Lily in Bloom

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Lily in Bloom Page 6

by Morgan Ash bury

  "I trust you.” When he continued to look at her, she stretched up and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “I do.” Naked, wet, and plastered against this virile man had become Lily's favorite state of existence.

  And maybe, she thought, the time had come for her to dare, just a little.

  "Being like this, with you, makes me feel free. For the first time in my life I know that here, I can be selfish, and it's all right. Here, I can put aside the walls and barriers that I realize I've always kept between myself and everyone else."

  "Thank God for those walls, Lily. I have a feeling that if you hadn't learned to develop them—likely early on in life—that bastard ex of yours might have killed your spirit completely."

  "Maybe. But those walls have kept me very alone, too, Ryan. They prevented me from making any friends, having any kind of a real life. That's how I know they're gone, with you. Because I feel free, and on the verge of having a life. Remember how I wondered what I should do—if I should work?"


  "Maybe it's not a question of doing, at this point in my life. I really don't have to work, or make money. So maybe it's not a case of doing. Maybe ... maybe it's a case of evolving. Of becoming. Maybe that's why I've been given this second chance. Maybe that's why I've been given you."

  "What do you want to become, Lily?"

  "Stronger. Freer. I want to be ... God, I want to be not only self aware, but self-assured. I want to walk down the street with my head held high. I want to take a stand and not falter. I want to enjoy every single minute of every single day and know at the end that I did what I wanted, and that I have no regrets."

  "You want to live."

  "Hell, yes, I want to live. For the first time in my life, I want to live."

  "And you think that being with me, like this, will give you all that?"

  "I know it will. Because it's already begun to. Before you, I never would have had the courage to look a man in the eye and tell him I want him. I want you, Ryan. Every single way I can have you.” The look in his eyes melted her heart and stirred her blood. She didn't think she'd ever get tired of looking at him, kissing him, fucking him. At least she hoped not, as she swallowed a giggle at how easily her mind had thought about fucking.

  "You humble me, Lily. From the first moment, you've meant more to me than just sex. Fucking you meant the realization of a thirteen-year-old dream. And even then, it meant more. I don't know where to start."

  His voice, a bass rumble, vibrated low in her belly. She felt her smile widen slowly and thought that, in time, she just might be able to do anything. “That's easy,” she said, her own thoughts and words spiking her arousal. “I seem to recall mention of a feast."

  Chapter 8

  "Are you going to let me have you?'

  "Pardon me, but didn't you just have me in your driveway not half an hour ago?"

  "Mmm, but what about now? And in having you now what I want is for you to surrender to me completely.” He stroked his hands down her body, smoothing soap along her fine lines and lush curves. Steam from the shower enveloped them in a sensual mist, the warm water caressing them both. He'd talked her into showering together to rinse away the chlorine from the pool. But more, he wanted another chance to have his hands on her. He loved the feel of her skin. Her flesh felt soft all over, but other women had been soft. She responded so hotly to his touch, but other women had done the same. He couldn't say why Lily seemed different, better, more than any woman he'd ever had. He only knew that she was all of those things.

  Mine. He'd never been a man to feel possessive of a woman. But that single possessive pronoun had shouted itself to Ryan the first instant his body merged with hers. That sense of fit, that sense of rightness hadn't diminished one whit, and he had the suspicious feeling that it wouldn't for a very long time to come, if ever.

  "Well?” he asked, quite aware that Lily hadn't answered him. But neither had her body become tense under his hands, so he guessed she didn't feel threatened by his request.

  "Surrender ... what?"

  Ryan chuckled, and pulled her flush against his front, his hands sliding up her belly to cup plump wet breasts. Smiling when she hissed in pleasure, he plunged his tongue into her ear. Then whispered the one word guaranteed to make her shiver. “Everything."

  He felt it then, a slight tremble that shuddered through her. Whether from arousal, or trepidation, he didn't know. Arousal could be plumbed from a pool of trepidation. Not that he wanted to terrify her, but a little healthy suspense wouldn't necessarily go amiss.

  Since they'd played back and forth with that word all day, Ryan decided to give her an example.

  "I want to begin by shaving you."

  "I shaved in the shower this morning."

  Ryan smiled. While one hand squeezed a breast, the other wandered down over her belly and combed through the short auburn curls that covered her mons.

  "I meant here, darling."

  "Oh. Um ... I've heard that when it grows back, it itches."

  "I'll just have to make sure that it doesn't grow back then, won't I?"


  Ryan nibbled her ear, squeezed the breast he held, and plunged two fingers into her. Working them quickly, he used his thumb to stroke her clit.

  "Say yes, Lily. Surrender to me. Completely."


  He held her off from orgasm by changing the rhythm of his fingers. When she whimpered, he stopped completely.

  "Yes! All right!"

  "Mine, to do with as I please?” One little caress accompanied his question.


  Satisfied, Ryan bent her forward, her curved and lovely ass right in front of him. Reaching onto the shower shelf, he snagged the foil packet he'd set there earlier. When he had prepared himself, he slowly rubbed his penis against her wet folds. He could feel her pussy throbbing with arousal. He plunged his cock into her, hard and fast and deep. When she came, he let himself come with her.

  * * * *

  She couldn't stop the shivering that had overtaken her. She didn't feel afraid. Well, not much. Being spread out on her bed, blindfolded, a little fear was understandable. She had asked him to show her everything, but she'd had no idea what ‘everything’ encompassed. He'd asked her to surrender to him completely, and she had said yes. She might not know the details of what would happen next, but she knew that she trusted him. Incredibly, she trusted him, as she had no one else.

  The sensation of wetness, and the drag of steel brought her back to the here and now. She didn't even shave her ‘bikini line.'

  She'd never imagined shaving her pubis, never really thought about it, except for the impression buried down deep, just now surfacing: Only bad girls shaved down there.

  Her hand didn't wield the razor, though. Her lover's did. So what did that make her? A very bad girl? In the next heartbeat, with the next cold glide of the razor over her labia, she knew what it made her. It made her free.

  Somehow, her emotions linked the act of shedding the hair that society expected her to wear with the shedding of the roles and responses that had bound her all her life.

  In reality, freedom more than liberated. It terrified. Everything changed. Everything became new and different for her now. The rules and traditions that had held her in place, ground her down, had been obliterated, banished the moment she'd said yes to Ryan's provocative demand.

  What she had surrendered to him, totally, wasn't her will, but her past.

  Another slow, meticulous stroke of the blade, and cool air wafted across where she was nude for the first time since puberty. He had ordered her to keep her knees bent and legs spread so that he could work freely. Those legs trembled now from the force of keeping them that way.

  "Almost done, Lily. Hold still, sweetheart. I don't want to have to tie your legs apart. At least ... not tonight."

  Lily moaned as another shiver coursed over her. Had she really believed herself to be cold, asexual? Ryan could render her close to orgasm with a single
daring sentence. His deep, sexy chuckle just added to the heat consuming her from within. She'd already come twice tonight. Unbelievable, really, when she'd had so few orgasms in her life before this intriguing younger man rode into it.

  "There. Now, just lay still. Relax your legs, but leave them spread for me, babe. I'm going to go get a warm, wet cloth and rinse you off."

  It seemed to take him forever, but he returned and cleaned her.

  "Do you know what the best thing is about digital cameras, Lily?"

  The non sequitur confused her. Until she heard the first ominous whirr and click. As awareness came, she moved her arms, instinctively seeking to cover herself.

  "No, Lily. It's your camera. This is just for the two of us. Trust me."

  Slowly, she returned her arms to where they'd been spread out wide. She heard a couple of more clicks, and then the sound of the camera being set aside.

  "Okay, I'm going to put a few drops of oil on you, now. Where it lands, I want you to use your hands and slowly massage it in."

  Lily nearly yelped as something warm and wet landed with a little plop on her belly. The tangy-sweet aroma of strawberries filled the air and she inhaled deeply. Her mouth watered in response to the fruity smell. She licked her lips and swallowed as she recalled Ryan's promise of a strawberry feast.

  More drops fell, this time on her breasts, and she moved her hands to caress and smooth.

  "Your nipples are hard, baby. You're turned on. Pinch them for me."

  A moan escaped her as she obeyed, and shafts of pleasure speared from her breasts to her pussy. It felt almost as good as when he pinched them. Her hips twitched and she clenched her inner muscles in response to the arousal.

  "Good girl. More, now."

  The liquid landed low on her belly and she dipped her fingers in, spreading it around her navel, to the edges of her hips, and just above her mons. It felt wonderful, this massaging, and she wondered that she'd never dared such a private rite before. She shivered. Her flesh pebbled, breast to thighs.

  Oil landed on her mound and began to trickle down to the folds of her vagina.

  Her right hand moved down to cover and stroke, to rub and tease. She felt moisture gathering inside her and began to work her hips in counter point to her busy fingers, feeding the flames.

  "Yeah, play with your slit for me, Lily. It turns me on to see you play with yourself like that. Use both hands, babe. Rub your hungry little pussy with both hands. But don't come, honey. Don't come yet."

  When more of the liquid landed on her, she gave a primal sound of need and pleasured herself even more. It no longer mattered that Ryan might be snapping pictures of her. It certainly didn't matter if she gave him one hell of a show. She turned him on, turned herself on, and that was all that mattered.

  "Slide a finger into your pussy, babe. Let me see you finger-fuck yourself."

  Lily had never done this before. That one time she'd masturbated, it had been a simple matter of picturing a naked sixteen-year-old Ryan and rubbing her clit. She'd come in moments, then, and had felt so guilty for touching herself in such a naughty way.

  Her finger encountered a hot, wet tunnel that eagerly sucked the digit down to the knuckle. When Ryan murmured for her to add a second, and then a third finger, she did so without thinking, only striving to please them both.

  "Come for me, Lily."

  "Ah, Ryan!” his name emerged as a sob on her lips as she tipped over the edge. Her body curved up, a tight bow of tension, her thumb stroking her own clit as she came and came. Exhausted, she fell back on the pillows, her hands sprawled out to the side, her entire body lax.

  In the next instant, she felt Ryan's mouth on her.

  * * * *

  "I can't."

  "You can,” Ryan said as he nestled his face into her moisture. “You will.” He closed his mouth over her clit and sucked rhythmically, his hands holding her hips in place when she squirmed. Because he knew she would be tender, he let the tiny nubbin of flesh slip out of his mouth. He kissed and lapped at her thighs, giving her a few moments to rest, to let the rawness he knew she must have been feeling, ease.

  "I can taste strawberries and your own particular nectar. Very intoxicating."

  He smiled when she whimpered, and he continued to kiss and caress her legs, her thighs, her belly. He avoided her pussy, waiting until he heard her breathing hitch, until he knew that she could take more.

  He returned his mouth to her then, holding his lips open, rubbing them back and forth slowly across her slit. Aroused, her labia thickened and opened. He pulled back, blew cool breath on her wet flesh, and chuckled when she shivered. Using his tongue, he traced every centimeter of her pussy, lapping, teasing, and then using his open mouth to give her big, sucking kisses. Releasing her hips now that she moved with him and not against him, he reached up to fondle pretty coral-tipped breasts. His own arousal burned, a molten river heating his blood, engorging his cock. He rubbed his condom-covered shaft lightly against the bed sheet, and knew it wouldn't take much for him to come. But tasting her, teasing and arousing her added another layer of seduction, one that gave him a deep pleasure the like of which he'd never known.

  Of course, he could fuck her another way. Squeezing her nipples tightly, he thrust his tongue into her.

  "Oh, God."

  He smiled but kept up his assault, lapping and sucking and thrusting with his tongue and lips, petting and caressing with his hands. His cock, rock hard, needed to plow into her soon, but he wanted to give her just a little more first. And take a little more for himself, as well. He'd never been so turned on in his life.

  When the sound of Lily's moans became frantic, he pulled his left hand away from her breast and trailed it down her body.

  Two fingers shot into her opening, caressing the top of her canal, finding the tiny button of hardness within, that some thought didn't exist. He tickled her G-spot with quick little strokes as he again sucked on her clit.

  The grab of her fingers at his hair, the tension of her body, the ear-piercing scream and release of nectar into his hungry mouth told him her orgasm whipped fiercely through her.

  He climbed up her prone and panting form and thrust his cock into her, burying himself to the hilt in one solid push. Whipping the blindfold off her, he kissed her, a deep tonsil-tickling, flavor-sharing kiss as he pumped toward ejaculation. Wilder and hotter than anything he'd ever experienced, he wondered, when the climax came, if he would ever get enough of her.

  For a long time, they lay tangled together, gasping, shivering, as the aftermath of explosive orgasmic sex washed through them.

  "I have the feeling,” Lily said at last, “that everything just might kill me."

  "Darling,” Ryan replied softly as he rolled to his side and gathered her close, “we've barely scratched the surface of everything."

  Chapter 9

  The old broad had been pitifully easy.

  John poured himself a snifter of his father's best brandy, and reviewed this evening's performance—at least Act One of it. He'd shown up at his grandmother's door with flowers. He'd carried himself just right, and before long, she asked him what troubled him. Putting on a brave front, he of course denied any problems. His grandmother could be counted on to act like a bull terrier when she got a notion in her head, and he'd enjoyed his role immensely. Finally he confessed his deep concern for his poor, witless mother, spending so freely, isolated in the middle of nowhere, nobody to guide her. Hinting—oh just lightly hinting—about the ‘much younger man’ who seemed quite at home in his mother's house. Then he'd delivered the clincher. How unfair that his mother possessed such a large, unused, and lucrative parcel of land when her children needed financial support and assistance.

  He wouldn't be surprised if dear old granny made a beeline for the farm the very next day. Though, of course, he knew his grandmother better than that. She wouldn't set foot on the place. At least not until she'd made a few harassing phone calls, first.

  His grandfather, h
e figured, hadn't died of heart problems. The poor old bastard had likely seen death as his only escape.

  The sound of the front door opening alerted him that his father and the bimbo had arrived home. Now it was time for Act Two. Before long, that wretched farm would be sold. He figured his share would be more than enough to set up his own apartment, pay for the rest of his education, with plenty left over to live a few years in style.

  * * * *

  "John. You missed dinner. Mary's mother was disappointed.” Reginald Martin came into the den, walking directly to the bar where he poured his own after-dinner drink.

  "Sorry about that, Dad. I'd been out to visit Mom, then ... well, I had to go see Grandmother, too."

  "Your mother is well, I trust."

  John hesitated before answering. “I suppose. I didn't stay long. She had ... company, and I'm afraid I felt very much ‘de trop,’ if you know what I mean."


  John knew he had his father's full attention now.

  "No, I probably just read the situation wrong. She claimed the guy lived next door, and just came to hook up her new computer. He seemed very young—I don't think he was my age ... yeah, she's probably just helping the guy out, paying him to do stuff for her around the place or something. Lots of younger men call older women ‘honey.’ Doesn't mean they're like ... a couple ... or anything."

  "It's kind of you to be concerned about your mother, under the circumstances. I don't know why she insisted on moving out to that backwater. Your grandmother, I'm certain, expressed her unhappiness with the fact."

  "I thought Mother might have been, you know, maybe prepping the place for resale. There are some pretty high-end housing developments in the area. I checked. The land she's sitting on has to be worth a bloody fortune. I told her she should look into selling it. After all, both Alice and I have a few more years of university to pay for and it's only right she contribute her fair share, give you a bit of a break."

  "That would be a good idea,” Reg agreed.


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