His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 2

by Tish Domenick

  He didn’t release her. He spoke with his lips against her forehead. “You have to think this over carefully. Sleep on it for a day or two, but don’t wait too long or the gossip mongers will have a field day over you living here by yourself.”

  Wide-eyed, she stood still in his arms, and he wondered if she heard him. “Miz Hannah? Will you think on it?”

  She touched fingers to her lips and continued to silently stare.

  Brady tapped him on the shoulder. “I believe the lady is in shock. Best we leave her mull this over fer a spell.”

  Wade hated to let her go. Small as she was, she fit nicely in his arms, her budding breasts pressed into his chest. She was almost over the hill for marriage in this town but didn’t know it. Her parents had been overprotective. He stepped back, afraid she’d recognize his growing interest in the soft feel of her body. “See you in the morning, ma’am.”

  Wade and Brady retrieved their hats from the rack by the back door and walked outside. The key turned in the lock behind them. “Too soon, I reckon, to spring all this on her.” Brady said on the other side of the door. Hannah pressed her ear to the window in the door.

  “No time to waste on either account. Slyke will be back. Harvest time is near. She’ll lose her shirt in more ways than one if we don’t intervene and fast.” Wade tried the door handle. “It’s bolted. I reckon she’s safe for tonight.”

  Brady clunked a foot on the top stair of the back stoop. “Think we should’ve told her marriage to one of us t’were her pappy’s idea afore he died?”

  “I don’t want to do that unless we have to. ’Sides, he never said nothing ’bout both of us having her.” They didn’t spare her ears as they tramped off the stoop.

  * * * *

  Hannah ran her fingertips across her hardened nipples and nearly jumped out of her skin. They ached. Her cotton bodice applied a rasp to them with every step she took toward the staircase that led to the bedrooms. Unease made her pace the upstairs hall. She wanted something. Her body wanted something. And Wade could give it to her. She’d known that since she was seventeen, before she’d been shuffled off back east to normal school to become a teacher.

  He’d asked her to marry him tonight. She’d dreamed of him proposing but never thought it would come about this way. It was nice to hear him say the words yet disappointing because it had not happened on some romantic, moonlit ride the way she’d envisioned. She stopped pacing and leaned over the banister.

  This was not the proposal she’d wanted. She pressed her eyes closed, ran into her bedroom, and flung herself across the bed. If she accepted Wade, she’d also have to accept Brady.

  She imagined his big strong hands on her. The idea of making love with Brady actually excited her. He was strong and would take her with abandon, she was sure. How would it work when they were both at the ranch? Would they alternate days or take turns on her in the same night? Or would they both be with her at the same time? Would Brady touch her nipples while Wade pressed his male member into her?

  Ridiculous. They couldn’t think she would do such a thing. Yet, her whole body quaked with the stimulation merely thinking about it caused. She was a grown woman, well past marriageable age. If she wanted to lie with both men, no one could tell her she couldn’t.

  She felt the dampness between her legs and knew she was shameless to consider this proposal. She hopped up, grappled with buttons, shoes, and hose and pulled her blouse off, let her skirt sink down around her ankles, then tugged off her slip in one movement. Standing naked before the mirror, she imagined Wade kissing her while Brady touched her all over.

  Hannah let her nightgown stay on the hook behind the door and dipped under the cool sheet. One hand pinched her nipples while the other slid along the slickness her thoughts had caused in her vaginal canal. Men called this part of the female anatomy a “pussy.” She liked the image of petting a smooth, soft pussy. She didn’t have to smother her moans, because no one else could hear them now. She was all alone.

  The next morning, Hannah looked into her parents’ room for the first time. She couldn’t tiptoe past it any longer. She stripped the bed and pulled down the curtains. The furniture, everything would go to charity. A new day, a new life. Her parents would live in her memory and in her heart forever, but from this day on, her future would be in her own hands.

  Downstairs in the kitchen, she once again mulled over Wade and Brady’s proposal. Silly to consider such a thing. She wanted to marry Wade. She loved him. No, it would not be the way she’d dreamed, but she had to admit it was a lot more interesting. If Brady came with the deal, so be it. She loved him, too, in a way. His strength, the way he looked at her as if to eat her up, always stirred her insides. The idea of two men in her bed, in her, was intoxicating, truth to tell.

  Wade rushed into the kitchen by the back door and swept her into an embrace. His kiss was long with an open mouth. Brady came up behind her and nibbled at her neck. Wade released her, and Brady took his turn with long, luscious kisses, using his tongue to further stimulate her. When they both stepped away, she wanted both of them back.

  Brady spoke first. “Wade said, I’ve been too in awe of you and should demonstrate how I feel. I hope I didn’t shock you, love.”

  He called her “love.” Hannah tingled inside. He really meant it. He loved her. She could feel it. “I’ve been thinking about your offer, really thinking about it.”

  “Have you made a decision?” Wade nibbled her neck.

  “No, I need to understand how it would work, first.”

  Brady took her shoulders and turned her to him. “Everything will be up to you, love. You set the rules any way you want.”

  Wade ran a hand up under her hair. “As long as you’ll have us both, you can make any stipulations that make you feel comfortable.”

  They took seats around the table.

  “I haven’t exactly said I’d do it yet. I need to get it set in my own mind as to how it would all work.”

  “Better find someone to stay with you while you’re thinking it over,” Wade said. “I don’t want any suspicious gossip runnin’ through the town to mar the wedding, if there is to be one.”

  “I’ll take care of finding someone to stay with me today.” She looked around the barren kitchen. “I guess I was supposed to fix breakfast.”

  “Mrs. Vance has been taking over the cooking duties. It’s something she can do without leaving her own house. The woman looks hale and hearty to me but always has a complaint when it’s time to visit a sick neighbor or travel to church.”

  “Oh, thank heavens I don’t have to worry about feeding you. I have time to pack a lunch and get to school. Some of the older girls have been hearing the lessons of the smaller children while I was…indisposed. I will have a mess to straighten out, I’m sure.”

  The men left, and Hannah had to rush to make it to the schoolhouse before the children arrived. At noon she spoke to one of the older girls. “Lou Ann, can you come stay at my house for the evening?” Lou Ann was engaged to be married after fall harvest and would most likely love to get away from a houseful of parents and siblings and have some time alone with her fiancé.

  “Of course, Miz Hannah. Do you need some cooking or cleaning done?”

  “No, I need a chaperone to keep the gossips at bay until I decide on a permanent arrangement.” If Lou Ann worked out as a companion and acceptable chaperone, Hannah intended to ask her to stay the week. If she was bothersome, she’d look for someone else tomorrow.

  “Ah, I see. I’ll be there around four and help with dinner. I’m a really good cook. Ask my ma.”

  “Great, and thanks.”

  Lou Ann turned out to be a terrific cook. Mrs. Vance gladly let her take over the kitchen while she sat with her knitting. All through supper, Brady and Wade sent Hannah questioning looks while the others chattered on, mainly with Lou Ann. Absorbed with her own dilemma, Hannah avoided direct eye contact with everyone.

  After supper the Vances went out on the porc
h for air and lemonade. Hannah waved Lou Ann out with them. “You’ve done most of the cooking so go sit while I clear the table.”

  Brady carried the heated well water from the fireplace to the sink and went out to pump more water for rinsing the dishes. Wade stayed with Hannah. As soon as they were alone, Wade drew her into his arms. “You know I love you to death, don’t you, darlin’?”

  “I do, but I don’t know if I can quite get my head around having two men. I’m scared.”

  “Ah, don’t ever be scared of Brady and me. He’s so in awe of you, he thinks you walk on water. We’d never do anything to hurt you or give you a moment’s worry. We’ll make you happy, and we’ll make sure the ranch prospers.”

  He kissed her long and deep. Hannah tried to keep her head, but with his arms around her, all rational thought disappeared. Brady came in quietly with two pails of fresh water and set them on the counter next to the sink. Wade passed Hannah over to him, and his kisses were rougher but every bit as stimulating as Wade’s. Hannah was breathless when he let her go.

  Wade ran a hand softly down her cheek to her breastbone and stopped there with his thumb grazing a taut nipple. “We’ll see you tomorrow, darlin’.” They left her dazed and tingling with desire. She stood in the middle of the kitchen until Lou Ann came in.

  “Gettin’ a little cold out there, so Mr. and Mrs. Vance are coming in to light a fire in the parlor. Should we be gettin’ on to your house now the kitchen’s all tidy?” She slid the glassware into the wash tub. “Uh, Miz Hannah? You okay? Not dwellin’ on sad events are ya? You got to carry on, as my mamma would say.”

  Finally, Hannah recovered her wits and took over the rinsing. “I’ll do that and let them drain. You go light a fire in my parlor and sit awhile. I picked up a nice new magazine today at the post office.”

  “Okay, but first I’m gonna go to my room and comb my hair and such. Cal said he’d be stopping by. You don’t mind, do ya, Miz Hannah? We never have a chance to be alone without my parents hoverin’ over us like buzzards circling a carcass.”

  “No, I don’t mind a bit. It’ll be nice having lively young folk around. I’ll disappear upstairs as soon as he arrives, and you can have the parlor to yourselves.”

  The dishes were done before the Vances had settled by the fire. Hannah wandered to her own house and caught Lou Ann watching the front window. They’d no sooner sat to discuss the new magazine when Cal’s trap pulled up. Hannah let him in and excused herself.

  Chapter Two

  Lou Ann jumped into Cal’s arms and wrapped her legs around him. Her breasts ached from needing his touch. They’d made fumbling love once in the hayloft, and she’d craved it ever since. Her father must have suspected something because he’d never left them alone for more than a few minutes since. After that the only touches were good-night kisses, though Cal had had his fingers inside her a few times outside on the porch and she’d managed to hold his cock once or twice. No more delicious penetration since that one time, and Lou Ann’s insides were about to burst.

  She had hopes for tonight on Miz Hanna’s comfy looking settee. She unwrapped her legs from around his waist and dropped to her feet. “Cal, this is our chance. Come on and don’t waste a second.” She led him to the parlor and lifted her skirt. She hadn’t worn any bloomers, and Cal gasped. He pushed her onto the settee. “Your pussy looks delicious, and I haven’t had dessert yet.” He covered her nether lips with his lips.

  “Oh, my. I didn’t know we could do this.” Lou Ann took in deep breaths.

  “You are too ready for my cock, so relax and let me do what I can to relieve some of the pressure in you.” He licked and nibbled and sucked at her until she moaned and bucked and cried out. When she calmed, he removed her blouse and played with her tits until she could stand it no more.

  “Please, Cal, I want you inside me, now.”

  He removed his jeans and climbed atop her. She grasped his cock, and after a few strokes with her fingers, she slid it inside her.

  “Lou, your cunt is slick and warm and I don’t know if I can pull out in time. Can I slide in all the way?”

  “Yes, please, please, please.”

  He shoved up into her. “Lordy, you are so tight around me I can’t last long.”

  He pumped, and she rose to meet every thrust. He came quickly, and she followed before he was soft, and he hardened again when her pussy pulsed around his cock. They kept this up until they were both spent, having come several times without releasing each other. In the kitchen, they washed with the bucket of water left inside for emergency. He used his bandana on her pussy, and she used her hanky on his cock.

  “Seeing you standing there with just a wrinkled skirt and no top, makes me want to do it all over again.”

  “Me, too, seeing you stark naked.” She led him back to the parlor. “I know men like this.” She knelt and surrounded his cock with her lips as he stood in the middle of the room. “Tell me what to do, Cal.”

  “Come here.” He sat on the edge of the settee, and she knelt again between his knees. “All you have to do is suck me and lick me any way you can, and believe me, I’ll come.”

  He played with her nipples as she experimented using her tongue and lips on his cock. “Please, Lou, you’re driving me crazy licking around like that. Just suck me, suck me hard.”

  She used so much suction her cheeks drew in. He was pinching her nipples and rough handling her breasts, and she loved it. She rocked back and forth as she sucked him, and when he finally spurted, she drank it and licked him clean.

  “Oh, Lou, my dearest girl, you are amazing. I don’t know if I can wait until the end of the month to have more of this.”

  Lou Ann snuggled next to him on the settee. “It’s only three weeks. Somehow time will pass.” She fell asleep on his lap.

  * * * *

  Hannah heard them making love and tried to bury her head in the pillow, but the sounds came through. When all was quiet, she wrapped up in a chenille robe and tiptoed downstairs.

  “Cal, you’d best be getting on home before your folks start putting two and two together.”

  “Yes, ma’am, but please turn away for a second.”

  Heat from her embarrassment threatened to scald Hannah’s cheeks. She turned away but caught a peripheral view of the naked man. He was magnificent. She wondered if Wade could measure up and suspected Brady would have an even more prodigious member. No, she was no longer a child. She had to stop using euphemisms. She’d listened at the bunkhouse door many times as a kid and heard the men snickering about sexual encounters. Men called it a “cock.” Cal had a lovely cock. She smiled and felt dampness between her legs. At that moment, her body was leaning toward accepting the proposal made by her field hands. Her pussy craved a cock.

  “Okay, ma’am, you can turn around now,” Cal whispered. “I slid out from under Lou Ann so as not to wake her, and I tried best I could to cover her with the afghan you had on the easy chair.”

  “Thank you, Cal. I’ll let the poor girl sleep right where she is. If she wakes, she knows where her room is.”

  “Evening, ma’am.” Cal made his exit, and Hannah breathed a sigh, not of relief, but of regret. She wished she was going upstairs to a man of her own or, she chuckled, to two men. Depraved, outrageous images assailed her. It was wicked of her, but she wanted what Lou Ann and Cal had just had, and, truth to tell, she wanted more.

  She had heard of the Mormons whose men married more than one wife. They wanted, she assumed, to more quickly propagate the religion. Never had she heard of a woman with two husbands. California was near to becoming a state, now. People could no longer abide by laws separate from the union’s laws.

  Tomorrow would be soon enough to make sense of all these thoughts. She had to give them time to gel, to consider the consequences. She’d make her decision tomorrow.

  Hannah slept like a butterfly in its cocoon, all wrapped in a homemade quilt. The next morning her body was in a heightened state of sensual stimulation. She had
made up her mind. She skipped downstairs to find Lou Ann working away at the stove, frying up bacon. She’d been to the hen house and had four eggs lined up ready to crack into the pan.

  “Mornin’, Miz Hannah. I hope you’re as hungry as I am. I’m fixin’ a mess of breakfast for us.”

  “I’m sure I’m hungrier than you are, sweetie.”

  Lou Ann blushed. “I guess we made too much noise last night. That Cal is purely a humdinger. Did we disturb you much?”

  “No, no. I’m glad to help out a young, engaged couple. Look, hold on to the eggs for a few minutes. I need to run up to the Vance house. I have something to tell Wade and Brady before they go out into the fields.”

  “Sure thing, Miz Hannah. I can keep the bacon warm and put on the eggs when you come back.”

  Hannah met Wade and Brady at the well. They’d had their breakfast already. She hesitated then simply blurted it out. “Yes. I’ll marry you both on Saturday, day after tomorrow. I’ll arrange for the preacher after school is out today.”

  They stood silently stunned for a few seconds. Finally, Brady gave out with a whoop and tried to hug her. She stopped them both from any signs of affection. “Grace Vance watches out those windows all day long. Let’s not give the rumor mill any fodder.”

  “Yes, of course. But which one of us will be the legal husband?” Wade had a worried expression, and she leaned over to kiss his brow.

  “Your name will be on the certificate. I’ll be known to the world as Mrs. Tolliver, but in reality I’ll be Mrs. Tolliver-Sands.”

  Hannah gathered her school papers, and she and Lou Ann drove the buggy to school together after breakfast. They stopped at Lou Ann’s house to get permission for Lou Ann to stay until Saturday morning.

  Late morning before dismissal time, Hannah took the buggy to the preacher’s while Lou Ann gave out the next day’s assignments to the class. Hannah returned as the children filed out, and she and Lou Ann rode home to Hannah’s, chuckling and gabbing like best of friends. “I’m ready to be married, Miz Hannah. How about you?”


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