A Hotwife's Journey

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A Hotwife's Journey Page 10

by Delores Swallows

  That explains the love bite.

  “And I pulled his hair and rode his fingers until I came.”

  “You came before he’d even fucked you?”

  “Mm-hmm. Then I unbuttoned his trousers, gripped his cock in my hand and told him to get it inside me.”

  “And did he do as you asked?”

  “Of course.” She tugged his earlobe with her teeth. “And then I bounced on it and talked dirty until he sprayed my insides with cum.”

  His balls felt heavy and he increased the speed of his thrusts, desperate to unload. “What did you say?”

  “God knows—I just rambled about liking big cocks and hot spunk and cheating men who pick up sluts like me…”


  She moved slightly, pushing her hips down so his cock moved against her clit with each thrust.

  He clenched his teeth. “I’m going to—”

  “Come whenever you want.” She gripped his back, her nails almost digging in.

  He squeezed his eyes closed and pictured his wife fucking the guy in her car, tried to imagine the guy’s reaction to her actions and dirty-talk.

  When she clenched around him, he erupted. She clung to him and rode him from below, a slow sensual dance that made the hairs on his legs tingle. He pulsed again and again, but suspected he must surely be empty by now.

  Karen let out muted cries as they finally stilled. He stayed inside her as long as he could, but eventually slipped out.

  She eased him off her and smiled. “I should really change the sheet before we go to sleep.”

  “You should, but you’re not going to.”

  “It feels wrong with… you know.”

  “Someone else’s cum in our bed?” He shrugged. “It turns me on.”

  “Men are weird.”

  “Yeah, we are. So, finish your story.”

  “That’s pretty-well all of it. I rode him and we both came. I climbed off him, straightened my clothes, then drove him back to his car.”

  “Did he say anything, or ask to see you again?”

  She smiled. “I got the impression he’d had a good time. He seemed a little shocked when I started talking dirty, but he knew it was a one-off.”

  Nigel shook his head. “I couldn’t believe it when you walked into the room dressed like that.”

  “I kind of guessed you’d like it.”

  “I had to hide my stiffie with the paper.”

  She laughed. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  He reached down and found her hand, then gave it a squeeze. “Does this mean you’re no longer worried about meeting Sean’s wife?”

  “It means I’m going to stop worrying about it until it actually happens.”


  They turned out the lights and fell asleep in each other’s arms, the sheets damp and soiled with three people’s bodily fluids. Nigel couldn’t have been more content.




  Chapter Five

  Nigel read his paperback and sipped gin and tonic on the train to London. “This beats spending hours stuck on the M25,” he said.

  Karen smiled from the other side of their table while reading her phone. “I enjoy a bit of first-class travel.”

  Although she often attended symposia in London, it’d been a long time since he’d visited the capital. “Will we have time to see the sights before the party?”

  She shook her head. “The party starts at seven-thirty. We're cutting it fine as it is.”

  Nigel consulted his timetable app, wondering if he'd got all the timings wrong. “But the train gets into Euston just after three."


  "What d'you mean 'exactly'? That gives us over four hours.”

  “We have to take the tube and get to the hotel, and I’ll need to bathe, do my nails, makeup and hair. Then I’ll need to get dressed.”

  He stared at her. “It’ll take me ten minutes to get showered and dressed.”

  “In that case, you go and see the sights. I’m going to have a relaxing afternoon.”

  From Euston, they took the Central Line to Marble Arch and walked from there to their hotel. Their room was spacious, accommodating a huge bed, two armchairs and a dressing table.

  Nigel hung his suit and shirt in the closet and looked out of the window. “It’s too sunny to stay inside. I’ll go for a wander.”

  “Okay, make sure you’re back by six-thirty at the latest.”

  “Do you want me to order you a drink before I go?”

  She smiled and pulled a bottle of white wine from her overnight bag. “Already sorted, but if you can get a bucket of ice, that’d be lovely.”

  Ten minutes later, Nigel left the hotel and crossed the road to Hyde Park. He spent well over an hour wandering along the paths, passing the beautiful red-bricked Kensington Palace and its gardens along the way.

  After buying an ice cream, he ate it sitting on a bench overlooking the Serpentine and thought about the upcoming party. Though confident he wouldn’t have a problem meeting Sean, he still worried Karen’s guilt would spoil her evening. It might have been better all round if the party invitations hadn’t extended to partners. Karen and Sean could have enjoyed another night of passion, and then he could’ve enjoyed the replay while they lay in bed.

  His ice cream finished, he decided to head south and see the Royal Albert Hall on the way back to the hotel.

  When he reached their room, Karen was sitting in one of the armchairs wrapped in a fluffy white robe, applying face cream. A half-full glass of wine stood on the floor by her feet. He saw the empty bottle upside down in the bucket of icy water and hid a wince. He understood her anxiety about meeting Sean’s wife, but worried that too much Dutch courage might not be the best option.

  He smiled at her. “Will you be able to walk to the bar, or should I order a wheelchair?”

  She giggled. “I’m sure I’ll manage, but thanks for being so thoughtful.”

  He checked his watch. “Have you phoned home?”

  “Yeah, and they’re fine. They’ve got their evening all planned and have already organised pizza delivery for later.”

  “Okay, I’ll read for a bit before my shower.” He picked up his paperback and sat in the other armchair. “Shame there’s no wine left for me.”

  “You should have planned ahead, like I did.”


  Karen moved to the dressing table to apply her makeup. By the time he’d finished his chapter, she’d done her foundation and blusher and had started on her eyes.

  In the bathroom, he enjoyed the power-shower and came out fully revitalised. He brushed his teeth and returned to the bedroom, where he found Karen standing in front of the full-length mirror wearing black bra, matching panties and hold-up stockings.

  She stepped into her stilettos and turned to face him. Her makeup was really sexy, and she wore long, dangly earrings and a matching necklace.

  Nigel realised he’d stopped mid-step and was staring at her.

  She smiled. “Well?”

  He breathed out. “You look fabulous, but you should probably put a dress on as well.”

  She scrunched her nose up. “I suppose you’re right, but only because the CEO will be there.”

  “Really? I didn’t know the big brass would be attending.”

  She walked to the closet and took out her new dress. “Yeah, they never miss a free dinner and a chance to remind us how privileged we are to be part of their successful company.”

  He watched as she stepped into the dress.

  She looked back over her shoulder as she slipped her arms into the sleeves. “Would you fasten me in?”

  He stepped close and slowly pulled the zip up the back of her little black dress, which was knee-length with a fitted waist. An intricate pattern of beads trailed over the front. She looked elegant. And incredibly sexy.

  While he dressed in his best suit, Karen added a liberal sprit
z of her sexiest perfume to her neck and wrists. She came closer and ruffled his hair, which he wore short enough that it never needed combing. Having trimmed his beard before leaving home that morning, he’d needed about two percent of the time Karen had taken to get ready—but in his opinion, all her preparation had been more than worth it.

  Looking at them both in the mirror, Nigel knew he’d be the proudest man at the whole party. Sean would probably be quite proud of himself, too. As notches on the bedpost go, bagging Karen in Copenhagen must surely rate as a major success.

  “Shall we head down to the bar?” she asked with an apprehensive smile.

  He nodded and took her hand. They left their room and walked along the rich-carpeted corridor to the lifts.

  As they rode down to the ground floor, Nigel squeezed her hand. “How do you feel?”

  She gave a twitchy smile. “I’ll be okay, but thanks.”

  Karen’s heels echoed as she and Nigel walked across the marble lobby. They were shown to a private bar where about fifty people stood in small groups, chatting.

  Karen saw someone she recognised and led Nigel over. Waiters circulated with trays of canapes and champagne. Karen helped herself to a glass, flashing a smile in his direction.

  A couple of minutes later, he noticed that Karen looking towards the far corner of the room. Following her gaze, he saw a tall guy in a dark suit and red tie in another group. He was handsome: clean-shaven and square-jawed, with short, curly dark hair.

  Nigel looked at the woman next to Sean and was surprised. Startled, even. Based on his own image of a stereotypical Swedish lady and Sean’s apparent obsession with Karen’s breasts, he’d expected Mrs Sean to be an attractive blonde with small boobs. The woman next to him couldn’t be described as attractive by even the most generous observer.

  He must have thought he’d won the lottery when he fucked Karen.

  Karen stepped closer to Nigel and whispered in his ear. “Yep, that’s Sean.”

  He nodded. “He’s pretty-well exactly what I’d expected, though his wife isn’t.”

  She frowned. “That’s… not his wife, Nige. That’s Elsa, who works in his office.” She took a breath, then gripped his hand. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

  Sean ran his eyes down Karen’s body as she walked towards their group, and a shiver ran down Nigel’s spine. He felt proud and possessive at the same time. When they’d reached the group from Sweden, everyone turned in their direction. Nigel checked for knowing looks from Sean’s colleagues, but each of them smiled brightly, the women hugging Karen and the men making room for Nigel in their circle as she introduced him.

  “Sean, nice to see you again.” Karen shook her ex-lover’s hand in a professional manner. “I’d like you to meet my husband, Nigel.”

  Nigel held out his hand. Sean’s smile was relaxed, his handshake firm. “Good to meet you.”

  Nigel nodded, then looked around. “Is your wife here?”

  “I’m afraid she had to cancel at the last minute.”

  Karen stiffened slightly beside him. “Is everything alright?”

  Sean shrugged and smiled at the same time, a reassuring expression. “Her mother had a fall. It’s not serious, but she’s broken her ankle and can’t get around.” He glanced at Nigel, then back at Karen. “Freja’s father died a couple of years ago so her mother lives alone. She was actually supposed to be staying at our house to look after the kids while we were here, but now Freja’s staying home to look after the kids and her mother.”

  Karen sighed. “What a shame.”

  Nigel stifled a smile at her sympathetic yet relieved expression. A shame for Sean’s wife and her mother, or a shame that she’d worried unnecessarily? Nigel shook the cheeky thought away; he could well imagine Karen panicking at the thought that Freja had refused to come all the way to London to meet the hussy who’d banged her husband in Copenhagen.

  Other people joined the group and Nigel was introduced to Karen’s colleagues, whose names he recognised. It was nice to finally be able to put faces to the people she’d talked about. A couple of older men ambled across, and Karen whispered that this was her senior manager and the CEO. Nigel grabbed another glass from a passing waiter and chatted for several minutes to one of Karen’s colleagues and her husband.

  After fifteen minutes or so, they were invited through to the dining room. The seating plan was arranged so people from each site were mixed on each table. The Swedes sitting with Karen and Nigel were a lady called Lilian and her husband Andreas. Sean was on an adjacent table. There were a couple of mercifully short congratulatory speeches from Karen’s senior manager and the CEO, and then the food was served.

  The meal was fabulous and Nigel enjoyed a couple of glasses of the fine wine, noticing that Karen was also drinking her fair share. She kept stealing glances across in the direction of Sean’s table.

  He had a wicked thought and leaned close to his wife so that nobody else would hear. “If Sean’s all alone in his room, he might like some company later.”

  She stared at him like he’d slapped her. “Are you mad?”

  “Just a thought. Neither of you can keep your eyes off each other.”

  She held his gaze for a second. But then shook her head. “It’d be crazy.”

  He watched her face and could tell she liked the idea. “Well, it’s up to you.”

  She took a gulp of her wine, checking nobody else was listening. “And how would I explain that?”

  “Tell him I know about Copenhagen.” He grinned. “You could even admit it was my idea in the first place.”

  “No way.”

  “Maybe say I found out about it afterwards, and I don’t mind.” He shrugged. “Explain I’m not as possessive as you’d assumed.”

  She laughed, but before she could answer, the guy to her right asked her a question, ending their intimate discussion. Another woman at the table brought Nigel into their conversation. Over the next ten to fifteen minutes, everyone at the table talked freely about the pharmaceutical business, and about their company’s encouraging pipeline of candidate drugs. They chatted about London, and eventually got on to the chaos of Britain’s exit from the EU.

  “What a joke,” said one of the other project managers, whose name Nigel had already forgotten. “If a company’s board of directors behaved the same way our elected MPs are doing, the shareholders would be up in arms. Too many individuals with their own axe to grind, putting their own selfish—”

  His wife put her hand on his arm to halt his rant. “Gareth.”

  “Sorry,” he said with an embarrassed smile. “Brexit? Fuxit would be more like it.”

  Others around the table laughed. Nigel didn’t want to get into a political debate; he was worried enough because his own company would certainly feel the impact of a no-deal exit from Europe.

  Karen looked at her Swedish colleague. “How does your country view what’s happening here?”

  Lilian frowned. “We wonder why you have left it until the last minute. You seem to have done nothing for almost three years, but now say you need more time.”

  “Exactly!” Gareth shook his head, but as his wife’s grip on his arm visibly strengthened, he settled for seething in silence.

  The subject was dropped and the conversation moved on to other topics. After coffee had been served, people wandered between tables to talk to others.

  Sean appeared at their table. “May I join you?”

  Karen and Nigel both smiled. The man who’d been sitting on Karen’s right had already moved to another table, so his chair was vacant. As Sean sat down, Karen pushed her chair back. Nigel listened to the two of them chatting freely about their drug’s successful progression to the next stage, neither of them seeming to know what they’d be working on next. Lilian and Andreas were still at the table. She worked closely with Sean, as it turned out, and her husband had obviously met him many times before.

  The conversation was relaxed, and Sean was good company: polite, wit
h a sharp sense of humour and a ready smile.

  Nigel noticed Sean couldn’t help glancing down whenever Karen re-crossed her legs, as if the sound of nylon against nylon seemed to draw his eyes.

  A warm feeling developed in his gut. He liked Sean, and his thoughts of what this man had done with Karen in Copenhagen had been enriched by meeting him. The idea of them fucking each other again tonight was very appealing. From the way the pair of them were sharing not-so-secret looks, it no doubt appealed to them, too.

  The waiter service had stopped after the coffee and brandies had been served, and a small bar had opened at the end of the room. Nigel stood and asked if anyone wanted a drink. While he was at the bar, Karen came to help him carry the glasses.

  She looked into his eyes and smiled. “Well?”

  “He’s nice. I approve of your taste.”

  “Thank you.” She licked her lips, then glanced around to make sure there was no chance of being overheard. “About your suggestion… I’ve thought of another way.”

  “Oh?” His heartbeat raced.

  “I could tell him that I’ll go to his room after you’ve fallen asleep.” She gave him a sly smile. “You could even pretend to be a little more drunk than you are.”

  “We can do it that way if you want.” He didn’t think it needed to be that complicated. “Or I could feign tiredness and head up to bed early. That way, you two could go to his room and I’d think you were still in the bar.”

  Her smile faded a fraction. “I’ve dressed up like this for you, you know.”

  “I know, and you look fabulous. But you can dress up for me anytime. Tonight is special.” He smiled his emphasis, remembering how she’d described the opportunity with Sean in Denmark.

  She leaned close and kissed him gently on the lips. “Don’t fall asleep. I’ll want you when I get back to our room.”

  He held her gaze and nodded. “So I’ll be getting…?”

  She nodded. “Sloppy seconds. Again.”

  His cock swelled. He took a steadying breath and picked up some of the glasses, then nodded towards the ones still on the bar that she had to carry. As they made their way back to their table, he looked down at her legs, remembering how good she’d looked in just her underwear and stockings. Sean was in for a special treat.


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