His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 4

by Tish Domenick

  Wade joined them on the bed, his cock hard against her hip. “That was spellbinding to watch. We can’t enter you again tonight or you’ll be sore and hurting tomorrow, but I’m in dire straits.”

  Hannah took in a deep breath. They had done so much for her, she couldn’t leave poor Wade in this state. She slid around him and stood. “I’ve heard there is another place we can use.” She grabbed onto the footboard and bent so her bottom was at his sight level. “Do you want to try it?”

  Chapter Four

  Both men called out, “No,” in unison, although Wade reached out a hand to run it over her bottom.

  Hannah stood upright, hands on hips, disappointed. “Why not?”

  “Um, one day, maybe, but…” Brady’s voice trailed off.

  “We fully intend to try that once you are better prepared.” Wade looked sheepish.

  So, they had talked about all of this. “Prepared? What does that mean exactly?”

  Brady took up the story. “We have a little thing. It’s called a dildo, a very small one for the, uh, rear entrance.” He looked helplessly at Wade.

  “Darlin’, you’d have to try that first and wear it inside you for a couple of days before we’d dare to fuck you up there. Some women can’t handle it, and we don’t want to hurt you.”

  The pressure was building in her nether area again. How nice to know at last that she was such a wanton creature. She could fuck these men all this night and into tomorrow. She had to admit, though, that after Brady’s pounding, she did hurt a bit. “Where is the thing, the dildo? Can I start wearing it now?”

  The men looked at each other, and Wade nodded. Brady went over to his britches and pulled a box out of the pocket. He opened it and showed it to her. It was a miniature cock with a small bulb at the top and a sort of plug to hold it inside her. She leaned over the bed. “I’m ready.”

  “No, you’re not. Do you have any cold cream?”

  “Over on the vanity.”

  Her face was in the bedclothes, so she couldn’t tell who was doing what, but one of the men applied the cream around and into to her rear orifice. “You are beautiful, even here.” It was Brady’s voice. “Are you sure about this, love?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  He massaged the cream in further. “Relax as much as you can.”

  She tensed at the strange object where it was not supposed to be. The pain surprised her, and she cried out.

  “No, don’t tense up. You have to relax if you want to do this thing.” Wade sounded distressed. “You don’t have to, you know.”

  “I know. I want it. Please try again, and I promise to relax.” Once the dildo was all the way in, it wasn’t so bad. She stood, and it stayed in place. “Wow, this is a strange sensation.” She walked around the bed and smiled. “I think I like it. It makes me feel warm all over.”

  The men let out the breaths they’d been holding, and she laughed at their relief and at the severely hard cocks they both sported. They wanted this. They wanted to fuck her every way she’d let them. Good, because she wanted the same thing.

  She knelt in front of them and sucked first on Wade, then on Brady. Their moans were pitiful. “Get on the bed and I’ll do you one at a time.” Wade went first, and Brady kneaded her breasts and ass from behind her as she sucked. It didn’t take long. Brady hopped up next to the writhing Wade, and she teased him by licking all around the edges of the head of his cock. He groaned, and she slurped him deep into her mouth while running her fingers lightly over his ball sack.

  Brady covered his eyes with his arm and yelled, “Yes, yes, yes,” until he spurted into her mouth. She wriggled onto the bed between the two men, and Wade fingered her to climax before she fell asleep.

  The morning sunlight and sounds of dishes rattling downstairs woke her. She was alone in the bed. She stood and took a few steps before realizing how much she ached. Riding a horse for an entire day hadn’t given her body this many pains. The dildo was the least of her worries. She wrapped up in a robe and went downstairs.

  Wade was alone. “Brady and Vern are out in the field already. The ranch can’t wait. Grace Vance fed us, and I been trying to cook some eggs for you, but only made a mess. I did manage coffee, though.” He examined her from head to toe. “How do you feel? Are you okay?

  “I’m better than okay. The aches I have are sweet reminders of the most glorious night of my life.”

  Wade let out the breath he’d been holding. It made Hannah smile. She loved making love and being loved.

  “I can fry my own eggs. You go along and keep the ranch from going to ruin.”

  “Will you be all right alone?”

  “Other than being a bit tender, I’m fine. You best go to your chores. I really can take care of myself.” They smooched out on the porch a few minutes, and then Hannah was alone. Ever since she was a baby, she had taken baths in the stationary tub out in the mudroom, and she did that first thing. She removed the dildo to wash thoroughly. Once it was out, she kind of missed it. For the sake of cleanliness, she put it in a pot of water and boiled it before returning it inside her after her personal needs were taken care of.

  She paid a call on Mrs. Vance since she had no idea what to do for a noon meal. She’d seen her mother cook for everyone on weekends, but during the week when she was at school, she didn’t know if someone rode out with boxed lunches for the men in the field or if they came trooping in for a hot meal. Her parents had raised her to move east to an easier life than they had. They had taught her little about ranching.

  Although Grace Vance was mostly housebound, she seemed to know all the gossip in Plantsville and surrounding areas. Two of her women friends had ridden over together on a buckboard to gossip with her this morning.

  Hannah sat in the parlor with them. Trudy Green, a widow, prided herself on visiting everyone in Plantsville at least once a week. Apparently, news about a new bride was worth a second visit. Alice Wanamaker was a listener who didn’t say much, at least not about herself.

  “We were just talking about you, dear,” Trudy said. “I know your mother didn’t prepare you for being a ranch hand’s wife and you’re going to need help, so to speak.”

  “I’m not sure, yet.”

  “Well, this family up in Cranksville has hit hard times, so to speak. Their house and barn burned down, and they’re looking for a position,” Trudy continued.

  “Oh, I’m not considering a live-in couple, Mrs. Green.”

  “Nonsense, you have a duty to keep up the ranch your parents worked so hard to own. You can’t do it all on your own, you being a new wife, so to speak.”

  “No, someone living in my house is definitely out.”

  Grace spoke up. “Of course it is, sweet girl. Don’t be ridiculous, Trudy. Did you want company when you was newly married?”

  “Well, I was only thinking of this poor orphan, so to speak.”

  Grace leaned over and patted Hannah’s hand. “This house here is roomy enough for another couple to share, and it’s part of the ranch. We have no children and no kin likely to show up, so’s we can have them move in here. We do need a cook. With my poor health, I can’t keep up the pace of cooking for everyone. You may need to pay to fix up the kitchen. It’s not set up to cook for a crowd.”

  “That is so nice of you to offer, but I can’t ask you to put up guests with you being so ill and all.”

  “I’m not all that ill.” Grace lowered her voice. “I use the excuse to get out of going places I don’t want to go. Anyway, I’d enjoy the company and the help. I don’t like to cook nor clean, and this woman is supposed to be really good at doing those things.”

  Trudy sniffed. “Don’t forget they have a grown son. What you gonna do about him? You only have one extra bedroom in here.”

  Grace waved her hand. “He can stay in the bunkhouse, same as Brady.”

  A flash went off in Hannah’s brain. That could be a problem, since Brady slept in the house with her and Wade, but she couldn’t turn down an offer this go
od. They’d work it out somehow. “Do you think this couple will really come?”

  “I know they will. I’ve asked them already, so to speak, and they can come tonight.” Trudy stood. “In fact, I’ll go to the preacher’s right away and tell them. They been staying at the rectory. I love to tell good news.” She grabbed her coat and hat from the back of her chair. “Come on, Alice.”

  Alice nodded and obeyed her friend without saying a word.

  Once the women had gone, Hannah came to the point. “I don’t know what I’m expected to do for the noon meal for the hands.”

  “We don’t have a noon meal. They eat some hard tack or something out in the field and come in about two for dinner. They work a bit after that and don’t come in until supper. Your hands eat in the bunkhouse or go to town most times unless they stayed out later than usual.”

  “So, I have to fix something for two o’clock?”

  “I already thought of that. Got a pot roast on already. I’ll have them over this last time. You take care of the potatoes, and I’ll shell some peas. Can you bake a cake?”

  “I think so.”

  “Make it chocolate and they won’t notice if it’s tipsy or even burnt.”

  “Thank you so much for helping me. Okay, then with any luck Trudy will come through with the housekeeper for tomorrow. I’ll have Wade ride into town to speak with a carpenter about enlarging your kitchen.”

  “No hurry on that. We’ll manage.”

  Hannah rushed home to get the potatoes and cake started. She had a little more than an hour to get everything done. The dildo was feeling very natural now and kept her mind on sex the whole day. Whenever she could do a chore seated, she chose a wooden chair and wiggled her fanny to have the sensation that someone was inside her there. She made herself come twice doing that. Night couldn’t come soon enough for her. Her breasts ached to be squeezed. Her body craved to be played with. She longed to have all her orifices filled with hard, pulsing cock.

  All through dinner, Wade and Brady kept glancing at her hardened nipples making obvious protrusions against the fabric of her sun dress. Her bloomers became so damp, she feared a spot would appear on the back of her skirt. Vern and Grace didn’t seem to notice the discomfort of the trio, or at least they hid it if they did. The men traipsed out immediately after eating, and Grace pleaded a headache.

  Hannah was left to wash and dry dishes on her own. She despaired of evening ever coming. All her attention had been drawn to her nether regions by the lustful looks shot her way by Wade and Brady during the meal.

  She said her thanks and good-byes to Grace from the bottom of the stairs since the woman had taken to her bed. In her own home, she puttered around the kitchen, cleaning the mess she’d made baking and frosting the cake. It had disappeared at one sitting, so it couldn’t have been too bad.

  About two hours later, Wade and Brady burst into the kitchen and suffused her with kisses and pats to her behind and breasts.

  Wade was breathless. “We could barely stand not grabbing you during dinner.”

  “I thought I’d come just looking at you.” Brady pinched a nipple.

  “Can we go upstairs and take out this dildo and put something better in its place?”

  Wade took her face between his hands. “Are you sure you’re ready? It can be pretty intense for a woman to receive a man up there.”

  “I want both of you inside me everywhere, my pussy, my mouth, my ass. I only wish it could happen all at once. I’m so hungry to experience it all.”

  The men didn’t need any more encouragement. Brady scooped her in his arms and took her upstairs. They undressed her slowly, admiring and kissing each view of her body as they exposed it. Hannah shook with need by the time they were all naked.

  The doorbell rang. Since they were all wrapped up in what they were doing, none of the three had heard any horses drive up outside. They froze. Hannah threw her dress on over her head with no underwear. The men struggled into their pants.

  Hannah motioned them to be quiet and stay put. She went down to answer the door. Trudy Green stood there with a big cat-who-ate-the-canary smile on her face. She entered the room without being asked and drew the man and woman behind her inside after her. “Hannah, this is Mr. and Mrs. Ponti.”

  The man pulled his cap off his head and crushed it in beefy hands as he nodded. “Pleased to have met you, senora.”

  Spanish or Italian? Hannah couldn’t quite tell, but they both seemed healthy and strong. “I’m happy to meet you. Come into the parlor, won’t you?”

  They followed her and sat close together on the couch as she indicated they should. She took an easy chair across from them. Trudy seated herself in the other chair. “You see, I am true to my word, so to speak.”

  “Yes, I expected no less. Thank you.” She turned to her other guests. “I understand you seek a position as housekeeper, Mrs. Ponti.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I am very good cook, and my English she gets better every day.”

  “Did Mrs. Green explain you and your husband will be living in my overseer’s house with him and his wife and not here with me and my husband?” Hannah almost slipped and said, “husbands.” She clasped her hands together in her lap.

  “Yes, we understand. I will be responsible for two houses.”

  “No, no, of course not. I wouldn’t ask that of you. I can manage here with occasional help from some students that used to work for my mother.”

  “I cook here or there?”

  “Until I get their kitchen fixed, here. Later all of us will take our meals at the Vance house.”

  Trudy cleared her throat. “Will your husband be coming down to speak with Frank, here, about his duties?”

  “Uh, I think that can wait until another day. Is your son with you, Mrs. Ponti?”

  The woman looked confused and turned to Trudy.

  “I directed him to the bunkhouse. Your son will be staying with the field hands, Angelina.” Trudy addressed Mrs. Ponti by her first name as if they were best friends.

  Hannah sat quietly hoping they’d take the hint and leave. She should offer coffee or something, but she wanted to get back upstairs.

  The doorbell rang. She hopped up. “I’ll just see who it is.” She went to the door. What now? Could this night get any more confusing?

  She opened the door to an extremely handsome scamp of a man. “I’m Rocco Ponti. Are my parents and Mrs. Green here?”

  “Why, yes, they are. I’m Hannah. Won’t you come in?”

  He stopped inside the entryway. “Ma’am, nice to meet you. They told me a man named Brady would show me the ropes.”

  Hannah’s three guests came into the hall from the parlor. “Rocco, what’s wrong?” his mother asked.

  “No one was in the bunkhouse. I wondered which bunk I’m to use and where to stow my stuff.”

  Trudy gave Hannah a stern stare. “Where is Brady?”

  “I don’t keep tabs on the men after hours.” Hannah’s heart sank to the bottom of her shoes. What if they discovered he was up in her bedroom?

  “Look, Rocco, take whatever bunk you wish. I’m sure Brady went to town for something and will be back by morning. He’ll take you around the place, then.”

  A thump came from upstairs, and Hannah blanched. “My husband was getting ready for bed when the doorbell rang.”

  “We go, now,” Frank Ponti demanded. He shoved his son out the door and took his wife’s hand. “We talk to husband tomorrow, okay?” This last was over his shoulder to Hannah.

  She nodded, Trudy frowned but went outside. Hannah closed the door behind them and let out the breath she’d been holding. Now that others were living on the ranch, how were they going to keep their arrangement secret?”

  She stayed downstairs, turning down oil lamps and plumping pillows until she heard the clip-clopping of horses’ hooves fading away. Trudy Green was gone, the Ponti’s were settled at the Vance’s, and Rocco was ensconced in the bunkhouse. At least she hoped that was the case.

>   The stairs seemed a mountain as she started up them. Her mood had plummeted. She needed to be alone. If rumors started, she’d lose her job, her friends. She’d be ostracized from all Plantsville society. She sat on the top step and put her head in her hands. What had she done?

  When she lifted her head again, Wade and Brady were seated on the step with her, one on either side. Brady wore only his overalls, Wade had added a shirt but left it unbuttoned.

  “Having second thoughts, love?” Brady asked.

  “Darlin’”—Wade raised her chin with a finger—“no one can know what goes on behind closed doors unless we tell them. They can guess all they want, but we will be careful.”

  “Don’t you see? They don’t need proof to start the gossip mill rolling, and that’s all it would take. One hint of suspicion and I’ll be ruined in this town.”

  “Did you enjoy yourself last night?” Wade stood and leaned against the banister.

  “Yes, I loved every second of it. My pussy pulsed all day waiting for more, and this dildo inside me begged to be replaced by a huge cock. But I’m scared. I can’t live in this town if everyone suspects.”

  “Do you feel like a bad person now, darlin’ ? Or do you feel like a more alive person who is just as good as the day before yesterday?”

  She nodded to Wade and put her arms around Brady and laid her head on his chest. “I feel like a more awake person and good in every way that counts.” She flicked his nipple with her tongue then suckled it.

  Brady shuddered and gasped. “Do we jest go to sleep, or do you want more loving tonight? It’s for you ta say.”

  Hannah hopped to her feet. “I want to forget those old biddies in town and have some fun while I’m young. I want both of you inside me at once, if it’s possible. I love you both.”

  “And we love you,” Wade answered, and Brady nodded.

  With arms entwined, they went into the bedroom. The men were barely dressed, and they made quick work of the rest of their clothes. Hannah hadn’t worn any underwear when she ran down to answer the door. Brady pealed her sundress slowly off her body, and she stepped out of it when it hit the floor.


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