Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series

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Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series Page 45

by Sebastien Woolf

  “You know them?” asked Raven, her husky voice sounding wary.

  “Yeah, we do. They’re good people.”

  “What the hell are good people doing all the way out here?”

  “Same as us. Heading to the docks.”

  Raven turned to Victoria. “Back it up babe,” she said, motioning backwards with her head.




  Leaping from the van Josh made a beeline for his friends on the road. “What the hell?” he said, with a huge smile cutting across his face from from ear to ear. Handshakes and hugs. Moments later the rest of the Armstrong group arrived, joining in on the reunion.

  “Well,” said Vincent, “you guys certainly took your time.”


  “Hitched a ride too I see.”

  Introductions followed as the six members of the Goth Squad joined the gathering. Slowly the remainder of the Oasis survivors came out of hiding. Smiles were ever present as familiar faces appeared everywhere. Josh felt a hand on his shoulder. A strong grip ensued squeezing his joint tightly.

  “Well, bugga me days laddie, yer here after all.”

  Josh paused for a moment. “Ah… Billy, isn’t it?” He turned to face the man mountain and was met with a nod. As he thrust out his hand he watched it disappear inside Billy’s grasp.

  Gradually all those in Billy’s band joined the others on the road. More introductions, handshakes and smiles. Conversations were lively and a buzz of excitement quickly blanketed the large congregation.

  “So, how far are we from the docks?” Josh asked.

  “It can’t be far from here,” Vincent replied, pointing ahead of him. Others turned to look in the direction he was gesturing towards. The tops of cranes loomed high over the buildings in the distance. Excitement levels grew.

  “We’re only a couple of miles away,” said Siobhan.

  “Is it safe?” asked Jon. “From here on in I mean?”

  “These are the Docklands,” said Squirrel, in a sombre tone. “Nothing is safe here.”

  “Well, we should head off soon anyway.”

  Vincent eyed the S.W.A.T. van, glanced at Raven then turned to Josh. “How the…?” He looked confused. “Ah… don’t worry about it, we don’t have time.” Slapped Josh on the back. “It’s great to see you again mate.”

  In the hours that followed the travelers steadily made their way through the deserted streets of the Docklands on foot. The large group pressed on through the ominous shadows cast by towers of Maersk shipping containers that flanked them on either side. The streets were littered with obstacles, forcing them to zigzag their way towards their destination. Progress slowed. For the most part, the journey had been uneventful.

  Josh checked his watch. It was now well past midday and they still had a way to go. Leaping up onto the bonnet of a yellow taxi he looked back at the long group of survivors snaking their way through the abandoned vehicles. Their numbers had swelled to well over one hundred, which meant the going had been relatively slow. Too slow for Josh.

  “What’s up?” asked Siobhan, joining him on the hood.

  “We need to pick up the pace.” Stared at his watch again. “The day is fast getting away from us.”

  Zoe clambered up onto the taxi to join her friends. “Hey y’all,” she said coyly. “What’s doin’ up here with you two?”

  “Just sussing out the lay of the land,” Siobhan said, with a wink. “Josh thinks we’re a bit behind time.”

  “Ohhh… he’s never had an issue with timing before.” Zoe gave a suggestive little smirk.

  “Oi, behave!”

  “Amy!” Josh yelled. He was reluctant to use her nickname. ‘Squirrel’ just sounded so wrong, especially if he were to say it aloud.

  “Sup?” replied the girl in the blue dress.

  “How far do you reckon?”

  “Not long now. We’re actually pretty close.” She turned to look ahead of her. “It will depend on what’s up ahead I suppose.”

  “Hmmm… thanks.” Josh thought for a moment. “Let’s pick up the pace people!” he said, in a raised voice, clapping his hands together. “We want to be there before the sun goes down.”

  As the throng passed by, many gave the trio atop the cab a simple nod of acknowledgement. Others shared a cursory wave. Ahead of them lay a sea of abandoned vehicles, vindicating their decision to ditch the S.W.A.T. van some time ago. They had sacked the arsenal and almost everyone was now carrying a weapon of some kind. Despite the gridlock the procession had finally began to pick up the pace.



  A shriek of pain cut through the relative calm that had surrounded the group at the Docklands. Clutching at his chest was one of Billy’s companions. A red blotch instantly spread across the front of his white shirt. Blood trickled over his fingers. He staggered for a moment, before falling to his knees. Screams erupted around him.

  Both bullets had found their mark.

  Before anyone had time to reach for their weapons, more shots were fired in a surprise attack. An ambush.




  Another man fell, the top of his skull having been lifted clean off. He died before he hit the ground. Blood and brain matter splattered all over those close to him. Panic. Screams.

  “Get down!” yelled Josh. “Everyone take cover!”

  A barrage of gunfire followed, cracking like hail on a tin roof. Bullets skimmed off the road, ricocheting into car tires and smashing windows. Through panic-stricken eyes those cowering on the road looked around in total disbelief. They were used to living in fear, but this was something completely different. They stared in terror at each other.

  Sliding off the bonnet Josh joined the two girls who were crouching beside the taxi. Pressing his back against the door, he gently grabbed Siobhan by the arm. “Are you girls ok?”


  “Everyone stay down!” he yelled.

  Another burst of gunfire. Bullets tore through metal, wreaking havoc everywhere. Screams of horror and pain echoed loudly.

  Then, suddenly it all stopped. The street went quiet.

  A deep voice bellowed across the landscape. Only a small handful recognized it.

  “Well… we meet again.”

  Shivers ran up and down spines.

  “God indeed moves in mysterious ways.”

  “Martin!” grimaced Siobhan.

  “You took your time getting here. I never thought you’d arrive.”

  “What do you want from us?” yelled Josh, angrily.

  “Oh, that is simple. Your life. And the lives of everyone here. You all now belong to God. We have come to collect your souls.”

  “What the fuck?” Tyler reached for his weapon.

  “Bro,” Josh said, raising his palms. Signaled for his brother to take it easy.

  “We have to do something!” said Tyler, in exasperation.

  “Like what? We’re pinned down here. If we try to run they will just pick us off. We are sitting ducks out in the open like this.”

  Martin continued, bellowing, “You’ve had a good run, but it ends here. Today!”

  Tyler looked around. “Josh,” he said, pointing at a gas station on the side of the road. “I can make it there and I’ll probably have a good shot from that spot as well.” He quickly planned the run in his head.

  Josh had no other choice but to agree. It was as good an option as any. “Okay, but be careful mate. I’ll keep him busy talking.”

  Tyler nodded, then vanished.

  Josh resumed his dialogue with the leader of the 4Horsemen. “Look! It doesn’t have to be like this.”

  “You are an arrogant fool if you think it can be anything other than what it is. God has spoken. And you have been chosen.”

  “We have all lost people we care about. We can just leave now and no-one else need get hurt.”

  Martin’s evil laugh rang out over the Docklands. />
  Momentary silence followed.

  Skirting the danger Tyler made his way cautiously through the tightly packed mass of abandoned vehicles. He moved quickly, quietly and with stealth. Crouching, crawling so as to avoid detection. His heart pounded. The gas station was just ahead.

  Martin launched into a sermon.

  “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith. Thy wrath is come… and the time of the dead… that they should be judged.”

  With a splutter, the man who was first shot exhaled his final breath. Those near him heard the death rattle. They had been left with no choice but to leave him there to bleed to death. His hand fell from his chest as he died, splashing into the pool of blood that he now sat in. A woman who knew him began to sob.

  Martin’s homily continued. Carefully crafted with scripture, taken out of context and misquoted, put back together and delivered in a way to justify his actions. His beliefs.

  “Blessed are they that do His Commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.”

  Billy rolled his big green eyes. He had heard enough. “Josh!”


  “What the hell is this madman on aboot?”

  “It’s hard to say. I can never really understand the prick.”

  Laughter amidst the fear.

  “But he means business though, that much is certain.”

  “Can we take them oot?”

  “Hard to say. We don’t know how many we’re up against. Give me a minute.” Josh turned to the gas station.

  Silently Tyler ducked into the doorway and knelt down. Caught his breath. He crept to the register, taking up position behind the counter. Before him he had a clear and unimpeded view of the roadside and Docklands. Planted his rifle, panned around until he eventually zoomed in on Martin and his followers on the rooftop.

  Reaching for his walkie that was clipped to his belt, he gave a slight chuckle. He recalled he joke Josh had played on him. When they had raided the electronics store they had recovered two working short-range walkie-talkies, designed obviously for children – one blue, one pink. He shook his head and sniggered to himself as he raised the pink handset to his mouth.


  “Josh… are you there?”



  “In position. There’s about two dozen with Martin, maybe more. I can’t be sure. There’s more on the road.”

  “Roger that. Where are they?”

  “A couple of hundred yards up the road, towards the docks. On a rooftop to your left.”


  “I’ve got a shot. A clean shot. Shall I take it?”

  Another short pause.

  “Confirm that. Take the shot bro.”

  Once again Tyler’s silencer coughed. The bullet speed towards its target, finding its mark. As it ripped through flesh and tore through organs, a body fell.




  “His wife stepped in front of him. She’s down. Get ready mate, all hell is about to break loose.”


  Gates of Hell

  As Holly lay dying in his arms, Martin’s eyes bled tears. He screamed her name loudly. Rage and fury burned deep inside the leader of the 4Horsemen and a savage intensity came over him. Turning to one of his officers he barked instructions, then continued to wail loudly. The man acknowledged his leader’s command then set off set off to undertake his assigned task. He was an obedient, well-trained monkey. All the 4Horsemen followers were.

  Just as Tyler had predicted the gates of hell had been blasted wide open. Heavy gunfire rained down from the rooftop in a ferocious all-out assault. The bombardment continued unabated until magazines ran dry. Those on the road taking cover were pelted with missiles. Minutes felt like hours.

  “Everyone keep down!” yelled Josh. “Just stay where you are!”

  Sadly, few took heed of the warning. Amidst the hysteria many of them panicked and ran for their lives.



  Rifles fired.

  Bodies fell. Picked off as they tried to flee.

  “For fuck’s sake!” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs. “Stay down!”

  Screams battled gunfire for audible supremacy over the course of the next fifteen minutes. Vehicles were riddled with bullet holes. Shattered glass was strewn across the street. Bodies lay where they fell in glistening pools of crimson blood.

  “We have to do something!” Siobhan was anxious, desperate to help everyone to safety. “We can’t stay here.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Josh replied. He glanced in the direction of the gas station once again.


  “Tyler. Come in!”

  Tyler depressed the trigger. Another bullet coughed from the silencer. It sped through the air with stealth, arriving with maximum velocity right on target. As the dead man fell the spent cartridge that had been ejected from the rifle, clattered to the ground at his feet. He grabbed the pink walkie.

  “Here bro!” he replied.

  “Is it safe there?”

  Tyler lost the message amidst another barrage of gunfire.

  “Say again?”

  “We’re coming to you. Is it safe?”

  “Roger that. It is carnage outside. Bro, be careful!”

  “Let’s go everyone!” Josh directed the group towards the gas station. “Stay low!”

  Martin was seething. His grief overflowed, quickly turning to anger. Fueled by hatred the retribution he unleashed was sudden and violent.

  “Kill them! Kill them all!” The veins in Martin’s neck protruded as he issued his venomous command. His entire body shook with rage and hatred. “Leave no-one alive!”

  More gunfire erupted across the Docklands. Rumbling like thunder on this clear and sunny afternoon.

  A volley of bullets whistled over Zoe’s head. The car she was leaning against for cover began to rock from side to side, such was the impact from the shelling. She gave a yelp as the side window shattered, showering her with glass.

  Another burst broke out. Heavier rounds. Sensing danger, Siobhan dived, knocking Zoe to the ground. Shielding her wth her body, she lay on top of her until the current assault abated. Missiles thudded into vehicles all around them, tearing through metal.

  “Just keep your pretty little head down until this shit is over,” Siobhan said, whispering in Zoe’s ear. “I’d hate to lose you.”

  Zoe pecked her on the cheek and smiled. Hugged her waist.

  Respite came. Reloading.

  Siobhan rolled to her knees. “Are you ok?” she asked.

  Zoe patted herself down as she sat up. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Pushing her back against the car she felt something jab her in the shoulder. She turned to see a gaping bullet hole and twisted metal right where she had been sitting only moments ago. She breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Come on then. Let’s go.”

  The two girls edged their way towards the gas station. Crouched and stayed as low as they could.

  Further down the road large steel doors creaked and clanked as they were flung wide open. From within a shipping container came a harrowing sound. Deep, sinister, blood-curdling moaning. Feet shuffled.

  The first of the ferocious undead creatures stepped into the light. Gaunt, pale and sickly looking, the ghastly deathlike figure shuffled through the entrance. Straightening itself up to its full height the beast bellowed loudly. One by one more creatures emerged lurching forward.

  Six more containers belched forth a horde of reanimated savages. Escaping their confines the feral creatures, who functioned purely on instinct spilled onto the road. Driven by hunger and a thirst for blood they inhaled, sniffing the air for prey.

  Martin rubbed his hands together. His trap had been sprung.

  “Is this all of us?” questioned Josh. He stooped low, behind an ice-cream fridge.

p; Raven nodded.

  “We’re all here,” replied a relieved Vincent.

  “A few of oors did not make it,” bellowed Billy, with sadness in his voice. “The rest of us are all here though, aye.” He stared at Josh. “So, what now laddie?”

  Josh thought for a moment. What now? What can we possibly do?

  His thoughts were interrupted by more gunfire.

  Tyler fired again, taking out a 4Horsemen shooter on the rooftop. As the man slumped to the ground another spent cartridge joined the others at Tyler’s feet.

  “Whatever the hell it is yer think we should do, can yer make up yer bloody mind quickly laddie.” There was a sense of urgency in the big Scotsman’s voice. “We’re oot-gunned and oot-manned here. This is fast becoming the Alamo.”

  “Time for some pain!” Aleisha stepped forward and planted a very big gun on the counter. Ripped a bigger smile across her face.

  Bumping Tyler with her shoulder Aleisha pushed him aside. Gave him a wink as she placed the Browning .50 Cal machine gun onto the M3 tripod. She positioned it at the window and readied it for action. The gun was massive. Hardly anyone had taken any notice of Aleisha strapping this weapon to her back when they left the S.W.A.T. van, but they did now. Stared in disbelief.

  “Where are they?” she asked Tyler.

  He pointed. Mouth still agape at the sight of the weapon.


  She swung the barrel around, closed an eye and took aim. Inhaled.



  Within a split second the projectile reached its target. The man in the crosshairs stood dazed and confused, struggling to comprehend what had just happened. Blood pulsated from the stump that remained of his right arm. Ripping through flesh and bone, the armor piercing round had torn the limb clean off.



  A second shot ended his life. His entire body exploded like a watermelon as the projectile shredded his skull. Those standing close were showered in his blood.

  “Fuck me!” said Tyler, in astonishment.

  “Maybe later,” came Aleisha’s cheeky reply. She smirked. “For now, we have to teach these bastards a lesson.”



  Her aim was true once again. Another man collapsed, his chest cavity completely blown apart. Tyler joined in on the assault. Together they unleashed a retaliatory blitz on the 4Horsemen, pounding the rooftop with heavy artillery. The enemy was caught completely by surprise. Many of Martin’s followers were killed in this deadly assault.


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