Lily's Story: The Complete Saga

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Lily's Story: The Complete Saga Page 41

by Christine Kersey

  “Just so you know, Lily, I’m planning on being part of my daughter’s life.” He paused as an idea seemed to occur to him. He smiled suddenly, but he didn’t seem happy. Instead, the smile had a tinge of vindictiveness. “You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to move to this little town so that I can see my baby whenever I want. What do you think about that?”

  No! My head began to pound. I don’t want you here!

  “And don’t even think about running off again. Because no matter where you go, I’ll find you. I have every right to be in my baby girl’s life and I plan on doing all within my power to make sure she knows her daddy.”

  Feeling shaky, I tried to control my voice. “I think that’s great, Trevor,” I lied. “You should move here. That will make it easier with the baby.” I paused. “Do you think you’ll be able to find a job?”

  I could tell my statement had surprised him. “Yeah, sure,” he said. “I’ll be able to find a job. Don’t worry about me.”

  “By the way, when are you going to bring over the divorce papers for me to sign?”

  “I don’t know why you’re in such a big hurry.”

  I frowned. “I just want to get it over with.”

  “I’ll get to it eventually. But right now, I’m out of here.”

  Relieved he was finally leaving, I followed him to the front door. He opened the door, then stopped and turned to me, a smirk on his face. “Thanks for having me over.”

  “Bye, Trevor.” Regret that I’d answered the door earlier that evening swept over me.

  He walked out and I locked the door behind him. Though it was still dark outside, when I looked through the peephole I was able to see him get into his car. A moment later he turned his car around and drove down the gravel drive. I watched until he was gone.

  I went back up to bed, but couldn’t fall asleep, thinking about the ramifications of him moving here.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  The next day at work I kept looking out the window to see if Trevor was in the area. Once I saw a man who I thought could be Trevor, but I had only caught a glimpse and couldn’t be sure. All day long I was distracted and stressed and Billi noticed.

  “Is something wrong, Kate?” she asked, catching me looking out the window yet again.

  I spun around, embarrassed. “No. I just thought I saw someone I knew.”

  “Okay. By the way, I hired two new girls to help out at Christmas. Hopefully one of them will work out to replace you when the baby comes.”

  “Oh. That’s great.” Though I knew I didn’t want to work once the baby came, I also knew I’d miss my job. I’d enjoyed interacting with the customers and everyone had always been friendly. But I’d told Billi I was going to quit once the baby came, so of course she’d hired a replacement for me. It just felt strange to be told I was being replaced.

  When my shift was over I stayed alert as I walked to my car, expecting Trevor to appear out of nowhere. I didn’t have classes that afternoon, so I drove straight home, keeping an eye on the cars around me, looking for Trevor’s blue Camaro. I didn’t see it, and once in my house, I locked the front door.

  Not knowing if Trevor would unexpectedly show up, nervousness shadowed me all afternoon.

  I can’t live like this. But what can I do? Trevor isn’t doing anything illegal. At least not yet. I just need to relax and try to live my life.

  Once evening came, I fixed dinner then cleaned up. Once I felt everything was clean enough to allow me to unwind, I took my eReader into the living room and curled up on the couch. It was about seven o’clock and dark out. As I settled into the book, I finally began to relax. Greta was curled up in the corner on her pet bed, her head resting on her paws.

  She jumped up and ran to the door, her tail wagging. Then she began barking. My heart rate skyrocketed. Someone’s here. Then there was a loud knock at the door. Startled, I let out a little scream as the blood drained from my face.

  I went to the window and lifted a slat on the blinds, peering out. From the light coming from the porch, I was able to see enough to know that Trevor’s car was not out front. Who is it? Is Trevor trying to scare me? If he was, it’s working.

  Quietly, I tiptoed to the door and looked out the peephole. When I saw Marcus there, I almost wept with relief. I took several deep breaths, trying to get myself under control, then opened the door.

  “Marcus, what a nice surprise. I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

  “Hi, Kate.” A broad smile curved his mouth, and his incredible green eyes sparkled. “How have you been?” He glanced at my stomach. “You’ve really . . . grown.” He laughed.

  “I know. I feel huge. Do you want to come in?”


  He followed me to the couch and we both sat down. I hadn’t seen him since the night he’d told me he had gotten back together with Marissa, about four months earlier. “How are you? How’s Marissa?”

  At the mention of her name, his smile dimmed. “We broke up.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s okay. It was my decision.”

  “Oh. Well, how’s your job going?”

  “It’s fantastic. How about you? How’s school going?”

  “Great. It’s almost time for finals. But you already knew that. You’re going to school too, right?”

  “Yes. It’s funny though. When I was in high school I just did what I had to to get by. But somehow it’s different now. I’m really enjoying learning. I’m glad I went back.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  “So do you have the baby’s room ready?”

  “Yes. Your dad helped me get the dresser and changing table set up. And when I found out it was going to be a girl, I added some feminine touches to the room.

  “A girl, huh? That’s great. Have you thought of a name yet?”

  “Yes. Natalie.”

  “I like it.”

  I smiled, pleased that he approved. “Do you want to see her room?”

  “Sure. I haven’t been in it for a long time.”

  “Okay. Let’s go.”

  We walked up the stairs and into Natalie’s room.

  Marcus looked around. “It turned out great, Kate. You’re a natural decorator.”

  I laughed. “I don’t know about that, but thanks.”

  Pounding sounded at the front door. I walked to the window and looked out. Even in the dark I was able to see Trevor’s blue Camaro.

  “Are you expecting someone?” Marcus asked.

  “No.” I hoped if I didn’t answer the door, Trevor would leave.

  That hope was quickly dashed as I heard the front door open and Trevor walk in, calling for me. “Lily? Lily, where are you?”

  I glanced at Marcus, who looked completely confused.

  “Stay here,” I said, then I hurried out of the room and down the stairs.

  “There you are, Lily,” Trevor said loudly.

  The smell hit me first. “You’ve been drinking.” I tried to talk normally so as not to rouse Trevor’s suspicion, yet quiet enough so Marcus wouldn’t hear.

  “What was your first clue?”

  “What are you doing here? I told you not to come here anymore.”

  “I wanted to come see my wife, of course. Why else would I come here?”

  “Please, Trevor. Keep your voice down.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Why?”

  Thinking fast, I said, “The baby finally stopped kicking and I don’t want you to wake her up.”


  “You need to leave now.”

  “Why would I do that? I want to spend the evening with my beautiful wife.”

  “Just go. Please.”

  Then I heard a creaking noise coming from the stairs.

  Turning, I saw Marcus at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Who the hell are you?” Trevor shouted, livid.

  “Is everything okay, Kate?”

  Panic flowed over me in waves, threatening to drown me. “Ev
erything’s fine,” I managed to say.

  “Who are you?” Marcus asked Trevor, obviously concerned for me.

  “I’m her husband.”

  Marcus’ eyes widened and his eyes shifted to me. “Kate?”

  Trevor started laughing hysterically and Marcus and I both turned to him.

  “I see she’s got you fooled,” Trevor said, trying to catch his breath between laughs.

  “Trevor, leave. Now!” I demanded.

  He ignored me as he focused on Marcus. “What else did she tell you?”

  “Kate?” Marcus asked again.

  “Her name’s Lily, you idiot,” Trevor said, his laughter under control.

  Marcus just stared, first at Trevor, then at me. More than anything in the world, I wanted to disappear, just sink into the floor and never come up.

  “I’d better get going, Kate, uh . . . yeah,” Marcus said as he walked toward the door.

  “Marcus, wait. I can explain,” I said.

  “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I’ll see you around.”

  With that, he walked out, shutting the door behind him.

  I was so angry at Trevor, I thought I would explode.

  “Are you sleeping with him too?” he asked.

  My hand swung up and across his face before I’d completed thinking about doing it. He staggered back, caught off-guard. Then I moved backwards, out of his reach, expecting him to retaliate.

  “Why was he upstairs? Was I interrupting something, Kate?” He exaggerated my alias as he rubbed his face.

  “He’s just a friend,” I said with as much venom as I could muster.

  “Yeah, right. I know how that works.”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head, knowing there wasn’t a way to make him realize he was wrong, and knowing he hadn’t changed at all. Not even a little bit.

  “Get out of my house before I call the police.” This time I had my cell phone in my pocket, but I didn’t reach for it, not wanting Trevor to know it was there.

  He took a step toward me, his body language conveying his intention to hurt me, but stopped short when Greta growled at him.

  Relief cascaded over me and my love for my sweet Greta grew immensely.

  He looked at her as she bared her teeth and barked menacingly.

  “I don’t need this,” Trevor muttered before turning away from me and walking out the door.

  As soon as I’d locked the door, I burst into tears and sank to the floor. Greta pressed up against me and I wrapped my arms around her. “You’re such a good dog,” I sobbed. “Such a good girl.” She licked my face until I couldn’t help but laugh.

  Once I’d gotten my emotions under control, I looked out the blinds to make sure Trevor had left, then checked the back door to make sure it was locked. I turned on the TV and stared at the program that was on, not really watching.

  I tried to grasp what had happened and what the consequences would be. Trevor knew that Marcus was in my life. He assumed he was my boyfriend and now he would be less cooperative about the divorce than before. Marcus had broken up with Marissa and had come to see me, but now he probably thought I was a liar, which I guess I was, and a married woman, which I guess I was too.

  What a mess I’ve made. I came here to make a fresh start, but now, in some ways, things are worse than ever.

  When I was too exhausted to think, I trudged up to bed, but slept fitfully all night, terrified that Trevor would come back and hurt me and the baby. Thankfully I had Greta with me. I knew she would protect me.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  The next day I didn’t have to work. The first thing I did was call an alarm company and have an alarm system installed. After jotting down the security code and putting it under the silverware holder in the kitchen drawer—my mind had been in such turmoil that I didn’t trust myself to remember it—I wondered how much safer the burglar alarm really made me. If the alarm was tripped, it would take the police a little time to reach me. But I didn’t know what else to do. I was set to deliver my baby in just a matter of weeks. I had a doctor I’d been seeing and I didn’t think running was the right answer. I just had to do all within my power to stay safe. I had Greta and now I had the alarm.

  Over the next three weeks I didn’t see Trevor or Marcus. I wasn’t surprised not to see Marcus, but I was nervous that Trevor hadn’t made an appearance. I was constantly on edge, expecting him to show up when I was least prepared.

  I was able to get through finals, which was a relief, then I settled in to wait to have my baby. A few days before my due date, it was my last day of work. I was afraid I’d be bored at home, just waiting, but I was so big now that it was uncomfortable to work anyway.

  Though my baby was due any day, I decided to put up some Christmas decorations. Christmas was two weeks away and after I’d gone to all the trouble of getting my ornaments back, the least I could do was put them up. I drove to a nearby Christmas tree lot and bought a small tree, one that I could manage on my own.

  After setting it up in the living room, I arranged my favorite ornaments on the tree and stood back, having a nice reminder of my childhood home. Warmth flowed through me as I thought back to the Christmases I’d spent with my dad. He’d always made an extra effort to make me feel special. Though I didn’t have any presents under the tree, I enjoyed the way the tree made the room feel more festive. Anyway, I didn’t need any presents—my new baby was the only present I wanted.

  When my due date came and went, I felt disappointed and started to believe the baby would never come. Finally, two days later, my water broke. I wasn’t having any contractions yet, but knew I should get to the hospital. Scared to drive myself, I gathered the courage to call Trish and ask her to drive me to the hospital.

  “Of course I’ll take you. I’ll be right there,” she said.

  A few minutes later she pulled up to the house. I hurried out, my overnight bag in my hand, and made sure to set the alarm before locking the door.

  “How are you feeling?” Trish asked as I climbed into her car.

  “Okay. I haven’t had any contractions yet.” I paused. “I’m worried about my dog, Greta, though. I don’t have anyone to feed her while I’m gone.”

  “I’d be happy to do it for you, Kate.”

  I noticed she glanced at me when she said my name. Fairly certain Marcus had told her what had happened with Trevor several weeks before, I was mortified at what she must think of me and I ignored the implied question.

  “I would really appreciate it.” I pulled my keys out of my purse and set them in the cup holder. Then I told her the alarm code. “Please make sure to set it when you leave.”


  A short time later we pulled up to the hospital

  “Do you want me to come in with you?” she asked.

  As the reality of what was happening became clear, fear seeped into my mind. I had some idea of what to expect, but since I had never been through giving birth before, there was still so much I didn’t know. I longed to have someone with me to comfort me and support me. “Yes, I’d like that.”

  We pulled into a parking space and walked in to the hospital together. I had pre-registered so it didn’t take long before we were taken to the labor and delivery area.

  Trish waited in the hall while I got settled into a room. Hailey, the nurse assigned to me, checked my progress. It was still very early, but since my water had broken, they would keep me there.

  Hailey put a monitor around my belly and Natalie’s heartbeat filled the room, loud and strong. A few minutes later Trish came in and sat by the bed.

  “Are you sure you want me here, Kate?”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like you to stay.” Tears filled my eyes as I thought how pathetic I was. I barely knew my neighbor but I had no one else to be with me.

  “I don’t mind,” she assured me with a warm smile.

  A short time later I began having contractions. They were bearable, but I rested my head on the pillow an
d closed my eyes. After two hours, labor was not progressing very fast, so my doctor ordered Pitocin to get things going.

  Soon after they gave me the Pitocin the labor pains became stronger. The nurse helped me with my breathing and I was better able to deal with the increased pain. Trish left for a while to get something to eat and when she came back she wasn’t alone.

  “Marcus!” I said, delighted to see him. Even though I didn’t look my best, I was thrilled to see a friendly face.

  He walked into the room as Trish stepped out. “I wasn’t sure if I should come,” he said, obviously uncertain if I wanted him there.

  “I’m so glad you came,” I said. Then a powerful contraction overwhelmed me. Closing my eyes, I focused on my breathing. When I opened my eyes, I smiled at the look of terror on Marcus’s face.

  “Should I get the nurse?” he asked.

  “No, it’s okay. Come sit by me.” I motioned to the empty chair next to the bed and he sat down.

  “Does it hurt a lot?” he asked.

  “Yes. It does. But I just need to focus on what the end result will be.”

  He laughed nervously. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “I’m so glad you came, Marcus. Your mom has been so nice to stay, but I’m sure she has other things to do.” I hesitated, wondering if I was assuming too much. “Can you stay for a while?”

  He grinned. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”

  “Really? Thank you.” Another contraction hit me and I focused on dealing with that. When it was over I looked at Marcus. “I want to explain about what happened that night.” I was certain he knew what night I was talking about.

  “You can explain it to me later. Right now you need to focus on you and your baby. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I said as another, even stronger contraction rolled over me. As it faded, tears filled my eyes. “Oh, Marcus, it hurts so much. I don’t know if I can do this.”

  He took my hand. “It’s okay, Kate. I’ll stay right next to you. You’re doing great.”

  “Another one’s starting,” I managed to say before a powerful wave of pain nearly crushed me. “I can’t stand it,” I gasped as it began to subside.


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