
Home > Young Adult > Betrayed > Page 2
Betrayed Page 2

by Alexia Stark

  Dominic appeared at her elbow, two flutes of bubbly in hand. He gave her one, then lifted the other to her. “To fresh starts and new beginnings.”

  She lifted her glass. “To the people who matter most.” They touched glasses.

  She made her way to her room, her head light from the alcohol, though her feet were steady. The warm fuzzy sensations took the edge of pain off, but didn’t dull her as she entered the master bedroom on the first floor. Part of her wanted to sleep elsewhere, but it still felt right.

  The window called her and she padded to it, having taken her shoes off up in the ramparts. The mist hadn’t let up and a light rain had started. Caroline loved the rain and wished she could open the window.

  A knock at the door brought a smile to her lips. “Come in.”

  She didn’t hear his foot falls, but the passing rush of air carrying his thick scent warned her he was at her elbow.

  “I thought you might need help.”

  She glanced up at him, then turned, catching his meaning. She’d had a friend help lace her up, but now, it was just the two of them. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she planted a light kiss to his cheek. He turned, pressing his lips to her forehead.

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, sweetheart.”

  She released him and his hands fell to her shoulders. With a gentle motion, he turned her. She stared out the window while his fingers untied her laces. The sensation of his fingers slipping into the crossing silk and wiggling the ties free sent a shiver racing down her spine.

  His hands moved up, each little tug and wiggle igniting her blood as the lace and silk bodice began to pull away from her naked flesh.

  “Jesus, are you naked under this?” he asked, and she grinned.

  “Naked? No, I’m wearing a garter.”

  His sharp intake of breath startled her, and the shift between them deepened. The dress loosened and she turned to him. His eyes locked on hers as she shimmied out of the skirt, standing before him in nothing more than her garter and goosebump covered flesh.

  He started to turn away, but she set her dress aside and rushed into his arms. “Don’t go.” Her quiet words seemed to make him hesitate, and she sensed his inner battle.

  “I’m a big girl. I can make my own choices.” She smiled at the startled look in his eyes. Little spasms in his pupils confirmed what she thought she’d felt. He felt it too.

  “I’m your dad, sweetie.” His tone was passive, and she prepared to dance with him.

  “Not by blood. And think about it. We’re not in America, no one here knows who we are or that you’re my step father and not my husband. Is the crime really committed if there is no one to report it?” She widened her eyes in her most innocent expression.

  A tiny grin teased the corners of his lips. “Who are you wand what have you done with my sweet little girl?” he asked.

  “Your little girl is a woman now. A woman who just realized she almost made the biggest mistake of her life.” The truth socked her like a punch in the gut. Robert would never have made her happy.

  He arched a brow. “I’m older than you—“

  “By ten years, daddy. It’s not a big deal.” She’d often teased him for being younger than her mom… Mom.

  His eyes lit with amber fire and she knew he was thinking of her too. “Don’t start,” she said, angry he’d consider it. “she’d love this. She loved you so much. I doubt she’d be upset that the man she loved fell in love again.”

  “It’s a betrayal.” He looked away, his face twisted in pain.

  “Why? I love her dearly, but you have to move on, Dominic.” His name rolled off her tongue, and he jolted, looking down at her in shock.

  “I know,” he whispered. “It’s just that… you remind me so much of her, I hate myself for feeling like I need her so much I’d be using you to keep her memory alive.” Again, his pupils dilated and contracted.

  “You’re lying.” She smiled at his surprise. “I doubt you are doing so on purpose, but you’re lying. How about this—make love to me tonight. If things are weird tomorrow, we pretend it never happened.”

  He let out a sigh. “You can’t undo it once it’s done, love.”

  “I never said I wanted to. I have no doubts about any of it.” She pulled out of his embrace and lowered one arm at her side. Gripping her elbow with the opposite hand, her eyes studied the floors, his shiny dark shoes and explored the thrill surging in her blood. Robert never set her on fire like Dominic did.

  His hand made their way to her shoulders, and she glanced up at him. She opened her mouth to speak, but his lips crushed hers. Startled, she wound her arms around his shoulders to keep from falling. Her breasts flattened against his chest as his kiss deepened. The honey and tart taste of champagne and lust invaded her mouth with his tongue, and she whimpered in the face of his animal touch.

  His hands pressed her shoulders back and she stepped back with baby steps as his body pushed hers back. The bed met the back of her knees and she fell back. Staring up at his powerful, somewhat contained expression, she resisted the urge to scuttle back on the bed. He removed his jacket, tossing it aside, smoldering gaze locked on her.

  Tired of whatever internal battle he was fighting, she sat up and grabbed his tie. Pulling him down, she kissed him. The kiss started sweet, but turned dark in an instant. He covered her, pressing her down into the soft bed. His parted hers, and she lifted her heels to the wooden frame of the bed as his hips pressed to her delicate flesh.

  He released her mouth to kiss down her neck, his teeth nipping here and there. When he cupped her breast, she cried out at the exquisite sensation of his thumb brushing across her nipple. Jolts of pleasure shot to the soft juncture between her thighs.

  His mouth founds hers again, commanding, so intense her head spun while his fingers teased her nipple and sent pulses through her body. He broke away, his words hoarse. “It’s not too late to stop.”

  “Don’t stop.” The whisper fell from lips swollen from his deep, searching kisses.

  Eyes closed, her back arched as his weight left her. Cold air pressed in, and she opened her eyes. He stood a few feet away, removing his cuff links with an intense glare trained her direction. Flinching under his dark expression, a blazing blush seared across her cheeks, down her neck and across her neck. In response to the tingling heat, her nipples tightened until they resembled pebbles.

  With deliberate motions, his hands worked each button in turn beginning at his throat and moving down. Her eyes followed, though his gaze stayed locked on hers. Sensing his intent to unsettle her, she ran her tongue along her lower lip, wondering why her mouth had dried up like a stone in the desert.

  His eyes tracked the flick of her tongue, narrowing with a predatory need. He released the Windsor knot in his tie and pulled one side off with a snap of silk. It drifted from his hand to the chair where it slipped to the floor, unnoticed by him.

  His shirt followed, but she couldn’t take her eyes off his powerful chest. She knew he kept in good shape because of all the time spend tending the stables. She’d thought it was odd, since they had stable boys just for the menial tasks, but Dominic often jumped right in to muck out stables. More than once she’d giggled at him, hot and sweaty with the sleeves of his Hugo Boss button down shirt rolled up.

  Her cheeks burned even more under his intense scrutiny. The thump of her heartbeat in her ears drowned out the sound of rain pitter-patting the windows. Still wearing his slacks, he made his way to her. He leaned between her legs, the heat of his naked torso almost too much to bear as he lowered his elbows beside her head and pressed his lips to hers.

  In the tiny amount of time that had passed, the tone changed. No longer was he rough, demanding, commanding. Now his kiss was slow, exploratory, but still dangerous. She sensed the tightly contained need he tamped down.

  His tongue met hers, then withdrew. “Scoot back.” His demanding tone left no room for argument. She scuttled back on elbows, eyes
locked on him. Muscles bunched and released as he slid from the bed and removed his slacks. Dark silk boxers covered him, but did nothing to hide his powerful frame. He crawled up next to her and crossed his legs before motioning her close.

  She climbed into his lap, unsure until he parted her legs and reached under her to grab her ass. A squeal scraped from her throat as he pulled her onto his lap. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she gasped at the sensation of his tight stomach brushing the tender button between her folds.

  The sensation of his hands on her ass choked the breath from her lungs. He seemed not to notice as his lips claimed hers with demanding kisses once more. She straightened her arms out, his shoulders just above the back of her elbows as her eyes drifted closed. Lost in the sea of heat, passion and love tingling between them like drawn out lightning, she relaxed.

  He broke the kiss. “Trust me?” he whispered. Unable to speak, she nodded.

  “Look at me.”

  She did as he said, watching him as his lips touched hers again. His lips trailed to the corner of her mouth. He pulled back a bit. His hands pressed her ass closer to him, and she took control. Crushing her lisp to his, she cried out as he rocked her. Shock and pleasure flowed through her as her button rubbed against the hardness of him.

  Pleasure and a bit of pain warred inside her and she tossed her head back. He caught her, his hands pressing into her back while she continued the gentle movements he’d started. One arm left, the other still holding her tight. When his fingers brushed her nipple, she shuddered. He teased at the tight little bud, circling it a few times before the pad of his thumb brushed across it.

  She realized then how much noise was leaving her. Small cries and occasional yelps filled the room, echoing off the walls. Embarrassed, she tried to tone it down.

  “No, stay loud. It’s sexy. Just relax, it’s me.”

  She lifted her head to meet his sexy glance before she dropped back again. “Take your boxers off,” she said, her words breathless.

  “Not yet. We’re not in a hurry.” Light humor peppered his tone. Moist heat closed around her right nipple, and a shriek blazed from her throat, the pain of the cry adding to the pleasure as he nibbled at the delicate flesh. Her hips crashed into him quicker, her speed driven by a desperate need to get to some unknown pleasure that hovered close.

  Her belly tightened at the same moment Dominic slipped the other arm around her back and captured her other nipple in his fingers, flicking a rough thumb over the sensitive flesh.

  Her sharp cries turned to whimpers as her body drew taut. Blood rushed to her head as he lowered her another few inches. Both his arms locked around her as his hot mouth closed on the pebbled pink tip of her left breast. He nibbled, the nip of his teeth sweet torment.

  Her pace quickened, small pulses tugging at random muscles in her body. She closed her eyes to bright starbursts of light. Everything exploded. The world flew apart as all the sensations erupted in an earthquake deep in her core. Shudders radiated out from her center. Her loud scream gave way to a clap of thunder outside as the heavens opened up and dumped a torrent of rain on the castle.

  Safe and enclosed in his arms, she rode out the orgasm as his lips left her. “Are you okay?” he asked, his husky whisper almost lost to the thundering raindrops and the rumble of thunder.

  She nodded, her body limp. He let her down on the soft bedspread, his weight moving with hers. Suddenly, she was on her back with him pressing down between her legs. His hungry gaze feasted on her body. Where his glance landed, his lips followed. Sharp bites enflamed her excitement once more.

  Her thighs trembled. Unsure if their shaking was from his rough, ravenous need or the earth-shattering orgasm, she stared up at him, wide-eyed and almost afraid. Trapped under his weight, she froze as he slipped his boxers from his legs and tossed them aside. He reared up on his knees and she lifted on elbows to admire him.

  “This isn’t going to work,” she said in her most matter-of-fact voice, and he chuckled. He dropped on her once more, his lips on hers.

  “If you tell me to stop, I will.”

  “Darn,” she said, a smile on her face. He let out another laugh, then growled as he kissed her once more. She surrendered to the kiss, parting her lips for him. She gasped as the tip of his cock slipped between her folds. With long, gentle strokes, he rubbed it up around her clit and down, skirting her entrance, down along her perineum and back up toward her clit once more.

  “You’re so wet, baby,” he whispered against her lips, and she shivered.

  “Is that okay?” she asked.

  “It’s incredible.” His teeth caught her lower lip and he pulled it into his mouth. He nibbled, then let her go to taste her chin and neck while he made several more passes, tormenting her.

  “Tease,” she whispered, and he chuckled.

  “It’ll be worth the wait, I promise.” His thumb found her button and eased circles around it while he lazily ran the crown of his cock around her entrance. She grabbed his arm with one hand as he forced her toward indefinable white-hot pleasure.

  “Go ahead, sweetheart.” At his words, pain and pleasure engulfed her, dragging her under the surface. Drowning in sensation, she screamed as his cock slid into her. He buried himself in her throbbing pussy, adding a new pain and pleasure as he withdrew, then plunged home once more.

  Her nails dug into his tense arms. He nuzzled her neck, and she nipped his jaw. With a dark growl, he sank his teeth into her neck, the burst of pleasure and pain wrenching another sharp yelp from her.

  His long, smooth strokes stole her breath. “I love you,” she whispered. “This is perfect.”

  “I love you. You’re perfect.”

  She smiled at his twisted version of her response. She watched his shoulder flex and nestled in close. Her breasts shifted against him, and he groaned. His pace quickened, but she sensed restraint too.

  “Don’t hold back,” she whispered.

  “If I don’t hold back I’ll hurt you.” His lips captured hers and her argument faded. Every forceful thrust felt like it would split her, and her legs ached from behind around him so long. As if he sensed her discomfort, he withdrew.

  “Roll over.” His sharp tone was chased by a crack of thunder and the flash of lightning outside. Without hesitation, she rolled onto her belly, pressing her face into the pillows. He dropped on top of her, legs outside hers. Unsure, she stayed perfectly still as he probed her with his hard cock.

  He slid down, pressing the tip into her pussy and she breathed a sigh of relief. His weight lowered on her, and his whisper teased her more.

  “It should feel good at this angle.” He filled her slowly, easing every inch in slow. When his hand slipped under her belly and down to rub harsh circles around her clit, she whimpered, biting down on her lip.

  Without warning, he thrust the rest of himself into her and she cried out. Thunder swallowed her scream, and his fingers moved quicker as he filled her with ruthless pump after ruthless pump.

  Pinned and helpless under his weight, she struggled against her impending release. “It’s okay, baby. Come again.”

  “But…” she whimpered, unable to think straight through the haze of pleasure he pressed on her.

  “Come.” All traces of gentleness disappeared from his tone, replaced by a dark, demanding growl.

  She squeezed her eyes shut. The darkness behind her lids blazed with white-hot light and she screamed as ecstasy ripped through every pore. Trembling and lost in the joy of quaking muscles and searing spams, she begged him, her words a tangled mess.

  His body went taut, his own shout filling the room. The sudden hardness of his cock startled her. The throbbing of her pussy hadn’t abated, and she couldn’t breathe with all the electric tingling. Goosebumps broke out over her flesh. He collapsed on her.

  They lay, her trembling, his weight warm and comforting. “Am I hurting you?” he whispered, as if words might ruin their bubble of joy.

  “No.” The lie seemed obvious t
o her, and he backed off.

  “Roll over.” Mischief filled his tone.

  Trying to find the strength, she managed to roll on her side. “I’m not sure I can, she said with a tired grin. His hand found her hip and pressed her onto her back. He ducked his head and she bolted up on elbows. Surely he wasn’t going to—

  With his teeth, he caught her garter and tugged it down, hands behind his back as if bound. She watched in disbelief, her grin widening.

  He dropped it, victorious, on her belly. He dropped to plant a kiss on her lips. “There. That was driving me crazy the whole time.”

  She giggled. “You were driving me crazy the whole time.”

  The intense, animal glare returned to his face, and her lips parted. They stared each other down, then he backed off. “Let’s get you in the bath. Hot water’ll ease some of that soreness you’ll be feeling soon.”

  “Yeah, soon,” she quipped.

  “Don’t talk back, young lady.” He smacked her hip and she whimpered, the sound purely sexual. “None of that,” he said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. He backed off the bed. With one hand, he grabbed her ankle and hauled her down. She squealed in fake terror as he gathered her up in his arms and stared down into her eyes.

  “I love you.” The quiet seriousness of his tone made it clear things had changed between them.

  “I love you.” She didn’t ask the question on her mind.

  He seemed to know, though, and answered. “Let’s give it the week. We’ll talk about it. You have to be sure this is what you want. If you’re sure, we’ll figure it out.”

  She nodded. She’d never been so sure of anything in her life, and she planned to spend the week showing him.


  Dear reader, I hope you loved this story. I know I do. Thank you for reading.


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