Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series

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Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series Page 48

by Sebastien Woolf

  “How are we looking boys?”

  “We’re pretty close.” Josh pointed ahead of him. “That’s the end of the road there. The docks are on the other side.”

  “Not far at all. I haven’t been down this part of town for many a year. I used to bring you two down here when you were young.”

  “Fishing!” exclaimed Tyler.

  “You remember.”

  “Yup. Vaguely. It feels like a lifetime ago.”

  “Yeah, it sure does. I want you two to know how proud of you your mum and I are. We have watched how you have stepped up, taken charge and kept everyone safe.”

  “Well, we do come from good breeding aye dad,” Josh said, with a laugh.

  The three Armstrong men laughed together as they marched on.

  High above the late afternoon sun was shifting, commencing its twilight descent. Fed by the fading light, shadows began to emerge. Standing at attention like a dark army the silhouettes paraded along the length of the sidewalk.

  Jon stretched his weary arms as he walked. He was much more tired than he thought. “Well, I have to say I am looking forward to a rest.” Glancing over his shoulder he asked, “How is Vincent holding up?”

  “He’s shattered. I have a feeling that he will just be grateful to make it through the day.”

  “I know how he feels,” said Tyler. “I think we all do.”

  Jon nodded.

  Reaching the T-intersection the group bunched up. Amy took the lead showing them the way to the gates at the entrance to the pier. Excitement gripped the travelers. They felt like they had finally made it.

  Something moved in the shadows up ahead.

  “On your toes!” yelled Josh.

  “Greetings travelers,” came a voice, from just up ahead of them.

  Josh immediately raised his rifle. Others followed his lead. Tensions mounted.

  “Relax,” came the voice again. “We’re here for the same thing.”

  “And what’s that then?”

  “The boat, of course.”


  “How can we trust you?”

  “Well, you’re still alive aren’t you?”

  “Show yourself!”

  Slowly, one by one, dozens of people emerged, filtering out from the shadows, from behind shipping containers.

  “It’s okay Josh,” Siobhan said, placing her hand on the barrel of his rifle, lowering it. “We need to trust them.”

  Curiously the two groups merged. Handshakes. Introductions. Tensions eased somewhat.

  They all stayed where they were for the next hour. Evening arrived. A crescent moon hung in the night sky. The air cooled and a thin layer of fog rolled in over the water.

  Josh wrapped his arms around Siobhan, squeezing her tightly in an affectionate embrace. Zoe sat with them. He kissed his Warrior Princess on the back of her neck. “You two mean the world to me,” he whispered.

  Both girls smiled.

  “Considering everything, life’s pretty damn good with you two around.” Josh raised his head and stared into the fog. Suddenly, something caught his eye on the water. A shape. A ship.

  Could it be true?

  His heart raced. Rubbing his eyes he stared again.


  No shapes. No ship. Just fog.

  Slightly despondent, he sighed and hung his head. Consoled himself by hugging tightly to the two girls in the darkness.

  In the distance, a foghorn.


  Lines were hurled ashore from the ship. A loud blast on the foghorn announced their arrival. In the darkness a dozen burly men heaved on the ropes, mooring the vessel to the creaky wooden dock. As the swaying from side to side subsided those on board below deck breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, they had berthed.

  The sea had been choppy that night. Small whitecaps appeared everywhere, but for the most part the voyage had been uneventful. Diesel fumes had wafted through the lower recesses of the ship, which came as welcome relief to those struggling with the pungent, constant odor of vomit and feces. They waited in anticipation of disembarking and filling their lungs with clean, fresh air.

  It had been a nervous journey for most passengers. They had been huddled together in the hold, hoping and praying that their destination was everything they dreamed it would be. There was a lot of expectation.

  The island.


  Spirits had been high when they were first led aboard. Passing the initial quarantine examination only heightened their excitement and anticipation. Then, corralled like cattle they were locked in the dark for the entirety of the passage, arriving apprehensive and suspicious, yet still ever so excited.

  Tyler stood in the gloom. He had lost all concept of time on this voyage and had no idea how long it had taken. Less of an idea as to where they were now. Unlike others on the ship who had succumbed to their tiredness amidst the rocking and swaying, he had fought sleep. Suppressing a yawn he consumed it. Licked his lips.

  The silence was broken by the shuffling of feet approaching from above. Latches clicked, doors were flung open. Fresh air flooded the hold.

  Outside it was dark.

  “We’re on the move people,” came a deep, bellowing voice. “C’mon, let’s go everyone.”

  Following those ahead of him, Tyler stepped through the breach. At the door he smiled. They had made it. There was a freshness to the air, it was cool and crisp tickling his nostrils as he inhaled. At a guess he figured it was early morning, which made sense as the trip had been slow and laborious.

  “Make it snappy people,” came the deep voice again. “Make your way to the end of the pier. There you will find your all belongings and possessions. Once you have everything that is yours, form an orderly queue and wait for more instructions.”

  “Where are we?” came a woman’s voice from below deck.

  “Welcome to fantasy island ma’am,” the man with the deep voice said. “Hahaha… just keep moving folks. All you need to know is that you are safe. Let’s just keep moving.”

  Stifling another yawn Tyler walked with his group along the shifting planks of the dock. Collected his rifle, checked it then slung it over his shoulder. Picked up his two hatchets, slid them through the loops on his belt. With a smile as he remembered Stuart, he grabbed his bow and arrow, then tested the tension of the string with a twang. Over his shoulder he caught sight of Amy, who was struggling with several large bags. He did not hesitate to lend a hand to help out. She smiled at him, thanked him as he heaved the heavy bags over to her group’s pile.

  Off in the distance Tyler could hear the waves crashing. The salty smell of the ocean and the beach filled his nostrils. He took a moment to take it all in, looked up to the night sky where bright, white stars flickered against the black canvas that stretched as far as the eye could see.

  “Righto people, gather around.” A tall muscular man with broad shoulders stood before the disembarking passengers. He sported a messy mop of blonde hair and a dark suntan. The man wore a ghastly multi-colored Hawaiian shirt.

  “My name is Brody,” the man said, “and I’d like to welcome you to your new home.” Rubbed his messy hair. “Now, I am pleased to inform you that this island is totally free from infection.”

  Murmuring erupted from amidst the new arrivals.

  Turning to the woman next to him who was holding a clipboard, Brody said to her, “Same reaction with every group.” Smiled and sighed.

  She giggled.

  “Okay people, settle down.” Brody used his outstretched hands to signal for calm. “That’s right folks. There are no undead here on the island, which means the only threat we have is from each other. Because of this, we have rules here. This is a society and part of your acceptance to join our community is you agreeing to be a law abiding citizen. We have a zero tolerance policy for idiots, so if that is you, or the person next to you we will send you straight back to the mainland.”

  More murmuring. Friendly jostling broke out amidst s
ome people.

  “Oh my God,” said the woman with the clipboard. “They are so totally predictable. As is your welcome speech.” Rolled her eyes. “Get on with it Brody, for goodness sakes.”

  “All jokes aside,” Brody continued, “you either all get on here on the island, or you get off. It is that simple. Now we understand that many of you have been living rough out there for some time, either on your own or in small groups. That mean most of you have not been a part of any formal civilized group since the world turned, so for that very reason we will ease you into life here. Island life.”

  Tyler was more than intrigued. This all made sense to him and he liked what he was hearing. What he wanted to know was the nuts and bolts, the ins and outs of how it all worked. He made it his purpose to find out. At that moment he made the decision to become part of the local law enforcement, if that was possible. Thought to himself about how much of a good fit that would be for him.

  Brody continued on for the next ten minutes, defining the basic rules of community living on the island. He explained the living conditions and general set-up. In order to assimilate to island life all newcomers were required to undergo the necessary medical checks, attend an induction seminar and to familiarize themselves with all the rules.

  All this could wait. For now, the weary travelers needed to sleep.

  A horse-drawn wagon worked its way along the cobblestones of the village by the docks. The newcomers followed along behind, snaking in a long single line. Tyler trudged on in the darkness, helping those who were struggling with their possessions. They made their way towards the high-rise complex head of them.

  In the distance the waves continues to crash loudly on the beach.


  4Horsemen Religious cult formed by survivors at the 4Horsemen Bar & Grill at the time of the turn. Created by Martin and Holly Webber, the cult believes that the Apocalypse is upon them and the second coming of Christ is nigh. Their scripture is a loose interpretation from Revelations in the Bible.

  4Horsemen Bar & Grill Establishment in the heart of the city. Irish restaurant and bar with a celtic theme.

  The Compound Armstrong’s house located on the fringe of the city.

  Creature A person of either sex who has transformed through a ‘turn’. After being infected by the virus they initially appear lifeless, but they are far from dead. After resurrection they can only be killed by extinguishing the brain or severing the brain stem. Their appearance is gaunt, haggard and pasty, with sickly, pale and anaemic looking skin. Their eyes are bloodshot and inflamed, teeth are usually yellow and rotted with the virus contained in pussy boils in their gums. Also known as undead, living corpses, flesh-eaters, perished, departed, dead things, lifeless ones, savages, the soulless or zombies.

  Cricket A bat and ball game played mainly in Commonwealth countries around the world, including India.

  Dead Zone An area that is infested with creatures that is unsafe to travel through.

  Herd A group of creatures numbering between a dozen and fifty.

  Goth Squad Group of six roller girls who took refuge in an educational institution after the turn.

  Oasis Office building located in the centre of the city that is converted by Vincent and Lily Green into a half-way house refuge for survivors.

  Pack A group of creatures that number approximately a dozen.

  Shadowmen Elite security force who are created to protect the Oasis.

  The Stadium Large sports stadium located on the fringe of the city that has been converted into a makeshift sanctuary. Inside the walls lies Tent City.

  Strays Individual creatures or pairs, sometimes refers to up to half a dozen in number. Usually separated from a larger group, strays meander aimlessly through the wastelands on their own.

  Swarm A group of creatures that exceed fifty in number. Generally regarded as too large a group to attack.

  Tent City A makeshift shantytown located within the perimeter walls of the Stadium. Survivors live in tents on the playing surface of the arena. Run by the Commissioner.

  Turn The process of changing from human form into a creature after being infected by the virus, usually through a bite. All turns are different from individual to individual with the process usually occurring between fifteen minutes and an hour.

  The Turn The day when the world as a whole succumbed to the virus when it became an overnight epidemic. Three quarters of the world’s population were infected by the virus on that day.

  Virus Not much is known about the actual virus, but it is believed to be based on a morphed strain of both Ebola and the Marburg Disease (Green Monkey disease). The virus is transferred through the skin by a bite and is completely contagious and one hundred percent infectious. Once bitten the host experiences a turn. There is no known cure.

  The Zoo A compound that was eventually settled by the 4Horsemen.

  Z182 Failed Ebola antibody that led to the first human turn.


  You may not realize it, but book reviews from readers are vital to the success of a novel. If you’ve enjoyed this novelette in the Dark of Dawn series, please consider rating it and writing a brief review on Amazon or Goodreads. Doing so will only take a couple of minutes. I genuinely appreciate your time –I know it’s valuable.

  Also, if you liked this book, please check out others in the series by following my author page on Amazon - http://amazon.com/author/sebastienwoolf

  For a FREE copy of Fear the Dawn, which is a short-story telling of how it all began in the Dark of Dawn series, simply go to www.darkofdawn.com and sign up to join the Woolf Pack. Once a member I will send you a copy of the eBook and personally welcome you to the den.

  If you’d like to get in touch, please go to www.darkofdawn.com and contact me there. I welcome your feedback, reviews, questions and comments and I’ll do my best to respond.


  Sebastien Woolf

  About the Author

  Sebastien Woolf is an enigma. As a creative dark force and coffee connoisseur his life has been heavily influenced by splatter, gore, slasher horror books and movies. Forever obsessed with the zombie apocalypse, Sebastien is a lover of all things dark and macabre.

  His life has been far from perfect, overcoming adversity to learn how to balance family life with a writing career. He has has been working toward publication for many years while battling depression, addiction and recovering from a breakdown.

  As an author Sebastien writes about emotional conflict and the many and varied complex social, cultural and religious issues that make us human. All Sebastien’s stories, characters and plot come from the deep, dark recesses of his subconscious mind. Most of his manuscripts have been written by hand for as he is feels empowered with pen, ink and paper and can feeling the energy and creativity flowing through him. Now he simply cannot stop writing.

  Sebastien believes there is a certain mystique about writing behind a mask and he finds a deep level of comfort writing in the dark. He likes the idea of remaining a mystery so there he shall remain, forever trapped behind the mask.

  Come join him in the Dark of Dawn....

  Web: www.darkofdawn.com

  Email: [email protected]

  Twitter: @SebastienWoolf


  Dark of Dawn is a series of post-apocalyptic horror novels and short stories set in the not too distant future. The series explores many maxims of human behavior and the many and varied complex social, cultural and religious issues survivors are challenged with. As the zombie apocalypse arrives, humanity crumbles and those who remain are forced to face the very real dangers that lurk in the shadows.

  There are six novelettes each of which is a backstory of a character, group or setting taken from the first book in the trilogy Dark of Dawn: 4Horsemen.


  4 Horsemen

  Island of the Dammed

  Evil’s Legacy

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  Warrior Princess

  Bone Hunter


  Goth Squad

  Dead Fare

  4th and Dead

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  Fear the Dawn

  find out how it all began

  only available on subscription @


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