His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 9

by Tish Domenick

  Hannah stood and went to him. “I can’t have my husband in this state.” She knelt in front of him and took him into her mouth as he played with her breasts.

  Rocco and Brady moaned with Wade when he came into Hannah’s mouth and his juices dripped down her naked chest. “I’m all hard again,” Brady announced.

  “After four days of keeping off her, we’re all pretty ready to go all night,” Rocco whispered.

  They went back to the blanket and looked to Hannah for permission. She smiled. “You do look like a hungry pack of wolves. Funny, I’m just as voracious. I need a lot of kissing and licking and fucking before the night is over.” She walked to the water’s edge and wet the bandana she’d pulled from Rocco’s neck to wash Wade’s cum off her tits and to clean between her legs.

  When she returned to the downy quilt, she lay flat on her back, knees bent, legs spread wide. What should we do first?”

  They obviously knew what she wanted, and three men struggled for placement. Wade won out, held her bottom up to his face, and licked her cunt. He pressed his jaw into her and licked hard enough to make Hannah gasp. Brady lay next to her to nip at her tits. Rocco stood immobile until Hannah beckoned him down to suck on him as Wade was sucking her. She had each one in her cunt and in her ass again before they fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.

  In the morning, Hannah woke to find a grinning Sam and laughing Gus, arms around each other, looking down on them.

  “I see how things are now,” Gus whispered.

  “We heartily approve,” Sam added. “We had a great night of fucking, too. The moans from down here spurred us on. Hey, Hannah, come on over to our tent. I think we have some clean clothes you can wear if you roll up the pants and tie up the shirt.

  “We’ll fix you breakfast. Already have some bacon and coffee started. I’m sure when the guys wake they’ll be starving.” Gus walked back up the path to the mine, and Sam followed.

  Hannah, surprised at her own lack of modesty, walked naked to their tent and bundled into clothes three sizes too big. Their laughter at her appearance must have awakened Wade and Brady because as Hannah opened the tent flap, they came trudging up to the opening.

  “What are you doing in there, Hannah?” Wade’s teeth were clenched and his hands fisted.

  “Calm down. I woke up, and Sam and Gus were nice enough to lend me clean clothes. I washed mine last night, but they need some sunshine to dry completely.”

  Wade’s scowl smoothed a bit but didn’t disappear. “Guess we should rustle up some food before we get to work in the mine.”

  “Gus and Sam already thought of that.” Hannah tossed the words over her shoulder as she slipped past Wade and went to the campfire.

  After they’d all had coffee, eggs from Hannah’s accommodating hens, and crisp bacon, Wade’s mood was vastly improved. The five men went into the mine with the blasting powder Rocco had bought in town. Hannah took the tin plates and mugs to the stream for washing. Her britches were not yet dry since the day was cloudy and damp. She fed the hens and milked Bessie and was ready to take the pail of milk to the mine for the guys when she heard the first blast. She decided against going anywhere near the place and dug a hole under a shade tree to store the milk pail which she covered with one of her camisoles.

  She was back at the stream, changing into the cotton shirt, which was now dry, when footsteps behind her made her jump and turn around to face two grinning, bearlike men. Apparently, they hadn’t shaved or bathed for a very long time.

  “May I do something for you?” She realized immediately by their leering grins that she’d used a poor choice of words for a half-naked woman.

  “Didn’t ’spect to find no woman out here alone. You sure can do somp’n to us poor, horny miners. Give us both a poke and we’ll give ye some shiny gold nuggets.” The taller of the men took a step toward her with a palm full of tiny gold chips.

  Her mind whirled with methods of escape. She could swim. The stream would be her best avenue of getting away. If they followed her in, they’d at least have had a bath. She backed away from them and toward the rushing stream.

  Both men followed. “Come on, sweetie, we ain’t gonna hurt ya none. A poke from the likes of us will be quick, since we ain’t had a woman in near a year.” The shorter man unbuttoned his pants and took another step in her direction. He pulled out his cock and bounced it up and down in his hand. “See this little thing ain’t gonna hurt much.”

  With his next step, Hannah was into the water and swimming. She grabbed on to a tree branch to keep from being swept downstream too far and to keep an eye on them. They hesitated at the water’s edge.

  “You guys got some business here?”

  Hannah sighed with relief at seeing Gus standing tall behind the two interlopers, his hands on the guns at his hips. Sam was right behind him with a rifle aimed at the tall man’s chest.

  The bear men laughed nervous laughs. “You aim to keep the little lady all to yourselves?”

  “We aim to keep her away from the likes of you. Now state your business before my finger gets itchy.”

  “Heard yer blast and came to see what’s up, that’s all.” Tall bear came away from the stream, and Hannah relaxed her death grip on the branch.

  Short bear growled at Gus. “We jes want a poke. Be kind of neighborly if ya let us have her for ten minutes.”

  “Not for ten seconds. Now, get. We don’t come to see what you’re doing on your claim, so don’t come nosing around here anymore.” Sam’s face was red with his anger. Hannah had to stifle a laugh.

  Heads bowed, the bears wandered off upstream and a soaking wet Hannah dragged through silt to climb out of the water. “Whew! That was scary. Thanks for showing up in the nick of time.”

  Gus hugged her to him. “Sorry we left you alone so long. Sam and I had to show Rocco where to blast. The three of them are working the picks from the hole we made.”

  Sam joined the hug. “One of us will stay behind from now on. I don’t think we’ve heard the last of those two.”

  The blasting hole netted some fine nuggets, but they hadn’t found the mother lode. They stowed the gold in the wagon to take to town when they felt the need for more supplies. For the time being, with all they’d brought from Plantsville, they were self-sufficient.

  For the next week, they examined the mine and figured where to place the powder but had no luck when they blasted. They could tell they were on the right track and hopes soared. Eight days into their time at the mine, Wade blasted a hole that opened a vein so rich, they could not speak when they returned to camp to report.

  “What is it?” Rocco, who’d stayed behind with Hannah, shook Wade’s shoulder.

  Gus found his voice. “We were right. This is a strike to end all strikes. It can keep us in gold for decades, maybe centuries. We’re going to need equipment, big equipment to get it out. The shaft’s not built yet. We aren’t ready. What do we do next?”

  “We all calm down and go see the thing. After that, we go step by step and proceed in secrecy so we don’t attract poachers.”

  For the first time, Hannah walked down into the mine. The dim light as they went belowground caused her to tense, but when Sam lifted his lantern to the rich vein, she gasped in amazement. This was not a narrow vein they’d opened. It was a wide fissure. “How deep does it go?”

  “Can’t know for certain, but from what I’ve dug so far, it looks deep and wide.” Gus held his lantern next to Sam’s.

  That night, they uncorked two bottles of wine Sam and Gus had been saving for this day. Wade stuck to his whisky, but Hannah drank her share of the wine and, tipsy as she was, beckoned to Rocco, Brady, and her husband as she stripped off her shirt on the way to her tent.

  Gus kissed Sam’s cheek as they waved good-night to Hannah, but they stayed by the fire to finish the wine.

  Wade was almost incapacitated by all the whisky he’d drunk. Hanna had to suck his cock to ready it for action as Brady and Rocco were already inside her. Ins
tead of waiting his turn, Wade came in her mouth and nodded off before the others were finished. Brady, in her cunt and close to being drunk himself, took a long, long time to get there. Hannah loved that he was able to outlast her and bring her around again before he was ready to pop. Rocco cursed at finishing so soon.

  “Your ass is so damn tight and sweet and warm, I can never hold off in there.” He watched, playing with her tits as Brady brought her to climax twice. Brady fell into a deep sleep on the mattress, not leaving Rocco and Hannah much room. They decided to take a blanket down to the water to continue fucking. Rocco took what was left of a bottle of wine and dripped it on Hannah’s breasts to lick it off as he fucked her. She giggled through his climax and didn’t come herself.

  “This will never do.” Rocco took the bottle to the stream, wet it in the cool water, and poured it on Hannah’s chest and belly as he slid his cock into her. She held her breath at the blast of cold water entering her with his cock. “Oh, that feels good.”

  When she was nearing her climax, Rocco held his cock still and she quickly pulsated around it causing him to follow her into spiraling satisfaction. They held each other for a long time before going to rest in Rocco’s tent. Although he didn’t have the mattress Hannah had brought from her spare bedroom, they were too wrapped up in each other to care.

  Wade became surly the next morning when he discovered where Hannah had slept. She took him to her tent after breakfast to suck and fuck him until he was calm and mostly mollified. As she held him to her in the afterglow, he sucked on her nipple. They turned to the tent flap when a draft hit them.

  The two bears were back and licking their lips at the sight of a naked Hannah with distended nipples. They fell upon Wade before Hannah’s scream hit the air. One grabbed his arms as the other pummeled him.

  Hannah’s first instinct was to jump on the man holding Wade, but before she could move, Wade was on the ground. She had to get help. Wade struggled to his feet and, with his hands free, got in a few punches to the jaw of the man who had held him.

  Hannah looked around for a rock or something to throw, but the other man came toward her and she froze. Even with a rock she’d be no match for the grizzly-sized miner. She ran out of the tent and toward the mine, straight into Sam.

  Her words were garbled with her fear, but he caught the gist and buckled on his guns before firing a shot over the top of Hannah’s tent. Immediately, the racket from inside stopped.

  A rifle appeared out of the tent flap. The bullet grazed Sam’s ear, but he was able to grab the rifle and wrench it from the attacker’s hands. Sam rushed the tent and hit the man on the head with the butt of the rifle.

  The other bear left Wade moaning on the ground and lunged for Sam. He tried to get his hands around Sam’s neck, but Sam was younger and stronger and hadn’t been worn down by Wade’s blows. He soon had his attacker’s arms pinned behind his back. He dragged him out of the tent and threw him to the ground.

  Hannah yelled, “He has a gun.” Sam didn’t stop to ask questions. He shot from the hip. The bear raised his gun but had no strength to pull the trigger. He bled out as they watched.

  The miner Sam had knocked out regained consciousness and crawled out of the tent. He went on hands and knees to the bleeding man and screamed, “You killed my brother.” Sam shot him as the bear’s hand closed around the gun dropped by his brother.

  “No sense letting him live to return with friends to exact revenge.”

  Brady and Gus came running. Brady grabbed Hannah and held her to his chest. “We heard the shots. Rocco is at the mouth of the mine ready to defend it if necessary. Did they touch you?”

  “No. Take care of Wade. I’m fine.”

  A moan from inside the tent galvanized Brady. He went into the tent. “Oh, dear Lord. Somebody help me with Wade.”

  Gus went to Sam. “Are you all right?” Sam nodded. “We thought it was a raid on the mine, but I see the target was Hannah again. When we go for supplies, we have to buy her better fitting men’s clothes.” Sam went into the tent to tend to Wade.

  “Let’s get these bodies underground.” Rocco grabbed Gus by the arm.

  Gus went for the shovels and quickly returned.

  Hannah stopped him. “Should we report this to someone?”

  Gus let out a guffaw. “Have you seen the kind of justice available in San Francisco? The prison is an abandoned ship that couldn’t hold rats. Better to keep this to ourselves unless someone comes looking for them. My guess is when they don’t return to their claim, someone else will gladly take it over and never say a word about the original owners.”

  Sam emerged from the tent and nodded. “Gus is right. People disappear around here like wisps of smoke, and no one cares or seems to mourn them.”

  Gus and Rocco went to town the next day while Sam and Brady built the shaft to take the gold to the surface. Hannah stayed with Wade and tended his wounds. He couldn’t see out of one eye and could only hobble on one foot. His right arm was useless and the flesh on his hands too raw to lift a fork.

  The worried expressions on Gus and Rocco as they unloaded supplies from the wagon scared Hannah. She cornered Rocco. “What happened in town? Are they looking for the two we buried?”

  “No, nothing like that. A lot of interest in us was generated once we left the assayers office and started buying black powder and food others couldn’t afford.”

  “What has you and Gus so worried?”

  “Too many questions were thrown our way, and we suspect a raid on the mine. We’ve loaded up with barbed wire and arranged for some guards, but until they get here we all have to be extra vigilant. If any word gets out about the missing miners, they’ll use it to get rid of us and take over here.”

  “When is the extra help arriving?”

  “They had things to settle in town. Perhaps they’ll get here tomorrow.”

  “Then all we need to do is set up a rotation system and have someone awake at all times to alert the others in case of attack.” Hannah relaxed a bit.

  Rocco ran a hand through his hair. “Trouble is we’re all so danged tired from all the celebrating. I hope we manage to keep our eyes open.”

  Since Wade had slept most of the day, he took first guard duty. He’d be useless in a fight, but he could serve as a warning signal to alert the others. Nothing happened on his watch, but when Sam was relieving him, they noticed bushes rustling on a particularly still night. Wade hobbled to Rocco’s tent. Hannah was with him, and she alerted Gus and Brady.

  They had spent most of the day setting up a barricade of tree trunks at the mouth of the cave. Hannah, Brady, and Wade crawled behind it. They’d also set booby traps of wire and explosives likely to take off a man’s leg if he stepped in the wrong pile of brush.

  Three bedraggled men snaked out from the bushes, guns drawn. Sam and Gus had circled around and came up behind them. Gus cocked his rifle. “Looking for someone, gents?”

  The men swirled to face him, cocking their own guns until Rocco and Brady stood. “Drop ’em or we’ll blast you to kingdom come.” Brady’s raspy voice convinced them. Their weapons fell to the ground. Gus and Sam tied them to the sorry nags they had hidden in the foothills and sent them on their way.

  “We’re not home free, yet,” Rocco said. “We’ll keep to our original schedule until the extra help comes.”

  “How do we know we can trust the men we hired not to turn on us?” Wade asked.

  “We don’t trust anybody from here on out, and we stay away from town. One of us will always be on duty with the hired guns. We never leave them anywhere near the mine together. Until we get a professional crew to work this mine, we won’t get much rest. Nobody ever said this was going to be a piece of cake.” Rocco dusted his hat against his leg and took up guard duty. “Get along to bed and be ready to take a turn as arranged.”

  “What about me? I haven’t been given a time to be on watch.” Hannah leaned on the rifle she carried and scowled at them.

  Wade spok
e when everyone else stared at the ground. “We decided you were not going to be needed except to nurse me back to health.”

  Hannah bristled at being dismissed but didn’t want to add to their worries by arguing. She took the rifle to her tent and seethed in private, letting poor Wade maneuver in pain to his side of her mattress without assistance. Sometime in the middle of what was left of the night, guilt ate at her and she sucked his cock. Later, she crouched over him, knees on either side of his head, and let him lick her pussy until she came.

  Morning brought new challenges. Two men with badges rode up to the camp. At first Hannah feared they’d seen the newly dug graves, but they’d been covered well and the law men were only inquiring about the raid on the mine and likely trying to find out for themselves how vulnerable the camp was. Luckily, as they were being questioned, the two new guards rode in. The badges must have decided they couldn’t penetrate the place, and they left in a hurry.

  The new men were good workers in addition to being guards. Gold came up the shaft in unbelievably large loads. The two men, Andre and Cade, were young and seemed to have no designs on the mine. They were happy to be part of the find and were paid well for being discreet.

  Andre and Hannah became friends. She loved his French accent and the way he called her “chérie.” One afternoon as Hannah washed plates from dinner in the stream, Andre came up behind her. “May I be of assistance, chérie?”

  “Thanks, but I’m going to let them sit on this towel and air-dry. I want to dangle my toes in the stream for a while. Do you swim?” She spoke as she balanced on one foot to tug the stocking off the other foot.

  He came to her aid and held her as she removed shoes and stockings. When she finished and looked up to thank him, his lips were awfully close. She licked hers wanting to see how his would feel. He obliged her, and they tumbled to the sand.


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