Love & Liberty: Independence Day (Holidays In Hallbrook Book 6)

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Love & Liberty: Independence Day (Holidays In Hallbrook Book 6) Page 20

by Elsie Davis

  “You’ve already caught me.” He grinned, winking right back at her. David had been a fool to resist this, but he was also smart enough to realize that maybe when he was younger, he wouldn’t have appreciated it as much as he did now. They’d both been through a lot to get to this point, and now, it was their season. And David wasn’t letting her go.

  He dropped a kiss on her lips before lowering Cory to the ground, taking him by the hand, and leading him to the entrance of the slide and up the stairs.

  “Hold my hand, Mr. David. We can do this together.” Cory reached for his hand and pulled him in the direction of the slide he wanted to go down.

  “Sounds like a plan, little buddy.” David felt like a kid, almost as excited as Cory. They didn’t have bouncy slides when he was a kid. Hand in hand, the two of them sped to the bottom. It was way more fun than a regular slide, the bouncy part easier than some of the crash landings he remembered as a child. His older body appreciated the soft landing as well.

  Ashley was there to catch Cory at the bottom, making a big production of it. The little boy laughed, the sound joyful to David’s ears.

  “Can we go again?” Cory asked, his excitement bubbling over.

  “Absolutely.” David took him down the bouncy slide three more times before they moved to the next stop. The bouncy house.

  “This one’s got your name written all over it, Ashley.”

  “I see how it is. But I am younger than you, so my body can handle it better,” Ashley teased, coming up on tiptoe to kiss David.

  “There is that.” He wasn’t about to argue the truth or interfere with any excuse she came up with to kiss him.

  Trent approached and stood next to him, watching Ashley and Cory play.

  “Hey there, looks to me like things are going pretty good,” Trent said, clapping him on the back.

  “Couldn’t be better.” David nodded.

  “I’m sorry I interfered all those years ago. Maybe if I hadn’t, Ashley wouldn’t have gone to California and ended up with that deadbeat ex of hers.”

  “Yeah, not a nice guy. But Ashley and I have talked about it. Don’t beat yourself up. Things happen for a reason and I wasn’t ready. If I had been, I would have never let you tell me to walk away from the woman I love. I can promise you now if I didn’t have your blessing, it wouldn’t matter. Besides, Cory’s here because of Joe, and neither one of us would change anything about that kid. Cory has been a blessing to Ashley when she needed one, and now, he’ll be a blessing to both of us.”

  “Man, talk about a person changing as a result of events that happen in their life—practically overnight,” Trent said, shaking his head.

  “I was pretty hardheaded. When I was faced with my own mortality, God got my attention. But then, so did my mother.” He laughed.

  Ashley climbed out of the bouncy house and headed toward them. “Hey, you two, I’m worn out. Maybe it’s Uncle Trent’s turn to do some bouncing. This kid is like the Energizer Bunny.”

  “Look out, here I go.” They watched as Trent squeezed himself through the opening. Uncle Trent was the biggest little kid and knew how to maximize not only Cory’s fun, but apparently all the other kids’ in the bouncy house.

  “I’m glad I’m not leaving Hallbrook. Cory needs family.” Ashley smiled and took his hand. It was hard to believe he’d ever said no to this.

  “And I need you,” David said, leaning down to claim another kiss.

  The day was filled with cotton candy, shooting far too many basketballs to win stuffed animals for Ashley and Cory, and enough festival food to tempt anyone into overindulging. By nightfall, he was more than ready to settle down and watch the fireworks, but not until he had a dance with Ashley. He’d been waiting all day to take her in his arms.

  The crowd gathered around the hardwood plank floor set up in the center of the fairgrounds. The Down Home Country band had agreed to play, and folks wanted to dance to the band’s hit parade of country singles. The town had an advantage to booking the group since the lead singer was Mr. Peterson’s grandson. Old man Peterson knew practically everyone in the county, his dairy farm and ice cream iconic. Not to mention the skating rink he set up every year in the winter. That was something David looked forward to doing with Ashley and Cory. But for now, he wanted to enjoy this moment.

  Mayor Tucker stepped up to the microphone. “We’re glad you all could make it to the 53rd annual Hallbrook Independence Day festival. Many thanks to all those who put in long hours volunteering time to make this happen.” The crowd clapped and cheered. “The band is about ready to get started. We expect to see everyone line dancing, two-stepping, or whatever else it is you do to country music.” The crowd laughed as the mayor attempted to provide some lighthearted humor.

  “Before we bring them up on stage, we have another special presentation to make first. Where’s Chief Beckett and Ashley Stanton?” The crowd looked around, zeroing in on the two of them and pointing.

  “Right here,” someone yelled.

  David shot Ashley a look, wondering if she knew what was going on.

  Ashley shrugged and shook her head.

  “Come on up.” The mayor waved them toward the stage.

  “Go on,” Trent said, giving Ashley a shove when she didn’t move. “I’ve got Cory. No excuses.” Trent grinned like he knew full well what was going on.

  David took her hand. Neither of them liked the spotlight, but they’d get through this together.

  “Hope you two are having a good night,” the mayor said as they came to stand alongside him.

  “We are,” David answered for them both.

  Mayor Tucker turned to face the crowd. “Now most of you know that a week ago, Chief Beckett and Ashley Stanton, or Anderson, as most of you think of her, discovered a pair of bald eagles and their nest practically in Hallbrook’s back yard. We are pleased to take a spot on the bald eagle registry with the confirmed pair, and the government has now approved the designation status granting us full protection of the site.

  “The town council held an emergency meeting, and we’d like to share the results of that discussion with you here tonight, as it’s the perfect time for our announcement. Liberty and Belle are the names chosen for the pair of eagles, and they will become a part of our town’s history as our new mascots.”

  The crowd broke into loud applause. The names were a perfect choice.

  David and Ashley shook hands with the mayor. Ashley clapped with the crowd and pointed at him, trying to give him more of the credit, but David wasn’t having any of that nonsense. He leaned forward and pulled her in for a kiss for all to see. They shared in everything, from the eagle search right down to the kiss.

  Her flushed face was his reward for putting it all on the line. “Thank you, everyone,” David said, before leading Ashley off the stage, both waving to the crowd. He wanted the band to start playing so he could have a dance with his favorite and forever girl.

  “Thank you both,” Mayor Tucker called out. “Without further ado, let’s welcome Down Home Country back to Hallbrook.”

  Loud cheers erupted again, and everyone grabbed their partners and started dancing right where they stood. The temporary wooden dance floor was nice, but not nearly big enough. Luckily, folks knew the grass was all the dance floor you needed in the country.

  David pulled Ashley into his arms. It was a moment to cherish as the stars twinkled above in the sky, and the rest of the world just faded away. David would have been content if the music never stopped.

  “Anyone want to go get a spot to watch the fireworks?” Trent’s girlfriend, Maria, asked as they came up to stand next to them, Cory in tow.

  “Sounds great,” Ashley said, taking her son by the hand.

  After picking out the perfect spot, they laid out a few blankets. With Cory snuggled in between them, David put his arm around the kid and around Ashley’s shoulder, pulling her close.

  “I love you,” David mouthed the words over Cory’s head.

Ashley didn’t need to answer—her smile and eyes filled with love as she gazed at him. “I love you, too.”

  The words were nice too. And something he’d never get tired of hearing.


  Eight Months Later…

  Ashley glanced down at the ring on her finger, still unable to believe the changes in her life. She’d come to Hallbrook as a stopping point to starting over, only to find out she was already home. David’s proposal on the anniversary of their first date when she was sixteen had made her cry. Still made her cry. A lot of guys had trouble remembering birthdays and wedding anniversaries, so remembering a first-date anniversary was a huge declaration of affection.

  My man. Who really loves me.

  Cory had flourished over the summer, and she’d watched her son go off to school after Labor Day with mixed joy and sadness. It had been a tough decision, but Cory had really flourished under the watchful eye of David and Trent, and continually begged her to let him go. Of course, finding out she was pregnant not long after he started school helped make the transition easier. An Independence Day baby made perfect sense, even if they hadn’t planned it that way.

  Her son had been a huge help when it came to decorating his baby sister’s room. David, on the other hand, was like a big baby, worried about every little thing and trying to make sure he didn’t miss a single minute. Everything had to be perfect before the baby’s arrival. It wouldn’t be long now, and Ashley for one, was ready to welcome home her daughter.

  The phone rang, and Ashley answered it right away, seeing her friend Maxine’s name. “Is everything okay?” Ashley asked the same way she did every time Maxine called.

  “Absolutely. The puppies are opening their eyes and starting to move around,” Maxine said, her voice filled with excitement.

  Lulu and Kojak’s puppies had been born two weeks ago, and it had been hard to not let the information slip in front of her son. “That’s wonderful news. As soon as Cory gets home, we’ll be right over. Don’t forget our deal—we get first pick of the litter.” David and Ashley had agreed it was time Cory had his own dog, not that he didn’t have Kojak wrapped around his little finger. But they had decided that a boy and his own dog would have a special bond, one Cory had earned.

  “Of course. With eight, he has plenty to choose from.” Maxine laughed. “Have you told him?”

  “No. We wanted it to be a surprise.” Ashley knew that when the baby came, Cory might not be as excited once he realized how much attention she would take from him. Having a dog as his new best friend would fix the problem.

  “Sounds like fun. See you soon.”

  Ashley called David at the fire station. “The puppies opened their eyes and are up and moving. Maxine said they’re ready for people to start coming over to see them. Cory should be home in two hours, and I want to take him over there. Good lesson for what’s to come.” Ashley laughed.

  “Okay. You can do the explaining. The birds and the bee’s discussion, or in this case, the babies and puppies, are not in my repertoire.”

  “Chicken.” Ashley loved his honesty. In fact, she loved everything about David. She was the luckiest woman having a second chance with the one and only man she would ever truly love.

  “Yup. And proud of it.”

  “Can you meet me there at three-twenty?” she asked.

  “Absolutely. I said I wouldn’t give the talk, but hearing you tell it…I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” David chuckled.

  “Maybe he won’t ask how the puppies got here.” Ashley was trying to think positively.

  “Like he doesn’t ask you every day how the baby’s going to come out of your tummy,” David said, quick to remind her of her son’s overly curious mind.

  Ashley waited outside Cory’s classroom for him to come out. “Did you have a good day today, sweetheart?” She leaned over to kiss the top of his head.

  “It was fun. I colored a picture. Look. It has you, me, my new daddy, and my baby sister. But I don’t know what she looks like yet, so I had to use my magination.” He held the picture up for her inspection.

  “Imagination. And what a great picture. I love it. We need to put that on the refrigerator.” Ashley laughed. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Is the baby here?” Cory looked up at her and then back at her stomach, clearly confused.

  Ashley laid her hands on her belly. “No, not yet. She’s not due to arrive until closer to the July 4th festival, remember?”

  “It sure is taking my sister a long time to get here.” Cory shook his head. “It’s a good thing I have other friends to play with until she gets here. Right?”

  “We’ve talked about that, sweetheart. It will be a while before she’s old enough to play with you, but that day will come. I promise.” Ashley drove straight to her friend’s house, Cory chatting away the entire time about his day at school. “I thought we should visit Maxine. We have someone we want you to meet.”

  “Look—” he pointed at David’s truck, “—Daddy just pulled up.” Ashley’s heart swelled with pride every time Cory called David daddy. Joe might have rights to the title by birth records, but the man was still clueless what it meant or the joys it could add to his otherwise selfish life. But Ashley was fine with things just as they were. David had more than earned the title of daddy.

  “He sure did.” Ashley smiled, helping her son out of his car seat.

  “How’s my little man?” David asked, scooping Cory up in his arms and tickling his belly before dropping Ashley a kiss.

  “I made you a picture, but it’s in the car. Do you know who we are going to meet? Mommy says it’s a surprise.”

  David set Cory down and took him by the hand, leading him inside. “I do know because it’s your surprise.” The two had grown close and were practically inseparable.

  Several months ago, Cory had mentioned he wanted to be just like his dad, a firefighter. David had taken a little warming up to the idea, but once he’d accepted it, it was full steam ahead. Even though Ashley had told him on many occasions that kids change who they want to be hundreds of times before they grew up. When the time was right, Cory would know.

  David took her words to heart and had made Cory an honorary firefighter. The title came complete with a special plastic red hat, fire coat, red galoshes, and of course, a badge. The picture was complete, but with one exception. Cory needed a fire dog. Something they were about to rectify. One of Kojak and Lulu’s puppies would be the perfect companion for Cory.

  They knocked on the door.

  Maxine answered, a huge smile on her face. “Come on in. I can’t wait for you to see your surprise.” Maxine beamed.

  “What is it, Miss Maxine?” Cory asked, still trying to drag the information out of someone.

  “Follow me. Lulu wants you to see something.” They moved into the living room, where Maxine had set up a quiet area in the corner for Lulu, complete with blankets and cushions.

  Ashley’s heart melted when she spotted the tiny puppies moving around on wobbly legs, but not letting that stop them from exploring.

  “What’s—” Cory looked up at her, a question in his eyes. “Are those puppies? They look weird.”

  “Yes. They look weird because the puppies are only two weeks old,” Maxine explained.

  “Really?” Cory looked at David for confirmation.

  “Yes, son. Really.” David knelt next to Cory to watch with him.

  Cory took a step closer. “I wish I could have one. That would be the coolest thing in the world.”

  “Well, then today must be your cool day.” David grinned.

  Cory’s eyes grew wide as David’s comment sank in. “You mean it? I can have one.”

  “You get the first pick of the litter since Kojak is the daddy,” Ashley said, moving to stand next to Cory and taking him by the hand as they went closer.

  “Wow. Kojak? That is cool. But they all look so much alike, how will I know which one to pick? And what’s wrong with them? Are they sick
?” Cory’s brow furrowed as he considered the puppies.

  “What do you mean? They’re fine, I promise,” Maxine chimed in.

  “But they don’t have any spots. Not a one. They look like white rats,” Cory said, shaking his head.

  Everyone laughed. It was true, but it was unkind to voice the sentiment out loud in front of Kojak and Lulu, who stayed protectively close to the new puppies. “If you look really hard, you can see the beginnings of some grayish fur. Within the next couple of weeks, all the spots will come in. It will be a surprise. You pick based on which one seems to have the personality that matches your own. The boys have blue collars and the girls have pink. You’re smart, curious, playful. So, which one do you think has the same curious playfulness? Maxine will mark it with a tag to identify the puppy as yours,” Ashley said.

  Cory moved closer. “Hmmm. This is a hard decision.” He rubbed his chin, making a big production of the moment. “I pick that one.” He pointed to the biggest one in the litter with a blue ribbon around its neck. “’Cause he looks big and strong, just like I’ll be when I grow up.”

  “I think that’s an excellent choice,” David said. “What do you want to name him?”

  “Hmmm.” Cory’s eyes lit up. “Smokey.”

  “But he’ll be white with black spots? Smokey doesn’t seem to fit,” Ashley said, trying to figure out her son’s motive for the name.

  “Seriously?” David looked up at her, grinning from ear to ear. “You explain it, Cory. She needs a little help.”

  “Smokey, like Smokey the Bear. Only this is Smokey the dog. Both fight fires.” Cory shook his head as if the answer should have been obvious. “Girls,” he said, before turning back to his new puppy.

  Ashley laughed. “I get it. Sorry.” She held her hands up. “I don’t have firefighting on the brain.”

  “I’ll let it slide as long as you keep this firefighter on your brain,” David teased, kissing her in front of everyone.

  “That I can do. Now and forever.”


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