The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body.

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The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body. Page 22

by Colin Griffiths

  ‘If I tell you, will you shut up?’


  ‘His thought was Todd was right. She is hot. You wanted to know.’ She sniggered.

  Todd and Daniel turned to look at each other. They both laughed.

  ‘That was before I knew you were my sister.’ Todd said, defending himself.

  Madison came straight back.

  ‘So you don’t think I am hot, then?’

  They looked at each other and smiled, Madison took his hand.

  ‘I think you’re the hottest sister ever.’ he said.

  It was about thirty seconds before anyone spoke again. It was Todd who broke the silence.

  ‘So how do you read minds, then?’

  ‘Shut up!’ said the other five voices in the vehicle.

  Ten minutes later, the road ran out, and they pulled up behind Bill Fenton’s car. They got out, and looked around. James spoke first.

  ‘Although it’s raining,’ he said, ‘these prints look fresh. I think they went that way.’

  ‘Should we split up?’ Madison asked.

  ‘Not yet.’ said Daniel, ‘Let’s see where this leads us.’

  They took all they could carry from the car, and followed the trail that Bill and the girls had taken earlier. The woods were still eerie with ghostly branches reaching out for the walkers. As Daniel walked, he had the feeling of failure inside him. He knew that even if they all got out of this, there would still be consequences. Todd and Madison walked side by side. He tried to help Madison a couple of times, holding out his hand to help, but both times she shrugged him off, telling him she didn't need any help.

  Todd was in dreamland. The way his mind was working, telling him that everything would be all right and he couldn’t wait for Wendy to meet his new sister. He was planning things which they could do together. He felt no fear. He was sure everything was going to be okay. Madison was a bit overwhelmed by it all, not quite believing where she actually was, finding out she had another family was enough of a shock, but being magically plucked from her home, to hunt down a convicted murderer was something else. She had wanted adventures but she had expected they would be less daunting then this. She had no idea where she was going or even why. She felt scared at that moment. She didn’t really know the people she was with. They’re family she told herself, and family look out for each other. She thought of her mum and dad. She knew they were going to go apeshit when they found out.

  Carol walked beside Daniel. They didn’t speak, but every now and again, Carol would look at Daniel. She could see the pain in his face, the determination in his eyes. He was hurting. She knew that, but she had no idea how to make it better. She really wanted to go back, turn around, take her sons home, and let the police deal with it all. She wished that her ex-husband had chosen her to get his revenge. Why choose his sons? What had they ever done to him? She wiped tears from her eyes as she walked, they were tears from a mother who had failed her sons. When all this was over they would never forgive her and that would hurt more than anything else.

  Marie Rose and James trailed behind the others. James thinking about his beloved lost wife, and hoped that she would be proud of him. He so wanted everything to be okay with the girl who was kidnapped. That was all that mattered to him. For that he was prepared to give his life. He had had a good life, but without his wife it had become unbearable. Although suicide had never been in his thoughts, he sometimes wished that death would take him and reunite them. That was why he wasn’t scared of dying tonight, because the consequences of that, felt like they were just too good to miss.

  Marie Rose, deep down, knew she had not been a good person, and she thought about that as she walked. She had run out on her son, even though he was as evil as he was. She should have stayed and maybe he might not have turned out like he had. All this was her fault. Throughout her life she had been selfish. Even her second husband, a good man, she had let die. She could have tried to stop what happened, told him not to go to work on that fateful day. Would it have made any difference? She had no idea. She had chosen the easy route. Today she wanted to do some good, but as she walked, she knew that whatever happened next, she could never make up for her failures. Her selfishness had failed them all. She just hoped that there was still enough time left to try and make some amends.

  Chapter 48

  Tracy Bates sat next to Mickey on the sofa, after initially stopping Becky from strangling him, as it had been revealed that he was one of the kidnappers. Becky wanted him out of the house, but Tracy persuaded her that he might be useful.

  ‘Tell me all you know.’ ordered Tracy.

  Mickey did tell them all he knew and was ably assisted by Jezz. Mickey also added that Katy, one of the original kidnappers, had now been kidnapped by Bill Fenton. Jezz confirmed that, telling them about the time the girls had spent in his flat. Jezz looked sullen as he spoke. There was regret in his voice, but a determination in his manner. Tracy looked at this handsome West Indian, who spoke to her like a true gentleman. He’s handsome she thought, big, strong and handsome, and she couldn't control the tingling that swept through her body, she didn’t want to. She wanted him at that moment, Tracy seldom failed to get what she wanted.

  ‘Why didn’t you just call the cops?’ asked Becky.

  Jezz got up and walked to the window. He stared out at the rain.

  ‘In my life, we don’t call the cops.’ he said, ‘When I got back, I realised what I had done. Those poor girls stuck with that monster. I've come back to do what’s right. I've come to get them back.’ He turned looked at the three of them, one by one. ‘If he has harmed them, I will kill him, then I’ll hand myself in.’

  Tracy stood, but before she could say anything, Jezz continued.

  ‘My life has not been a good one. The only difference between me and Fenton, is that he doesn’t care who he hurts. I was brought up to respect women. With those girls I crossed the line. I have to live with that, but not before I try to make it better.’ He stared at Tracy. ‘If you’re going to call the cops, Miss, then I'm afraid I’ll have to stop you. When I'm gone, you can do what you want, but I won't let you stop me. That’s the way it is.’


  Jezz looked confused. ‘What?’ he said.

  ‘Call me Tracy, Jezz.’

  ‘Okay, Tracy.’ He smiled. He liked her.

  ‘I won't stop you. In fact, I’ll help you.’

  It had been a crazy day. She was probably without a job. How much worse could it get?

  ‘Fancy a trip to Wentwood?’

  ‘Well, Tracy,’ Jezz smiled, ‘I was just about to ask you the same question.’

  They both smiled. Their eyes met. They could both feel an instant attraction.

  ‘I hate to break up this blossoming romance,’ said Becky, ‘but I'm going to be playing gooseberry.’

  There were two reasons why Becky was not going to let them go on their own. The first was that she felt guilty for staying behind and secondly there was no way she was going to let Tracy Bates anywhere near her Daniel, though it appeared to her that Tracy had now found other interests.

  ‘And Me.’ said Mickey.

  The three looked at him.

  ‘Not a hope in hell.’ said Becky and the other two nodded. Mickey slumped in the chair. ‘I have to get my girls’ he thought.

  Becky got changed into jeans and trainers which she had left at Carol’s. None of Carol’s clothes would fit the buxom Tracy, but Becky did find her a coat which although a bit tight would do the job. She tried to make herself look more like a civilian rather than a copper, but the uniform still stood out. It will have to do.

  Jezz drove in Tracy’s car, the gun still in his belt.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ he told the two girls ‘I’ll look after you.’

  Tracy liked that. She wanted to be looked after, in what better way could she be looked after. Tracy wanted to sit next to this tall, handsome man. Becky was in the back, looking out through the back window of the car a
t Mickey Bolan, standing on the pavement where they had left him. We will be back for you she thought you’re going to pay. She thought of what Daniel would do to him when he got hold of him. It gave her some comfort. She hoped it would be painful, lots of pain.

  Whilst Mickey wasn’t the brightest spark, he did have a gift. There weren’t many cars he couldn't get into and hotwire. Within minutes he was following in a Ford Fiesta, being sure to keep a safe distance behind. He didn’t care who saw him. The news reporters probably filmed it, but that wasn’t on his mind. After all, those girls owed him big time. Jezz had promised him that he would help him find Bill. Now he had just dumped him on an estate, which he had never even heard of. How was he supposed to get home? That cop knew who he was now. He was in deep shit, but he would get his retribution. He knew where Wentwood was. Everybody knew where Wentwood was he thought and its time those to bitches got what was coming. He laughed as he drove to Wentwood Forest in the pouring rain. Mickey never had a plan, never planned anything in his life. He worked by instinct and his instincts weren’t normally that good.

  Chapter 49

  The rain still came down as Tracy, Jezz and Becky drove to the forest, not knowing what they were going to find, or whatever was happening up there. Was it too late? They didn't know. They just had a feeling that they had better get there quickly.

  The rain still poured down as the Fenton family trawled through the forest, their bodies soaked and aching, their nerves on edge, their frustration boiling.

  It still poured as Mickey Bolan thought about what he was going to do to those girls when he got them. Sex will be involved and slapping’s he thought.

  It still rained as Katy lay on the floor of the cabin, every part of her body hurting, and she felt dirty. She felt dirty inside. Bill had taken something away from her today, that something was choice. Today she had no choices. Bill Fenton had stolen them from her.

  It was still raining as Wendy Cross lay there, still and motionless, caught up in a world that she didn't deserve. Caught up in a world that had no meaning for her, other than pain. Her teenage years, which were supposed to be the best of her life, spoiled simply because she had been mistaken for someone else.

  The rain poured as Bill Fenton filled the kettle from a bottle of water he had brought, put it on the stove and said, ‘I’ll make us all a nice cuppa.’ and as he drank his tea he let the girls have their well-earned sleep.

  ‘So much to do, so little time to do It.’ he said.

  Dr. James McCarthy sat on a log, his coat now soaked through. He was fit for his age, but he needed to rest. They had been walking for an hour and the terrain was tough, but the rain had destroyed the trail they were following. They were still sure they were on the right track, as it seemed to be the only available route. If they had gone off that route, then surely they would have seen some signs. Everyone was glad he had stopped. They all needed a rest. Sandwiches were passed around, and a hot drink from the flasks they had brought. It felt good. They had all found a place to sit, be it on a rock, or a log. They were all wet.

  They could sense an end to this. Madison was frustrated. She didn’t want to stop too long. She wanted to get on and meet her brother’s girlfriend, from what Todd had been telling her about Wendy as they walked. She knew she was going to like her, but Daniel had made her sit and eat, telling her that she needed to keep up her strength and Madison liked that. Her big, strong brother, looking out for her, caring what happened.

  The terrain was getting rocky now, and it seemed that the trees were beginning to thin. No longer was there that thick density of wood which had sheltered them to an extent from the rain. Now it hammered through the trees as the ghostly forest spread. Marie Rose had kept up in spite of her age. She looked as fit as any of them. Carol wondered what was going on inside the older woman’s head. After all, Bill was her son. Carol could see her face. How frightened it looked. How much of this could she take? Marie Rose had noticed this, sensed it maybe, and assured Carol that he wasn’t her son, but the son of Satan. Carol had kissed her then, hoping that one day they could spend some time together just doing normal things. She wondered if anything would ever seem normal again.

  Bill’s father seemed to have gone now, gone to bed, or gone away somewhere, wherever it was that he went, when he wasn’t in Bill’s head. He often wondered that, thought about where his dad went to, after he left his head. He wanted to find out and maybe when this was all over, he would ask his father where he went. Perhaps he could go to that place, it might be a better place than this. He thought, Yes I will ask him, but that didn’t matter now. That could wait. Things had taken a bit of a turn. Had he really intended to hurt the girls? He didn’t think so. It was his father who wanted them hurt, so he did it, it was easier than not and truth be told, he did get a kick out of it. But why was Katy hardly able to speak? And why wouldn’t Wendy wake? His father had done this. Bill would always hide behind that. It was my father, not me, he would tell them.

  He was expecting Daniel and Todd to turn up. He wasn’t stupid. He had deliberately left Wendy's find my iPhone app on so they would find him, they would be here soon. He had made sure there was a trail to follow. He hoped the rain had not done too much damage to it. His original plan had been to just get enough money out of Daniel, by kidnapping his wife, but that stupid Mickey had got the wrong girl. He knew Daniel had quite a bit of money and knew he would be able to get his hands on some more, if it was needed. He knew all about his son’s dealings, what a big player he was. Bill’s father had put a stop to that. He had hurt them, he had raped and beaten the two girls, just like he had done to Bill. Just like the inmates did when he was inside. Those bastards who had held him down while the others raped him. But he had got them back, got them all back. They had all paid, either with their lives, or on occasions, even worse. Yet he thought that if he got them all back, then why was his father still fucking about with his head?

  Of course, Bill still wanted to make his sons suffer, the only way he could do that, was for them to watch someone close to them die, the same as everything close to him had died. He thought that Wendy girl may still be alive, but she didn’t look it. He tried to tidy her up a bit. He bathed her cuts, but she had not woken. She wasn’t cold, which he thought was a good thing. He wanted her to wake. He wanted her to see what he had in store for her. He wanted her to feel it. As for Katy, well, she was alive Bill said to himself, though he didn’t think it would be long. He had a good ending for her. Why did Katy have to turn against him? He would have let her go, if she had only played the game. Why had she forced him to take what she used to readily give? No, she had given up on him to protect Wendy and Wendy didn’t deserve to be protected. She deserved to die.

  He looked at the semi-naked Katy. She sat in the wheelchair with her legs and arms taped to the chair, her mouth gagged, but her eyes were open now, open wide with a look of horror. He didn’t want to blindfold her, he wanted her to see when he pushed her from the top of the cliff. He wanted her to feel it.

  He made himself a drink. He knew this would end soon and that he would try to get away. If he didn't, he didn’t mind, because prison, or even death, wouldn’t be so bad either. Any solution would be one he could welcome.

  The cabin was warm, despite parts of it being open to the elements. He had kept the wood burner well stocked, but it still rained, just like a typical British summer. He had no idea what time it was. Time was of no significance. Even in prison, he never recognised time. Other inmates would count the months or years they had left, when it came down to days, they would count them off. He never did. Time had no relevance for him.

  He had bound Wendy’s legs and arms lightly. He drank his tea, lit a cigarette, sitting, and looked at the motionless Wendy, as he blew out plumes of smoke. He checked his rucksack, took out a hammer and some cord. He would tie her up properly. She wouldn't last long; she was almost dead anyway. He picked up her frail body in his strong arms. Katy looked on as he held Wendy in his arms. She
wanted to shout out, to tell him to leave Wendy and take her instead. She had grown fond of the girl. She thought that for the first time in her life she had a friend, a real friend, but she couldn’t shout, the gag prevented that. She wanted Bill to take her. She wanted that more than anything she had ever wanted in her life. She felt her whole body shiver, as he walked out of the cabin, carrying the girl she had grown to love in such a short time. It felt like an angel was being taken away to her final resting place. She realised that she would never see Wendy again.

  The girl wasn’t heavy; he could easily carry her. Her body was still warm. She was alive. He was sure that he could see her chest rising as she breathed, but he guessed death would come soon. He wouldn’t need to hurt her anymore. It was almost done.

  ‘Please wake up before you die.’ he whispered to her. ‘I want you to feel it.’

  Twenty minutes later, she was staked to the ground. Her legs and arms were spread wide and tied to four stakes hammered into the ground. Bill stood and looked at his handiwork. He was proud of it. He thought it was a fitting end. It looked regal. It looked like a sacrifice, which was exactly what it was. A sacrifice. The rain poured down on her beaten body, washing the blood and dirt from her face. As Bill looked at her he thought how beautiful she looked. He bent down, and stroked her cheek.

  ‘Goodbye sweetheart.’ he said, and he would swear he saw her smile.

  He wished he had got to know her better, before she died.

  But things didn’t always go to plan. Soon she will be buried in mud falling from the mountain side, a fitting end to someone so pretty. Soon they would all die.


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