scoured the sidewalk searching for an escape, eyed an open door to a shop close by and decided that this was their best chance to get clear. They needed a diversion.

  “Babe,” said Josh, addressing his Warrior Princess. “I need you to wind this prick up a bit. I have a plan.”

  She glared at him. “Don’t ever call me babe!”

  Babe? Thought Gerard.

  “Sorry,” Josh said, apologetically. “Just get under his skin and get him as angry as you can, ok?”

  Siobhan nodded. Piece of cake!

  The truck engine snarled once more.

  Taking a deep breath Siobhan fired her first insult in Martin’s direction. “So, how does it feel to be outsmarted by a woman you bastard?”

  Josh smiled and set about putting his plan in action. He re-entered the vehicle and emerged with one of his shirts that were now strewn all throughout the interior. Tearing it into strips he handed these to Gerard while he continued on.

  “Outsmarted?” came Martin’s reply. “Look around you sweetheart. You have nowhere else to run to. You are outnumbered and surrounded. If that is me being outsmarted, then I simply give up now.”

  “How many times have you said that, only to be left chasing your tail again? You’re so tough hiding behind your religion and your men aren’t you. You are nothing but a gutless fucking idiot.” In her thick Irish accent the word ‘idiot’ sounded more like ‘eedget’ giving it a whole lot more emphasis.

  “Oh you will not escape me again you little demon. This time it is over for you.” Anger resonated loudly in his voice.

  “I don't know what planet you’re on, but if you haven’t managed to take us by now, you never will!”

  She looked at Josh with arms outstretched, begging for an update. Josh gave her two thumbs up as he finished tying the last of the strips of clothing together. He moved to the rear of the car, egged Siobhan on in order for her to continue with her tirade of abuse. As the barrage of insults flew from her lips Josh unscrewed the petrol cap and slid the makeshift wick inside, dousing it in enough petrol to get it ready to light.

  Things were starting to become quite heated between Siobhan and Martin, with the leader of the 4Horsemen really beginning to lose his cool. Siobhan found herself starting to enjoy the provocation, more than perhaps she should have. Despite this she still wanted Josh to hurry up so they could be rid of him.

  Right on queue Josh responded, he was ready. “Okay,” he said to the other two, “on my call, run as fast as you can to that open doorway. We’ll leave them a little present behind.”

  Siobhan could not help herself, her hatred for Martin getting the better of her. Fired a parting shot. “I am going to take much pleasure in watching you squirm as you lose everything you sanctimonious prick!”

  Josh lit a match and ignited the wick, it burned brightly and quickly. “Ready? Let’s go!” With that, the three of them made a mad dash for the doorway.

  Martin was completely caught off-guard. Seeing the three of them run immediately flew him into a fit of rage. His fists tightened until his knuckles turned white, the veins in his neck protruded and his face turned bright red. Ordered an immediate pursuit and within seconds the 4Horsemen henchmen had reached the upturned vehicle.


  The ensuing explosion wreaked havoc. The gas tank exploded in a fireball sending the car spinning around like a pinwheel. A number of the soldiers caught in the initial blast were killed instantly by flying shrapnel. Others were badly burned falling to the ground in a desperate attempt to put out the flames that were engulfing them.

  “Arrghhh…!” Martin was incensed. “I want them dead! Killed! Each and every one of them! Do not stop until it is done!”

  From inside the building the three survivors had heard the explosion and they could quite clearly hear Martin’s frantic, desperate orders. They pushed on in search of the rear exit, knowing that Josh’s plan had worked. Before long they had burst though the rear door into a small fenced and gated rear carpark. Josh stopped dead, rolled his eyes and sighed.

  “What next?” he exclaimed.

  Ahead of them several dozen creatures had turned their attention from idly moaning the day away, to an all-out attack on the three lifeforms that had just arrived. Slowly the outstretched arms of the undead led them like blood-seeking divining rods to their prey.

  Stepping forward Siobhan drew her sword and began slashing at everything in front of her. One by one the creatu
res fell and it did not take long at all for her to clear a path. Together they sprinted for the back gate.

  “That will slow them down,” said Gerard, as he latched the gate behind him. Inside the small yard they left the trapped creatures for their pursuers to deal with them.

  “Right,” said Josh, running down the alleyway behind the shop. “We have to go the rest of the way on foot. Come on!”


  Sanctuary Lost

  Josh collapsed in the chair, panting and gasping for breath. He was completely exhausted and saw that Siobhan and Gerard were also totally spent. The three of them had run as fast as they could, non-stop for eighteen blocks through the center of city, avoiding creatures through haste not brawn as they did so. Josh smiled as he raised the water bottle in his hand to his parched lips and took a long refreshing swig.

  “Thanks Vincent”” Josh said, between breaths. “It’s really great to see you again.”

  Placing a hand on the tall lad’s shoulder Vincent replied, “It is great to see you too. Just take your time, relax and get your breath back.”

  Lily appeared with a cool wet towel for each of the three who sat exhausted before her. “It looks like you’ve had quite the day out.” Turning to Siobhan she remarked on her wound. “Let’s go get you cleaned up. That looks like a nasty cut you’ve got there.”

  Standing around the table were the rest of the Armstrong group. Olivia had positioned herself next to her eldest son and wore a concerned look on her face. Jon stood next to her and was pensively rubbing the stubble on his chin.

  “So, where’s Raj?” Jon asked, fearing the worst. He felt a feeling of loss in his gut already, but he just needed to hear the words.

  Josh shook his head slowly, everyone knew what that meant and the mood in the room changed again. Olivia squeezed her son’s shoulder as sadness consumed her. Jon simply closed his eyes and took a quiet personal moment of contemplation.


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