Demons (A Detective Pierce Novel Book 2)

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Demons (A Detective Pierce Novel Book 2) Page 7

by Remington Kane

  Andrea left the motor running while they dropped off their passenger, Jenna Raines.

  As she left the lot and pulled back onto the street, it took every shred of restraint Andrea had not to speed away.

  She wore layers of clothing, and yet, she was shivering. Despite the overnight dip in the temperature, Andrea had to continue to drive with all the windows down, because of the lingering smell.

  As Andrea drove away, she made a call, one that was answered in the building they were driving past, the police station.

  “Nine-one-one, please tell me your emergency?”

  “There’s no emergency,” Andrea said. “But I know where you cops can find Jenna Raines.”


  Pierce’s lieutenant, Coke Dyer, left the station with two uniforms and checked out the dumpsters. He knew what he’d find even before he got close, because of the odor of decay.

  It was Jenna Raines. She’d been dead for days and was streaked with dirt. It appeared as if someone had buried her, then dug her up and placed her in a blanket. The corpse was naked, but Coke saw no apparent sign of death until he realized that her head was hanging at an odd angle. Someone had broken Jenna’s neck.

  There was a note written in block letters.






  The note filled Coke with rage and he had to walk in a circle for a moment to let his anger subside. If one of the Bay Street Demons had been in arm’s reach, he would have strangled them. He regained control of himself, said a prayer for the dead child laying at his feet, and made a call to wake up the ME.


  Pierce and Jake Collins had returned to the station earlier from Flemington, after giving up on the search for Gorgon and Moloch.

  Jake had opted to rejoin Stacey as she sat on Bo Raines motel room. He had thoughtfully brought her food from an Italian restaurant that did take-out. The kindness bought him some points with Stacey, along with a smile of gratitude.

  The two of them decided to give the motel a few more hours before calling it a night. As they waited for Bo Raines to appear, they talked about their lives.

  While Jake was bonding with Stacey, Pierce was having a long talk with Internal Affairs. It concerned the use of his firearm at the Raines’ farm, as well as the physical force he had used against Chuck Ralston.

  The meeting ended with Pierce handing over his weapon and being given a choice of three days of desk duty or three days off.

  Pierce was furious that he was being given a mandatory three-day stint of desk duty while Al’s killer was still on the loose. When the Internal Affairs detective pointed out to Pierce that he wasn’t working that case, Pierce spoke words to the man that most would consider profane, and certainly insulting.

  A fellow cop had been stabbed to death, he himself had faced off against a group of armed men earlier, and all IA could think about were their procedures.

  In the end, Pierce left Internal Affairs with his weapon being held until his three days of desk duty were up. He knew that Val would have loved for him to take the three days as down time, but he’d rather be working at a desk than doing nothing.

  As could be imagined, Pierce was not in a good mood. Then, he returned to the squad room and was told by Coke that Jenna Raines was dead.


  “The Bay Street Demons left her body across the street by the dumpsters,” Coke told him. “She’s downstairs in the morgue.”

  Coke then showed him the note which was in a clear evidence bag.

  Pierce read it, cursed the Bay Street Demons, and slammed a fist atop his desk. Afterwards, he sank into a chair and said nothing more. Anger, frustration, and grief had left him drained.


  Jake Collins had been laughing along with Stacey Hightower as the two of them were driving back to the station. Then, his phone rang. It was Pierce.

  After ending the call and telling Stacey about Jenna Raines’ fate, the two of them grew quiet for the rest of the ride back to the station.

  After he parked and stepped out of the car. Jake just stood there. Stacey had been heading towards the side entrance. When she noticed that Jake hadn’t moved, she returned to the car and stood before him.

  “What’s wrong? Is it about Jenna Raines?”

  Collins sniffled, then sighed.

  “I met that girl’s parents today, Stacey. I was in their house, saw the family photos, and I can just imagine how gut-wrenching the loss of that girl will be to them. Look what it’s already done. Not only have they lost their daughter, but Bo can never come home, or he’ll likely do time, or worse, if he resists arrest.”

  Stacey took a deep breath, then wiped away a tear. When Jake opened his arms, she didn’t hesitate, but just fell into them and embraced him.

  After a few moments passed, Jake kissed the top of her head and they separated. When Jake studied her face, he saw that Stacey wore a determined look.

  “This is why we do what we do, Jake, and we’re going to get the bastard that killed her.”

  “And also the bitch that killed Al,” Jake said.

  “Yes, we’ll find Jenna’s killer, and also Al Finder’s murderer. Us, the FBI, Homeland Security, whatever it takes, but they won’t go unpunished.”

  Jake sent her a sad smile.

  “Let’s get inside. It’s been a long day and we still have things to do.”

  As they reached the building, Jake held open the door for Stacey. Instead of entering, she looked up at him.

  “Hey Collins.”


  “I don’t date cops, but we both have to eat sometime and I love flicks. When this is over, why don’t we catch a movie and a meal together?”

  Jake grinned.

  “I can live with that.”

  Stacey entered the building while talking over her shoulder.

  “But it won’t be a date.”

  “Of course not.”

  “Because I don’t date cops.”

  “I get that.”

  “All right then, as long as that’s clear.”

  “As a bell,” Jake said, and Stacey giggled.


  Moloch awoke with a start, as a hand was clamped over his mouth.

  It was Gorgon, and he was whispering for Moloch to stay quiet.

  “There’s people downstairs. It sounds like kids.”

  Moloch rubbed his eyes and took out his phone.

  “Shit, it’s after midnight,” he whispered.

  Laughter drifted up to them from the kitchen, as did a familiar odor.

  Gorgon grinned.

  “They got weed, man. It’s Friday night and the local kids are partying.”

  “In my fucking house,” Moloch whispered, as a scowl darkened his features. He sure as hell wasn’t allowed any parties in the house when he was a kid. Hell, he was lucky to go a day without a beating.

  The two of them crept quietly from the bedroom and down the stairs. The house was old and creaked, but the teenagers in the kitchen made enough noise to drown out the sounds.

  Once they were on the ground floor, Moloch gestured for Gorgon to follow him into the dining room, which was devoid of furniture. From there, they could look in on the kitchen through a gap in the door. The kitchen was lit by candles, and there were blankets on the floor, in opposite corners of the room.

  There were four teens, two boys and two girls. The boys were sixteen, maybe seventeen, as were the girls, although they looked younger than the boys. The teens were drinking beer to go along with the pot.

  The boys seemed high, but the girls were getting drunk, and they laughed at anything anyone said. One of the girls was a definite flirt. She was giving her girlfriend’s boyfriend a foot job beneath the
table through his jeans. The other girl and boy were oblivious, and it made Moloch smile.

  After observing them for a few moments, Gorgon moved away from the door and gestured for Moloch to follow him.

  Once they were in a far corner of the dining room, Moloch saw that Gorgon was wearing a huge smile.

  “What are you so happy about?”

  “Yo, brother, think about it. We need two young girls right? Well, they say that the Lord will provide.”

  Moloch looked towards the kitchen. When he turned back around, his grin was as wide as Gorgon’s.

  “Fuck yeah, and they’re both blonde and cute.”

  “The thing is, the boys have to go. We don’t need any witnesses and—what are you looking at?”

  Moloch pointed out the window. There was a pickup truck outside. It had oversized tires that elevated it high above the ground.

  Gorgon chuckled.

  “Shit, how the hell did we sleep through that thing pulling up to the door?”

  “I don’t know,” Moloch said. “But this just gets better and better. We can take the girls and haul our bikes back in that thing. The cops won’t be looking for us in a pickup.”

  Loud laughter came from the kitchen. It was followed by the sounds of movement, and then silence. When Gorgon and Moloch went and peeked in at the teens again, they saw that they had begun kissing. When the kissing grew more intense, both boys had hands roaming beneath their girl’s clothing.

  Gorgon was busy watching the girl on the right while she removed her top to expose firm breasts. The girl reminded him of Andrea at that age, and he remembered what it was like to be with her in their early years. The girl was brazen as well, as she invited the boys to take turns with her if they wanted to.

  When the other girl called her a slut, she just smiled and gave her the finger.

  Moloch whispered. “Should we let the boys have a little fun before they go?”

  “Yeah, let ‘em fuck, and damn don’t I miss being sixteen.”

  Moloch said nothing, he just unzipped his pants and began playing with himself as he watched the show in the kitchen.


  Pierce handled the sad task of informing the Raines about their daughter’s death.

  Bart and Karen Raines were staying with relatives, since their home had become a crime scene. Due to the late hour, Pierce knew that he must have woken the whole house. And given the nature of the news, he doubted that anyone would get back to sleep.

  Pierce had barely slept since Al Finder was murdered, and the thought of sitting at a desk for three days pissed him off.

  When he informed Jake that he would be teamed up with Stacey during that time, it amused him to see the young man struggle to not break out in a smile.

  “So how did you two get along today?”

  “Great, Stacey and I work well together.”

  Pierce laughed.

  “You don’t care if we ever partner up again, do you?”

  “Not true, but I am looking forward to spending more time with Stacey.”

  Coke called them all into his office and Pierce saw that the lieutenant looked as exhausted as he felt. Coke was also pissed about the decision that Pierce be on desk duty for three days, but understood that it was standard procedure after a shooting, righteous or not.

  Pierce passed along what Chuck Ralston had said. That a woman named Andrea had killed Al Finder. Since they had no last name to go by, they would have to try and find an Andrea among the Bay Street Demons’ associates. It was not expected to be an easy task, since the Demons and their ilk often lived life off the grid. So far, the computer search had turned up nothing.

  The lieutenant then went on to fill them in on what was happening with the FBI’s investigation. When he told them about the warehouse and the belief that there were girls being held captive inside, the room erupted.

  “Whoa guys,” Coke said. “Calm down. It’s not my call. That order comes straight from Homeland Security. It’s also a secret. So you never heard it from me, and I never heard it from our FBI friends.”

  “They’re risking those girls’ lives just to catch one more scumbag. It’s not right, Lieutenant,” Stacey said.

  “Listen, Stacey, I know it’s tough to swallow, but by this time tomorrow, those girls will be free. Agent Rodgers also says there’s a chance that the Bay Street Demons will show as well.”

  Pierce threw his hands in the air in disgust.

  “Seriously? And I have to sit here at a desk?”

  Coke smiled at him.

  “You’re not going to be sitting at a desk. In fact, since you’ve all worked so hard and have put in so many hours, I want the three of you to take tomorrow off.”

  Pierce had been pacing, but he came to a stop and stared at Coke. Jake shot to his feet and both he and Stacey said that they didn’t want to take time off until Al’s killer was behind bars along with the Bay Street Demons.

  Coke just sat behind his desk smiling at them.

  “Are you all done bitching? Good, and you know, most people love to get time off.”

  Pierce looked at Coke sideways. He had known the lieutenant for years. The man was up to something.

  “What’s this about, Coke?”

  Coke gave him a look of pure innocence.

  “I don’t know what you mean, Rick. However, I do have a suggestion for you, actually, for all three of you.”

  “And that is?” Pierce said.

  “Go home, get plenty of rest, and sleep late. When you wake up, have a nice leisurely breakfast. Then, why don’t you all meet and have some fun in Atlantic City?”

  Pierce grinned.

  “Atlantic City?”

  “Yeah, there’s still a casino or two open down there, I think. Go play some craps, have fun.”

  Jake and Stacey laughed, then Stacey looked at Coke with a serious expression.

  “Lieutenant, I like your suggestion, but I heard that there were some bad areas down there that should be avoided.”

  Coke grabbed a notepad from his desk and tore off the top sheet.

  “That address is said to be in a high crime area; I’d stay away from there, unless I was armed and just happened to be wearing my vest. You know what I mean?”

  Jake took his seat again.

  “It would be nice to run into some friends down there.”

  “I’m sure you will, especially if you three hang out in front of the Caesars’ casino, say, at four o’clock.”

  Pierce cocked an eyebrow.

  “Are these federal friends?”

  Coke nodded.

  “Homeland Security is trying to cut Rodgers and Abrams out of the action too, and guys, be careful, hmm? Gambling can be dangerous. Now get out of here.”

  Jake and Stacey left first, but Pierce stayed back and hung in the doorway.

  “However this goes down tomorrow, those two don’t get any stink on them. If any shit hits the fan, I’ll take the heat.”

  “You and me both, and hey, Pierce?”


  “Bring me back some saltwater taffy; I love that stuff.”

  “Will do, Coke, and someday soon, I’ll also bring you Al’s killer.”

  Coke grinned.

  “Now that’s a safe bet.”


  The two teen boys died violently while in the midst of seeking pleasure.

  The two young couples had moved to different corners of the room to lay atop blankets. Gorgon and Moloch had moved into the kitchen while the teens were engaged in a um... distracting activity.

  They each grabbed one of the boys by the hair and stabbed at their hearts.

  The two girls shrieked as their mortally wounded lovers fell to the floor beside them. The screams died in the girls’ throats. They had turned into mews of fear when Gorgon and Moloch brought their guns out and threats were shouted.

  After that, the girls were subjected to having to wash the dead boys’ blood off themselves as Moloch and Gorgon watch
ed them while they were still naked. They then let them get dressed in the clothes that they had discarded while engaged in passion with the boys.

  All signs of drunkenness had subsided, as fear cleared the girls’ minds. Terror is sobering.

  The teens had brought the blankets along for their comfort, and Moloch cut strips off of them to tie the girls’ wrists behind their backs. With that done, Gorgon moved the girls into the living room, while Moloch searched the boys pants for money and the keys to the pickup truck.

  Once they overcame the initial shock, one of the girls couldn’t stop quietly crying while the other one kept promising the two Demons sexual favors if they would only let her go. She even offered up her crying friend, as well as two other classmates. She said that the girls were twin sisters, who she said she could trick into coming to the house. Moloch realized that she was the same girl that had given one of the boys a foot job earlier.

  Gorgon laughed at her.

  “They would come here this late?”

  “If I said we had cocaine, yeah, so will you trade? Me for Trina and Tina?”

  Moloch wrapped a gag around her head and pulled tight.

  “Sorry honey, but a bird in the bush, you know?”

  The girl was talking behind the gag. Curiosity made Gorgon loosen it.

  “What? You can sweeten the deal?”

  “Gold! My dad collects gold, you know, like coins and gold bars. He doesn’t trust banks.”

  Gorgon and Moloch looked at each other, seeing their own flicker of interest reflected in the other’s eyes. Then, Gorgon asked the girl a question.

  “Where does he keep the gold?”

  “In a safe in his office at home, and it’s a big one. If I had to guess, I’d say that he’s got over two hundred of those coins, plus some silver ones, and bars, silver bars.”

  “What’s your name?” Moloch asked her.

  “I’m Cindy, and that’s Kara.”


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