Bella Cove_A Second Chance Romance

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Bella Cove_A Second Chance Romance Page 18

by Rochelle Katzman

  Kayla’s heartbeat was pounding. “No, I’m not saying that,” she said, even though marrying him was still her dream. “But I miss the Gabe from earlier by the rock. Because that Gabe didn’t seem to be stuck in all the bad stuff that happened in the past. He was only remembering the good parts of us. Kind of like what your grandfather was trying to get you to see when you talked about me.” She pushed Gabe gently so he would release his hold on her arm. Then she walked into her office, closed the door, and put her hands over her face.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Kleiner,” she whispered. “I don’t know how else to show your grandson that I still love him.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kayla stayed in her office until she heard Gabe leave. He didn’t go right away as she’d hoped he would, as if he were debating what to say. The sound of his heavy footsteps told her he’d hung out there for a while, pacing back and forth like crazy. Finally, he’d left, slamming the door behind him. Kayla was lucky it was still too early for customers to come in. But any second now, her sisters would arrive. She was surprised they hadn’t gotten there yet. She wouldn’t complain, though. It was nice to have a moment to herself.

  Twenty minutes later, she was still in her office when Sarah opened the front door.

  “Hello?” Sarah called out.

  Kayla brushed away some tears, which seemed to have stuck to her face.

  “Hold on. I’m in the office. I’ll be right out,” she yelled back. Quickly, she reapplied her makeup and smoothed down her yellow sundress. If it was up to her, she would have closed the store for the day and hid in her office. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option with her sisters working here.

  “Hi, Sarah,” she said when she stepped out of her office.

  Sarah was putting her purse away in one of the register-desk drawers.

  “You look terrible,” she said as she locked the drawer.

  Kayla rolled her eyes. “Thanks.”

  “Are you going to tell me why you were crying or are you going to hide your feelings like Nana always did?”

  Kayla was surprised Sarah said that. She was right, though. Nana never shared her feelings when it came to her own life.

  “I’m okay. It’s just that Melody came here earlier, and then Gabe stopped in and gave her some jewelry Mr. Kleiner wanted her to have. Then when Melody left, Gabe was an asshole toward me. One moment he’s so warm, and the next, he becomes a dick.”

  “Awe, sweetie.” Sarah ran over and gave Kayla a huge hug. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about him, especially since I told you guys that the tension in the room was so intense when you were together that I needed to go home to touch myself, but I’m a little self-absorbed, so…you know.”

  That made Kayla laugh. “I know,” she said, hugging her back. “I’m sorry. I’m okay.” She stepped out of the hug. “Men can be so infuriating sometimes.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. Here.” Sarah unlocked the drawer and handed Kayla some tissues from her purse. “I know exactly what you need to cheer you up.”


  “An iced coffee from down the street. And then when I return, we’re going to dive into cleaning the storage room. I want to start classes in a few weeks.”

  Despite having had an iced coffee earlier with Gabe, Kayla agreed; today was definitely a two-iced-coffees kind of day. “I worked on the storage room a little this morning, but that’s a great idea. Let me give you some money.”

  She turned to grab her purse, but Sarah stopped her.

  “Are you kidding? You pay me really well. Don’t think I don’t know that you took a pay cut so Lauren and I can both work here.” Sarah grabbed her purse and started walking toward the front door.


  Sarah turned.

  “Thank you for being there for me,” Kayla said, smiling warmly.

  Sarah sighed. “I want to be there for you, like you’re there for us. At least, to some degree. I’m way more selfish, you know.”

  Sarah paused, and Kayla noticed tears in her sister’s eyes.

  “Sometimes, I would have liked to have helped Nana, too. She wouldn’t let us. I know she had issues, too, like the rest of us.” Sarah turned and walked out the door.

  Sarah hadn’t waited for a response, but she was right. Kayla would have liked to have been there for Nana, too. Maybe if she had leaned on her family, she wouldn’t have felt the need to cheat on Pop. Or maybe she still would have cheated, but the family would have realized that sometimes her grandmother needed help, too.

  From the minute Sarah left to get coffee, Kayla continued cleaning out the storage room. Doing something productive made her feel better. In fact, she felt better all around. Sarah being there for moral support really meant something. Even though she didn’t know the full truth, it was nice she cared.

  Kayla went to retrieve a bigger trash can from under the register desk when she saw Jordan, Lauren’s new love interest, standing in the middle of the store.

  “Hi, Jordan. You scared me. Is everything okay?” Kayla thought Jordan looked as if he hadn’t shaved in a few days.

  “I’m sorry, Kayla. I hope you don’t mind that I stopped in. Lauren always says you’re the voice of reason in the family, and I’m a mess right now.”

  Kayla sighed. “Wait for me in my office.”

  She pointed Jordan toward her office, then walked to the front door to change the open sign to closed. Sarah had the key. She would let herself in like she always did. This morning was obviously meant for drama and not for making money.

  When she walked into her office, she saw Jordan had already taken a seat. She sat in the chair across from him.

  “So tell me, Jordan, what’s going on?” She clasped her hands on the desk and waited for him to speak.

  “Lauren almost broke up with me. I thought she was giving us a real chance, but this morning at six o’clock, my boss called and told me I had to get to the office. A transaction was going sour, and I had to save it. But I was already in my car on my way here to see Lauren. I had to make sure she was okay and that she was still going to give us a chance. I told my boss I was on my way to Bella Cove, and I was planning on working from here, and he threw a fit. He said I’m needed in the New York office, and if I wanted to be in Bella Cove, I should find a job there. I told him I was almost here, so he said I had to be back by noon. I was on my way back to the city, but I felt like I should stop and talk to you.” Jordan’s eyes were bright red. He was leaving something out.

  “Did you see Lauren?” she asked.

  He nodded. “I did. I stopped at your house. Your mom is very nice, by the way. She made me take some brownies for the ride home.”

  Kayla smiled. “Go on.”

  “Your mom led me up to Lauren’s room. She had just finished getting dressed and she was doing her makeup. At first, she was surprised to see me, but I told her I wanted to make sure we were okay. And she said she trusted me to make the right decision. Well, that threw me off because of my boss’s threats. And I’m on the fast track to becoming a partner. So I told her I had to stay in New York, but I made enough money at the firm to buy a house here. We could come here every weekend if she’d like. She said she didn’t want that. It’s all or nothing. Then I said I would commute by train or car every day. But the thing is, I have to be at work most mornings by seven. The morning traffic would be over two hours, and the train ride is just as long because out here, you have to transfer trains. I’d be willing to do it, though, for Lauren. But she said she couldn’t ask me to do that because eventually I’d resent her.” Jordan ran his hands over his face. “What should I do, Kayla?”

  Kayla sighed. “You don’t need my advice.”

  “I do.”

  Kayla shook her head. “I already know what you’re going to do.”

  “You do?”

  Kayla smiled. “Yes, you’re going to do whatever is necessary to be with Lauren. She already made it clear she won’t leave Bella Cove. That’s a deal-
breaker for her. But the good news is, that’s her only deal-breaker. Besides the normal things like no cheating. And even though you two haven’t dated for long, she really cares about you.”

  “And I care about her,” he added.

  “I know. So my question is, what’s your heart telling you? What can you do to make your relationship with Lauren work, and at the same time be true to yourself? My only advice is to listen to your heart. Your mind may be fighting against you, but eventually, the heart leads the way. Listen to your heart, and stop creating obstacles to be with Lauren.”

  Jordan stared at her. Kayla could tell he was thinking.

  “I know what I have to do,” he said. “You’re right.” He stood, leaned over the desk, grabbed her face, and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go.”

  Jordan ran out of the store without looking back. When he opened the front door, he almost ran into Sarah, who had her hands filled with iced coffees.

  “Whoa,” Sarah said.

  “Hey, Sarah, I’m Jordan. You look exactly like the picture Lauren showed me. I’m her boyfriend. I’d like to talk, but I have to go.” He kissed her on the head and then ran out the door.

  Sarah looked at Kayla, and they both laughed.

  “That was Lauren’s new man?”

  Kayla grabbed her iced coffee out of Sarah’s hand. “Yes, it is. I’ve decided to close the store for the day. You and I have a date in the storage room. Do me a favor and call Lauren. Tell her to take the day off. She won’t be in the right frame of mind anyway.”

  Sarah smiled. “Okay!”

  Kayla was about to enter the storage room, but she remembered something.

  “Oh, and one more thing. Please tell Mom to make extra brownies for us tonight. I think we’ll definitely need them.”

  Sarah laughed and immediately dialed home.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next morning, Kayla went to the rock just in case Gabe was there. They didn’t have a standing rock appointment, but she’d hoped he’d be there anyway.

  When she didn’t see him, she stormed to his office and knocked on the door.

  Gabe answered the door, looking frazzled. His thick hair was in disarray, and he had dark rings around his eyes.

  “Are you coming to the rock?” she asked before he could even say hello.

  Gabe chuckled. “Do you want me to come to the rock?”

  She put her hands on her hips. “I wouldn’t be standing here if I didn’t. Unless you’re still holding a grudge.”

  He ran his hands through his messy hair. He must have done a lot of that this morning.

  “You confuse me, woman.”

  “Well, get unconfused.”

  She turned and starting walking, not even waiting for him. If he wanted to come, he’d follow. As she reached the trees, she sensed Gabe behind her.

  “You didn’t give me a chance to lock my door,” he said, catching his breath.

  “I’ve given you enough chances. Now, it’s up to you.” She’d made up her mind she was still going to fight for him, but he had to meet her halfway. Him deciding to join her this morning was a sign that maybe he would.

  They were silent until they reached the rock.

  “I didn’t bring a blanket.”

  “That’s okay,” she said as she sat down. “But I brought us a snack.” She opened her purse and took out two large brownies.

  Gabe took a brownie out of her hand and joined her on the rock. “Crumb cake yesterday and today brownies. Maybe we should run around the rock instead of sitting on it.”

  She laughed. “I wouldn’t mind if you got fat.”

  He raised an eyebrow as she took a bite of her brownie. “You want me to get fat?”

  She laughed again. Gabe always made her laugh. “I’d like that. That way, you wouldn’t be so damn attractive, and every woman in Bella Cove wouldn’t be checking you out.”

  He smirked. “You’re jealous of the women here who check me out?”

  She sighed. “I’ve only seen the women we pass when we walk here, but, yes, I’m jealous.”

  Gabe looked at her, but suddenly, his eyes turned serious. “I hate watching men checking you out, too. While I was catching up to you just now, I saw at least four guys checking out your sexy butt.”

  She busted up laughing. “You did not.”

  He nodded. “I wouldn’t lie about something like that. I was picturing myself hitting all of those guys over the head with my grandfather’s signed Mets baseball bat.”

  She smiled wide. “The cops would arrest you, but don’t worry; I’d bail you out of jail.”

  He looked out into the bay, taking another bite of the brownie. “You wouldn’t abandon me?”

  She looked at the bay, too. “I’d never abandon you again.”

  They were both silent after that as they sat looking at the water and the boats and munching on brownies. After a while, she couldn’t take the silence.

  “Are we going to talk about the ring?” she asked.

  He didn’t even glance at her when he answered. “Do you want to talk about the ring?”

  She sighed. “No.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t either.”

  Kayla scooted closer to him. He put his arm around her and she leaned against his chest. She didn’t want to talk about the ring, so she was glad he didn’t either. Sitting here like this was exactly what she wanted to do. This was one of the first times they were on the same page since he’d showed up at the store.

  They remained silent for a long time until Gabe put his nose in her hair and inhaled. “Lavender. You always used lavender shampoo and lavender oil on your skin.”

  Kayla smelled him, too, but she didn’t make it as obvious as he did. She missed his woodsy smell so much that about a year ago, she’d gone into a candle shop in town, smelled each one, and then tried to explain to them what he smelled like. It hadn’t worked; nothing they sold came close.

  “You used to love the smell of lavender. Do you still like it?” she asked.

  He groaned. “You have no idea.” Gabe inhaled her hair again. “I can’t do this anymore.”

  “Do what?” It didn’t take long for her to find out.

  Gabe grabbed the back of her head and gave her the kiss of the century. His lips pressed into hers as if he was starved. She opened her mouth, welcoming the feel of his tongue, and he did not disappoint. He moved his tongue around hers, as if she was his favorite flavor of ice cream.

  Kayla wrapped her arms around him as he guided her back against the rock.

  “I should have brought the damn blanket,” he whispered against her lips.

  “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

  He leaned his forehead against hers before slipping his hand underneath her tank top.

  “I know it was my idea to take things slowly, but every time I see you, I can’t get enough of you. And when I’m not with you, you consume my thoughts. Fuck, I’m struggling here.”

  “I’m struggling, too.”

  He kept his forehead against hers as his hand touched her bare stomach.

  “Your skin was always so smooth.” He moved his hand in circles until he reached her bra; in one swift motion, he unhooked it.

  When his fingers grazed her nipple, she moaned, dying for him to remove her shirt. But he didn’t. His thumb circled her nipple, but other than that, he didn’t move. With his head resting against hers, neither could she.

  Gabe pinched her nipple, exactly how she liked it. He remembered.

  “Your nipples are so hard for me.”

  She wanted to tell him how wet she was, too, but she refrained, afraid he’d stop touching her.

  When he touched her other nipple, she about lost it. She lifted her pelvis slightly in the air.

  “Easy, baby,” he said. “If you think I’m going to fuck you against the rock, I’m not. I only want to touch you. I miss how you feel so much. You’re my drug.”

  “A good drug? Or a harmful drug?”

/>   He chuckled. “Sometimes good and sometimes harmful.”

  “I don’t want to be a harmful drug, Gabe,” she whispered.

  He continued pulling her nipple. If he didn’t stop this torture, she was definitely going to come, even without her clit being stimulated. And she didn’t want to come this way, as much as she loved what he was doing.

  But before she could tell him to, he stopped touching her, clasped her bra, and pulled her shirt down. His forehead stayed against hers, so she reached up and quickly kissed him on the lips.

  “I could have touched you all day, but I think we’re being watched,” he groaned.

  “What? Where?” She turned her head and saw a boat not that far away.

  Gabe sat up and ran his hands through his hair. Kayla followed.

  “You run your hands through your hair when you’re frustrated,” she said.

  He smiled. “True. You frustrate the hell out of me.”

  She stood and wiped sand off her clothing. “Me? Why?” She batted her lashes at him.

  “Don’t look all innocent,” he said and then became serious. “When we stopped talking, I was done with you. But now, since you’re back in my life, I can’t stop thinking about you and your sexy body. You’re dangerous.”

  She tilted her head and looked at him. “I don’t think anyone’s called me dangerous before.”

  “That’s good to know. But only because they haven’t touched or tasted you the way I have. You were supposed to be out of my system two years ago, and clearly, you’re not. You confuse the hell out of me, woman.”

  Kayla smiled softly and repeated her wish from earlier, more gently this time. “I hope you become unconfused soon.” She grabbed the remains of her brownie, wrapped it up, and threw it into her purse. Then she grabbed Gabe’s and handed it to him, touching his fingers as she did. “And by the way, Mr. Wademan, you’re my drug, too.”

  They walked back to Main Street in silence. The entire time, Kayla felt the imprint of his fingers on her nipples. She had never felt so horny in her entire life. At the same time, she was through asking him to meet her at the rock. Nope. The ball was officially in his court.


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